dst := IP all: ArtyA7 .PHONY: ArtyA7 vcu118 vcu108 ArtyA7: export XILINX_PART := xc7a100tcsg324-1 ArtyA7: export XILINX_BOARD := digilentinc.com:arty-a7-100:part0:1.1 ArtyA7: export board := ArtyA7 ArtyA7: FPGA_Arty vcu118: export XILINX_PART := xcvu9p-flga2104-2L-e vcu118: export XILINX_BOARD := xilinx.com:vcu118:part0:2.4 vcu118: export board := vcu118 vcu118: FPGA_VCU vcu108: export XILINX_PART := xcvu095-ffva2104-2-e vcu108: export XILINX_BOARD := xilinx.com:vcu108:part0:1.7 vcu108: export board := vcu108 vcu108: FPGA_VCU .PHONY: FPGA_Arty FPGA_VCU FPGA_Arty: PreProcessFiles IP_Arty vivado -mode tcl -source wally.tcl 2>&1 | tee wally.log FPGA_VCU: PreProcessFiles IP_VCU vivado -mode tcl -source wally.tcl 2>&1 | tee wally.log # Generate IP Blocks .PHONY: IP_Arty IP_VCU IP_VCU: $(dst)/xlnx_proc_sys_reset.log \ MEM_VCU \ $(dst)/xlnx_axi_clock_converter.log \ $(dst)/xlnx_ahblite_axi_bridge.log \ $(dst)/xlnx_axi_crossbar.log \ $(dst)/xlnx_axi_dwidth_conv_32to64.log \ $(dst)/xlnx_axi_dwidth_conv_64to32.log \ $(dst)/xlnx_axi_prtcl_conv.log IP_Arty: $(dst)/xlnx_proc_sys_reset.log \ MEM_Arty \ $(dst)/xlnx_mmcm.log \ $(dst)/xlnx_axi_clock_converter.log \ $(dst)/xlnx_ahblite_axi_bridge.log #$(dst)/xlnx_axi_crossbar.log \ #$(dst)/xlnx_axi_dwidth_conv_32to64.log \ #$(dst)/xlnx_axi_dwidth_conv_64to32.log \ #$(dst)/xlnx_axi_prtcl_conv.log # Generate Memory IP Blocks .PHONY: MEM_VCU MEM_Arty MEM_VCU: $(MAKE) $(dst)/xlnx_ddr4-$(board).log MEM_Arty: $(MAKE) $(dst)/xlnx_ddr3-$(board).log # Copy files and make necessary modifications .PHONY: PreProcessFiles PreProcessFiles: $(MAKE) -C ../../sim deriv rm -rf ../src/CopiedFiles_do_not_add_to_repo/ cp -r ../../src/ ../src/CopiedFiles_do_not_add_to_repo/ cp -r ../../addins/verilog-ethernet/*/*.sv ../src/CopiedFiles_do_not_add_to_repo/rvvi cp -r ../../addins/verilog-ethernet/*/*/*/*.sv ../src/CopiedFiles_do_not_add_to_repo/rvvi mkdir ../src/CopiedFiles_do_not_add_to_repo/config/ cp ../../config/deriv/fpga/config.vh ../src/CopiedFiles_do_not_add_to_repo/config/ ./insert_debug_comment.sh # modify config *** RT: eventually setup for variably defined sized memory #sed -i "s/EXT_MEM_RANGE.*/EXT_MEM_RANGE = 64'h0FFFFFFF;/g" ../src/CopiedFiles_do_not_add_to_repo/config/config.vh # This line allows the Bootloader to be loaded in a Block RAM on the FPGA sed -i "s/bit \[DATA_WIDTH-1:0\].*ROM.*/(\* rom_style=\"block\" \*) &/g" ../src/CopiedFiles_do_not_add_to_repo/generic/mem/rom1p1r.sv sed -i 's/$$WALLY/\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.\//g' ../src/CopiedFiles_do_not_add_to_repo/generic/mem/rom1p1r.sv sed -i 's/$$WALLY/\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.\//g' ../src/CopiedFiles_do_not_add_to_repo/generic/mem/ram1p1rwbe.sv # Generate Individual IP Blocks $(dst)/%.log: %.tcl mkdir -p IP cd IP;\ vivado -mode batch -source ../$*.tcl | tee $*.log # Clean .PHONY: cleanIP cleanLogs cleanFPGA cleanAll cleanIP: rm -rf IP cleanLogs: rm -rf *.jou *.log cleanFPGA: rm -rf WallyFPGA.* reports sim .Xil cleanAll: cleanIP cleanLogs cleanFPGA # Aliases .PHONY: arty artya7 VCU118 VCU108 arty artya7: ArtyA7 VCU118: vcu118 VCU108: vcu108