#!/usr/bin/env python3 ################################## # testgen-TVAL.py # # dottolia@hmc.edu 1 Mar 2021 # # Generate directed and random test vectors for RISC-V Design Validation. # ################################## # DOCUMENTATION: # # Most of the comments explaining what everything # does and the layout of the privileged tests # can be found in this file # ################################### ################################## # libraries ################################## from datetime import datetime from random import randint from random import seed from random import getrandbits ################################## # functions ################################## def writeVectors(storecmd): global testnum # Illegal Instruction writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f""" .fill 1, 4, 0 """, f""" li x23, 0 """) val = (randint(0, 200) * 2) + 1 # Load Address Misaligned writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f""" lw x0, {val}(x0) """, f""" li x23, {val} """) val = (randint(0, 200) * 2) + 1 # Store Address Misaligned writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f""" sw x0, {val}(x0) """, f""" li x23, {val} """) def writeTest(storecmd, f, r, test, expected, mode = "m", resetHander = ""): global testnum, storeAddressOffset # The code we actually change for our test lines = f""" {expected} csrr x25, {testMode}tval sub x25, x25, x23 """ # Boilerplate # # x28 is the address that our trap handler will jump to before returning. # This is where we can do our actual tests. After we're done computing and storing # what we want, we jump to x27, which continues with the trap handling code (look at the _j_x_trap_... labels) # lines = f""" la x28, _jtest{testnum} j _jdo{testnum} _jtest{testnum}: {lines} jr x27 _jdo{testnum}: li x25, 0xDEADBEA7 {test} """ # We expect x25 to be 0 always. This is because of the code we wrote at the begining # of this function expected = 0 # Store the expected value of x25 to memory and in the .reference_output file lines += f""" {storecmd} x25, 0(x7) addi x7, x7, {wordsize} """ f.write(lines) if (xlen == 32): line = formatrefstr.format(expected)+"\n" else: line = formatrefstr.format(expected % 2**32)+"\n" + formatrefstr.format(expected >> 32) + "\n" r.write(line) testnum = testnum+1 ################################## # main body ################################## author = "dottolia@hmc.edu" xlens = [32, 64] testCount = 32; # setup # Change this seed to a different constant value for every test seed(0xC363DAEB9193AB45) # make tests reproducible # generate files for each test for xlen in xlens: formatstrlen = str(int(xlen/4)) formatstr = "0x{:0" + formatstrlen + "x}" # format as xlen-bit hexadecimal number formatrefstr = "{:08x}" # format as xlen-bit hexadecimal number with no leading 0x if (xlen == 32): storecmd = "sw" wordsize = 4 else: storecmd = "sd" wordsize = 8 # testMode can be m, s, and u. User mode traps are deprecated, so this should likely just be ["m", "s"] for testMode in ["m", "s"]: imperaspath = "../../../imperas-riscv-tests/riscv-test-suite/rv" + str(xlen) + "p/" basename = "WALLY-" + testMode.upper() + "TVAL" fname = imperaspath + "src/" + basename + ".S" refname = imperaspath + "references/" + basename + ".reference_output" testnum = 0 storeAddressOffset = 0 # print custom header part f = open(fname, "w") r = open(refname, "w") line = "///////////////////////////////////////////\n" f.write(line) lines="// "+fname+ "\n// " + author + "\n" f.write(lines) line ="// Created " + str(datetime.now()) f.write(line) # insert generic header h = open("../testgen_header.S", "r") for line in h: f.write(line) # We need to leave at least one bit in medeleg unset so that we have a way to get # back to machine mode when the tests are complete (otherwise we'll only ever be able # to get up to supervisor mode). # # So, we define a returning instruction which will be used to cause the exception that # brings us into machine mode. The bit for this returning instruction is NOT set in # medeleg. However, this also means that we can't test that instruction. So, we have # two different returning instructions. # # Current code is written to only support ebreak and ecall. # # For testgen-TVAL, we don't need to test ebreak, so we can use that as the sole # returning instruction. For others, like testgen-CAUSE, we'll need to put # both ebreak and ecall here. for returningInstruction in ["ebreak"]: # All registers used: # x30: set to 1 if we should return to & stay in machine mode after trap, 0 otherwise # ... # x28: address trap handler should jump to for the test # x27: address the test should return to after the test # ... # x25: value to write to memory # ... # x20: intermediate value in trap handler. Don't overwrite this! # x19: mtvec old value # x18: medeleg old value # x17: sedeleg old value (currently unused — user mode traps deprecated) # x16: mideleg old value # ... # x10 - x14 can be freely written # ... # x7: copy of x6. Increment this instead of using an offset on x6. # this allows us to create more than 2048/wordlen tests. # This is the address we write results to # x6: Starting address we should write expected results to # ... # x4 & x5 can be freely written # x3 — DO NOT WRITE ANY NON-ZERO VALUE TO THIS — test exits on ecall if x3 = 1 (x3 is gp) # x1 & x2 can be freely written # Set up x7 and store old value of mtvec lines = f""" add x7, x6, x0 csrr x19, mtvec """ # Not used — user mode traps are deprecated if testMode == "u": lines += f""" csrr x17, sedeleg li x9, {"0b1100000000" if testMode == "u" else "0b0000000000"} csrs sedeleg, x9 """ # Code that will jump to the test (x28 is set in writeTest above) testJumpCode = f""" auipc x27, 0 addi x27, x27, 12 jr x28 """ # Code for handling traps in different modes # Some comments are inside of the below strings (prefixed with a #, as you might expected) lines += f""" # Reset x30 to 0 so we can run the tests. We'll set this to 1 when tests are completed so we stay in machine mode li x30, 0 # Set up la x1, _j_m_trap_{returningInstruction} csrw mtvec, x1 la x1, _j_s_trap_{returningInstruction} csrw stvec, x1 la x1, _j_u_trap_{returningInstruction} # csrw utvec, x1 # user mode traps are not supported # Start the tests! j _j_t_begin_{returningInstruction} # Machine mode traps _j_m_trap_{returningInstruction}: {testJumpCode if testMode == "m" else "li x25, 0xBAD00003"} csrrs x20, mepc, x0 addi x20, x20, 4 csrrw x0, mepc, x20 bnez x30, _j_all_end_{returningInstruction} mret # Supervisor mode traps _j_s_trap_{returningInstruction}: {testJumpCode if testMode == "s" else "li x25, 0xBAD00001"} csrrs x20, sepc, x0 addi x20, x20, 4 csrrw x0, sepc, x20 bnez x30, _j_goto_machine_mode_{returningInstruction} sret # Unused: user mode traps are no longer supported _j_u_trap_{returningInstruction}: {testJumpCode if testMode == "u" else "li x25, 0xBAD00000"} csrrs x20, uepc, x0 addi x20, x20, 4 csrrw x0, uepc, x20 bnez x30, _j_goto_supervisor_mode_{returningInstruction} uret # Currently unused. Just jumps to _j_goto_machine_mode. If you actually # want to implement this, you'll likely need to reset sedeleg here # and then cause an exception with {returningInstruction} (based on my intuition. Try that first, but I could be missing something / just wrong) _j_goto_supervisor_mode_{returningInstruction}: j _j_goto_machine_mode_{returningInstruction} _j_goto_machine_mode_{returningInstruction}: li x30, 1 # This will cause us to branch to _j_all_end_{returningInstruction} in the machine trap handler, which we'll get into by invoking... {returningInstruction} # ... this instruction! # Run the actual tests! _j_t_begin_{returningInstruction}: """ fromModeOptions = ["m", "s", "u"] if testMode == "m" else (["s", "u"] if testMode == "s" else ["u"]) # We don't want to delegate our returning instruction. Otherwise, we'll have no way of getting # back to machine mode at the end! (and we need to be in machine mode to complete the tests) medelegMask = "0b1111111111110111" if returningInstruction == "ebreak" else "0b1111000011111111" # Set medeleg and mideleg lines += f""" csrr x18, medeleg li x9, {medelegMask if testMode == "s" or testMode == "u" else "0"} csrw medeleg, x9 csrr x16, mideleg li x9, {"0xffffffff" if testMode == "s" or testMode == "u" else "0"} csrw mideleg, x9 """ f.write(lines) for fromMode in fromModeOptions: lines = "" # Code to bring us down to supervisor mode if fromMode == "s" or fromMode == "u": lines += f""" li x1, 0b110000000000 csrrc x31, mstatus, x1 li x1, 0b0100000000000 csrrs x31, mstatus, x1 auipc x1, 0 addi x1, x1, 16 # x1 is now right after the mret instruction csrw mepc, x1 mret # We're now in supervisor mode... """ # Code to bring us down to user mode if fromMode == "u": lines += f""" li x1, 0b110000000000 csrrc x31, sstatus, x1 auipc x1, 0 addi x1, x1, 16 # x1 is now right after the sret instruction csrw sepc, x1 sret # We're now in user mode... """ f.write(lines) for i in range(0,testCount): writeVectors(storecmd) # Very end of test. Bring us back up to machine mode # We set x30 to 1, which will cause us to branch to _j_all_end in the # machine mode trap handler, before executing the mret instruction. This will # make us stay in machine mode. # # If we're currently in user mode, this will first bump us up to the supervisor mode # trap handler, which will call returningInstruction again before it's sret instruction, # bumping us up to machine mode # # Get into the trap handler by running returningInstruction (either an ecall or ebreak) f.write(f""" li x30, 1 {returningInstruction} _j_all_end_{returningInstruction}: # Reset trap handling csrs to old values csrw mtvec, x19 csrw medeleg, x18 csrw mideleg, x16 """) # print footer h = open("../testgen_footer.S", "r") for line in h: f.write(line) # Finish lines = ".fill " + str(testnum) + ", " + str(wordsize) + ", -1\n" lines = lines + "\nRV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END\n" f.write(lines) f.close() r.close()