/////////////////////////////////////////// // // Written: me@KatherineParry.com, james.stine@okstate.edu // // Purpose: Testbench for UCB Testfloat on Wally // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1 // // Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You // may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/ // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the // License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, // either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions // and limitations under the License. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "config.vh" `include "tests_fp.vh" import cvw::*; module testbench_fp; // Two parameters TEST, TEST_SIZE used with testfloat.do in sim dir // to run specific precisions (e.g., quad or all) // parameter string TEST="none"; // parameter string TEST_SIZE="none"; parameter string TEST="add"; parameter string TEST_SIZE="all"; `include "parameter-defs.vh" parameter MAXVECTORS = 8388610; // FIXME: needs cleaning of unused variables (jes) string Tests[]; // list of tests to be run logic [2:0] OpCtrl[]; // list of op controls logic [2:0] Unit[]; // list of units being tested logic WriteInt[]; // Is being written to integer resgiter logic [2:0] Frm[4:0] = {3'b100, 3'b010, 3'b011, 3'b001, 3'b000}; // rounding modes: rne-000, rz-001, ru-011, rd-010, rnm-100 logic [1:0] Fmt[]; // list of formats for the other units logic clk=0; logic [31:0] TestNum=0; // index for the test logic [31:0] OpCtrlNum=0; // index for OpCtrl logic [31:0] errors=0; // how many errors logic [31:0] VectorNum=0; // index for test vector logic [31:0] FrmNum=0; // index for rounding mode logic [P.FLEN*4+7:0] TestVectors[MAXVECTORS-1:0]; // list of test vectors logic [1:0] FmtVal; // value of the current Fmt logic [2:0] UnitVal, OpCtrlVal, FrmVal; // value of the currnet Unit/OpCtrl/FrmVal logic WriteIntVal; // value of the current WriteInt logic [P.FLEN-1:0] X, Y, Z; // inputs read from TestFloat logic [P.FLEN-1:0] XPostBox; // inputs read from TestFloat logic [P.XLEN-1:0] SrcA; // integer input logic [P.FLEN-1:0] Ans; // correct answer from TestFloat logic [P.FLEN-1:0] Res; // result from other units logic [4:0] AnsFlg; // correct flags read from testfloat logic [4:0] ResFlg, Flg; // Result flags logic [P.FMTBITS-1:0] ModFmt; // format - 10 = half, 00 = single, 01 = double, 11 = quad logic [P.FLEN-1:0] FpRes, FpCmpRes; // Results from each unit logic [P.XLEN-1:0] IntRes, CmpRes; // Results from each unit logic [4:0] FmaFlg, CvtFlg, DivFlg; // Outputed flags logic [4:0] CmpFlg; // Outputed flags logic AnsNaN, ResNaN, NaNGood; logic Xs, Ys, Zs; // sign of the inputs logic [P.NE-1:0] Xe, Ye, Ze; // exponent of the inputs logic [P.NF:0] Xm, Ym, Zm; // mantissas of the inputs logic XNaN, YNaN, ZNaN; // is the input NaN logic XSNaN, YSNaN, ZSNaN; // is the input a signaling NaN logic XSubnorm, ZSubnorm; // is the input denormalized logic XInf, YInf, ZInf; // is the input infinity logic XZero, YZero, ZZero; // is the input zero logic XExpMax, YExpMax, ZExpMax; // is the input's exponent all ones logic [P.CVTLEN-1:0] CvtLzcInE; // input to the Leading Zero Counter (priority encoder) logic IntZero; logic CvtResSgnE; logic [P.NE:0] CvtCalcExpE; // the calculated exponent logic [P.LOGCVTLEN-1:0] CvtShiftAmtE; // how much to shift by logic [P.DIVb:0] Quot; logic CvtResSubnormUfE; logic DivStart; logic FDivBusyE; logic OldFDivBusyE; logic reset = 1'b0; logic [$clog2(P.NF+2)-1:0] XZeroCnt, YZeroCnt; // in-between FMA signals logic Mult; logic Ss; logic [P.NE+1:0] Pe; logic [P.NE+1:0] Se; logic ASticky; logic KillProd; logic [$clog2(3*P.NF+5)-1:0] SCnt; logic [3*P.NF+3:0] Sm; logic InvA; logic NegSum; logic As; logic Ps; logic DivSticky; logic DivDone; logic DivNegSticky; logic [P.NE+1:0] DivCalcExp; logic divsqrtop; // Missing logic vectors fdivsqrt logic [2:0] Funct3E; logic [2:0] Funct3M; logic FlushE; logic IFDivStartE; logic FDivDoneE; logic [P.NE+1:0] UeM; logic [P.DIVb:0] UmM; logic [P.XLEN-1:0] FIntDivResultM; logic ResMatch; // Check if result match logic FlagMatch; // Check if IEEE flags match logic CheckNow; // Final check logic FMAop; // Is this a FMA operation? // FSM for testing each item per clock typedef enum logic [2:0] {S0, Start, S2, Done} statetype; statetype state, nextstate; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ||||||||| |||||||| ||||||| ||||||||| ||||||| |||||||| ||| // ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| // ||| |||||||| ||||||| ||| ||||||| |||||||| ||| // ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| // ||| |||||||| ||||||| ||| ||||||| |||||||| ||||||||| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // select tests relevent to the specified configuration // cvtint - test integer conversion unit (fcvtint) // cvtfp - test floating-point conversion unit (fcvtfp) // cmp - test comparison unit's LT, LE, EQ opperations (fcmp) // add - test addition // sub - test subtraction // div - test division // sqrt - test square root // all - test all of the above initial begin // Information displayed for user on what is simulating // $display("\nThe start of simulation..."); // $display("This simulation for TEST is %s", TEST); // $display("This simulation for TEST is of the operand size of %s", TEST_SIZE); if (P.Q_SUPPORTED & (TEST_SIZE == "QP" | TEST_SIZE == "all")) begin // if Quad percision is supported if (TEST === "cvtint" | TEST === "all") begin // if testing integer conversion // add the 128-bit cvtint tests to the to-be-tested list Tests = {Tests, f128rv32cvtint}; // add the op-codes for these tests to the op-code list OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `FROM_UI_OPCTRL, `FROM_I_OPCTRL, `TO_UI_OPCTRL, `TO_I_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1}; // add what unit is used and the fmt to their lists (one for each test) for(int i = 0; i<20; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTINTUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11}; end if (P.XLEN == 64) begin // if 64-bit integers are supported add their conversions Tests = {Tests, f128rv64cvtint}; // add the op-codes for these tests to the op-code list OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `FROM_UL_OPCTRL, `FROM_L_OPCTRL, `TO_UL_OPCTRL, `TO_L_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1}; // add what unit is used and the fmt to their lists (one for each test) for(int i = 0; i<20; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTINTUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11}; end end end // if the floating-point conversions are being tested if (TEST === "cvtfp" | TEST === "all") begin if (P.D_SUPPORTED) begin // if double precision is supported // add the 128 <-> 64 bit conversions to the to-be-tested list Tests = {Tests, f128f64cvt}; // add the op-ctrls (i.e. the format of the result) OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, 3'b01, 3'b11}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0}; // add the unit being tested and fmt (input format) for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTFPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11}; end for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTFPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01}; end end if (P.F_SUPPORTED) begin // if single precision is supported // add the 128 <-> 32 bit conversions to the to-be-tested list Tests = {Tests, f128f32cvt}; // add the op-ctrls (i.e. the format of the result) OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, 3'b00, 3'b11}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0}; // add the unit being tested and fmt (input format) for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTFPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11}; end for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTFPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00}; end end if (P.ZFH_SUPPORTED) begin // if half precision is supported // add the 128 <-> 16 bit conversions to the to-be-tested list Tests = {Tests, f128f16cvt}; // add the op-ctrls (i.e. the format of the result) OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, 3'b10, 3'b11}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0}; // add the unit being tested and fmt (input format) for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTFPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11}; end for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTFPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10}; end end end if (TEST === "cmp" | TEST === "all") begin// if comparisons are being tested // add the compare tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt Tests = {Tests, f128cmp}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `EQ_OPCTRL, `LE_OPCTRL, `LT_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<15; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CMPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11}; end end if (TEST === "add" | TEST === "all") begin // if addition is being tested // add the addition tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt Tests = {Tests, f128add}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `ADD_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11}; end end if (TEST === "sub" | TEST === "all") begin // if subtraction is being tested // add the subtraction tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt Tests = {Tests, f128sub}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `SUB_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11}; end end if (TEST === "mul" | TEST === "all") begin // if multiplication is being tested // add the multiply tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt Tests = {Tests, f128mul}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `MUL_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11}; end end if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "all") begin // if division is being tested // add the divide tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt Tests = {Tests, f128div}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `DIV_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11}; end end if (TEST === "sqrt" | TEST === "all") begin // if square-root is being tested // add the square-root tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt Tests = {Tests, f128sqrt}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `SQRT_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11}; end end if (TEST === "fma" | TEST === "all") begin // if fused-mutliply-add is being tested Tests = {Tests, f128fma}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `FMA_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11}; end end end if (P.D_SUPPORTED & (TEST_SIZE == "DP" | TEST_SIZE == "all")) begin // if double precision is supported if (TEST === "cvtint" | TEST === "all") begin // if integer conversion is being tested Tests = {Tests, f64rv32cvtint}; // add the op-codes for these tests to the op-code list OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `FROM_UI_OPCTRL, `FROM_I_OPCTRL, `TO_UI_OPCTRL, `TO_I_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1}; // add what unit is used and the fmt to their lists (one for each test) for(int i = 0; i<20; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTINTUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01}; end if (P.XLEN == 64) begin // if 64-bit integers are being supported Tests = {Tests, f64rv64cvtint}; // add the op-codes for these tests to the op-code list OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `FROM_UL_OPCTRL, `FROM_L_OPCTRL, `TO_UL_OPCTRL, `TO_L_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1}; // add what unit is used and the fmt to their lists (one for each test) for(int i = 0; i<20; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTINTUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01}; end end end if (TEST === "cvtfp" | TEST === "all") begin // if floating point conversions are being tested if (P.F_SUPPORTED) begin // if single precision is supported // add the 64 <-> 32 bit conversions to the to-be-tested list Tests = {Tests, f64f32cvt}; // add the op-ctrls (i.e. the format of the result) OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, 3'b00, 3'b01}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0}; // add the unit being tested and fmt (input format) for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTFPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01}; end for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTFPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00}; end end if (P.ZFH_SUPPORTED) begin // if half precision is supported // add the 64 <-> 16 bit conversions to the to-be-tested list Tests = {Tests, f64f16cvt}; // add the op-ctrls (i.e. the format of the result) OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, 3'b10, 3'b01}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0}; // add the unit being tested and fmt (input format) for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTFPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01}; end for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTFPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10}; end end end if (TEST === "cmp" | TEST === "all") begin // if comparisions are being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f64cmp}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `EQ_OPCTRL, `LE_OPCTRL, `LT_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<15; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CMPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01}; end end if (TEST === "add" | TEST === "all") begin // if addition is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f64add}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `ADD_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01}; end end if (TEST === "sub" | TEST === "all") begin // if subtration is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f64sub}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `SUB_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01}; end end if (TEST === "mul" | TEST === "all") begin // if multiplication is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f64mul}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `MUL_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01}; end end if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "all") begin // if division is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f64div}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `DIV_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01}; end end if (TEST === "sqrt" | TEST === "all") begin // if square-root is being tessted // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f64sqrt}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `SQRT_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01}; end end if (TEST === "fma" | TEST === "all") begin // if the fused multiply add is being tested Tests = {Tests, f64fma}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `FMA_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01}; end end end if (P.F_SUPPORTED & (TEST_SIZE == "SP" | TEST_SIZE == "all")) begin // if single precision being supported if (TEST === "cvtint"| TEST === "all") begin // if integer conversion is being tested Tests = {Tests, f32rv32cvtint}; // add the op-codes for these tests to the op-code list OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `FROM_UI_OPCTRL, `FROM_I_OPCTRL, `TO_UI_OPCTRL, `TO_I_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1}; // add what unit is used and the fmt to their lists (one for each test) for(int i = 0; i<20; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTINTUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00}; end if (P.XLEN == 64) begin // if 64-bit integers are supported Tests = {Tests, f32rv64cvtint}; // add the op-codes for these tests to the op-code list OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `FROM_UL_OPCTRL, `FROM_L_OPCTRL, `TO_UL_OPCTRL, `TO_L_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1}; // add what unit is used and the fmt to their lists (one for each test) for(int i = 0; i<20; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTINTUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00}; end end end if (TEST === "cvtfp" | TEST === "all") begin // if floating point conversion is being tested if (P.ZFH_SUPPORTED) begin // add the 32 <-> 16 bit conversions to the to-be-tested list Tests = {Tests, f32f16cvt}; // add the op-ctrls (i.e. the format of the result) OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, 3'b10, 3'b00}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0}; // add the unit being tested and fmt (input format) for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTFPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00}; end for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTFPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10}; end end end if (TEST === "cmp" | TEST === "all") begin // if comparision is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f32cmp}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `EQ_OPCTRL, `LE_OPCTRL, `LT_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<15; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CMPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00}; end end if (TEST === "add" | TEST === "all") begin // if addition is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f32add}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `ADD_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00}; end end if (TEST === "sub" | TEST === "all") begin // if subtration is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f32sub}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `SUB_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00}; end end if (TEST === "mul" | TEST === "all") begin // if multiply is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f32mul}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `MUL_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00}; end end if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "all") begin // if division is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f32div}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `DIV_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00}; end end if (TEST === "sqrt" | TEST === "all") begin // if sqrt is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f32sqrt}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `SQRT_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00}; end end if (TEST === "fma" | TEST === "all") begin // if fma is being tested Tests = {Tests, f32fma}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `FMA_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00}; end end end if (P.ZFH_SUPPORTED & (TEST_SIZE == "HP" | TEST_SIZE == "all")) begin // if half precision supported if (TEST === "cvtint" | TEST === "all") begin // if in conversions are being tested Tests = {Tests, f16rv32cvtint}; // add the op-codes for these tests to the op-code list OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `FROM_UI_OPCTRL, `FROM_I_OPCTRL, `TO_UI_OPCTRL, `TO_I_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1}; // add what unit is used and the fmt to their lists (one for each test) for(int i = 0; i<20; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTINTUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10}; end if (P.XLEN == 64) begin // if 64-bit integers are supported Tests = {Tests, f16rv64cvtint}; // add the op-codes for these tests to the op-code list OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `FROM_UL_OPCTRL, `FROM_L_OPCTRL, `TO_UL_OPCTRL, `TO_L_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1}; // add what unit is used and the fmt to their lists (one for each test) for(int i = 0; i<20; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CVTINTUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10}; end end end if (TEST === "cmp" | TEST === "all") begin // if comparisions are being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f16cmp}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `EQ_OPCTRL, `LE_OPCTRL, `LT_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<15; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `CMPUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10}; end end if (TEST === "add" | TEST === "all") begin // if addition is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f16add}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `ADD_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10}; end end if (TEST === "sub" | TEST === "all") begin // if subtraction is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f16sub}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `SUB_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10}; end end if (TEST === "mul" | TEST === "all") begin // if multiplication is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f16mul}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `MUL_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10}; end end if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "all") begin // if division is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f16div}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `DIV_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10}; end end if (TEST === "sqrt" | TEST === "all") begin // if sqrt is being tested // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists Tests = {Tests, f16sqrt}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `SQRT_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10}; end end if (TEST === "fma" | TEST === "all") begin // if fma is being tested Tests = {Tests, f16fma}; OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `FMA_OPCTRL}; WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0}; for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin Unit = {Unit, `FMAUNIT}; Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10}; end end end // check if nothing is being tested if (Tests.size() == 0) begin $display("TEST %s not supported in this configuration", TEST); $stop; end end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ||||||||| |||||||| ||||||||| ||||||| ||||||||| |||||||| ||||||| ||||||||| // ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| || || ||| ||| ||| ||| // |||||||| |||||||| ||||||||| || || ||| |||||||| ||||||| ||| // ||| || ||| ||| ||| || || ||| ||| ||| ||| // ||| ||| |||||||| ||| ||| ||||||| ||| |||||||| ||||||| ||| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read the first test initial begin //string testname = {`PATH, Tests[TestNum]}; static string pp = `PATH; string testname; string tt0; tt0 = $sformatf("%s", Tests[TestNum]); testname = {pp, tt0}; //$display("Here you are %s", testname); $display("\n\nRunning %s vectors ", Tests[TestNum]); $readmemh(testname, TestVectors); // set the test index to 0 TestNum = 0; end // set the signals for all tests always_ff @(posedge clk) begin UnitVal = Unit[TestNum]; FmtVal = Fmt[TestNum]; OpCtrlVal = OpCtrl[OpCtrlNum]; WriteIntVal = WriteInt[OpCtrlNum]; FrmVal = Frm[FrmNum]; end // modify the format signal if only 2 percisions supported // - 1 for the larger precision // - 0 for the smaller precision always_comb begin if (P.FMTBITS == 1) ModFmt = {1'b0, FmtVal == P.FMT}; else ModFmt = FmtVal; end // extract the inputs (X, Y, Z, SrcA) and the output (Ans, AnsFlg) from the current test vector readvectors #(P) readvectors (.clk, .Fmt(FmtVal), .ModFmt, .TestVector(TestVectors[VectorNum]), .VectorNum, .Ans(Ans), .AnsFlg(AnsFlg), .SrcA, .Xs, .Ys, .Zs, .Unit(UnitVal), .Xe, .Ye, .Ze, .TestNum, .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .Xm, .Ym, .Zm, .XNaN, .YNaN, .ZNaN, .XSNaN, .YSNaN, .ZSNaN, .XSubnorm, .ZSubnorm, .XZero, .YZero, .ZZero, .XInf, .YInf, .ZInf, .XExpMax, .X, .Y, .Z, .XPostBox); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ||||||| ||| ||| ||||||||| // ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| // ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| // ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| // ||||||| ||||||||| ||| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // instantiate devices under test if (TEST === "fma"| TEST === "mul" | TEST === "add" | TEST === "sub" | TEST === "all") begin : fma fma #(P) fma(.Xs(Xs), .Ys(Ys), .Zs(Zs), .Xe(Xe), .Ye(Ye), .Ze(Ze), .Xm(Xm), .Ym(Ym), .Zm(Zm), .XZero, .YZero, .ZZero, .Ss, .Se, .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .Sm, .InvA, .SCnt, .As, .Ps, .ASticky); end postprocess #(P) postprocess(.Xs(Xs), .Ys(Ys), .PostProcSel(UnitVal[1:0]), .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .DivUm(Quot), .DivUe(DivCalcExp), .Xm(Xm), .Ym(Ym), .Zm(Zm), .CvtCe(CvtCalcExpE), .DivSticky(DivSticky), .FmaSs(Ss), .XNaN(XNaN), .YNaN(YNaN), .ZNaN(ZNaN), .CvtResSubnormUf(CvtResSubnormUfE), .XZero(XZero), .YZero(YZero), .CvtShiftAmt(CvtShiftAmtE), .XInf(XInf), .YInf(YInf), .ZInf(ZInf), .CvtCs(CvtResSgnE), .ToInt(WriteIntVal), .XSNaN(XSNaN), .YSNaN(YSNaN), .ZSNaN(ZSNaN), .CvtLzcIn(CvtLzcInE), .IntZero, .FmaASticky(ASticky), .FmaSe(Se), .FmaSm(Sm), .FmaSCnt(SCnt), .FmaAs(As), .FmaPs(Ps), .Fmt(ModFmt), .Frm(FrmVal), .PostProcFlg(Flg), .PostProcRes(FpRes), .FCvtIntRes(IntRes), .Zfa(1'b0)); if (TEST === "cvtfp" | TEST === "cvtint" | TEST === "all") begin : fcvt fcvt #(P) fcvt (.Xs(Xs), .Xe(Xe), .Xm(Xm), .Int(SrcA), .ToInt(WriteIntVal), .XZero(XZero), .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .IntZero, .Fmt(ModFmt), .Ce(CvtCalcExpE), .ShiftAmt(CvtShiftAmtE), .ResSubnormUf(CvtResSubnormUfE), .Cs(CvtResSgnE), .LzcIn(CvtLzcInE)); end if (TEST === "cmp" | TEST === "all") begin: fcmp fcmp #(P) fcmp (.Fmt(ModFmt), .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .Zfa(1'b0), .Xs, .Ys, .Xe, .Ye, .Xm, .Ym, .XZero, .YZero, .CmpIntRes(CmpRes), .XNaN, .YNaN, .XSNaN, .YSNaN, .X, .Y, .CmpNV(CmpFlg[4]), .CmpFpRes(FpCmpRes)); end if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "sqrt" | TEST === "all") begin: fdivsqrt fdivsqrt #(P) fdivsqrt(.clk, .reset, .XsE(Xs), .FmtE(ModFmt), .XmE(Xm), .YmE(Ym), .XeE(Xe), .YeE(Ye), .SqrtE(OpCtrlVal[0]), .SqrtM(OpCtrlVal[0]), .XInfE(XInf), .YInfE(YInf), .XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero), .XNaNE(XNaN), .YNaNE(YNaN), .FDivStartE(DivStart), .IDivStartE(1'b0), .W64E(1'b0), .StallM(1'b0), .DivStickyM(DivSticky), .FDivBusyE, .UeM(DivCalcExp), .UmM(Quot), .FlushE(1'b0), .ForwardedSrcAE('0), .ForwardedSrcBE('0), .Funct3M(Funct3M), .Funct3E(Funct3E), .IntDivE(1'b0), .FIntDivResultM(FIntDivResultM), .FDivDoneE(FDivDoneE), .IFDivStartE(IFDivStartE)); end assign CmpFlg[3:0] = 0; // produce clock always begin clk = 1; #5; clk = 0; #5; end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ||||| ||| |||||||||| ||||| ||| // ||||||| ||| ||| ||| ||||||| ||| // |||| ||| ||| |||||||||| |||| ||| ||| // |||| ||| ||| ||| ||| |||| ||| ||| // |||| ||| ||| ||| ||| |||| ||| ||| // |||| |||||| ||| ||| |||| |||||| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check if the correct answer and result is a NaN always_comb begin if (UnitVal === `CVTINTUNIT | UnitVal === `CMPUNIT) begin // an integer output can't be a NaN AnsNaN = 1'b0; ResNaN = 1'b0; end else if (UnitVal === `CVTFPUNIT) begin case (OpCtrlVal[1:0]) 2'b11: begin // quad AnsNaN = &Ans[P.Q_LEN-2:P.NF]&(|Ans[P.Q_NF-1:0]); ResNaN = &Res[P.Q_LEN-2:P.NF]&(|Res[P.Q_NF-1:0]); end 2'b01: begin // double AnsNaN = &Ans[P.D_LEN-2:P.D_NF]&(|Ans[P.D_NF-1:0]); ResNaN = &Res[P.D_LEN-2:P.D_NF]&(|Res[P.D_NF-1:0]); end 2'b00: begin // single AnsNaN = &Ans[P.S_LEN-2:P.S_NF]&(|Ans[P.S_NF-1:0]); ResNaN = &Res[P.S_LEN-2:P.S_NF]&(|Res[P.S_NF-1:0]); end 2'b10: begin // half AnsNaN = &Ans[P.H_LEN-2:P.H_NF]&(|Ans[P.H_NF-1:0]); ResNaN = &Res[P.H_LEN-2:P.H_NF]&(|Res[P.H_NF-1:0]); end endcase end else begin case (FmtVal) 2'b11: begin // quad AnsNaN = &Ans[P.Q_LEN-2:P.Q_NF]&(|Ans[P.Q_NF-1:0]); ResNaN = &Res[P.Q_LEN-2:P.Q_NF]&(|Res[P.Q_NF-1:0]); end 2'b01: begin // double AnsNaN = &Ans[P.D_LEN-2:P.D_NF]&(|Ans[P.D_NF-1:0]); ResNaN = &Res[P.D_LEN-2:P.D_NF]&(|Res[P.D_NF-1:0]); end 2'b00: begin // single AnsNaN = &Ans[P.S_LEN-2:P.S_NF]&(|Ans[P.S_NF-1:0]); ResNaN = &Res[P.S_LEN-2:P.S_NF]&(|Res[P.S_NF-1:0]); end 2'b10: begin // half AnsNaN = &Ans[P.H_LEN-2:P.H_NF]&(|Ans[P.H_NF-1:0]); ResNaN = &Res[P.H_LEN-2:P.H_NF]&(|Res[P.H_NF-1:0]); end endcase end end always_comb begin // select the result to check case (UnitVal) `FMAUNIT: Res = FpRes; `DIVUNIT: Res = FpRes; `CMPUNIT: Res = {{(FLEN-XLEN){1'b0}}, CmpRes}; `CVTINTUNIT: if (WriteIntVal) Res = {{(FLEN-XLEN){1'b0}}, IntRes}; else Res = FpRes; `CVTFPUNIT: Res = FpRes; endcase // select the flag to check case (UnitVal) `FMAUNIT: ResFlg = Flg; `DIVUNIT: ResFlg = Flg; `CMPUNIT: ResFlg = CmpFlg; `CVTINTUNIT: ResFlg = Flg; `CVTFPUNIT: ResFlg = Flg; endcase // Use four state test sequence to handle div properly. // Four states should allow other operations to finish // properly and within time. case (state) S0: begin DivStart = 1'b0; nextstate = Start; end Start: begin if (UnitVal == `DIVUNIT) DivStart = 1'b1; else DivStart = 1'b0; nextstate = S2; end S2: begin DivStart = 1'b0; if ((FDivBusyE|~DivDone)&(UnitVal == `DIVUNIT)) nextstate = S2; else nextstate = Done; end Done: begin DivStart = 1'b0; nextstate = S0; end default: begin DivStart = 1'b0; nextstate = S0; end endcase // case (state) end // Provide reset for divsqrt to reset state initial begin #0 reset = 1'b1; #25 reset = 1'b0; end // Left-over from before - will remove soon always @(posedge clk) OldFDivBusyE = FDivDoneE; // state machine to handle timing for testing due // various cycle counts for different fp/int operations // Adds vector at start of clock always @(posedge clk) begin // state machine element for testing if (reset) state <= S0; else state <= nextstate; // Increment the vector when Done with each test if (state == Done) VectorNum += 1; // increment the vector end // check results on falling edge of clk always @(negedge clk) begin // check if the NaN value is good. IEEE754-2019 sections 6.3 and 6.2.3 specify: // - the sign of the NaN does not matter for the opperations being tested // - when 2 or more NaNs are inputed the NaN that is propigated doesn't matter if (UnitVal !== `CVTFPUNIT & UnitVal !== `CVTINTUNIT) case (FmtVal) 2'b11: NaNGood = (((P.IEEE754==0)&AnsNaN&(Res === {1'b0, {P.Q_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.Q_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (AnsFlg[4]&(Res[P.Q_LEN-2:0] === {{P.Q_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.Q_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (XNaN&(Res[P.Q_LEN-2:0] === {X[P.Q_LEN-2:P.Q_NF],1'b1,X[P.Q_NF-2:0]})) | (YNaN&(Res[P.Q_LEN-2:0] === {Y[P.Q_LEN-2:P.Q_NF],1'b1,Y[P.Q_NF-2:0]})) | (ZNaN&(Res[P.Q_LEN-2:0] === {Z[P.Q_LEN-2:P.Q_NF],1'b1,Z[P.Q_NF-2:0]}))); 2'b01: NaNGood = (((P.IEEE754==0)&AnsNaN&(Res[P.D_LEN-1:0] === {1'b0, {P.D_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.D_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (AnsFlg[4]&(Res[P.D_LEN-2:0] === {{P.D_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.D_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (XNaN&(Res[P.D_LEN-2:0] === {X[P.D_LEN-2:P.D_NF],1'b1,X[P.D_NF-2:0]})) | (YNaN&(Res[P.D_LEN-2:0] === {Y[P.D_LEN-2:P.D_NF],1'b1,Y[P.D_NF-2:0]})) | (ZNaN&(Res[P.D_LEN-2:0] === {Z[P.D_LEN-2:P.D_NF],1'b1,Z[P.D_NF-2:0]}))); 2'b00: NaNGood = (((P.IEEE754==0)&AnsNaN&(Res[P.S_LEN-1:0] === {1'b0, {P.S_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.S_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (AnsFlg[4]&(Res[P.S_LEN-2:0] === {{P.S_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.S_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (XNaN&(Res[P.S_LEN-2:0] === {X[P.S_LEN-2:P.S_NF],1'b1,X[P.S_NF-2:0]})) | (YNaN&(Res[P.S_LEN-2:0] === {Y[P.S_LEN-2:P.S_NF],1'b1,Y[P.S_NF-2:0]})) | (ZNaN&(Res[P.S_LEN-2:0] === {Z[P.S_LEN-2:P.S_NF],1'b1,Z[P.S_NF-2:0]}))); 2'b10: NaNGood = (((P.IEEE754==0)&AnsNaN&(Res[P.H_LEN-1:0] === {1'b0, {P.H_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.H_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (AnsFlg[4]&(Res[P.H_LEN-2:0] === {{P.H_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.H_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (XNaN&(Res[P.H_LEN-2:0] === {X[P.H_LEN-2:P.H_NF],1'b1,X[P.H_NF-2:0]})) | (YNaN&(Res[P.H_LEN-2:0] === {Y[P.H_LEN-2:P.H_NF],1'b1,Y[P.H_NF-2:0]})) | (ZNaN&(Res[P.H_LEN-2:0] === {Z[P.H_LEN-2:P.H_NF],1'b1,Z[P.H_NF-2:0]}))); endcase else if (UnitVal === `CVTFPUNIT) // if converting from FP to FP OpCtrl contains the final FP format case (OpCtrlVal[1:0]) 2'b11: NaNGood = (((P.IEEE754==0)&AnsNaN&(Res === {1'b0, {P.Q_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.Q_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (AnsFlg[4]&(Res[P.Q_LEN-2:0] === {{P.Q_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.Q_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (AnsNaN&(Res[P.Q_LEN-2:0] === Ans[P.Q_LEN-2:0])) | (XNaN&(Res[P.Q_LEN-2:0] === {X[P.Q_LEN-2:P.Q_NF],1'b1,X[P.Q_NF-2:0]})) | (YNaN&(Res[P.Q_LEN-2:0] === {Y[P.Q_LEN-2:P.Q_NF],1'b1,Y[P.Q_NF-2:0]}))); 2'b01: NaNGood = (((P.IEEE754==0)&AnsNaN&(Res[P.D_LEN-1:0] === {1'b0, {P.D_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.D_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (AnsFlg[4]&(Res[P.D_LEN-2:0] === {{P.D_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.D_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (AnsNaN&(Res[P.D_LEN-2:0] === Ans[P.D_LEN-2:0])) | (XNaN&(Res[P.D_LEN-2:0] === {X[P.D_LEN-2:P.D_NF],1'b1,X[P.D_NF-2:0]})) | (YNaN&(Res[P.D_LEN-2:0] === {Y[P.D_LEN-2:P.D_NF],1'b1,Y[P.D_NF-2:0]}))); 2'b00: NaNGood = (((P.IEEE754==0)&AnsNaN&(Res[P.S_LEN-1:0] === {1'b0, {P.S_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.S_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (AnsFlg[4]&(Res[P.S_LEN-2:0] === {{P.S_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.S_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (AnsNaN&(Res[P.S_LEN-2:0] === Ans[P.S_LEN-2:0])) | (XNaN&(Res[P.S_LEN-2:0] === {X[P.S_LEN-2:P.S_NF],1'b1,X[P.S_NF-2:0]})) | (YNaN&(Res[P.S_LEN-2:0] === {Y[P.S_LEN-2:P.S_NF],1'b1,Y[P.S_NF-2:0]}))); 2'b10: NaNGood = (((P.IEEE754==0)&AnsNaN&(Res[P.H_LEN-1:0] === {1'b0, {P.H_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.H_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (AnsFlg[4]&(Res[P.H_LEN-2:0] === {{P.H_NE+1{1'b1}}, {P.H_NF-1{1'b0}}})) | (AnsNaN&(Res[P.H_LEN-2:0] === Ans[P.H_LEN-2:0])) | (XNaN&(Res[P.H_LEN-2:0] === {X[P.H_LEN-2:P.H_NF],1'b1,X[P.H_NF-2:0]})) | (YNaN&(Res[P.H_LEN-2:0] === {Y[P.H_LEN-2:P.H_NF],1'b1,Y[P.H_NF-2:0]}))); endcase else NaNGood = 1'b0; // integers can't be NaNs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ||||||| ||| ||| ||||||| ||||||| ||| ||| // ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| // ||| |||||||||| ||||||| ||| |||||| // ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| // ||||||| ||| ||| ||||||| ||||||| ||| ||| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // check if result is correct assign ResMatch = ((Res === Ans) | NaNGood | (NaNGood === 1'bx)); assign FlagMatch = ((ResFlg === AnsFlg) | (AnsFlg === 5'bx)); assign divsqrtop = (OpCtrlVal == `SQRT_OPCTRL) | (OpCtrlVal == `DIV_OPCTRL); assign FMAop = (OpCtrlVal == `FMAUNIT); assign DivDone = OldFDivBusyE & ~FDivBusyE; assign CheckNow = ((DivDone | ~divsqrtop) | (TEST == "add" | TEST == "fma" | TEST == "sub") | ((TEST == "all") & (DivDone | ~divsqrtop))); if (~(ResMatch & FlagMatch) & CheckNow & (Ans[0] !== 1'bx)) begin errors += 1; $display("\nError in %s", Tests[TestNum]); $display("TestNum %d OpCtrl %d", TestNum, OpCtrl[TestNum]); $display("inputs: %h %h %h\nSrcA: %h\n Res: %h %h\n Expected: %h %h", X, Y, Z, SrcA, Res, ResFlg, Ans, AnsFlg); $stop; end if (TestVectors[VectorNum][0] === 1'bx & Tests[TestNum] !== "") begin // if reached the eof // increment the test TestNum += 1; // clear the vectors for(int i=0; i quad X = {P.FLEN{1'bx}}; SrcA = TestVector[8+P.Q_LEN+P.XLEN-1:8+(P.Q_LEN)]; Ans = TestVector[8+(P.Q_LEN-1):8]; end 2'b10: begin // int -> quad // correctly sign extend the integer depending on if it's a signed/unsigned test X = {P.FLEN{1'bx}}; SrcA = {{P.XLEN-32{TestVector[8+P.Q_LEN+32-1]}}, TestVector[8+P.Q_LEN+32-1:8+(P.Q_LEN)]}; Ans = TestVector[8+(P.Q_LEN-1):8]; end 2'b01: begin // quad -> long X = {TestVector[8+P.XLEN+P.Q_LEN-1:8+(P.XLEN)]}; SrcA = {P.XLEN{1'bx}}; Ans = {{(P.FLEN-64){1'b0}}, TestVector[8+(P.XLEN-1):8]}; end 2'b00: begin // quad -> int X = {TestVector[8+32+P.Q_LEN-1:8+(32)]}; SrcA = {P.XLEN{1'bx}}; Ans = {{P.FLEN-32{TestVector[8+32-1]}},TestVector[8+(32-1):8]}; end endcase end 2'b01: if (P.D_SUPPORTED) begin // double // {Int->Fp?, is the integer a long} casez ({OpCtrl[2:1]}) 2'b11: begin // long -> double X = {P.FLEN{1'bx}}; SrcA = TestVector[8+P.D_LEN+P.XLEN-1:8+(P.D_LEN)]; Ans = {{P.FLEN-P.D_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+(P.D_LEN-1):8]}; end 2'b10: begin // int -> double // correctly sign extend the integer depending on if it's a signed/unsigned test X = {P.FLEN{1'bx}}; SrcA = {{P.XLEN-32{TestVector[8+P.D_LEN+32-1]}}, TestVector[8+P.D_LEN+32-1:8+(P.D_LEN)]}; Ans = {{P.FLEN-P.D_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+(P.D_LEN-1):8]}; end 2'b01: begin // double -> long X = {{P.FLEN-P.D_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+P.XLEN+P.D_LEN-1:8+(P.XLEN)]}; SrcA = {P.XLEN{1'bx}}; Ans = {{(P.FLEN-64){1'b0}}, TestVector[8+(P.XLEN-1):8]}; end 2'b00: begin // double -> int X = {{P.FLEN-P.D_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+32+P.D_LEN-1:8+(32)]}; SrcA = {P.XLEN{1'bx}}; Ans = {{P.FLEN-32{TestVector[8+32-1]}},TestVector[8+(32-1):8]}; end endcase end 2'b00: if (P.S_SUPPORTED) begin // single // {is the integer a long, is the opperation to an integer} casez ({OpCtrl[2:1]}) 2'b11: begin // long -> single X = {P.FLEN{1'bx}}; SrcA = TestVector[8+P.S_LEN+P.XLEN-1:8+(P.S_LEN)]; Ans = {{P.FLEN-P.S_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+(P.S_LEN-1):8]}; end 2'b10: begin // int -> single // correctly sign extend the integer depending on if it's a signed/unsigned test X = {P.FLEN{1'bx}}; SrcA = {{P.XLEN-32{TestVector[8+P.S_LEN+32-1]}}, TestVector[8+P.S_LEN+32-1:8+(P.S_LEN)]}; Ans = {{P.FLEN-P.S_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+(P.S_LEN-1):8]}; end 2'b01: begin // single -> long X = {{P.FLEN-P.S_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+P.XLEN+P.S_LEN-1:8+(P.XLEN)]}; SrcA = {P.XLEN{1'bx}}; Ans = {{(P.FLEN-64){1'b0}}, TestVector[8+(P.XLEN-1):8]}; end 2'b00: begin // single -> int X = {{P.FLEN-P.S_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+32+P.S_LEN-1:8+(32)]}; SrcA = {P.XLEN{1'bx}}; Ans = {{P.FLEN-32{TestVector[8+32-1]}},TestVector[8+(32-1):8]}; end endcase end 2'b10: begin // half // {is the integer a long, is the opperation to an integer} casez ({OpCtrl[2:1]}) 2'b11: begin // long -> half X = {P.FLEN{1'bx}}; SrcA = TestVector[8+P.H_LEN+P.XLEN-1:8+(P.H_LEN)]; Ans = {{P.FLEN-P.H_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+(P.H_LEN-1):8]}; end 2'b10: begin // int -> half // correctly sign extend the integer depending on if it's a signed/unsigned test X = {P.FLEN{1'bx}}; SrcA = {{P.XLEN-32{TestVector[8+P.H_LEN+32-1]}}, TestVector[8+P.H_LEN+32-1:8+(P.H_LEN)]}; Ans = {{P.FLEN-P.H_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+(P.H_LEN-1):8]}; end 2'b01: begin // half -> long X = {{P.FLEN-P.H_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+P.XLEN+P.H_LEN-1:8+(P.XLEN)]}; SrcA = {P.XLEN{1'bx}}; Ans = {{(P.FLEN-64){1'b0}}, TestVector[8+(P.XLEN-1):8]}; end 2'b00: begin // half -> int X = {{P.FLEN-P.H_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+32+P.H_LEN-1:8+(32)]}; SrcA = {P.XLEN{1'bx}}; Ans = {{P.FLEN-32{TestVector[8+32-1]}}, TestVector[8+(32-1):8]}; end endcase end endcase endcase end assign XEn = ~((Unit == `CVTINTUNIT)&OpCtrl[2]); assign YEn = ~((Unit == `CVTINTUNIT)|(Unit == `CVTFPUNIT)|((Unit == `DIVUNIT)&OpCtrl[0])); assign ZEn = (Unit == `FMAUNIT); assign FPUActive = 1'b1; unpack #(P) unpack(.X, .Y, .Z, .Fmt(ModFmt), .FPUActive, .Xs, .Ys, .Zs, .Xe, .Ye, .Ze, .Xm, .Ym, .Zm, .XNaN, .YNaN, .ZNaN, .XSNaN, .YSNaN, .ZSNaN, .XSubnorm, .XZero, .YZero, .ZZero, .XInf, .YInf, .ZInf, .XEn, .YEn, .ZEn, .XExpMax, .XPostBox); endmodule