/////////////////////////////////////////// // // Written: James Stine // Modified: 8/1/2018 // // Purpose: Floating point divider/square root top unit (Goldschmidt) // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, // modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT // OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. /////////////////////////////////////////// // `timescale 1ps/1ps module fpdiv ( input logic clk, input logic reset, input logic start, input logic [63:0] op1, input logic [63:0] op2, input logic [1:0] rm, input logic op_type, input logic P, input logic OvEn, input logic UnEn, input logic XNaNQ, input logic YNaNQ, input logic XZeroQ, input logic YZeroQ, input logic XInfQ, input logic YInfQ, output logic done, output logic FDivBusyE, output logic [63:0] AS_Result, output logic [4:0] Flags); logic [63:0] Float1; logic [63:0] Float2; logic [12:0] exp1, exp2, expF; logic [12:0] exp_diff, bias; logic [13:0] exp_sqrt; logic [63:0] Result; logic [52:0] mantissaA; logic [52:0] mantissaB; logic [2:0] sel_inv; logic Invalid; logic [4:0] FlagsIn; logic signResult; logic [59:0] q1, qm1, qp1, q0, qm0, qp0; logic [59:0] rega_out, regb_out, regc_out, regd_out; logic [119:0] regr_out; logic [2:0] sel_muxa, sel_muxb; logic sel_muxr; logic load_rega, load_regb, load_regc, load_regd, load_regr; logic load_regs; logic exp_cout1, exp_cout2; logic exp_odd, open; // op_type : fdiv=0, fsqrt=1 assign Float1 = op1; assign Float2 = op_type ? op1 : op2; // Exception detection exception_div exc1 (.A(Float1), .B(Float2), .op_type, .Ztype(sel_inv), .Invalid); // Determine Sign/Mantissa assign signResult = (Float1[63]^Float2[63]); assign mantissaA = {1'b1, Float1[51:0]}; assign mantissaB = {1'b1, Float2[51:0]}; // Perform Exponent Subtraction - expA - expB + Bias assign exp1 = {2'b0, Float1[62:52]}; assign exp2 = {2'b0, Float2[62:52]}; assign bias = {3'h0, 10'h3FF}; // Divide exponent assign {exp_cout1, open, exp_diff} = {2'b0, exp1} - {2'b0, exp2} + {2'b0, bias}; // Sqrt exponent (check if exponent is odd) assign exp_odd = Float1[52] ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; assign {exp_cout2, exp_sqrt} = {1'b0, exp1} + {4'h0, 10'h3ff} + {13'b0, exp_odd}; // Choose correct exponent assign expF = op_type ? exp_sqrt[13:1] : exp_diff; // Main Goldschmidt/Division Routine divconv goldy (.q1, .qm1, .qp1, .q0, .qm0, .qp0, .rega_out, .regb_out, .regc_out, .regd_out, .regr_out, .d(mantissaB), .n(mantissaA), .sel_muxa, .sel_muxb, .sel_muxr, .reset, .clk, .load_rega, .load_regb, .load_regc, .load_regd, .load_regr, .load_regs, .P, .op_type, .exp_odd); // FSM : control divider fsm_fpdiv control (.clk, .reset, .start, .op_type, .done, .load_rega, .load_regb, .load_regc, .load_regd, .load_regr, .load_regs, .sel_muxa, .sel_muxb, .sel_muxr, .divBusy(FDivBusyE)); // Round the mantissa to a 52-bit value, with the leading one // removed. The rounding units also handles special cases and // set the exception flags. rounder_div round1 (.rm, .P, .OvEn, .UnEn, .exp_diff(expF), .sel_inv, .Invalid, .SignR(signResult), .Float1(op1), .Float2(op2), .XNaNQ, .YNaNQ, .XZeroQ, .YZeroQ, .XInfQ, .YInfQ, .op_type, .q1, .qm1, .qp1, .q0, .qm0, .qp0, .regr_out, .Result, .Flags(FlagsIn)); // Store the final result and the exception flags in registers. flopenr #(64) rega (clk, reset, done, Result, AS_Result); flopenr #(5) regc (clk, reset, done, FlagsIn, Flags); endmodule // fpadd