#! /usr/bin/python3 import sys, os ################ # Helper Funcs # ################ def tokenize(string): tokens = [] token = '' whitespace = 0 prevWhitespace = 0 for char in string: prevWhitespace = whitespace whitespace = char in ' \t\n' if (whitespace): if ((not prevWhitespace) and (token != '')): tokens.append(token) token = '' else: token = token + char return tokens ############# # Main Code # ############# print("Begin parsing state.") # Parse Args if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.exit('Error parseState.py expects 1 arg:\n parseState.py <path_to_checkpoint_dir>') outDir = sys.argv[1]+'/' stateGDBpath = outDir+'intermediate-outputs/stateGDB.txt' if not os.path.exists(stateGDBpath): sys.exit('Error input file '+stateGDBpath+'not found') singleCSRs = ['pc','mip','mie','mscratch','mcause','mepc','mtvec','medeleg','mideleg','sscratch','scause','sepc','stvec','sedeleg','sideleg','satp','mstatus','priv'] # priv (current privilege mode) isn't technically a CSR but we can log it with the same machinery thirtyTwoBitCSRs = ['mcounteren','scounteren'] listCSRs = ['hpmcounter','pmpaddr'] pmpcfg = ['pmpcfg'] # Initialize List CSR files to empty # (because later we'll open them in append mode) for csr in listCSRs+pmpcfg: outFileName = 'checkpoint-'+csr.upper() outFile = open(outDir+outFileName, 'w') outFile.close() # Initial State for Main Loop currState = 'regFile' regFileIndex = 0 outFileName = 'checkpoint-RF' outFile = open(outDir+outFileName, 'w') # Main Loop with open(stateGDBpath, 'r') as stateGDB: for line in stateGDB: line = tokenize(line) name = line[0] val = line[1][2:] if (currState == 'regFile'): if (regFileIndex == 0 and name != 'zero'): print('Whoops! Expected regFile registers to come first, starting with zero') exit(1) if (name != 'zero'): # Wally doesn't need to know zero=0 outFile.write(val+'\n') regFileIndex += 1 if (regFileIndex == 32): outFile.close() currState = 'CSRs' elif (currState == 'CSRs'): if name in singleCSRs: outFileName = 'checkpoint-'+name.upper() outFile = open(outDir+outFileName, 'w') outFile.write(val+'\n') outFile.close() elif name in thirtyTwoBitCSRs: outFileName = 'checkpoint-'+name.upper() outFile = open(outDir+outFileName, 'w') val = int(val,16) & 0xffffffff outFile.write(hex(val)[2:]+'\n') outFile.close() elif name.strip('0123456789') in listCSRs: outFileName = 'checkpoint-'+name.upper().strip('0123456789') outFile = open(outDir+outFileName, 'a') outFile.write(val+'\n') outFile.close() elif name.strip('0123456789') in pmpcfg: outFileName = 'checkpoint-'+name.upper().strip('0123456789') outFile = open(outDir+outFileName, 'a') fourPmp = int(val,16) for i in range(0,4): byte = (fourPmp >> 8*i) & 0xff outFile.write(hex(byte)[2:]+'\n') outFile.close() print("Finished parsing state!")