#!/bin/bash # check for warnings in Verilog code # The verilator lint tool is faster and better than Modelsim so it is best to run this first. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/ verilator=`which verilator` basepath=$(dirname $0)/.. for config in rv64fp rv64fpquad rv32e rv64gc rv32gc rv32ic; do echo "$config linting..." if !($verilator --lint-only "$@" --top-module wallypipelinedsoc "-I$basepath/config/shared" "-I$basepath/config/$config" $basepath/src/*/*.sv $basepath/src/*/*/*.sv --relative-includes); then echo "Exiting after $config lint due to errors or warnings" exit 1 fi done echo "All lints run with no errors or warnings" # --lint-only just runs lint rather than trying to compile and simulate # -I points to the include directory where files such as `include wally-config.vh are found # For more exhaustive (and sometimes spurious) warnings, add --Wall to the Verilator command # Unfortunately, this produces a bunch of UNUSED and UNDRIVEN signal warnings in blocks that are configured to not exist.