This commit is contained in:
Rose Thompson 2024-05-10 08:54:23 -05:00
commit ceb31fec68
9 changed files with 77 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ tests = [
["rv32i", ["arch32i"]],
["rv32imc", ["arch32i", "arch32c", "arch32m", "wally32periph"]],
["rv32gc", ["arch32f", "arch32d", "arch32f_fma", "arch32d_fma", "arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt",
"arch32i", "arch32priv", "arch32c", "arch32m", "arch32a", "arch32zifencei", "arch32zicond",
"arch32i", "arch32priv", "arch32c", "arch32m", "arch32a_amo", "arch32zifencei", "arch32zicond",
"arch32zba", "arch32zbb", "arch32zbc", "arch32zbs", "arch32zfh", "arch32zfh_fma",
"arch32zfh_divsqrt", "arch32zfaf", "arch32zfad", "wally32a", "wally32priv", "wally32periph", "arch32zcb",
"arch32zfh_divsqrt", "arch32zfaf", "arch32zfad", "wally32a_lrsc", "wally32priv", "wally32periph", "arch32zcb",
"arch32zbkb", "arch32zbkc", "arch32zbkx", "arch32zknd", "arch32zkne", "arch32zknh"]],
["rv64i", ["arch64i"]]
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tests_buildrootboot = [
# Separate out floating-point tests for RV64 to speed up coverage
tests64gc_nofp = [
["rv64gc", ["coverage64gc", "arch64i", "arch64priv", "arch64c", "arch64m", "arch64zcb",
"arch64zifencei", "arch64zicond", "arch64a", "wally64a", "wally64periph", "wally64priv",
"arch64zifencei", "arch64zicond", "arch64a_amo", "wally64a_lrsc", "wally64periph", "wally64priv",
"arch64zbkb", "arch64zbkc", "arch64zbkx", "arch64zknd", "arch64zkne", "arch64zknh",
"arch64zba", "arch64zbb", "arch64zbc", "arch64zbs"]] # add when working: "arch64zicboz"
@ -93,6 +93,12 @@ derivconfigtests = [
["nodcache_rv64gc", ["ahb64"]],
["nocache_rv64gc", ["ahb64"]],
# Atomic variatnts
["zaamo_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64a_amo"]],
["zalrsc_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "wally64a_lrsc"]],
["zaamo_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32a_amo"]],
["zalrsc_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "wally32a_lrsc"]],
### add misaligned tests
# fp/int divider permutations

View File

@ -54,10 +54,7 @@ for d in ["logs", "wkdir", "cov"]:
cd = "cd $WALLY/sim/" +args.sim
if (args.sim == "questa"):
if (args.tb == "testbench_fp"):
args.args = " -GTEST=" + args.testsuite + " " + args.args
# cmd = "do " + args.config + " " + args.testsuite + " " + args.tb + " " + " -GTEST=" + args.testsuite + " " + args.args
# else:
# cmd = "do " + args.config + " " + args.testsuite + " " + args.tb + " " + args.args
args.args = " -GTEST=\"" + args.testsuite + "\" " + args.args
cmd = "do " + args.config + " " + args.testsuite + " " + args.tb + " " + args.args
if (args.coverage):
cmd += " -coverage"
@ -76,7 +73,7 @@ elif (args.sim == "verilator"):
if (args.gui):
print("GUI option not available for Verilator")
os.system(f"/usr/bin/make -C {regressionDir}/verilator WALLYCONF={args.config} TEST={args.testsuite} EXTRA_ARGS='{args.args}'")
os.system(f"/usr/bin/make -C {regressionDir}/verilator WALLYCONF={args.config} TEST={args.testsuite} TESTBENCH={args.tb} EXTRA_ARGS='{args.args}'")
elif (args.sim == "vcs"):
print(f"Running VCS on " + args.config + " " + args.testsuite)
if (args.gui):

View File

@ -511,6 +511,22 @@ BIGENDIAN_SUPPORTED 0
deriv nobigendian_rv64gc rv64gc
deriv zaamo_rv32gc rv32gc
MISA (32'h00000104 | 1 << 20 | 1 << 18 | 1 << 12 | 1 <<3 | 1 << 5);
deriv zalrsc_rv32gc rv32gc
MISA (32'h00000104 | 1 << 20 | 1 << 18 | 1 << 12 | 1 <<3 | 1 << 5);
deriv zaamo_rv64gc rv64gc
MISA (32'h00000104 | 1 << 20 | 1 << 18 | 1 << 12 | 1 <<3 | 1 << 5);
deriv zalrsc_rv64gc rv64gc
MISA (32'h00000104 | 1 << 20 | 1 << 18 | 1 << 12 | 1 <<3 | 1 << 5);
# Floating-point modes supported
deriv f_rv32gc rv32gc

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ ENTRY(rvtest_entry_point)
. = 0x80000000;
.text : { *(.text.init) }
.text : { *(.text.init) *(.text) }
. = ALIGN(0x1000);
.tohost : { *(.tohost) }
. = ALIGN(0x1000);

View File

@ -16,11 +16,7 @@
# sqrt - test square root
# all - test everything
#vsim -c -do "do fdqh_ieee_rv64gc $1"
verilator -GTEST="\"all\"" -GTEST_SIZE="\"all\"" --timescale "1ns/1ns" --timing --binary --top-module testbenchfp "-I../config/shared" "-I../config/deriv/fdqh_ieee_rv64gc" ../src/ ../testbench/ ../src/fpu/*.sv ../src/fpu/*/*.sv ../src/generic/*.sv ../src/generic/flop/*.sv --relative-includes
#vlog +incdir+../config/deriv/$1 +incdir+../config/$1 +incdir+../config/shared ../src/ ../testbench/ ../src/fpu/*.sv ../src/fpu/*/*.sv ../src/generic/*.sv ../src/generic/flop/*.sv -suppress 2583,7063,8607,2697
wsim fdqh_ieee_rv64gc add --tb testbench_fp --sim verilator
# Change TEST_SIZE to only test certain FP width
# values are QP, DP, SP, HP or all for all tests

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ EXTRA_ARGS=
# constants
# assume WALLY variable is correctly configured in the shell environment
@ -24,47 +25,60 @@ TARGET=$(WORKING_DIR)/target
# INCLUDE_PATH are pathes that Verilator should search for files it needs
INCLUDE_PATH="-I${WALLY}/config/shared" "-I${WALLY}/config/$(WALLYCONF)" "-I${WALLY}/config/deriv/$(WALLYCONF)"
# SOURCES are source files
SOURCES=${WALLY}/src/ ${WALLY}/testbench/ ${WALLY}/testbench/common/*.sv ${WALLY}/src/*/*.sv ${WALLY}/src/*/*/*.sv
SOURCES=${WALLY}/src/ ${WALLY}/testbench/${TESTBENCH}.sv ${WALLY}/testbench/common/*.sv ${WALLY}/src/*/*.sv ${WALLY}/src/*/*/*.sv
# DEPENDENCIES are configuration files and source files, which leads to recompilation of executables
DEPENDENCIES=${WALLY}/config/shared/*.vh $(SOURCES)
# regular testbench requires a wrapper defining getenvval
ifeq ($(TESTBENCH), testbench)
default: run
run: wkdir/$(WALLYCONF)_$(TEST)/Vtestbench
mkdir -p $(VERILATOR_DIR)/logs
wkdir/$(WALLYCONF)_$(TEST)/Vtestbench +TEST=$(TEST)
profile: obj_dir_profiling/Vtestbench_$(WALLYCONF)
$(VERILATOR_DIR)/obj_dir_profiling/Vtestbench_$(WALLYCONF) +TEST=$(TEST)
profile: obj_dir_profiling/V${TESTBENCH}_$(WALLYCONF)
mv gmon.out gmon_$(WALLYCONF).out
gprof $(VERILATOR_DIR)/obj_dir_profiling/Vtestbench_$(WALLYCONF) gmon_$(WALLYCONF).out > gmon_$(WALLYCONF).log
gprof $(VERILATOR_DIR)/obj_dir_profiling/V${TESTBENCH}_$(WALLYCONF) gmon_$(WALLYCONF).out > gmon_$(WALLYCONF).log
verilator_profcfunc gmon_$(WALLYCONF).log > gmon_$(WALLYCONF).log2
mkdir -p $(VERILATOR_DIR)/logs_profiling
mv gmon_$(WALLYCONF)* $(VERILATOR_DIR)/logs_profiling
echo "Please check $(VERILATOR_DIR)/logs_profiling/gmon_$(WALLYCONF)* for logs and output files."
wkdir/$(WALLYCONF)_$(TEST)/Vtestbench: $(DEPENDENCIES)
mkdir -p wkdir/$(WALLYCONF)_$(TEST)
verilator \
--Mdir wkdir/$(WALLYCONF)_$(TEST) -o Vtestbench \
--Mdir wkdir/$(WALLYCONF)_$(TEST) -o V${TESTBENCH} \
--binary --trace \
--top-module testbench --relative-includes \
--top-module ${TESTBENCH} --relative-includes \
${WALLY}/sim/verilator/wrapper.c \
${GTEST} \
obj_dir_profiling/Vtestbench_$(WALLYCONF): $(DEPENDENCIES)
mkdir -p obj_dir_profiling
verilator \
--Mdir obj_dir_profiling -o Vtestbench_$(WALLYCONF) \
--Mdir obj_dir_profiling -o V${TESTBENCH}_$(WALLYCONF) \
--binary \
--prof-cfuncs $(OPT) $(PARAMS) \
--top-module testbench --relative-includes \
--top-module ${TESTBENCH} --relative-includes \
${WALLY}/sim/verilator/wrapper.c \
${GTEST} \

View File

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ module testbench;
if (P.ZICSR_SUPPORTED) tests = {arch64c, arch64cpriv};
else tests = {arch64c};
"arch64m": if (P.M_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64m;
"arch64a": if (P.A_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64a;
"arch64a_amo": if (P.A_SUPPORTED | P.ZAAMO_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64a_amo;
"arch64f": if (P.F_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64f;
"arch64d": if (P.D_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64d;
"arch64f_fma": if (P.F_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64f_fma;
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ module testbench;
"imperas64d": if (P.D_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas64d;
"imperas64m": if (P.M_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas64m;
"wally64q": if (P.Q_SUPPORTED) tests = wally64q;
"wally64a": if (P.A_SUPPORTED) tests = wally64a;
"wally64a_lrsc": if (P.A_SUPPORTED | P.ZALRSC_SUPPORTED) tests = wally64a_lrsc;
"imperas64c": if (P.C_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas64c;
else tests = imperas64iNOc;
"custom": tests = custom;
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ module testbench;
if (P.ZICSR_SUPPORTED) tests = {arch32c, arch32cpriv};
else tests = {arch32c};
"arch32m": if (P.M_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32m;
"arch32a": if (P.A_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32a;
"arch32a_amo": if (P.A_SUPPORTED | P.ZAAMO_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32a_amo;
"arch32f": if (P.F_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32f;
"arch32d": if (P.D_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32d;
"arch32f_fma": if (P.F_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32f_fma;
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ module testbench;
"imperas32i": tests = imperas32i;
"imperas32f": if (P.F_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas32f;
"imperas32m": if (P.M_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas32m;
"wally32a": if (P.A_SUPPORTED) tests = wally32a;
"wally32a_lrsc": if (P.A_SUPPORTED | P.ZALRSC_SUPPORTED) tests = wally32a_lrsc;
"imperas32c": if (P.C_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas32c;
else tests = imperas32iNOc;
"wally32i": tests = wally32i;

View File

@ -51,16 +51,16 @@ module testbench_fp;
logic [31:0] errors=0; // how many errors
logic [31:0] VectorNum=0; // index for test vector
logic [31:0] FrmNum=0; // index for rounding mode
logic [P.FLEN*4+7:0] TestVectors[MAXVECTORS-1:0]; // list of test vectors
logic [P.Q_LEN*4+7:0] TestVectors[MAXVECTORS-1:0]; // list of test vectors
logic [1:0] FmtVal; // value of the current Fmt
logic [2:0] UnitVal, OpCtrlVal, FrmVal; // value of the currnet Unit/OpCtrl/FrmVal
logic WriteIntVal; // value of the current WriteInt
logic [P.FLEN-1:0] X, Y, Z; // inputs read from TestFloat
logic [P.Q_LEN-1:0] X, Y, Z; // inputs read from TestFloat
logic [P.FLEN-1:0] XPostBox; // inputs read from TestFloat
logic [P.XLEN-1:0] SrcA; // integer input
logic [P.FLEN-1:0] Ans; // correct answer from TestFloat
logic [P.FLEN-1:0] Res; // result from other units
logic [P.Q_LEN-1:0] Ans; // correct answer from TestFloat
logic [P.Q_LEN-1:0] Res; // result from other units
logic [4:0] AnsFlg; // correct flags read from testfloat
logic [4:0] ResFlg, Flg; // Result flags
logic [P.FMTBITS-1:0] ModFmt; // format - 10 = half, 00 = single, 01 = double, 11 = quad
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ module testbench_fp;
if (TEST === "cmp" | TEST === "all") begin: fcmp
fcmp #(P) fcmp (.Fmt(ModFmt), .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .Zfa(1'b0), .Xs, .Ys, .Xe, .Ye,
.Xm, .Ym, .XZero, .YZero, .CmpIntRes(CmpRes),
.XNaN, .YNaN, .XSNaN, .YSNaN, .X, .Y, .CmpNV(CmpFlg[4]), .CmpFpRes(FpCmpRes));
.XNaN, .YNaN, .XSNaN, .YSNaN, .X(X[P.FLEN-1:0]), .Y(Y[P.FLEN-1:0]), .CmpNV(CmpFlg[4]), .CmpFpRes(FpCmpRes));
if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "sqrt" | TEST === "all") begin: fdivsqrt
@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ module testbench_fp;
errors += 1;
$display("\nError in %s", Tests[TestNum]);
$display("TestNum %d OpCtrl %d", TestNum, OpCtrl[TestNum]);
$display("inputs: %h %h %h\nSrcA: %h\n Res: %h %h\n Expected: %h %h", X, Y, Z, SrcA, Res, ResFlg, Ans, AnsFlg);
$display("inputs: %h %h %h\nSrcA: %h\n Res: %h %h\n Expected: %h %h", X[P.FLEN-1:0], Y[P.FLEN-1:0], Z[P.FLEN-1:0], SrcA, Res[P.FLEN-1:0], ResFlg, Ans[P.FLEN-1:0], AnsFlg);
@ -1012,14 +1012,14 @@ endmodule
module readvectors import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (
input logic clk,
input logic [P.FLEN*4+7:0] TestVector,
input logic [P.Q_LEN*4+7:0] TestVector,
input logic [P.FMTBITS-1:0] ModFmt,
input logic [1:0] Fmt,
input logic [2:0] Unit,
input logic [31:0] VectorNum,
input logic [31:0] TestNum,
input logic [2:0] OpCtrl,
output logic [P.FLEN-1:0] Ans,
output logic [P.Q_LEN-1:0] Ans,
output logic [P.XLEN-1:0] SrcA,
output logic [4:0] AnsFlg,
output logic Xs, Ys, Zs, // sign bits of XYZ
@ -1031,7 +1031,8 @@ module readvectors import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (
output logic XZero, YZero, ZZero, // is XYZ zero
output logic XInf, YInf, ZInf, // is XYZ infinity
output logic XExpMax,
output logic [P.FLEN-1:0] X, Y, Z, XPostBox
output logic [P.Q_LEN-1:0] X, Y, Z,
output logic [P.FLEN-1:0] XPostBox
localparam Q_LEN = 32'd128;
@ -1048,7 +1049,7 @@ module readvectors import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (
case (Unit)
case (Fmt)
2'b11: begin // quad
2'b11: if (P.Q_SUPPORTED) begin // quad
if (OpCtrl === `FMA_OPCTRL) begin
X = TestVector[8+4*(P.Q_LEN)-1:8+3*(P.Q_LEN)];
Y = TestVector[8+3*(P.Q_LEN)-1:8+2*(P.Q_LEN)];
@ -1371,7 +1372,7 @@ module readvectors import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (
assign ZEn = (Unit == `FMAUNIT);
assign FPUActive = 1'b1;
unpack #(P) unpack(.X, .Y, .Z, .Fmt(ModFmt), .FPUActive, .Xs, .Ys, .Zs, .Xe, .Ye, .Ze,
unpack #(P) unpack(.X(X[P.FLEN-1:0]), .Y(Y[P.FLEN-1:0]), .Z(Z[P.FLEN-1:0]), .Fmt(ModFmt), .FPUActive, .Xs, .Ys, .Zs, .Xe, .Ye, .Ze,
.Xm, .Ym, .Zm, .XNaN, .YNaN, .ZNaN, .XSNaN, .YSNaN, .ZSNaN,
.XSubnorm, .XZero, .YZero, .ZZero, .XInf, .YInf, .ZInf,
.XEn, .YEn, .ZEn, .XExpMax, .XPostBox);

View File

@ -927,12 +927,12 @@ string imperas32f[] = '{
string wally64a[] = '{
string wally64a_lrsc[] = '{
string wally32a[] = '{
string wally32a_lrsc[] = '{
@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ string imperas32f[] = '{
string arch32a[] = '{
string arch32a_amo[] = '{
@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ string imperas32f[] = '{
string arch64a[] = '{
string arch64a_amo[] = '{