#!/bin/bash # VCS Compilation for WALLY # Divya Kohli, Rose Thompson, David Harris 2024 # Note: VCS produces warning about unsupported Linux Version, but runs successfully # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1 # Color Definitions RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Directories CFG="${WALLY}/config" SRC="${WALLY}/src" TB="${WALLY}/testbench" # Set CONFIG_VARIANT from the first script argument CONFIG_VARIANT=${1} # Set TESTSUITE from the second script argument TESTSUITE=$2 WKDIR="wkdir/${1}_${2}" COV="cov/${1}_${2}" LOGS="logs" clean_logs() { echo -e "${YELLOW}Cleaning up workspace...${NC}" rm -rf wkdir logs cov } clean_simprofile() { echo -e "${YELLOW}Cleaning up simprofile_dir...${NC}" rm -rf simprofile_dir* profileReport* } #clean_logs clean_simprofile # Function to create a directory if it does not exist create_directory() { local dir=$1 # Local variable for directory name if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then mkdir -p "$dir" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Directory $dir created successfully." else echo "Failed to create directory $dir." exit 1 fi else echo "Directory $dir already exists." fi } # Create or verify WKDIR, COV, and LOGS directories create_directory "$WKDIR" create_directory "$COV" create_directory "$LOGS" # Ensure the working directory exists if [ ! -d "$WKDIR" ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}Directory $WKDIR does not exist. Creating it now...${NC}" mkdir -p "$WKDIR" && echo -e "${GREEN}Directory $WKDIR created successfully.${NC}" || { echo -e "${RED}Failed to create directory $WKDIR.${NC}" exit 1 } else echo -e "${GREEN}Directory $WKDIR already exists.${NC}" fi # GUI option handling GUI="" if [ "$3" = "gui" ]; then GUI="-gui" else GUI="" fi # Collect include directories INCLUDE_DIRS=$(find ${SRC} -type d | xargs -I {} echo -n "{} ") INCLUDE_PATH="+incdir+${CFG}/${CONFIG_VARIANT} +incdir+${CFG}/deriv/${CONFIG_VARIANT} +incdir+${CFG}/shared +incdir+../../tests +define+ +incdir+${TB} ${SRC}/cvw.sv +incdir+${SRC}" # Prepare RTL files avoiding certain paths RTL_FILES="$INCLUDE_DIRS $(find ${SRC} -name "*.sv" ! -path "${SRC}/generic/clockgater.sv" ! -path "${SRC}/generic/mem/rom1p1r_128x64.sv" ! -path "${SRC}/generic/mem/ram2p1r1wbe_128x64.sv" ! -path "${SRC}/generic/mem/rom1p1r_128x32.sv" ! -path "${SRC}/generic/mem/ram2p1r1wbe_512x64.sv") ${TB}/testbench.sv $(find ${TB}/common -name "*.sv" ! -path "${TB}/common/wallyTracer.sv")" # Simulation and Coverage Commands OUTPUT="sim_out" VCS_CMD="vcs +lint=all,noGCWM,noUI,noSVA-UA,noIDTS,noNS,noULCO,noCAWM-L,noWMIA-L,noSV-PIU,noSTASKW_CO,noSTASKW_CO1,noSTASKW_RMCOF +vcs+vcdpluson -simprofile -suppress +warn -sverilog +vc -Mupdate -line -full64 -kdb -lca -debug_access+all+reverse -ntb_opts sensitive_dyn +define+SIM_VCS ${INCLUDE_PATH} $RTL_FILES" SIMV_CMD="./${WKDIR}/$OUTPUT +TEST=${TESTSUITE}" COV_FILES="${TB}/coverage/test_pmp_coverage.sv" COV_OPTIONS="-cm line+cond+branch+fsm+tgl -cm_log ${WKDIR}/coverage.log -cm_dir ${WKDIR}/COVERAGE" COV_RUN="urg -dir ${WKDIR}/sim_out.vdb/" # Clean and run simulation with VCS #clean if [ "$3" = "coverage" ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#### Running VCS Simulation with Coverage ####${NC}" # Code Coverage. $VCS_CMD $COV_OPTIONS -o ${WKDIR}/$OUTPUT -Mlib ${WKDIR} -work ${WKDIR} -l "$LOGS/${CONFIG_VARIANT}_${TESTSUITE}.log" $SIMV_CMD $COV_RUN cp -rf urgReport $COV else echo -e "${YELLOW}#### Running VCS Simulation ####${NC}" $VCS_CMD -o ${WKDIR}/$OUTPUT -work ${WKDIR} -Mlib ${WKDIR} -l "$LOGS/{CONFIG_VARIANT}_{TESTSUITE}.log" $SIMV_CMD ${GUI} fi