#!/bin/bash ###################### # extractFunctionRadix.sh # # Written: Ross Thompson # email: ross1728@gmail.com # Created: March 1, 2021 # Modified: March 10, 2021 # # Purpose: Processes all compiled object files into 4 files which assist in debuging applications. # File 1: FunctionRadix.do: a custom modelsim radix which provides a human readable (string) name for each function # When a the PCE is greater than or equal to the function's starting address, the label will be associated with this address. # File 2 and 3: FunctionRadix_32.addr and FunctionRadix_64.addr: These files contain the shorted starting addresses for each # function or global assmelby label. There are multiple applications so the adddress is program's compile index (16 bit) # concatenated with the instruction address. The 32 bit version is for 32 bit programs while the 64 bit version is for 64 bit # programs. # File 4: ProgramMap.txt: This is a list of all programs in the order in which they are compiled (32 or 64 bit). In modelsim this is used as # an associate array to find the compile index. # # A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. # # Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation # files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, # modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software # is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT # OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ###################### function processProgram { local objDumpFile=$1 #local size=$2 #local numBits=$(($size*4)) local numBits=$2 local size=$(($numBits/4)) local index=$3 # when size = 16 => 64 bit # when size = 8 => 32 bit local listOfAddr=`egrep -i "^[0-9]{$size} <[0-9a-zA-Z_]+>" $objDumpFile` #echo "$objDumpFile, $size, $index, $listOfAddr" # skip if the wrong bit width. if [ -z "$listOfAddr" ]; then return 0 fi # parse out the addresses and the labels local addresses=`echo "$listOfAddr" | awk '{print $1}'` local labels=`echo "$listOfAddr" | awk '{print "\""$2"\"", "-color \"SpringGreen\","}' | tr -d '<>:'` local labelsName=`echo "$listOfAddr" | awk '{print ""$2""}' | tr -d '<>:'` # output per program function address list echo "$addresses" > $objDumpFile.addr echo "$labelsName" > $objDumpFile.lab # need to add some formatting to each line local numLines=`echo "$listOfAddr" | wc -l` #local prefix=`yes " 16#" | head -n $numLines` #local midfix=`yes "# " | head -n $numLines` # old version which used a modelsim radix # paste echos each of the 4 parts on a per line basis. #-d'\0' sets no delimiter #local temp=`paste -d'\0' <(echo "$prefix") <(echo "$addresses") <(echo "$midfix") <(echo "$labels")` # remove the last comma #local temp2=${temp::-1} #echo "radix define Functions {" > $objDumpFile.do #echo "$temp2" >> $objDumpFile.do #echo " -default hex -color green" >> $objDumpFile.do #echo "}" >> $objDumpFile.do # now create the all in one version # put the index at the begining of each line # first convert the index to a string, 16 bits length # then duplicate the index numlines times # concat the index with the address local indexStr=`printf "%04x" "$index"` local copyIndex=`yes "$indexStr" | head -n $numLines` local allAddresses=`paste -d'\0' <(printf "%s" "$copyIndex") <(echo "$addresses")` printf "%s\n" "$allAddresses" >> ${allProgramRadixFile}_$numBits.addr #local allAddressesTemp=`paste -d'\0' <(echo "$prefix") <(echo "$allAddresses") <(echo "$midfix") <(echo "$labels")` #printf "%s\n" "$allAddressesTemp" >> $allProgramRadixFile.do return 0 } allProgramRadixFile="FunctionRadix" programToIndexMap="ProgramMap.txt" index=0 # clear the files #rm -rf ${allProgramRadixFile}_32.addr ${allProgramRadixFile}_64.addr $allProgramRadixFile.do $programToIndexMap rm -rf $programToIndexMap #echo "radix define Functions {" > $allProgramRadixFile.do for objDumpFile in "$@"; do # record the file names into a table so modelsim can know which application is running. testName=`echo "$objDumpFile" | sed -e "s/.*work\/\(.*\)\.elf\.objdump/\1/g"` printf "$testName\n" >> $programToIndexMap processProgram "$objDumpFile" 32 "$index" processProgram "$objDumpFile" 64 "$index" index=$(($index+1)) done # remove the last comma from the all radix # '$ selects the last line #sed -i '$ s/,$//g' $allProgramRadixFile.do #echo "}" >> $allProgramRadixFile.do exit 0