csr cleanup

This commit is contained in:
David Harris 2023-01-13 21:00:06 -08:00
parent 7358402bc0
commit e4f4b31896

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@ -129,16 +129,8 @@ module csr #(parameter
// Trap Vectoring & Returns
// Trap Vectoring & Returns; vectored traps must be aligned to 64-byte address boundaries
// From 20190608 privielegd spec page 27 (3.1.7)
// > Allowing coarser alignments in Vectored mode enables vectoring to be
// > implemented without a hardware adder circuit.
// For example, we could require m/stvec be aligned on 7 bits to let us replace the adder directly below with
// [untested] TrapVectorM = {TVec[`XLEN-1:7], CauseM[3:0], 4'b0000}
// However, this is program dependent, so not implemented at this time.
// Select trap vector from STVEC or MTVEC and word-align
assign SelMtvecM = (NextPrivilegeModeM == `M_MODE);
@ -150,10 +142,7 @@ module csr #(parameter
logic VectoredM;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] TVecPlusCauseM;
assign VectoredM = InterruptM & (TVecM[1:0] == 2'b01);
// *** Would like you use concat version, but breaks uart test wally64priv when
// mtvec is aligned to 64 bytes.
assign TVecPlusCauseM = TVecAlignedM + {{(`XLEN-2-`LOG_XLEN){1'b0}}, CauseM, 2'b00};
//assign TVecPlusCauseM = {TVecAlignedM[`XLEN-1:6], CauseM[3:0], 2'b00};
assign TVecPlusCauseM = {TVecAlignedM[`XLEN-1:6], CauseM[3:0], 2'b00}; // 64-byte alignment allows concatenation rather than addition
mux2 #(`XLEN) trapvecmux(TVecAlignedM, TVecPlusCauseM, VectoredM, TrapVectorM);
end else
assign TrapVectorM = TVecAlignedM;
@ -168,6 +157,7 @@ module csr #(parameter
// CSRWriteValM
always_comb begin
// Choose either rs1 or uimm[4:0] as source
CSRSrcM = InstrM[14] ? {{(`XLEN-5){1'b0}}, InstrM[19:15]} : SrcAM;
@ -191,6 +181,7 @@ module csr #(parameter
// CSR Write values
assign CSRAdrM = InstrM[31:20];
assign UnalignedNextEPCM = TrapM ? ((wfiM & IntPendingM) ? PCM+4 : PCM) : CSRWriteValM;
assign NextEPCM = `C_SUPPORTED ? {UnalignedNextEPCM[`XLEN-1:1], 1'b0} : {UnalignedNextEPCM[`XLEN-1:2], 2'b00}; // 3.1.15 alignment
@ -218,8 +209,7 @@ module csr #(parameter
.STATUS_FS, .BigEndianM);
csrc counters(.clk, .reset,
.StallE, .StallM, .FlushM,
csrc counters(.clk, .reset, .StallE, .StallM, .FlushM,
.InstrValidNotFlushedM, .LoadStallD, .CSRMWriteM,
.DirPredictionWrongM, .BTBPredPCWrongM, .RASPredPCWrongM, .PredictionInstrClassWrongM,
.InstrClassM, .DCacheMiss, .DCacheAccess, .ICacheMiss, .ICacheAccess,