Busybear: start checking CSRs

scounteren and mcounteren are currenly manually deleted from the CSRs list
(see slack channl #linux-bringup)

and 3 of the CSRs referenced are skipped because of weird locations for them

oh and this doesn't check their initial state, just their changing. This could be a problem
This commit is contained in:
Noah Boorstin 2021-02-02 06:06:03 +00:00
parent 92bf1674b4
commit f1768ee50b

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@ -162,21 +162,33 @@ module testbench_busybear();
string CSRname;
logic [63:0] expectedCSR;
//CSR checking
always @(dut.priv.MTVEC_REGW) begin
if ($time != 1) begin
scan_file_csr = $fscanf(data_file_csr, "%s\n", CSRname);
scan_file_csr = $fscanf(data_file_csr, "%x\n", expectedCSR);
if(CSRname != "mtvec") begin
$display("%t ps, instr %0d: MTVEC changed, expected %s", $time, instrs, CSRname);
if(dut.priv.MTVEC_REGW != expectedCSR) begin
$display("%t ps, instr %0d: %s does not equal %s expected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, CSRname, CSRname, dut.priv.MTVEC_REGW, expectedCSR);
`define CHECK_CSR(CSR) \
string CSR; \
logic [63:0] expected``CSR``; \
//CSR checking \
always @(dut.priv.csr.``CSR``_REGW) begin \
if ($time > 1) begin \
scan_file_csr = $fscanf(data_file_csr, "%s\n", CSR); \
scan_file_csr = $fscanf(data_file_csr, "%x\n", expected``CSR``); \
if(CSR.icompare(`"CSR`")) begin \
$display("%t ps, instr %0d: %s changed, expected %s", $time, instrs, `"CSR`", CSR); \
end \
if(dut.priv.csr.``CSR``_REGW != ``expected``CSR) begin \
$display("%t ps, instr %0d: %s does not equal %s expected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, CSR, CSR, dut.priv.csr.``CSR``_REGW, ``expected``CSR); \
end \
end \
logic speculative;
initial begin