// trap.S
// David_Harris@hmc.edu 11 May 2022
// Demonstrates setting up traps and invoking a trap handler.
// The trap handler accepts timer interrupts and ecalls.
// Saves cause and mtval into the signature
// Ecall takes one argument in a0
//   0: change privilege mode to user
//   1: change privilege mode to supervisor
//   3: change privilege mode to machine
//   4: exit program with write tohost

.EQU MTIME,    0x200bff8
.EQU MTIMECMP, 0x2004000

.global rvtest_entry_point

    la sp, topofstack   # Initialize stack pointer (not used)
    la s6, begin_signature  # s6 points to signature

    # Set up timer
    jal set_timecmp

    # Set up interrupts
    la t0, trap_handler
    csrw mtvec, t0      # Initialize MTVEC to trap_handler
    csrw mideleg, zero  # Don't delegate interrupts
    csrw medeleg, zero  # Don't delegate exceptions
    li t0, 0x080       
    csrw mie, t0        # Enable machine timer interrupt
    la t0, topoftrapstack 
    csrw mscratch, t0   # MSCRATCH holds trap stack pointer
    csrsi mstatus, 0x8  # Turn on mstatus.MIE global interrupt enable

    # Change to user mode
    li a0, 0            # a0 = 0: argument to enter user mode
    ecall               # System call to enter user mode

    # Wait for timer interrupts
    li t0, 0x1000       # loop counter start value
    addi t0, t0, -1     # decrement counter
    bne t0, zero, loop  # and repeat until zero

    li a0, 4            # argument to finish program    
    ecall               # system call to finish program
    j self_loop         # wait forever (not taken)

set_timecmp:            # Set timer compare to 800 ticks later
    la t0, MTIME
    la t1, MTIMECMP
    ld t0, 0(t0)        # Read current timer
    addi t0, t0, 0x60   # Increment timer
    sd t0, 0(t1)        # Set MTIMECMP = MTIME + 0x800

.align 4                # trap handlers must be aligned to multiple of 4
    # Load trap handler stack pointer tp
    csrrw tp, mscratch, tp  # swap MSCRATCH and tp
    sd t0, 0(tp)        # Save t0 and t1 on the stack
    sd t1, -8(tp)
    csrr t0, mcause     # Check the cause
    csrr t1, mtval      # And the trap value
    sd t0, 0(s6)        # Save MCAUSE and MTVAL in the signature
    sd t1, 8(s6)            
    addi s6, s6, 16     
    bgez t0, exception  # if msb is clear, it is an exception

interrupt:              # must be a timer interrupt 
    jal set_timecmp     # Increment compare for next timer interrupt
    j trap_return       # clean up and return

    csrr t1, mepc   # add 4 to MEPC to determine return Address
    addi t1, t1, 4
    csrw mepc, t1
    li t1, 8            # is it an ecall trap?
    andi t0, t0, 0xFC # if CAUSE = 8, 9, or 11
    bne t0, t1, trap_return # ignore other exceptions

    li t0, 4
    beq a0, t0, write_tohost    # call 4: terminate program
    bltu a0, t0, changeprivilege    # calls 0-3: change privilege level
    j trap_return       # ignore other ecalls

    li t0, 0x00001800   # mask off mstatus.MPP in bits 11-12
    csrc mstatus, t0
    andi a0, a0, 0x003  # only keep bottom two bits of argument
    slli a0, a0, 11     # move into mstatus.MPP position
    csrs mstatus, a0    # set mstatus.MPP with desired privilege

trap_return:            # return from trap handler
    ld t1, -8(tp)       # restore t1 and t0
    ld t0, 0(tp)
    csrrw tp, mscratch, tp  # restore tp
    mret                # return from trap

    la t1, tohost
    li t0, 1            # 1 for success, 3 for failure
    sd t0, 0(t1)        # send success code

    j self_loop         # wait
.section .tohost 
tohost:                 # write to HTIF
    .dword 0
    .dword 0

    .fill 6*(XLEN/32),4,0xdeadbeef    # 

# Initialize stack with room for 512 bytes
    .space 512
# And another stack for the trap handler
    .space 512