#!/usr/bin/python3 """ wrapperGen.py kekim@hmc.edu script that generates top-level wrappers for verilog modules to synthesize """ import argparse import glob import os #create argument parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("DESIGN") args=parser.parse_args() fin_path = glob.glob(f"{os.getenv('WALLY')}/src/**/{args.DESIGN}.sv",recursive=True)[0] fin = open(fin_path, "r") lines = fin.readlines() # keeps track of what line number the module header begins lineModuleStart = 0 # keeps track of what line number the module header ends lineModuleEnd = 0 # keeps track of module name moduleName = "" # string that will keep track of the running module header buf = "import cvw::*;\n`include \"config.vh\"\n`include \"parameter-defs.vh\"\n" # are we writing into the buffer writeBuf=False index=0 # string copy logic for l in lines: if l.lstrip().find("module") == 0: lineModuleStart = index moduleName = l.split()[1] writeBuf = True buf += f"module {moduleName}wrapper (\n" continue if (writeBuf): buf += l if l.lstrip().find (");") == 0: lineModuleEnd = index break index+=1 # post-processing buffer: add DUT and endmodule lines buf += f"\t{moduleName} #(P) dut(.*);\nendmodule" # path to wrapper wrapperPath = f"{os.getenv('WALLY')}/synthDC/wrappers/{moduleName}wrapper.sv" # clear wrappers directory os.system(f"rm {os.getenv('WALLY')}/synthDC/wrappers/*") os.system(f"mkdir {os.getenv('WALLY')}/synthDC/wrappers") fout = open(wrapperPath, "w") fout.write(buf) fin.close() fout.close() print(buf)