/////////////////////////////////////////// // testbench.sv // // Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu 9 January 2021 // Modified: // // Purpose: Wally Testbench and helper modules // Applies test programs from the riscv-arch-test and Imperas suites // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1 // // Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You // may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/ // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the // License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, // either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions // and limitations under the License. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "wally-config.vh" `include "config.vh" `include "tests.vh" `define PrintHPMCounters 0 `define BPRED_LOGGER 0 `define I_CACHE_ADDR_LOGGER 0 `define D_CACHE_ADDR_LOGGER 0 import cvw::*; module testbench; parameter DEBUG=0; parameter TEST="none"; `include "parameter-defs.vh" logic clk; logic reset_ext, reset; logic ResetMem; parameter SIGNATURESIZE = 5000000; int test, i, errors, totalerrors; logic [31:0] sig32[0:SIGNATURESIZE]; logic [P.XLEN-1:0] signature[0:SIGNATURESIZE]; logic [P.XLEN-1:0] testadr, testadrNoBase; string InstrFName, InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName; logic [31:0] InstrW; string tests[]; logic [3:0] dummy; logic [P.AHBW-1:0] HRDATAEXT; logic HREADYEXT, HRESPEXT; logic [P.PA_BITS-1:0] HADDR; logic [P.AHBW-1:0] HWDATA; logic [P.XLEN/8-1:0] HWSTRB; logic HWRITE; logic [2:0] HSIZE; logic [2:0] HBURST; logic [3:0] HPROT; logic [1:0] HTRANS; logic HMASTLOCK; logic HCLK, HRESETn; logic [P.XLEN-1:0] PCW; string ProgramAddrMapFile, ProgramLabelMapFile; integer ProgramAddrLabelArray [string] = '{ "begin_signature" : 0, "tohost" : 0 }; logic DCacheFlushDone, DCacheFlushStart; logic riscofTest; logic StartSample, EndSample; flopenr #(P.XLEN) PCWReg(clk, reset, ~dut.core.ieu.dp.StallW, dut.core.ifu.PCM, PCW); flopenr #(32) InstrWReg(clk, reset, ~dut.core.ieu.dp.StallW, dut.core.ifu.InstrM, InstrW); // check assertions for a legal configuration riscvassertions riscvassertions(); // pick tests based on modes supported initial begin $display("TEST is %s", TEST); //tests = '{}; if (P.XLEN == 64) begin // RV64 case (TEST) "arch64i": tests = arch64i; "arch64priv": tests = arch64priv; "arch64c": if (P.C_SUPPORTED) if (P.ZICSR_SUPPORTED) tests = {arch64c, arch64cpriv}; else tests = {arch64c}; "arch64m": if (P.M_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64m; "arch64f": if (P.F_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64f; "arch64d": if (P.D_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64d; "arch64f_fma": if (P.F_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64f_fma; "arch64d_fma": if (P.D_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64d_fma; "arch64zi": if (P.ZIFENCEI_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64zi; "imperas64i": tests = imperas64i; "imperas64f": if (P.F_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas64f; "imperas64d": if (P.D_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas64d; "imperas64m": if (P.M_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas64m; "wally64a": if (P.A_SUPPORTED) tests = wally64a; "imperas64c": if (P.C_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas64c; else tests = imperas64iNOc; "custom": tests = custom; "wally64i": tests = wally64i; "wally64priv": tests = wally64priv; "wally64periph": tests = wally64periph; "coremark": tests = coremark; "fpga": tests = fpga; "ahb" : tests = ahb; "coverage64gc" : tests = coverage64gc; "arch64zba": if (P.ZBA_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64zba; "arch64zbb": if (P.ZBB_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64zbb; "arch64zbc": if (P.ZBC_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64zbc; "arch64zbs": if (P.ZBS_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64zbs; endcase end else begin // RV32 case (TEST) "arch32i": tests = arch32i; "arch32priv": tests = arch32priv; "arch32c": if (P.C_SUPPORTED) if (P.ZICSR_SUPPORTED) tests = {arch32c, arch32cpriv}; else tests = {arch32c}; "arch32m": if (P.M_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32m; "arch32f": if (P.F_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32f; "arch32d": if (P.D_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32d; "arch32f_fma": if (P.F_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32f_fma; "arch32d_fma": if (P.D_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32d_fma; "arch32zi": if (P.ZIFENCEI_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32zi; "imperas32i": tests = imperas32i; "imperas32f": if (P.F_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas32f; "imperas32m": if (P.M_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas32m; "wally32a": if (P.A_SUPPORTED) tests = wally32a; "imperas32c": if (P.C_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas32c; else tests = imperas32iNOc; "wally32i": tests = wally32i; "wally32e": tests = wally32e; "wally32priv": tests = wally32priv; "wally32periph": tests = wally32periph; "embench": tests = embench; "coremark": tests = coremark; "arch32zba": if (P.ZBA_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32zba; "arch32zbb": if (P.ZBB_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32zbb; "arch32zbc": if (P.ZBC_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32zbc; "arch32zbs": if (P.ZBS_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32zbs; endcase end if (tests.size() == 0) begin $display("TEST %s not supported in this configuration", TEST); $stop; end end // initial begin // Model the testbench as an fsm. // Do this in parts so it easier to verify // part 1: build a version which echos the same behavior as the below code, but does not drive anything // part 2: drive some of the controls // part 3: drive all logic and remove old inital and always @ negedge clk block typedef enum logic [3:0]{STATE_TESTBENCH_RESET, STATE_INIT_TEST, STATE_RESET_MEMORIES, STATE_LOAD_MEMORIES, STATE_RESET_TEST, STATE_RUN_TEST, STATE_CHECK_TEST, STATE_CHECK_TEST_WAIT, STATE_VALIDATE} statetype; statetype CurrState, NextState; logic TestBenchReset; logic [2:0] ResetCount, ResetThreshold; logic LoadMem; logic ResetCntEn; logic ResetCntRst; string signame, memfilename, pathname; integer begin_signature_addr; assign ResetThreshold = 3'd5; initial begin TestBenchReset = 1; # 100; TestBenchReset = 0; end always_ff @(negedge clk) if (TestBenchReset) CurrState <= #1 STATE_TESTBENCH_RESET; else CurrState <= #1 NextState; always_comb begin reset_ext = 0; ResetMem = 0; LoadMem = 0; ResetCntEn = 0; ResetCntRst = 0; // riscof tests have a different signature, tests[0] == "1" refers to RiscvArchTests // and tests[0] == "2" refers to WallyRiscvArchTests riscofTest = tests[0] == "1" | tests[0] == "2"; pathname = tvpaths[tests[0].atoi()]; case(CurrState) STATE_TESTBENCH_RESET: begin NextState = STATE_INIT_TEST; test = 1; reset_ext = 1; end STATE_INIT_TEST: begin NextState = STATE_RESET_MEMORIES; ResetCntRst = 1; // 4 major steps: select test, reset wally, reset memories, and load memories // 1: test selection // fill memory with defined values to reduce Xs in simulation // Quick note the memory will need to be initialized. The C library does not // guarantee the initialized reads. For example a strcmp can read 6 byte // strings, but uses a load double to read them in. If the last 2 bytes are // not initialized the compare results in an 'x' which propagates through // the design. // read test vectors into memory /* if (tests[0] == `IMPERASTEST) pathname = tvpaths[0]; else pathname = tvpaths[1]; */ if (riscofTest) memfilename = {pathname, tests[test], "/ref/ref.elf.memfile"}; else memfilename = {pathname, tests[test], ".elf.memfile"}; if (riscofTest) begin ProgramAddrMapFile = {pathname, tests[test], "/ref/ref.elf.objdump.addr"}; ProgramLabelMapFile = {pathname, tests[test], "/ref/ref.elf.objdump.lab"}; end else begin ProgramAddrMapFile = {pathname, tests[test], ".elf.objdump.addr"}; ProgramLabelMapFile = {pathname, tests[test], ".elf.objdump.lab"}; end // declare memory labels that interest us, the updateProgramAddrLabelArray task will find // the addr of each label and fill the array. To expand, add more elements to this array // and initialize them to zero (also initilaize them to zero at the start of the next test) if(!P.FPGA) begin updateProgramAddrLabelArray(ProgramAddrMapFile, ProgramLabelMapFile, ProgramAddrLabelArray); end // 2: reset wally reset_ext = 1; end STATE_RESET_MEMORIES: begin NextState = STATE_LOAD_MEMORIES; reset_ext = 1; // this initialization is very expensive, only do it for coremark. if (TEST == "coremark") ResetMem = 1; end STATE_LOAD_MEMORIES: begin NextState = STATE_RESET_TEST; reset_ext = 1; LoadMem = 1; end STATE_RESET_TEST: begin reset_ext = 1; ResetCntEn = 1; if(ResetCount < ResetThreshold) begin NextState = STATE_RESET_TEST; end else begin NextState = STATE_RUN_TEST; end end STATE_RUN_TEST: if(DCacheFlushStart) begin NextState = STATE_CHECK_TEST; end else begin NextState = STATE_RUN_TEST; end STATE_CHECK_TEST: begin if (DCacheFlushDone) begin NextState = STATE_VALIDATE; end else begin NextState = STATE_CHECK_TEST_WAIT; end end STATE_CHECK_TEST_WAIT: begin if(DCacheFlushDone) begin NextState = STATE_VALIDATE; end else begin NextState = STATE_CHECK_TEST_WAIT; end end STATE_VALIDATE: begin NextState = STATE_INIT_TEST; if (TEST == "coremark") if (dut.core.priv.priv.EcallFaultM) begin $display("Benchmark: coremark is done."); $stop; end if (!begin_signature_addr) $display("begin_signature addr not found in %s", ProgramLabelMapFile); else begin CheckSignature(pathname, tests[test], riscofTest, begin_signature_addr, errors); end if(errors > 0) totalerrors = totalerrors + 1; test = test + 1; if (test == tests.size()) begin if (totalerrors == 0) $display("SUCCESS! All tests ran without failures."); else $display("FAIL: %d test programs had errors", totalerrors); $stop; end end default: NextState = STATE_TESTBENCH_RESET; endcase end // always_comb counter #(3) RstCounter(clk, ResetCntRst, ResetCntEn, ResetCount); assign begin_signature_addr = ProgramAddrLabelArray["begin_signature"]; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Some memories are not reset, but should be zeros or set to some initial value for simulation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// integer adrindex; always @(posedge clk) begin if (ResetMem) begin if (P.UNCORE_RAM_SUPPORTED) for (adrindex=0; adrindex<(P.UNCORE_RAM_RANGE>>1+(P.XLEN/32)); adrindex = adrindex+1) dut.uncore.uncore.ram.ram.memory.RAM[adrindex] = '0; if (P.BPRED_SUPPORTED) begin // local history only if (P.BPRED_TYPE == BP_LOCAL_AHEAD | P.BPRED_TYPE == BP_LOCAL_REPAIR) for(adrindex = 0; adrindex < 2**P.BPRED_NUM_LHR; adrindex++) dut.core.ifu.bpred.bpred.Predictor.DirPredictor.BHT.mem[adrindex] = 0; for(adrindex = 0; adrindex < 2**P.BTB_SIZE; adrindex++) dut.core.ifu.bpred.bpred.TargetPredictor.memory.mem[adrindex] = 0; for(adrindex = 0; adrindex < 2**P.BPRED_SIZE; adrindex++) dut.core.ifu.bpred.bpred.Predictor.DirPredictor.PHT.mem[adrindex] = 0; end end end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // load memories with program image //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge clk) begin if (LoadMem) begin if (P.FPGA) begin string romfilename, sdcfilename; romfilename = {"../tests/custom/fpga-test-sdc/bin/fpga-test-sdc.memfile"}; sdcfilename = {"../testbench/sdc/ramdisk2.hex"}; $readmemh(romfilename, dut.uncore.uncore.bootrom.bootrom.memory.ROM); $readmemh(sdcfilename, sdcard.sdcard.FLASHmem); // shorten sdc timers for simulation dut.uncore.uncore.sdc.SDC.LimitTimers = 1; end else if (P.IROM_SUPPORTED) $readmemh(memfilename, dut.core.ifu.irom.irom.rom.ROM); else if (P.BUS_SUPPORTED) $readmemh(memfilename, dut.uncore.uncore.ram.ram.memory.RAM); if (P.DTIM_SUPPORTED) $readmemh(memfilename, dut.core.lsu.dtim.dtim.ram.RAM); $display("Read memfile %s", memfilename); end end logic [31:0] GPIOIN, GPIOOUT, GPIOEN; logic UARTSin, UARTSout; logic SDCCLK; logic SDCCmdIn; logic SDCCmdOut; logic SDCCmdOE; logic [3:0] SDCDatIn; tri1 [3:0] SDCDat; tri1 SDCCmd; logic HREADY; logic HSELEXT; logic InReset; logic BeginSample; // instantiate device to be tested assign GPIOIN = 0; assign UARTSin = 1; if(P.EXT_MEM_SUPPORTED) begin ram_ahb #(.BASE(P.EXT_MEM_BASE), .RANGE(P.EXT_MEM_RANGE)) ram (.HCLK, .HRESETn, .HADDR, .HWRITE, .HTRANS, .HWDATA, .HSELRam(HSELEXT), .HREADRam(HRDATAEXT), .HREADYRam(HREADYEXT), .HRESPRam(HRESPEXT), .HREADY, .HWSTRB); end else begin assign HREADYEXT = 1; assign HRESPEXT = 0; assign HRDATAEXT = 0; end if(P.FPGA) begin : sdcard sdModel sdcard (.sdClk(SDCCLK), .cmd(SDCCmd), .dat(SDCDat)); assign SDCCmd = SDCCmdOE ? SDCCmdOut : 1'bz; assign SDCCmdIn = SDCCmd; assign SDCDatIn = SDCDat; end else begin assign SDCCmd = '0; assign SDCDat = '0; end wallypipelinedsoc #(P) dut(.clk, .reset_ext, .reset, .HRDATAEXT,.HREADYEXT, .HRESPEXT,.HSELEXT, .HCLK, .HRESETn, .HADDR, .HWDATA, .HWSTRB, .HWRITE, .HSIZE, .HBURST, .HPROT, .HTRANS, .HMASTLOCK, .HREADY, .TIMECLK(1'b0), .GPIOIN, .GPIOOUT, .GPIOEN, .UARTSin, .UARTSout, .SDCCmdIn, .SDCCmdOut, .SDCCmdOE, .SDCDatIn, .SDCCLK); // Track names of instructions instrTrackerTB it(clk, reset, dut.core.ieu.dp.FlushE, dut.core.ifu.InstrRawF[31:0], dut.core.ifu.InstrD, dut.core.ifu.InstrE, dut.core.ifu.InstrM, InstrW, InstrFName, InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName); // generate clock to sequence tests always begin clk = 1; # 5; clk = 0; # 5; // if ($time % 100000 == 0) $display("Time is %0t", $time); end // check results // *** Probably need to take some of this code about embench and transfer to new fsm. /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- always @(negedge clk) begin if(InReset == 1) begin end else begin // Termination condition (i.e. we finished running current test) if (DCacheFlushDone) begin InReset = 1; //begin_signature_addr = ProgramAddrLabelArray["begin_signature"]; if (!begin_signature_addr) $display("begin_signature addr not found in %s", ProgramLabelMapFile); testadr = ($unsigned(begin_signature_addr))/(P.XLEN/8); testadrNoBase = (begin_signature_addr - P.UNCORE_RAM_BASE)/(P.XLEN/8); #600; // give time for instructions in pipeline to finish if (TEST == "embench") begin // Writes contents of begin_signature to .sim.output file // this contains instret and cycles for start and end of test run, used by embench // python speed script to calculate embench speed score. // also, begin_signature contains the results of the self checking mechanism, // which will be read by the python script for error checking $display("Embench Benchmark: %s is done.", tests[test]); if (riscofTest) outputfile = {pathname, tests[test], "/ref/ref.sim.output"}; else outputfile = {pathname, tests[test], ".sim.output"}; outputFilePointer = $fopen(outputfile, "w"); i = 0; $fclose(outputFilePointer); $display("Embench Benchmark: created output file: %s", outputfile); end else if (TEST == "coverage64gc") begin $display("Coverage tests don't get checked"); end else begin // for tests with no self checking mechanism, read .signature.output file and compare to check for errors // clear signature to prevent contamination from previous tests end end // if (DCacheFlushDone) end end // always @ (negedge clk) -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ if(`PrintHPMCounters & P.ZICOUNTERS_SUPPORTED) begin : HPMCSample integer HPMCindex; logic StartSampleFirst; logic StartSampleDelayed, BeginDelayed; logic EndSampleFirst, EndSampleDelayed; logic [P.XLEN-1:0] InitialHPMCOUNTERH[P.COUNTERS-1:0]; string HPMCnames[] = '{"Mcycle", "------", "InstRet", "Br Count", "Jump Not Return", "Return", "BP Wrong", "BP Dir Wrong", "BP Target Wrong", "RAS Wrong", "Instr Class Wrong", "Load Stall", "Store Stall", "D Cache Access", "D Cache Miss", "D Cache Cycles", "I Cache Access", "I Cache Miss", "I Cache Cycles", "CSR Write", "FenceI", "SFenceVMA", "Interrupt", "Exception", "Divide Cycles" }; if(TEST == "embench") begin // embench runs warmup then runs start_trigger // embench end with stop_trigger. assign StartSampleFirst = FunctionName.FunctionName.FunctionName == "start_trigger"; flopr #(1) StartSampleReg(clk, reset, StartSampleFirst, StartSampleDelayed); assign StartSample = StartSampleFirst & ~ StartSampleDelayed; assign EndSampleFirst = FunctionName.FunctionName.FunctionName == "stop_trigger"; flopr #(1) EndSampleReg(clk, reset, EndSampleFirst, EndSampleDelayed); assign EndSample = EndSampleFirst & ~ EndSampleDelayed; end else if(TEST == "coremark") begin // embench runs warmup then runs start_trigger // embench end with stop_trigger. assign StartSampleFirst = FunctionName.FunctionName.FunctionName == "start_time"; flopr #(1) StartSampleReg(clk, reset, StartSampleFirst, StartSampleDelayed); assign StartSample = StartSampleFirst & ~ StartSampleDelayed; assign EndSampleFirst = FunctionName.FunctionName.FunctionName == "stop_time"; flopr #(1) EndSampleReg(clk, reset, EndSampleFirst, EndSampleDelayed); assign EndSample = EndSampleFirst & ~ EndSampleDelayed; end else begin // default start condiction is reset // default end condiction is end of test (DCacheFlushDone) assign StartSampleFirst = reset; flopr #(1) StartSampleReg(clk, reset, StartSampleFirst, StartSampleDelayed); assign StartSample = StartSampleFirst & ~ StartSampleDelayed; assign EndSample = DCacheFlushStart & ~DCacheFlushDone; flop #(1) BeginReg(clk, StartSampleFirst, BeginDelayed); assign BeginSample = StartSampleFirst & ~BeginDelayed; end always @(negedge clk) begin if(StartSample) begin for(HPMCindex = 0; HPMCindex < 32; HPMCindex += 1) begin InitialHPMCOUNTERH[HPMCindex] <= dut.core.priv.priv.csr.counters.counters.HPMCOUNTER_REGW[HPMCindex]; end end if(EndSample) begin for(HPMCindex = 0; HPMCindex < HPMCnames.size(); HPMCindex += 1) begin // unlikely to have more than 10M in any counter. $display("Cnt[%2d] = %7d %s", HPMCindex, dut.core.priv.priv.csr.counters.counters.HPMCOUNTER_REGW[HPMCindex] - InitialHPMCOUNTERH[HPMCindex], HPMCnames[HPMCindex]); end end end end // track the current function or global label if (DEBUG == 1 | (`PrintHPMCounters & P.ZICOUNTERS_SUPPORTED)) begin : FunctionName FunctionName FunctionName(.reset(reset_ext | TestBenchReset), .clk(clk), .ProgramAddrMapFile(ProgramAddrMapFile), .ProgramLabelMapFile(ProgramLabelMapFile)); end // Termination condition // terminate on a specific ECALL after li x3,1 for old Imperas tests, *** remove this when old imperas tests are removed // or sw gp,-56(t0) for new Imperas tests // or sd gp, -56(t0) // or on a jump to self infinite loop (6f) for RISC-V Arch tests logic ecf; // remove this once we don't rely on old Imperas tests with Ecalls if (P.ZICSR_SUPPORTED) assign ecf = dut.core.priv.priv.EcallFaultM; else assign ecf = 0; assign DCacheFlushStart = ecf & (dut.core.ieu.dp.regf.rf[3] == 1 | (dut.core.ieu.dp.regf.we3 & dut.core.ieu.dp.regf.a3 == 3 & dut.core.ieu.dp.regf.wd3 == 1)) | ((dut.core.ifu.InstrM == 32'h6f | dut.core.ifu.InstrM == 32'hfc32a423 | dut.core.ifu.InstrM == 32'hfc32a823) & dut.core.ieu.c.InstrValidM ) | ((dut.core.lsu.IEUAdrM == ProgramAddrLabelArray["tohost"]) & InstrMName == "SW" ); DCacheFlushFSM #(P) DCacheFlushFSM(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .start(DCacheFlushStart), .done(DCacheFlushDone)); // initialize the branch predictor if (P.BPRED_SUPPORTED) begin integer adrindex; // local history only if (P.BPRED_TYPE == BP_LOCAL_AHEAD | P.BPRED_TYPE == BP_LOCAL_REPAIR) begin always @(*) begin if(reset) begin for(adrindex = 0; adrindex < 2**P.BPRED_NUM_LHR; adrindex++) begin dut.core.ifu.bpred.bpred.Predictor.DirPredictor.BHT.mem[adrindex] = 0; end end end end always @(*) begin if(reset) begin for(adrindex = 0; adrindex < 2**P.BTB_SIZE; adrindex++) begin dut.core.ifu.bpred.bpred.TargetPredictor.memory.mem[adrindex] = 0; end for(adrindex = 0; adrindex < 2**P.BPRED_SIZE; adrindex++) begin dut.core.ifu.bpred.bpred.Predictor.DirPredictor.PHT.mem[adrindex] = 0; end end end end if (P.ICACHE_SUPPORTED && `I_CACHE_ADDR_LOGGER) begin : ICacheLogger int file; string LogFile; logic resetD, resetEdge; logic Enable; logic InvalDelayed, InvalEdge; assign Enable = dut.core.ifu.bus.icache.icache.cachefsm.LRUWriteEn & dut.core.ifu.immu.immu.pmachecker.Cacheable & ~dut.core.ifu.bus.icache.icache.cachefsm.FlushStage & ~reset; flop #(1) ResetDReg(clk, reset, resetD); assign resetEdge = ~reset & resetD; flop #(1) InvalReg(clk, dut.core.ifu.InvalidateICacheM, InvalDelayed); assign InvalEdge = dut.core.ifu.InvalidateICacheM & ~InvalDelayed; initial begin LogFile = "ICache.log"; file = $fopen(LogFile, "w"); $fwrite(file, "BEGIN %s\n", memfilename); end string AccessTypeString, HitMissString; assign HitMissString = dut.core.ifu.bus.icache.icache.CacheHit ? "H" : dut.core.ifu.bus.icache.icache.vict.cacheLRU.AllValid ? "E" : "M"; always @(posedge clk) begin if(resetEdge) $fwrite(file, "TRAIN\n"); if(BeginSample) $fwrite(file, "BEGIN %s\n", memfilename); if(Enable) begin // only log i cache reads $fwrite(file, "%h R %s\n", dut.core.ifu.PCPF, HitMissString); end if(InvalEdge) $fwrite(file, "0 I X\n"); if(EndSample) $fwrite(file, "END %s\n", memfilename); end end if (P.DCACHE_SUPPORTED && `D_CACHE_ADDR_LOGGER) begin : DCacheLogger int file; string LogFile; logic resetD, resetEdge; logic Enabled; string AccessTypeString, HitMissString; flop #(1) ResetDReg(clk, reset, resetD); assign resetEdge = ~reset & resetD; assign HitMissString = dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.CacheHit ? "H" : (!dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.vict.cacheLRU.AllValid) ? "M" : dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.LineDirty ? "D" : "E"; assign AccessTypeString = dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.FlushDCache ? "F" : dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.CacheAtomicM[1] ? "A" : dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.CacheRWM == 2'b10 ? "R" : dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.CacheRWM == 2'b01 ? "W" : "NULL"; assign Enabled = dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.cachefsm.LRUWriteEn & ~dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.cachefsm.FlushStage & dut.core.lsu.dmmu.dmmu.pmachecker.Cacheable & (AccessTypeString != "NULL"); initial begin LogFile = "DCache.log"; file = $fopen(LogFile, "w"); $fwrite(file, "BEGIN %s\n", memfilename); end always @(posedge clk) begin if(resetEdge) $fwrite(file, "TRAIN\n"); if(BeginSample) $fwrite(file, "BEGIN %s\n", memfilename); if(Enabled) begin $fwrite(file, "%h %s %s\n", dut.core.lsu.PAdrM, AccessTypeString, HitMissString); end if(dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.cachefsm.FlushFlag) $fwrite(file, "0 F X\n"); if(EndSample) $fwrite(file, "END %s\n", memfilename); end end if (P.BPRED_SUPPORTED) begin : BranchLogger if (`BPRED_LOGGER) begin string direction; int file; logic PCSrcM; string LogFile; logic resetD, resetEdge; flopenrc #(1) PCSrcMReg(clk, reset, dut.core.FlushM, ~dut.core.StallM, dut.core.ifu.bpred.bpred.Predictor.DirPredictor.PCSrcE, PCSrcM); flop #(1) ResetDReg(clk, reset, resetD); assign resetEdge = ~reset & resetD; initial begin LogFile = "branch.log"; // will break some of Ross's research analysis scripts //LogFile = $psprintf("branch_%s%0d.log", P.BPRED_TYPE, P.BPRED_SIZE); file = $fopen(LogFile, "w"); end always @(posedge clk) begin if(resetEdge) $fwrite(file, "TRAIN\n"); if(StartSample) $fwrite(file, "BEGIN %s\n", memfilename); if(dut.core.ifu.InstrClassM[0] & ~dut.core.StallW & ~dut.core.FlushW & dut.core.InstrValidM) begin direction = PCSrcM ? "t" : "n"; $fwrite(file, "%h %s\n", dut.core.PCM, direction); end if(EndSample) $fwrite(file, "END %s\n", memfilename); end end end // check for hang up. logic [P.XLEN-1:0] OldPCW; integer WatchDogTimerCount; localparam WatchDogTimerThreshold = 1000000; logic WatchDogTimeOut; always_ff @(posedge clk) begin OldPCW <= PCW; if(OldPCW == PCW) WatchDogTimerCount = WatchDogTimerCount + 1'b1; else WatchDogTimerCount = '0; end always_comb begin WatchDogTimeOut = WatchDogTimerCount >= WatchDogTimerThreshold; if(WatchDogTimeOut) begin $display("FAILURE: Watch Dog Time Out triggered. PCW stuck at %x for more than %d cycles", PCW, WatchDogTimerCount); $stop; end end endmodule /* verilator lint_on STMTDLY */ /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */ module DCacheFlushFSM import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (input logic clk, input logic reset, input logic start, output logic done); genvar adr; logic [P.XLEN-1:0] ShadowRAM[P.UNCORE_RAM_BASE>>(1+P.XLEN/32):(P.UNCORE_RAM_RANGE+P.UNCORE_RAM_BASE)>>1+(P.XLEN/32)]; logic startD; if(P.DCACHE_SUPPORTED) begin localparam numlines = testbench.dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.NUMLINES; localparam numways = testbench.dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.NUMWAYS; localparam linebytelen = testbench.dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.LINEBYTELEN; localparam linelen = testbench.dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.LINELEN; localparam sramlen = testbench.dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.CacheWays[0].SRAMLEN; localparam cachesramwords = testbench.dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.CacheWays[0].NUMSRAM; localparam numwords = sramlen/P.XLEN; localparam lognumlines = $clog2(numlines); localparam loglinebytelen = $clog2(linebytelen); localparam lognumways = $clog2(numways); localparam tagstart = lognumlines + loglinebytelen; genvar index, way, cacheWord; logic [sramlen-1:0] CacheData [numways-1:0] [numlines-1:0] [cachesramwords-1:0]; logic [sramlen-1:0] cacheline; logic [P.XLEN-1:0] CacheTag [numways-1:0] [numlines-1:0] [cachesramwords-1:0]; logic CacheValid [numways-1:0] [numlines-1:0] [cachesramwords-1:0]; logic CacheDirty [numways-1:0] [numlines-1:0] [cachesramwords-1:0]; logic [P.PA_BITS-1:0] CacheAdr [numways-1:0] [numlines-1:0] [cachesramwords-1:0]; for(index = 0; index < numlines; index++) begin for(way = 0; way < numways; way++) begin for(cacheWord = 0; cacheWord < cachesramwords; cacheWord++) begin copyShadow #(.P(P), .tagstart(tagstart), .loglinebytelen(loglinebytelen), .sramlen(sramlen)) copyShadow(.clk, .start, .tag(testbench.dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.CacheWays[way].CacheTagMem.RAM[index][P.PA_BITS-1-tagstart:0]), .valid(testbench.dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.CacheWays[way].ValidBits[index]), .dirty(testbench.dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.CacheWays[way].DirtyBits[index]), // these dirty bit selections would be needed if dirty is moved inside the tag array. //.dirty(testbench.dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.CacheWays[way].dirty.DirtyMem.RAM[index]), //.dirty(testbench.dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.CacheWays[way].CacheTagMem.RAM[index][P.PA_BITS+tagstart]), .data(testbench.dut.core.lsu.bus.dcache.dcache.CacheWays[way].word[cacheWord].wordram.CacheDataMem.RAM[index]), .index(index), .cacheWord(cacheWord), .CacheData(CacheData[way][index][cacheWord]), .CacheAdr(CacheAdr[way][index][cacheWord]), .CacheTag(CacheTag[way][index][cacheWord]), .CacheValid(CacheValid[way][index][cacheWord]), .CacheDirty(CacheDirty[way][index][cacheWord])); end end end integer i, j, k, l; always @(posedge clk) begin if (startD) begin for(i = 0; i < numlines; i++) begin for(j = 0; j < numways; j++) begin for(l = 0; l < cachesramwords; l++) begin if (CacheValid[j][i][l] & CacheDirty[j][i][l]) begin for(k = 0; k < numwords; k++) begin //cacheline = CacheData[j][i][0]; // does not work with modelsim // # ** Error: ../testbench/testbench.sv(483): Range must be bounded by constant expressions. // see https://verificationacademy.com/forums/systemverilog/range-must-be-bounded-constant-expressions //ShadowRAM[CacheAdr[j][i][k] >> $clog2(P.XLEN/8)] = cacheline[P.XLEN*(k+1)-1:P.XLEN*k]; ShadowRAM[(CacheAdr[j][i][l] >> $clog2(P.XLEN/8)) + k] = CacheData[j][i][l][P.XLEN*k +: P.XLEN]; end end end end end end end end flop #(1) doneReg1(.clk, .d(start), .q(startD)); flop #(1) doneReg2(.clk, .d(startD), .q(done)); endmodule module copyShadow import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P, parameter tagstart, loglinebytelen, sramlen) (input logic clk, input logic start, input logic [P.PA_BITS-1:tagstart] tag, input logic valid, dirty, input logic [sramlen-1:0] data, input logic [32-1:0] index, input logic [32-1:0] cacheWord, output logic [sramlen-1:0] CacheData, output logic [P.PA_BITS-1:0] CacheAdr, output logic [P.XLEN-1:0] CacheTag, output logic CacheValid, output logic CacheDirty); always_ff @(posedge clk) begin if(start) begin CacheTag = tag; CacheValid = valid; CacheDirty = dirty; CacheData = data; CacheAdr = (tag << tagstart) + (index << loglinebytelen) + (cacheWord << $clog2(sramlen/8)); end end endmodule task automatic updateProgramAddrLabelArray; input string ProgramAddrMapFile, ProgramLabelMapFile; inout integer ProgramAddrLabelArray [string]; // Gets the memory location of begin_signature integer ProgramLabelMapFP, ProgramAddrMapFP; ProgramLabelMapFP = $fopen(ProgramLabelMapFile, "r"); ProgramAddrMapFP = $fopen(ProgramAddrMapFile, "r"); if (ProgramLabelMapFP & ProgramAddrMapFP) begin // check we found both files while (!$feof(ProgramLabelMapFP)) begin string label, adrstr; integer returncode; returncode = $fscanf(ProgramLabelMapFP, "%s\n", label); returncode = $fscanf(ProgramAddrMapFP, "%s\n", adrstr); if (ProgramAddrLabelArray.exists(label)) ProgramAddrLabelArray[label] = adrstr.atohex(); end end $fclose(ProgramLabelMapFP); $fclose(ProgramAddrMapFP); endtask task automatic CheckSignature; input string pathname; input string TestName; input logic riscofTest; input integer begin_signature_addr; output integer errors; localparam SIGNATURESIZE = 50000; integer i; logic [31:0] sig32[0:SIGNATURESIZE]; logic [`XLEN-1:0] signature[0:SIGNATURESIZE]; string signame, pathname; logic [`XLEN-1:0] testadr, testadrNoBase; // for tests with no self checking mechanism, read .signature.output file and compare to check for errors // clear signature to prevent contamination from previous tests for(i=0; i