mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 06:05:49 +00:00
Add tests for scause, and improve tests for sepc. Also make improvements to privileged test generator run.sh file
This commit is contained in:
@ -344,8 +344,7 @@ module testbench();
string tests64p[] = '{
"rv64p/WALLY-MCAUSE", "2000",
"rv64p/WALLY-SCAUSE", "2000",
"rv64p/WALLY-UCAUSE", "2000",
"rv64p/WALLY-MEPC", "4000",
"rv64p/WALLY-MEPC", "5000",
"rv64p/WALLY-SEPC", "4000",
"rv64p/WALLY-TVAL", "3000",
"rv64p/WALLY-MARCHID", "4000",
@ -357,8 +356,7 @@ module testbench();
string tests32p[] = '{
"rv32p/WALLY-MCAUSE", "2000",
"rv32p/WALLY-SCAUSE", "2000",
"rv32p/WALLY-UCAUSE", "2000",
"rv32p/WALLY-MEPC", "4000",
"rv32p/WALLY-MEPC", "5000",
"rv32p/WALLY-SEPC", "4000",
"rv32p/WALLY-TVAL", "3000",
"rv32p/WALLY-MARCHID", "4000",
@ -20,3 +20,17 @@ To compile tests without running them in OVPsim, provide -c as the second argume
sh run.sh NAME -c
The test generator also has a really nice feature that grabs the location of begin_signature after compiling the tests. For example, running `sh run.sh EPC` will output something like this at the end:
rv64p = '{
'rv64p/WALLY-MEPC', '5000',
'rv64p/WALLY-SEPC', '4000'
rv32p = '{
'rv32p/WALLY-MEPC', '5000',
'rv32p/WALLY-SEPC', '4000'
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# Written 1 Mar 2021 by Domenico Ottolia (dottolia@hmc.edu)
@ -25,6 +27,9 @@ then
cd ~/riscv-wally/imperas-riscv-tests
make privileged
exe2memfile.pl work/*/*.elf
extractFunctionRadix.sh work/rv64p/*.elf.objdump
@ -49,3 +54,21 @@ fi
cd ~/riscv-wally/wally-pipelined
printf "\n\n\n#####\nDone!\n#####\n\n"
cd ~/riscv-wally/imperas-riscv-tests/work
for isa in "rv64p" "rv32p"; do
printf "$isa = '{"
for file in "$isa"/*.elf.objdump; do
if [[ "$file" == *"$1"* ]]; then
RES=$(grep "^\s*0*8000.000 <begin_signature>" $file)
RES=$(echo "$RES" | sed -r 's/^0*80+([0-9]+).+?$/\1/g')
file=$(echo "$file" | sed -r 's/^(.+?)\.elf\.objdump/\1/g')
printf "$COMMA\n '$file', '${RES}'"
printf "\n};\n\n"
cd ~/riscv-wally/wally-pipelined
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def randRegs():
return str(reg1), str(reg2), str(reg3)
def writeVectors(storecmd):
def writeVectors(storecmd, returningInstruction):
global testnum
# Page 6 of unpriviledged spec
@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ def writeVectors(storecmd):
""", False, 2)
# Breakpoint
if returningInstruction != "ebreak":
writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
""", False, 3)
@ -156,19 +157,20 @@ def writeVectors(storecmd):
# writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
# ecall
# """, False, 8, "u")
if testMode == "u":
if returningInstruction != "ecall":
if fromMode == "u":
writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
""", False, 8, "u")
# Environment call from s-mode
if testMode == "s":
if fromMode == "s":
writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
""", False, 9, "s")
# Environment call from m-mode
if testMode == "m":
if fromMode == "m":
writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
""", False, 11, "m")
@ -209,7 +211,7 @@ def writeTest(storecmd, f, r, test, interrupt, code, mode = "m", resetHander = "
trapEnd = f"""j _jend{testnum}"""
lines = f"""
li x25, 0x7BAD
li x25, 0xDEADBEA7
@ -232,7 +234,7 @@ def writeTest(storecmd, f, r, test, interrupt, code, mode = "m", resetHander = "
# change these to suite your tests
author = "dottolia@hmc.edu"
xlens = [32, 64]
numrand = 8;
numrand = 4;
# setup
seed(0xC365DDEB9173AB42) # make tests reproducible
@ -249,12 +251,8 @@ for xlen in xlens:
storecmd = "sd"
wordsize = 8
corners = [
0x624B3E976C52DD14 % 2**xlen, 2**(xlen-1)-2, 2**(xlen-1)-1,
2**(xlen-1), 2**(xlen-1)+1, 0xC365DDEB9173AB42 % 2**xlen, 2**(xlen)-2, 2**(xlen)-1
for testMode in ["m", "s"]:
for testMode in ["m", "s", "u"]:
imperaspath = "../../../imperas-riscv-tests/riscv-test-suite/rv" + str(xlen) + "p/"
basename = "WALLY-" + testMode.upper() + "CAUSE"
fname = imperaspath + "src/" + basename + ".S"
@ -276,39 +274,100 @@ for xlen in xlens:
for line in h:
for returningInstruction in ["ebreak", "ecall"]:
# All registers used:
# x30: set to 1 if we should return to & stay in machine mode after trap, 0 otherwise
# ...
# x26: expected epc value
# x25: value to write to memory
# ...
# x19: mtvec old value
# x18: medeleg old value
# x17: sedeleg old value
lines = f"""
csrr x31, mtvec
li x30, 0
add x7, x6, x0
csrr x19, mtvec
la x1, _j_m_trap
csrw mtvec, x1
la x1, _j_s_trap
csrw stvec, x1
j _j_t_begin
csrrs x25, mcause, x0
csrrs x1, mepc, x0
addi x1, x1, 4
csrrw x0, mepc, x1
bnez x30, _j_all_end
csrrs x25, scause, x0
csrrs x1, sepc, x0
addi x1, x1, 4
csrrw x0, sepc, x1
if testMode == "s" or testMode == "u":
if testMode == "u":
lines += f"""
csrr x17, sedeleg
li x9, {"0b1100000000" if testMode == "u" else "0b0000000000"}
csrs sedeleg, x9
lines += f"""
li x30, 0
la x1, _j_m_trap_{returningInstruction}
csrw mtvec, x1
la x1, _j_s_trap_{returningInstruction}
csrw stvec, x1
la x1, _j_u_trap_{returningInstruction}
csrw utvec, x1
j _j_t_begin_{returningInstruction}
csrrs x1, mepc, x0
{"csrr x25, mcause" if testMode == "m" else "li x25, 0xBAD00003"}
addi x1, x1, 4
csrrw x0, mepc, x1
bnez x30, _j_all_end_{returningInstruction}
csrrs x1, sepc, x0
{"csrr x25, scause" if testMode == "s" else "li x25, 0xBAD00001"}
addi x1, x1, 4
csrrw x0, sepc, x1
bnez x30, _j_goto_machine_mode_{returningInstruction}
csrrs x1, uepc, x0
{"csrr x25, ucause" if testMode == "u" else "li x25, 0xBAD00000"}
addi x1, x1, 4
csrrw x0, uepc, x1
bnez x30, _j_goto_supervisor_mode_{returningInstruction}
j _j_goto_machine_mode_{returningInstruction}
li x30, 1
fromModeOptions = ["m", "s", "u"] if testMode == "m" else (["s", "u"] if testMode == "s" else ["u"])
medelegMask = "0b1111111111110111" if returningInstruction == "ebreak" else "0b1111000011111111"
lines += f"""
csrr x18, medeleg
li x9, {medelegMask if testMode == "s" or testMode == "u" else "0"}
csrw medeleg, x9
for fromMode in fromModeOptions:
lines = ""
if fromMode == "s" or fromMode == "u":
lines += f"""
li x1, 0b110000000000
csrrc x28, mstatus, x1
li x1, 0b{"01" if testMode == "s" else "00"}00000000000
li x1, 0b0100000000000
csrrs x28, mstatus, x1
auipc x1, 0
@ -316,25 +375,42 @@ for xlen in xlens:
csrw mepc, x1
# We're now in {testMode} mode...
# We're now in supervisor mode...
if fromMode == "u":
lines += f"""
li x1, 0b110000000000
csrrc x28, sstatus, x1
auipc x1, 0
addi x1, x1, 16 # x1 is now right after the sret instruction
csrw sepc, x1
# We're now in user mode...
# print directed and random test vectors
for i in range(0,numrand):
writeVectors(storecmd, returningInstruction)
li x30, 1
csrw mtvec, x31
csrw mtvec, x19
csrw medeleg, x18
# if we're in supervisor mode, this leaves the ebreak instruction untested (we need a way to)
# get back to machine mode.
# print footer
h = open("../testgen_footer.S", "r")
for line in h:
@ -349,4 +425,3 @@ for xlen in xlens:
@ -200,12 +200,14 @@ for xlen in xlens:
fromModeOptions = ["s", "u"] if testMode == "m" else ["u"]
fromModeOptions = ["m", "s", "u"] if testMode == "m" else (["s", "u"] if testMode == "s" else ["u"])
for fromMode in fromModeOptions:
lines = ""
if fromMode == "s" or fromMode == "u":
lines += f"""
li x1, 0b110000000000
csrrc x28, mstatus, x1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user