/////////////////////////////////////////// // csrc.sv // // Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu 9 January 2021 // Modified: // // Purpose: Counter CSRs // See RISC-V Privileged Mode Specification 20190608 3.1.10-11 // // Documentation: RISC-V System on Chip Design Chapter 5 // MHPMEVENT is not supported // // A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1 // // Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You // may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/ // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the // License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, // either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions // and limitations under the License. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "wally-config.vh" module csrc #(parameter MHPMCOUNTERBASE = 12'hB00, MHPMCOUNTERHBASE = 12'hB80, MHPMEVENTBASE = 12'h320, HPMCOUNTERBASE = 12'hC00, HPMCOUNTERHBASE = 12'hC80, TIME = 12'hC01, TIMEH = 12'hC81 ) ( input logic clk, reset, input logic StallE, StallM, input logic FlushM, input logic InstrValidNotFlushedM, LoadStallD, StoreStallD, input logic CSRMWriteM, CSRWriteM, input logic BPDirPredWrongM, input logic BTAWrongM, input logic RASPredPCWrongM, input logic IClassWrongM, input logic BPWrongM, // branch predictor is wrong input logic [3:0] InstrClassM, input logic DCacheMiss, input logic DCacheAccess, input logic ICacheMiss, input logic ICacheAccess, input logic ICacheStallF, input logic DCacheStallM, input logic sfencevmaM, input logic InterruptM, input logic ExceptionM, input logic InvalidateICacheM, input logic DivBusyE, // integer divide busy input logic FDivBusyE, // floating point divide busy input logic [11:0] CSRAdrM, input logic [1:0] PrivilegeModeW, input logic [`XLEN-1:0] CSRWriteValM, input logic [31:0] MCOUNTINHIBIT_REGW, MCOUNTEREN_REGW, SCOUNTEREN_REGW, input logic [63:0] MTIME_CLINT, output logic [`XLEN-1:0] CSRCReadValM, output logic IllegalCSRCAccessM ); logic [4:0] CounterNumM; logic [`XLEN-1:0] HPMCOUNTER_REGW[`COUNTERS-1:0]; logic [`XLEN-1:0] HPMCOUNTERH_REGW[`COUNTERS-1:0]; logic LoadStallE, LoadStallM; logic StoreStallE, StoreStallM; logic [`COUNTERS-1:0] WriteHPMCOUNTERM; logic [`COUNTERS-1:0] CounterEvent; logic [63:0] HPMCOUNTERPlusM[`COUNTERS-1:0]; logic [`XLEN-1:0] NextHPMCOUNTERM[`COUNTERS-1:0]; genvar i; // Interface signals flopenrc #(2) LoadStallEReg(.clk, .reset, .clear(1'b0), .en(~StallE), .d({StoreStallD, LoadStallD}), .q({StoreStallE, LoadStallE})); // don't flush the load stall during a load stall. flopenrc #(2) LoadStallMReg(.clk, .reset, .clear(FlushM), .en(~StallM), .d({StoreStallE, LoadStallE}), .q({StoreStallM, LoadStallM})); // Determine when to increment each counter assign CounterEvent[0] = 1'b1; // MCYCLE always increments assign CounterEvent[1] = 1'b0; // Counter 1 doesn't exist assign CounterEvent[2] = InstrValidNotFlushedM; // MINSTRET instructions retired if(`QEMU) begin: cevent // No other performance counters in QEMU assign CounterEvent[`COUNTERS-1:3] = 0; end else begin: cevent // User-defined counters assign CounterEvent[3] = InstrClassM[0] & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // branch instruction assign CounterEvent[4] = InstrClassM[1] & ~InstrClassM[2] & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // jump and not return instructions assign CounterEvent[5] = InstrClassM[2] & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // return instructions assign CounterEvent[6] = BPWrongM & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // branch predictor wrong assign CounterEvent[7] = BPDirPredWrongM & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // Branch predictor wrong direction assign CounterEvent[8] = BTAWrongM & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // branch predictor wrong target assign CounterEvent[9] = RASPredPCWrongM & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // return address stack wrong address assign CounterEvent[10] = IClassWrongM & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // instruction class predictor wrong assign CounterEvent[11] = LoadStallM & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // Load Stalls. don't want to suppress on flush as this only happens if flushed. assign CounterEvent[12] = StoreStallM & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // Store Stall assign CounterEvent[13] = DCacheAccess & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // data cache access assign CounterEvent[14] = DCacheMiss; // data cache miss. Miss asserted 1 cycle at start of cache miss assign CounterEvent[15] = DCacheStallM; // d cache miss cycles assign CounterEvent[16] = ICacheAccess & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // instruction cache access assign CounterEvent[17] = ICacheMiss; // instruction cache miss. Miss asserted 1 cycle at start of cache miss assign CounterEvent[18] = ICacheStallF; // i cache miss cycles assign CounterEvent[19] = CSRWriteM & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // CSR writes assign CounterEvent[20] = InvalidateICacheM & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // fence.i assign CounterEvent[21] = sfencevmaM & InstrValidNotFlushedM; // sfence.vma assign CounterEvent[22] = InterruptM; // interrupt, InstrValidNotFlushedM will be low assign CounterEvent[23] = ExceptionM; // exceptions, InstrValidNotFlushedM will be low assign CounterEvent[24] = DivBusyE | FDivBusyE; // division cycles *** RT: might need to be delay until the next cycle assign CounterEvent[`COUNTERS-1:25] = 0; // eventually give these sources, including FP instructions, I$/D$ misses, branches and mispredictions end // Counter update and write logic for (i = 0; i < `COUNTERS; i = i+1) begin:cntr assign WriteHPMCOUNTERM[i] = CSRMWriteM & (CSRAdrM == MHPMCOUNTERBASE + i); assign NextHPMCOUNTERM[i][`XLEN-1:0] = WriteHPMCOUNTERM[i] ? CSRWriteValM : HPMCOUNTERPlusM[i][`XLEN-1:0]; always_ff @(posedge clk) //, posedge reset) // ModelSim doesn't like syntax of passing array element to flop if (reset) HPMCOUNTER_REGW[i][`XLEN-1:0] <= #1 0; else HPMCOUNTER_REGW[i][`XLEN-1:0] <= #1 NextHPMCOUNTERM[i]; if (`XLEN==32) begin // write high and low separately logic [`COUNTERS-1:0] WriteHPMCOUNTERHM; logic [`XLEN-1:0] NextHPMCOUNTERHM[`COUNTERS-1:0]; assign HPMCOUNTERPlusM[i] = {HPMCOUNTERH_REGW[i], HPMCOUNTER_REGW[i]} + {63'b0, CounterEvent[i] & ~MCOUNTINHIBIT_REGW[i]}; assign WriteHPMCOUNTERHM[i] = CSRMWriteM & (CSRAdrM == MHPMCOUNTERHBASE + i); assign NextHPMCOUNTERHM[i] = WriteHPMCOUNTERHM[i] ? CSRWriteValM : HPMCOUNTERPlusM[i][63:32]; always_ff @(posedge clk) //, posedge reset) // ModelSim doesn't like syntax of passing array element to flop if (reset) HPMCOUNTERH_REGW[i][`XLEN-1:0] <= #1 0; else HPMCOUNTERH_REGW[i][`XLEN-1:0] <= #1 NextHPMCOUNTERHM[i]; end else begin // XLEN=64; write entire register assign HPMCOUNTERPlusM[i] = HPMCOUNTER_REGW[i] + {63'b0, CounterEvent[i] & ~MCOUNTINHIBIT_REGW[i]}; end end // Read Counters, or cause excepiton if insufficient privilege in light of COUNTEREN flags assign CounterNumM = CSRAdrM[4:0]; // which counter to read? always_comb if (PrivilegeModeW == `M_MODE | MCOUNTEREN_REGW[CounterNumM] & (!`S_SUPPORTED | PrivilegeModeW == `S_MODE | SCOUNTEREN_REGW[CounterNumM])) begin IllegalCSRCAccessM = 0; if (`XLEN==64) begin // 64-bit counter reads // Veri lator doesn't realize this only occurs for XLEN=64 /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */ if (CSRAdrM == TIME) CSRCReadValM = MTIME_CLINT; // TIME register is a shadow of the memory-mapped MTIME from the CLINT /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */ else if (CSRAdrM >= MHPMCOUNTERBASE & CSRAdrM < MHPMCOUNTERBASE+`COUNTERS) CSRCReadValM = HPMCOUNTER_REGW[CounterNumM]; else if (CSRAdrM >= HPMCOUNTERBASE & CSRAdrM < HPMCOUNTERBASE+`COUNTERS) CSRCReadValM = HPMCOUNTER_REGW[CounterNumM]; else begin CSRCReadValM = 0; IllegalCSRCAccessM = 1; // requested CSR doesn't exist end end else begin // 32-bit counter reads // Veri lator doesn't realize this only occurs for XLEN=32 /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */ if (CSRAdrM == TIME) CSRCReadValM = MTIME_CLINT[31:0];// TIME register is a shadow of the memory-mapped MTIME from the CLINT else if (CSRAdrM == TIMEH) CSRCReadValM = MTIME_CLINT[63:32]; /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */ else if (CSRAdrM >= MHPMCOUNTERBASE & CSRAdrM < MHPMCOUNTERBASE+`COUNTERS) CSRCReadValM = HPMCOUNTER_REGW[CounterNumM]; else if (CSRAdrM >= HPMCOUNTERBASE & CSRAdrM < HPMCOUNTERBASE+`COUNTERS) CSRCReadValM = HPMCOUNTER_REGW[CounterNumM]; else if (CSRAdrM >= MHPMCOUNTERHBASE & CSRAdrM < MHPMCOUNTERHBASE+`COUNTERS) CSRCReadValM = HPMCOUNTERH_REGW[CounterNumM]; else if (CSRAdrM >= HPMCOUNTERHBASE & CSRAdrM < HPMCOUNTERHBASE+`COUNTERS) CSRCReadValM = HPMCOUNTERH_REGW[CounterNumM]; else begin CSRCReadValM = 0; IllegalCSRCAccessM = 1; // requested CSR doesn't exist end end end else begin CSRCReadValM = 0; IllegalCSRCAccessM = 1; // no privileges for this csr end endmodule // mounteren should only exist if u-mode exists