# Lint all .py files and extra python scripts without extensions
include = ["*.py", "bin/wsim", "bin/regression-wally", "bin/iterelf", "sim/vcs/run_vcs"]
exclude = ["addins/*", "tests/wally-riscv-arch-test/riscv-test-suite/rv64i_m/Q/*", "tests/fp/quad/fpdatasetgen.py"]

# Target oldest version of Python used (Python 3.9 for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
target-version = "py39"


select = [
  "F",    # various basic rules
  "E101", # indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
  "E4",   # imports
  "E7",   # various improvements
  "E9",   # error
  "W1",   # tabs used instead of spaces
  "W292", # no newline at end of file
  "UP",   # Upgraded version available in newer Python
  "EXE",  # Executable file shebangs
  "Q003", # Avoidable escaped quotes
  "Q004", # Unnecessary esacpe character
  "RUF",  # Ruff specific rules

ignore = [
  "E701", "E702",   # multiple statements on one line
  "E722",           # do not use bare 'except'
  "E74",            # ambiguous name
  "RUF005",         # iterable unpacking in list