mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 18:25:27 +00:00
Merge branch 'openhwgroup:main' into cachesim
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ all: riscoftests memfiles coveragetests
#make -C ../tests/coverage --jobs
#iter-elf.bash --cover --search ../tests/coverage
vcover merge -out cov/cov.ucdb cov/rv64gc_arch64i.ucdb cov/rv64gc*.ucdb riscv.ucdb -logfile cov/log
vcover merge -out cov/cov.ucdb cov/rv64gc_arch64i.ucdb cov/rv64gc*.ucdb cov/buildroot_buildroot.ucdb riscv.ucdb -logfile cov/log
# vcover merge -out cov/cov.ucdb cov/rv64gc_arch64i.ucdb cov/rv64gc*.ucdb riscv.ucdb /home/rthompson/buildroot_buildroot-no-trace.ucdb -logfile cov/log
vcover report -details cov/cov.ucdb > cov/rv64gc_coverage_details.rpt
vcover report cov/cov.ucdb -details -instance=/core/ebu. > cov/rv64gc_coverage_ebu.rpt
vcover report cov/cov.ucdb -details -instance=/core/priv. > cov/rv64gc_coverage_priv.rpt
@ -24,8 +24,12 @@
#// and limitations under the License.
# This file should be a last resort. It's preferable to put
# // coverage off
# statements inline with the code whenever possible.
# LZA (i<64) statement confuses coverage tool
# This is ugly to exlcude the whole file - is there a better option
# This is ugly to exlcude the whole file - is there a better option? // coverage off isn't working
coverage exclude -srcfile lzc.sv
@ -4,20 +4,36 @@
# Core settings
--override cpu/priv_version=1.12
--override cpu/user_version=20191213
# arch
--override cpu/mimpid=0x100
--override refRoot/cpu/tvec_align=64
# clarify
#--override refRoot/cpu/mtvec_sext=F
--override cpu/tval_ii_code=T
#--override cpu/time_undefined=T
#--override cpu/cycle_undefined=T
#--override cpu/instret_undefined=T
#--override cpu/hpmcounter_undefined=T
--override cpu/reset_address=0x80000000
--override cpu/unaligned=F
--override cpu/ignore_non_leaf_DAU=1
--override cpu/wfi_is_nop=T
--override cpu/mimpid=0x100
--override cpu/misa_Extensions_mask=0x0
#--override cpu/updatePTEA=T
#--override cpu/updatePTED=T
--override cpu/Sstc=T
--override cpu/PMP_registers=16
--override cpu/PMP_undefined=T
# Illegal instruction should not contain the bit pattern
# illegal pmp read contained this
# --override cpu/tval_ii_code=F
# PMA Settings
# 'r': read access allowed
# 'w': write access allowed
@ -48,15 +64,10 @@
#-override refRoot/cpu/cv/extensions=RV32I
# Add Imperas simulator application instruction tracing
--override cpu/show_c_prefix=T
--trace --tracechange --traceshowicount --tracemode -tracemem ASX --monitornetschange --traceafter 10500000
# Exceptions and pagetables debug
--override cpu/debugflags=6
# Turn on verbose output for Imperas simulator and Model
--override cpu/verbose=1
--trace --tracechange --traceshowicount --tracemode -tracemem ASX --monitornetschange --traceafter 0
--override cpu/debugflags=6 --override cpu/verbose=1
--override cpu/show_c_prefix=T
# Store simulator output to logfile
--output imperas.log
@ -56,7 +56,12 @@ def getBuildrootTC(boot):
BRgrepstr="WallyHostname login:"
BRcmd="vsim > {} -c <<!\ndo wally-batch.do buildroot buildroot $RISCV "+str(INSTR_LIMIT)+" 1 0\n!"
if (coverage):
print( "buildroot coverage")
BRcmd="vsim > {} -c <<!\ndo wally-batch.do buildroot buildroot $RISCV "+str(INSTR_LIMIT)+" 1 0 -coverage\n!"
print( "buildroot no coverage")
BRcmd="vsim > {} -c <<!\ndo wally-batch.do buildroot buildroot $RISCV "+str(INSTR_LIMIT)+" 1 0\n!"
BRgrepstr=str(INSTR_LIMIT)+" instructions"
return TestCase(name,variant="rv64gc",cmd=BRcmd,grepstr=BRgrepstr)
@ -130,14 +135,11 @@ tests64gc = ["arch64f", "arch64d", "arch64i", "arch64zba", "arch64zbb", "arch64z
"arch64priv", "arch64c", "arch64m", "arch64zi", "wally64a", "wally64periph", "wally64priv"]
if (coverage): # delete all but 64gc tests when running coverage
configs = []
# tests64gc = ["coverage64gc", "arch64f", "arch64d", "arch64i", "arch64priv", "arch64c", "arch64m",
tests64gc = ["coverage64gc", "arch64i", "arch64priv", "arch64c", "arch64m",
"arch64zi", "wally64a", "wally64periph", "wally64priv",
"arch64zba", "arch64zbb", "arch64zbc", "arch64zbs",
"imperas64f", "imperas64d", "imperas64c", "imperas64i"]
# tests64gc = ["coverage64gc", "arch64f", "arch64d", "arch64i", "arch64priv", "arch64c", "arch64m",
# "arch64zi", "wally64a", "wally64periph", "wally64priv",
# "arch64zba", "arch64zbb", "arch64zbc", "arch64zbs",
# "imperas64f", "imperas64d", "imperas64c", "imperas64i"]
coverStr = '-coverage'
coverStr = ''
@ -179,8 +181,6 @@ def main():
@ -201,9 +201,11 @@ def main():
TIMEOUT_DUR = 30*7200 # seconds
elif '-coverage' in sys.argv:
TIMEOUT_DUR = 20*60 # seconds
os.system('rm cov/*.ucdb')
TIMEOUT_DUR = 20*60 # seconds
# Presently don't run buildroot because it has a different config and can't be merged with the rv64gc coverage.
# Also it is slow to run.
# configs.append(getBuildrootTC(boot=False))
os.system('rm -f cov/*.ucdb')
TIMEOUT_DUR = 10*60 # seconds
@ -225,12 +227,6 @@ def main():
# Coverage report
if coverage:
os.system('make coverage')
#print('Generating coverage report')
#os.system('vcover merge -out cov/cov.ucdb cov/rv64gc_arch64i.ucdb cov/rv64gc*.ucdb -logfile cov/log')
#os.system('vcover report -details cov/cov.ucdb > cov/rv64gc_coverage_details.rpt')
#os.system('vcover report -below 100 cov/cov.ucdb > cov/rv64gc_coverage.rpt')
#os.system('vcover report -recursive cov/cov.ucdb > cov/rv64gc_recursive.rpt')
#os.system('vcover report -details -threshH 100 -html cov/cov.ucdb')
# Count the number of failures
if num_fail:
print(f"{bcolors.FAIL}Regression failed with %s failed configurations{bcolors.ENDC}" % num_fail)
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ mkdir -p cov
# Check if measuring coverage
set coverage 0
if {$argc >= 3} {
if {$3 eq "-coverage"} {
if {$3 eq "-coverage" || ($argc >= 7 && $7 eq "-coverage")} {
set coverage 1
@ -61,8 +61,14 @@ if {$argc >= 3} {
if {$2 eq "buildroot" || $2 eq "buildroot-checkpoint"} {
vlog -lint -work wkdir/work_${1}_${2} +incdir+../config/$1 +incdir+../config/shared ../testbench/testbench-linux.sv ../testbench/common/*.sv ../src/*/*.sv ../src/*/*/*.sv -suppress 2583
# start and run simulation
vopt wkdir/work_${1}_${2}.testbench -work wkdir/work_${1}_${2} -G RISCV_DIR=$3 -G INSTR_LIMIT=$4 -G INSTR_WAVEON=$5 -G CHECKPOINT=$6 -o testbenchopt
vsim -lib wkdir/work_${1}_${2} testbenchopt -suppress 8852,12070,3084,3691,13286 -fatal 7
if { $coverage } {
echo "wally-batch buildroot coverage"
vopt wkdir/work_${1}_${2}.testbench -work wkdir/work_${1}_${2} -G RISCV_DIR=$3 -G INSTR_LIMIT=$4 -G INSTR_WAVEON=$5 -G CHECKPOINT=$6 -o testbenchopt +cover=sbecf
vsim -lib wkdir/work_${1}_${2} testbenchopt -suppress 8852,12070,3084,3691,13286 -fatal 7 -cover
} else {
vopt wkdir/work_${1}_${2}.testbench -work wkdir/work_${1}_${2} -G RISCV_DIR=$3 -G INSTR_LIMIT=$4 -G INSTR_WAVEON=$5 -G CHECKPOINT=$6 -o testbenchopt
vsim -lib wkdir/work_${1}_${2} testbenchopt -suppress 8852,12070,3084,3691,13286 -fatal 7
run -all
run -all
@ -139,6 +145,7 @@ if {$2 eq "buildroot" || $2 eq "buildroot-checkpoint"} {
if {$coverage} {
echo "Saving coverage to ${1}_${2}.ucdb"
do coverage-exclusions-rv64gc.do # beware: this assumes testing the rv64gc configuration
coverage save -instance /testbench/dut/core cov/${1}_${2}.ucdb
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module hazard (
input logic FCvtIntStallD, FPUStallD,
input logic DivBusyE, FDivBusyE,
input logic EcallFaultM, BreakpointFaultM,
input logic WFIStallM,
input logic wfiM, IntPendingM,
// Stall & flush outputs
output logic StallF, StallD, StallE, StallM, StallW,
output logic FlushD, FlushE, FlushM, FlushW
@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ module hazard (
logic StallFCause, StallDCause, StallECause, StallMCause, StallWCause;
logic LatestUnstalledD, LatestUnstalledE, LatestUnstalledM, LatestUnstalledW;
logic FlushDCause, FlushECause, FlushMCause, FlushWCause;
logic WFIStallM, WFIInterruptedM;
// WFI logic
assign WFIStallM = wfiM & ~IntPendingM; // WFI waiting for an interrupt or timeout
assign WFIInterruptedM = wfiM & IntPendingM; // WFI detects a pending interrupt. Retire WFI; trap if interrupt is enabled.
// stalls and flushes
// loads: stall for one cycle if the subsequent instruction depends on the load
@ -68,7 +74,7 @@ module hazard (
assign FlushDCause = TrapM | RetM | CSRWriteFenceM | BPWrongE;
assign FlushECause = TrapM | RetM | CSRWriteFenceM |(BPWrongE & ~(DivBusyE | FDivBusyE));
assign FlushMCause = TrapM | RetM | CSRWriteFenceM;
assign FlushWCause = TrapM;
assign FlushWCause = TrapM & ~WFIInterruptedM;
// Stall causes
// Most data depenency stalls are identified in the decode stage
@ -88,7 +94,9 @@ module hazard (
assign StallWCause = (IFUStallF & ~FlushDCause) | (LSUStallM & ~FlushWCause);
// Stall each stage for cause or if the next stage is stalled
// coverage off: StallFCause is always 0
assign #1 StallF = StallFCause | StallD;
// coverage on
assign #1 StallD = StallDCause | StallE;
assign #1 StallE = StallECause | StallM;
assign #1 StallM = StallMCause | StallW;
@ -99,8 +99,10 @@ module bmuctrl(
BMUControlsD = `BMUCTRLW'b000_10_001_1_1_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // sign extend instruction
else if ((Rs2D[4:2]==3'b000) & ~(Rs2D[1] & Rs2D[0]))
BMUControlsD = `BMUCTRLW'b000_10_000_1_1_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // count instruction
17'b0110011_0000100_100: if (`XLEN == 32)
BMUControlsD = `BMUCTRLW'b000_10_001_1_1_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // zexth (rv32)
// // coverage off: This case can't occur in RV64
// 17'b0110011_0000100_100: if (`XLEN == 32)
// BMUControlsD = `BMUCTRLW'b000_10_001_1_1_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // zexth (rv32)
// // coverage on
17'b0110011_0100000_111: BMUControlsD = `BMUCTRLW'b111_01_111_1_0_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // andn
17'b0110011_0100000_110: BMUControlsD = `BMUCTRLW'b110_01_111_1_0_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // orn
17'b0110011_0100000_100: BMUControlsD = `BMUCTRLW'b100_01_111_1_0_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // xnor
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module zbc #(parameter WIDTH=32) (
bitreverse #(WIDTH) brB(B, RevB);
mux3 #(WIDTH) xmux({RevA[WIDTH-2:0], {1'b0}}, RevA, A, ~Funct3[1:0], X);
mux3 #(WIDTH) ymux({{1'b0}, RevB[WIDTH-2:0]}, RevB, B, ~Funct3[1:0], Y);
mux2 #(WIDTH) ymux(RevB, B, ~Funct3[1], Y);
clmul #(WIDTH) clm(.X, .Y, .ClmulResult);
@ -263,7 +263,9 @@ module controller(
end else assign sltD = (Funct3D == 3'b010);
// Combine base and bit manipulation signals
// coverage off: IllegalERegAdr can't occur in rv64gc; only applicable to E mode
assign IllegalBaseInstrD = (ControlsD[0] & IllegalBitmanipInstrD) | IllegalERegAdrD ;
// coverage on
assign RegWriteD = BaseRegWriteD | BRegWriteD;
assign W64D = BaseW64D | BW64D;
assign ALUSrcBD = BaseALUSrcBD | BALUSrcBD;
@ -135,10 +135,16 @@ module decompress (
IllegalCompInstrD = 1;
InstrD = {16'b0, instr16}; // preserve instruction for mtval on trap
// coverage off
// are excluding this branch from coverage because in rv64gc XLEN is always 64 and thus greater than 32 bits
// This branch will only be taken if instr16[12:10] == 3'b111 and 'XLEN !> 32, because all other
// possible values for instr16[12:10] are covered by branches above. XLEN !> 32
// will never occur in rv64gc so this branch can not be covered
else begin // illegal instruction
IllegalCompInstrD = 1;
InstrD = {16'b0, instr16}; // preserve instruction for mtval on trap
// coverage on
5'b01101: InstrD = {immCJ, 5'b00000, 7'b1101111}; // c.j
5'b01110: InstrD = {immCB[11:5], 5'b00000, rs1p, 3'b000, immCB[4:0], 7'b1100011}; // c.beqz
5'b01111: InstrD = {immCB[11:5], 5'b00000, rs1p, 3'b001, immCB[4:0], 7'b1100011}; // c.bnez
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ module lsu (
// MMU include PMP and is needed if any privileged supported
if(`VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED) begin : hptw
hptw hptw(.clk, .reset, .MemRWM, .AtomicM, .ITLBMissF, .ITLBWriteF,
.DTLBMissM, .DTLBWriteM, .InstrUpdateDAF, .DataUpdateDAM,
.FlushW, .DCacheStallM, .SATP_REGW, .PCSpillF,
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ module csr #(parameter
assign NextMtvalM = TrapM ? NextFaultMtvalM : CSRWriteValM;
assign UngatedCSRMWriteM = CSRWriteM & (PrivilegeModeW == `M_MODE);
assign CSRMWriteM = UngatedCSRMWriteM & InstrValidNotFlushedM;
assign CSRSWriteM = CSRWriteM & (|PrivilegeModeW) & InstrValidNotFlushedM;
assign CSRSWriteM = CSRWriteM & (|PrivilegeModeW) & InstrValidNotFlushedM;
assign CSRUWriteM = CSRWriteM & InstrValidNotFlushedM;
assign MTrapM = TrapM & (NextPrivilegeModeM == `M_MODE);
assign STrapM = TrapM & (NextPrivilegeModeM == `S_MODE) & `S_SUPPORTED;
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ module privileged (
output logic BigEndianM, // Use big endian in current privilege mode
// Fault outputs
output logic BreakpointFaultM, EcallFaultM, // breakpoint and Ecall traps should retire
output logic WFIStallM // Stall in Memory stage for WFI until interrupt or timeout
output logic wfiM, IntPendingM // Stall in Memory stage for WFI until interrupt pending or timeout
logic [3:0] CauseM; // trap cause
@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ module privileged (
logic [11:0] MIP_REGW, MIE_REGW; // interrupt pending and enable bits
logic [1:0] NextPrivilegeModeM; // next privilege mode based on trap or return
logic DelegateM; // trap should be delegated
logic wfiM; // wait for interrupt instruction
logic IntPendingM; // interrupt is pending, even if not enabled. ends wfi
logic InterruptM; // interrupt occuring
logic ExceptionM; // Memory stage instruction caused a fault
@ -156,7 +154,7 @@ module privileged (
.mretM, .sretM, .PrivilegeModeW,
.InstrValidM, .CommittedM, .CommittedF,
.TrapM, .RetM, .wfiM, .InterruptM, .ExceptionM, .IntPendingM, .DelegateM, .WFIStallM, .CauseM);
.TrapM, .RetM, .wfiM, .InterruptM, .ExceptionM, .IntPendingM, .DelegateM, .CauseM);
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ module trap (
output logic ExceptionM, // exception is occurring
output logic IntPendingM, // Interrupt is pending, might occur if enabled
output logic DelegateM, // Delegate trap to supervisor handler
output logic WFIStallM, // Stall due to WFI instruction
output logic [3:0] CauseM // trap cause
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@ module trap (
assign InterruptM = (|ValidIntsM) & InstrValidM; // suppress interrupt if the memory system has partially processed a request.
assign DelegateM = `S_SUPPORTED & (InterruptM ? MIDELEG_REGW[CauseM] : MEDELEG_REGW[CauseM]) &
(PrivilegeModeW == `U_MODE | PrivilegeModeW == `S_MODE);
assign WFIStallM = wfiM & ~IntPendingM;
// Trigger Traps and RET
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ module wallypipelinedcore (
logic [1:0] PrivilegeModeW;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PTE;
logic [1:0] PageType;
logic sfencevmaM, WFIStallM;
logic sfencevmaM;
logic SelHPTW;
// PMA checker signals
@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ module wallypipelinedcore (
logic CommittedF;
logic BranchD, BranchE, JumpD, JumpE;
logic DCacheStallM, ICacheStallF;
logic wfiM, IntPendingM;
// instruction fetch unit: PC, branch prediction, instruction cache
ifu ifu(.clk, .reset,
.StallF, .StallD, .StallE, .StallM, .StallW, .FlushD, .FlushE, .FlushM, .FlushW,
@ -265,7 +266,7 @@ module wallypipelinedcore (
.FCvtIntStallD, .FPUStallD,
.DivBusyE, .FDivBusyE,
.EcallFaultM, .BreakpointFaultM,
.wfiM, .IntPendingM,
// Stall & flush outputs
.StallF, .StallD, .StallE, .StallM, .StallW,
.FlushD, .FlushE, .FlushM, .FlushW);
@ -292,13 +293,14 @@ module wallypipelinedcore (
.PrivilegeModeW, .SATP_REGW,
.FRM_REGW,.BreakpointFaultM, .EcallFaultM, .WFIStallM, .BigEndianM);
.FRM_REGW,.BreakpointFaultM, .EcallFaultM, .wfiM, .IntPendingM, .BigEndianM);
end else begin
assign CSRReadValW = 0;
assign UnalignedPCNextF = PC2NextF;
assign RetM = 0;
assign TrapM = 0;
assign WFIStallM = 0;
assign wfiM = 0;
assign IntPendingM = 0;
assign sfencevmaM = 0;
assign BigEndianM = 0;
@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ module wallyTracer(rvviTrace rvvi);
CSRArray[12'h143] = testbench.dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.STVAL_REGW;
CSRArray[12'h142] = testbench.dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.SCAUSE_REGW;
CSRArray[12'h144] = testbench.dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MIP_REGW & & 12'h222 & testbench.dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MIDELEG_REGW;
CSRArray[12'h14D] = testbench.dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.STIMECMP_REGW;
// user CSRs
CSRArray[12'h001] = testbench.dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csru.csru.FFLAGS_REGW;
CSRArray[12'h002] = testbench.dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csru.csru.FRM_REGW;
@ -211,6 +212,7 @@ module wallyTracer(rvviTrace rvvi);
CSRArray[12'h143] = CSRArrayOld[12'h143];
CSRArray[12'h142] = CSRArrayOld[12'h142];
CSRArray[12'h144] = CSRArrayOld[12'h144];
CSRArray[12'h14D] = CSRArrayOld[12'h14D];
// user CSRs
CSRArray[12'h001] = CSRArrayOld[12'h001];
CSRArray[12'h002] = CSRArrayOld[12'h002];
@ -329,6 +331,7 @@ module wallyTracer(rvviTrace rvvi);
CSRArrayOld[12'h143] = CSRArray[12'h143];
CSRArrayOld[12'h142] = CSRArray[12'h142];
CSRArrayOld[12'h144] = CSRArray[12'h144];
CSRArrayOld[12'h14D] = CSRArray[12'h14D];
// user CSRs
CSRArrayOld[12'h001] = CSRArray[12'h001];
CSRArrayOld[12'h002] = CSRArray[12'h002];
@ -376,6 +379,7 @@ module wallyTracer(rvviTrace rvvi);
assign #2 CSR_W[12'h143] = (CSRArrayOld[12'h143] != CSRArray[12'h143]) ? 1 : 0;
assign #2 CSR_W[12'h142] = (CSRArrayOld[12'h142] != CSRArray[12'h142]) ? 1 : 0;
assign #2 CSR_W[12'h144] = (CSRArrayOld[12'h144] != CSRArray[12'h144]) ? 1 : 0;
assign #2 CSR_W[12'h14D] = (CSRArrayOld[12'h14D] != CSRArray[12'h14D]) ? 1 : 0;
assign #2 CSR_W[12'h001] = (CSRArrayOld[12'h001] != CSRArray[12'h001]) ? 1 : 0;
assign #2 CSR_W[12'h002] = (CSRArrayOld[12'h002] != CSRArray[12'h002]) ? 1 : 0;
assign #2 CSR_W[12'h003] = (CSRArrayOld[12'h003] != CSRArray[12'h003]) ? 1 : 0;
@ -412,6 +416,7 @@ module wallyTracer(rvviTrace rvvi);
assign rvvi.csr_wb[0][0][12'h143] = CSR_W[12'h143];
assign rvvi.csr_wb[0][0][12'h142] = CSR_W[12'h142];
assign rvvi.csr_wb[0][0][12'h144] = CSR_W[12'h144];
assign rvvi.csr_wb[0][0][12'h14D] = CSR_W[12'h14D];
assign rvvi.csr_wb[0][0][12'h001] = CSR_W[12'h001];
assign rvvi.csr_wb[0][0][12'h002] = CSR_W[12'h002];
assign rvvi.csr_wb[0][0][12'h003] = CSR_W[12'h003];
@ -448,6 +453,7 @@ module wallyTracer(rvviTrace rvvi);
assign rvvi.csr[0][0][12'h143] = CSRArray[12'h143];
assign rvvi.csr[0][0][12'h142] = CSRArray[12'h142];
assign rvvi.csr[0][0][12'h144] = CSRArray[12'h144];
assign rvvi.csr[0][0][12'h14D] = CSRArray[12'h14D];
assign rvvi.csr[0][0][12'h001] = CSRArray[12'h001];
assign rvvi.csr[0][0][12'h002] = CSRArray[12'h002];
assign rvvi.csr[0][0][12'h003] = CSRArray[12'h003];
@ -413,10 +413,11 @@ module testbench;
always @(dut.core.MTimerInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("MTimerInterrupt", dut.core.MTimerInt));
always @(dut.core.MExtInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("MExternalInterrupt", dut.core.MExtInt));
always @(dut.core.SExtInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("SExternalInterrupt", dut.core.SExtInt));
always @(dut.core.MSwInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("MSWInterrupt", dut.core.MSwInt));
always @(dut.core.MTimerInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("MTimerInterrupt", dut.core.MTimerInt));
always @(dut.core.MExtInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("MExternalInterrupt", dut.core.MExtInt));
always @(dut.core.SExtInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("SExternalInterrupt", dut.core.SExtInt));
always @(dut.core.MSwInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("MSWInterrupt", dut.core.MSwInt));
always @(dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.STimerInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("STimerInterrupt", dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.STimerInt));
final begin
@ -198,10 +198,12 @@ module testbench;
always @(dut.core.MTimerInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("MTimerInterrupt", dut.core.MTimerInt));
always @(dut.core.MExtInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("MExternalInterrupt", dut.core.MExtInt));
always @(dut.core.SExtInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("SExternalInterrupt", dut.core.SExtInt));
always @(dut.core.MSwInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("MSWInterrupt", dut.core.MSwInt));
always @(dut.core.MTimerInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("MTimerInterrupt", dut.core.MTimerInt));
always @(dut.core.MExtInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("MExternalInterrupt", dut.core.MExtInt));
always @(dut.core.SExtInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("SExternalInterrupt", dut.core.SExtInt));
always @(dut.core.MSwInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("MSWInterrupt", dut.core.MSwInt));
always @(dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.STimerInt) void'(rvvi.net_push("STimerInterrupt", dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.STimerInt));
final begin
@ -57,6 +57,23 @@ main:
fcvt.l.q a0, ft3
fcvt.lu.q a0, ft3
// Tests verfying that half and quad floating point convertion instructions are not supported by rv64gc
# fcvt.h.d ft3, ft0 // Somehow this instruction is taking the route on line 124
// idea: enable the Q extension for this to work properly? A: Q and halfs not supported in rv64gc
# fcvt.h.w ft3, a0
# fcvt.w.h a0, ft0
# fcvt.q.w ft3, a0
# fcvt.w.q a0, ft0
# fcvt.q.d ft3, ft0
.word 0x38007553 // Testing the all False case for 119 - funct7 under, op = 101 0011
.word 0x40000053 // Line 145 All False Test case - illegal instruction?
.word 0xd0400053 // Line 156 All False Test case - illegal instruction?
.word 0xc0400053 // Line 162 All False Test case - illegal instruction?
.word 0xd2400053 // Line 168 All False Test case - illegal instruction?
.word 0xc2400053 // Line 174 All False Test case - illegal instruction?
# Test illegal instructions are detected
.word 0x00000007 // illegal floating-point load (bad Funct3)
.word 0x00000027 // illegal floating-point store (bad Funct3)
@ -28,6 +28,11 @@
# Division test (having trouble with buildroot)
li x11, 0x384000
li x12, 0x1c2000
divuw x9, x11, x12
# Test clz with all bits being 0
li t0, 0
clz t1, t0
@ -61,5 +66,6 @@ main:
.word 0x6080101B // Illegal BMU similar to count word
.word 0x6030101B // Illegal BMU similar to count word
j done
@ -32,9 +32,23 @@ main:
csrs mstatus, t0
# calling compressed floating point load double instruction
//.halfword 0x2000 // CL type compressed floating-point ld-->funct3,imm,rs1',imm,rd',op
//.hword 0x2000 // CL type compressed floating-point ld-->funct3,imm,rs1',imm,rd',op
// binary version 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000
mv s0, sp
c.fld fs0, 0(s0)
c.fsd fs0, 0(s0)
// c.fldsp fs0, 0
.hword 0x2002
// c.fsdsp fs0, 0
.hword 0xA002
//# Illegal compressed instruction with op = 01, instr[15:10] = 100111, and 0's everywhere else
//.hword 0x9C01
# Line Illegal compressed instruction
.hword 0x9C41
j done
@ -36,11 +36,79 @@ main:
addi t0, zero, 0
csrr t0, stimecmp
# satp write with mstatus.TVM = 1
bseti t0, zero, 20
csrs mstatus, t0
csrw satp, zero
# STIMECMP from S mode
li t0, 1
ecall # enter S-mode
csrw stimecmp, zero
li t0, 3
ecall # return to M-mode
csrsi mcounteren, 2 # mcounteren_tm = 1
li t0, 1
ecall # supervisor mode again
csrw stimecmp, zero
li t0, 3
ecall # machine mode again
# Test write to STVAL, SCAUSE, SEPC, and STIMECMP CSRs
li t0, 0
csrw stval, t0
csrw scause, t0
csrw sepc, t0
csrw stimecmp, t0
csrw scounteren, zero
csrw satp, zero
# Switch to machine mode
li a0, 3
# Testing the HPMCOUNTERM performance counter: writing
# Base address is 2816 (MHPMCOUNTERBASE)
# There are 32 HPMCOUNTER registers
csrw 2816, t0
csrw 2817, t0
csrw 2818, t0
csrw 2819, t0
csrw 2820, t0
csrw 2821, t0
csrw 2822, t0
csrw 2823, t0
csrw 2824, t0
csrw 2825, t0
csrw 2826, t0
csrw 2827, t0
csrw 2828, t0
csrw 2829, t0
csrw 2830, t0
csrw 2831, t0
csrw 2832, t0
csrw 2833, t0
csrw 2834, t0
csrw 2835, t0
csrw 2836, t0
csrw 2837, t0
csrw 2838, t0
csrw 2839, t0
csrw 2840, t0
csrw 2841, t0
csrw 2842, t0
csrw 2843, t0
csrw 2844, t0
csrw 2845, t0
csrw 2846, t0
csrw 2847, t0
# Testing the HPMCOUNTERM performance counter: reading
csrr t0, 2817
j done
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