/////////////////////////////////////////// // WALLY-init-lib.h // // Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu 21 March 2023 // // Purpose: Initialize stack, handle interrupts, terminate test case // // A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project. // https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw // // Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1 // // Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You // may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/ // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the // License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, // either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions // and limitations under the License. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // load code to initalize stack, handle interrupts, terminate // The PMP tests are sensitive to the exact addresses in this code, so unfortunately // modifying anything breaks those tests. // Provides simple firmware services through ecall. Place argument in a0 and issue ecall: // 0: change to user mode // 1: change to supervisor mode // 3: change to machine mode // 4: terminate program .section .text.init .global rvtest_entry_point rvtest_entry_point: la sp, topofstack # Initialize stack pointer (not used) # Set up interrupts la t0, trap_handler csrw mtvec, t0 # Initialize MTVEC to trap_handler csrw mideleg, zero # Don't delegate interrupts csrw medeleg, zero # Don't delegate exceptions # li t0, -1 # set mtimecmp to biggest number so it doesnt interrupt again # li t1, 0x02004000 # MTIMECMP in CLINT # sd t0, 0(t1) li t0, 0x80 # li t0, 0x00 csrw mie, t0 # Enable machine timer interrupt la t0, topoftrapstack csrw mscratch, t0 # MSCRATCH holds trap stack pointer csrsi mstatus, 0x8 # Turn on mstatus.MIE global interrupt enable # set up PMP so user and supervisor mode can access full address space csrw pmpcfg0, 0xF # configure PMP0 to TOR RWX li t0, 0xFFFFFFFF csrw pmpaddr0, t0 # configure PMP0 top of range to 0xFFFFFFFF to allow all 32-bit addresses j main # Call main function in user test program done: li a0, 4 # argument to finish program ecall # system call to finish program j self_loop # wait forever (not taken) .align 4 # trap handlers must be aligned to multiple of 4 trap_handler: # Load trap handler stack pointer tp csrrw tp, mscratch, tp # swap MSCRATCH and tp sd t0, 0(tp) # Save t0 and t1 on the stack sd t1, -8(tp) csrr t0, mcause # Check the cause csrr t1, mtval # And the trap value bgez t0, exception # if msb is clear, it is an exception interrupt: # must be a timer interrupt li t0, -1 # set mtimecmp to biggest number so it doesnt interrupt again li t1, 0x02004000 # MTIMECMP in CLINT sd t0, 0(t1) csrw stimecmp, t0 # sets stimecmp to big number so it doesnt interrupt li t0, 32 csrc sip, t0 # clears stimer interrupt j trap_return # clean up and return exception: csrr t0, mcause li t1, 8 # is it an ecall trap? andi t0, t0, 0xFC # if CAUSE = 8, 9, or 11 bne t0, t1, trap_return # ignore other exceptions ecall: li t0, 4 beq a0, t0, write_tohost # call 4: terminate program bltu a0, t0, changeprivilege # calls 0-3: change privilege level j trap_return # ignore other ecalls changeprivilege: li t0, 0x00001800 # mask off mstatus.MPP in bits 11-12 csrc mstatus, t0 andi a0, a0, 0x003 # only keep bottom two bits of argument slli a0, a0, 11 # move into mstatus.MPP position csrs mstatus, a0 # set mstatus.MPP with desired privilege trap_return: # return from trap handler csrr t0, mepc # get address of instruction that caused exception li t1, 0x20000 csrs mstatus, t1 # set mprv bit to fetch instruction with permission of code that trapped lh t0, 0(t0) # get instruction that caused exception csrc mstatus, t1 # clear mprv bit to restore normal operation li t1, 3 and t0, t0, t1 # mask off upper bits beq t0, t1, instr32 # if lower 2 bits are 11, instruction is uncompresssed li t0, 2 # increment PC by 2 for compressed instruction j updateepc instr32: li t0, 4 updateepc: csrr t1, mepc # add 2 or 4 (from t0) to MEPC to determine return Address add t1, t1, t0 csrw mepc, t1 ld t1, -8(tp) # restore t1 and t0 ld t0, 0(tp) csrrw tp, mscratch, tp # restore tp mret # return from trap write_tohost: la t1, tohost li t0, 1 # 1 for success, 3 for failure sd t0, 0(t1) # send success code self_loop: j self_loop # wait // utility routines # put a 1 in msb of a0 (position XLEN-1); works for both RV32 and RV64 setmsb: li a0, 0x80000000 # 1 in bit 31 slli a1, a0, 1 # check if register is wider than 31 bits beqz a1, setmsbdone # yes, a0 has 1 in bit 31 slli a0, a0, 16 # no: shift a0 to have 1 inn bit 63 slli a0, a0, 16 # use two shifts of 16 bits each to be compatible with compiling either RV32 or 64 setmsbdone: ret # return to calller .section .tohost tohost: # write to HTIF .dword 0 fromhost: .dword 0 .EQU XLEN,64 begin_signature: .fill 6*(XLEN/32),4,0xdeadbeef # end_signature: scratch: .fill 4,4,0x0 # Initialize stack with room for 512 bytes .bss .space 512 topofstack: # And another stack for the trap handler .bss .space 512 topoftrapstack: .align 4 .section .text.main