module testbench(); logic clk, reset; logic a, b, c, s, cout, sexpected, coutexpected; logic [31:0] vectornum, errors; logic [4:0] testvectors[10000:0]; integer cycle; // instantiate device under test fulladder dut(a, b, c, s, cout); // generate clock always begin clk = 1; #5; clk = 0; #5; cycle = cycle + 1; $display("cycle: %x vectornum %x testvectors[vectornum]: %b", cycle, vectornum, testvectors[vectornum]); end // at start of test, load vectors and pulse reset initial begin $dumpfile("fulladder.vcd"); $dumpvars; $readmemb("", testvectors); cycle = 0; vectornum = 0; errors = 0; reset = 1; #22; reset = 0; end // apply test vectors on rising edge of clk always @(posedge clk) begin #1; {a, b, c, coutexpected, sexpected} = testvectors[vectornum]; end // check results on falling edge of clk always @(negedge clk) if (~reset) begin // skip during reset if (s !== sexpected | cout !== coutexpected) begin // check result $display("Error: inputs = %b", {a, b, c}); $display(" outputs cout s = %b%b (%b%b expected)",cout, s, coutexpected, sexpected); errors = errors + 1; end vectornum = vectornum + 1; //if (testvectors[vectornum] === 5'bx) begin if (vectornum === 10) begin $display("%d tests completed with %d errors", vectornum, errors); $finish; end end endmodule module fulladder(input logic a, b, c, output logic s, cout); assign s = a ^ b ^ c; assign cout = (a & b) | (a & c) | (b & c); endmodule