Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into main

This commit is contained in:
Kip Macsai-Goren 2023-02-23 13:33:45 -08:00
commit cb3990c77d
4 changed files with 107 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -124,8 +124,9 @@ def ProcessFile(fileName):
benchmarks.append((testName, opt, HPMClist))
return benchmarks
def ComputeAverage(benchmarks):
def ComputeArithmeticAverage(benchmarks):
average = {}
index = 0
for (testName, opt, HPMClist) in benchmarks:
for field in HPMClist:
value = HPMClist[field]
@ -133,17 +134,40 @@ def ComputeAverage(benchmarks):
average[field] = value
average[field] += value
index += 1
benchmarks.append(('All', '', average))
def FormatToPlot(currBenchmark):
names = []
values = []
for config in currBenchmark:
print ('config' , config)
#print ('config' , config)
return (names, values)
def GeometricAverage(benchmarks, field):
Product = 1
index = 0
for (testName, opt, HPMCList) in benchmarks:
Product *= HPMCList[field]
index += 1
return Product ** (1.0/index)
def ComputeGeometricAverage(benchmarks):
fields = ['BDMR', 'BTMR', 'RASMPR', 'ClassMPR', 'ICacheMR', 'DCacheMR']
AllAve = {}
for field in fields:
Product = 1
index = 0
for (testName, opt, HPMCList) in benchmarks:
Product *= HPMCList[field]
index += 1
AllAve[field] = Product ** (1.0/index)
benchmarks.append(('All', '', AllAve))
if(sys.argv[1] == '-b'):
configList = []
summery = 0
@ -152,22 +176,24 @@ if(sys.argv[1] == '-b'):
sys.argv = sys.argv[1::]
for config in sys.argv[2::]:
benchmarks = ProcessFile(config)
#print('CONFIG: %s GEO MEAN: %f' % (config, GeometricAverage(benchmarks, 'BDMR')))
configList.append((config.split('.')[0], benchmarks))
# Merge all configruations into a single list
benchmarkAll = []
for (config, benchmarks) in configList:
for benchmark in benchmarks:
(nameString, opt, dataDict) = benchmark
benchmarkAll.append((nameString, opt, config, dataDict))
#for bench in benchmarkAll:
# print('BENCHMARK')
# print(bench)
@ -186,7 +212,7 @@ if(sys.argv[1] == '-b'):
size = len(benchmarkDict)
index = 1
if(summery == 0):
print('Number of plots', size)
#print('Number of plots', size)
for benchmarkName in benchmarkDict:
currBenchmark = benchmarkDict[benchmarkName]
(names, values) = FormatToPlot(currBenchmark)
@ -223,7 +249,7 @@ if(sys.argv[1] == '-b'):
for cat in dct:
(x, y) = dct[cat]
plt.scatter(x, y, label=cat)
plt.scatter(x, y, label='k')
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.ylabel('Prediction Accuracy')
plt.xlabel('Size (b or k)')

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@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ module bpred (
logic [1:0] DirPredictionF;
logic [3:0] BTBPredInstrClassF, PredInstrClassF, PredInstrClassD;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PredPCF, RASPCF;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] BTAF, RASPCF;
logic PredictionPCWrongE;
logic AnyWrongPredInstrClassD, AnyWrongPredInstrClassE;
logic [3:0] InstrClassD;
logic [3:0] InstrClassE;
logic DirPredictionWrongE, BTBPredPCWrongE, RASPredPCWrongE;
logic DirPredictionWrongE;
logic SelBPPredF;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] BPPredPCF;
@ -88,9 +88,8 @@ module bpred (
logic BTBTargetWrongE;
logic RASTargetWrongE;
logic JumpOrTakenBranchE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PredPCD, PredPCE, RASPCD, RASPCE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] BTAD;
// Part 1 branch direction prediction
// look into the 2 port Sram model. something is wrong.
@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ module bpred (
btb #(`BTB_SIZE)
TargetPredictor(.clk, .reset, .StallF, .StallD, .StallE, .StallM, .StallW, .FlushD, .FlushE, .FlushM, .FlushW,
.PCNextF, .PCF, .PCD, .PCE, .PCM,
@ -150,25 +149,28 @@ module bpred (
// the branch predictor needs a compact decoding of the instruction class.
if (`INSTR_CLASS_PRED == 0) begin : DirectClassDecode
logic [4:0] CompressedOpcF;
logic [3:0] InstrClassF;
logic cjal, cj, cjr, cjalr, CJumpF, CBranchF;
logic JumpF, BranchF;
if(`C_SUPPORTED) begin
logic [4:0] CompressedOpcF;
assign CompressedOpcF = {PostSpillInstrRawF[1:0], PostSpillInstrRawF[15:13]};
assign cjal = CompressedOpcF == 5'h09 & `XLEN == 32;
assign cj = CompressedOpcF == 5'h0d;
assign cjr = CompressedOpcF == 5'h14 & ~PostSpillInstrRawF[12] & PostSpillInstrRawF[6:2] == 5'b0 & PostSpillInstrRawF[11:7] != 5'b0;
assign cjalr = CompressedOpcF == 5'h14 & PostSpillInstrRawF[12] & PostSpillInstrRawF[6:2] == 5'b0 & PostSpillInstrRawF[11:7] != 5'b0;
assign CJumpF = cjal | cj | cjr | cjalr;
assign CBranchF = CompressedOpcF[4:1] == 4'h7;
end else begin
assign {cjal, cj, cjr, cjalr, CJumpF, CBranchF} = '0;
assign JumpF = PostSpillInstrRawF[6:0] == 7'h67 | PostSpillInstrRawF[6:0] == 7'h6F;
assign BranchF = PostSpillInstrRawF[6:0] == 7'h63;
assign InstrClassF[0] = BranchF | (`C_SUPPORTED & CBranchF);
assign InstrClassF[1] = JumpF | (`C_SUPPORTED & (cjal | cj | cj | cjalr));
assign InstrClassF[1] = JumpF | (`C_SUPPORTED & (CJumpF));
assign InstrClassF[2] = (JumpF & (PostSpillInstrRawF[19:15] & 5'h1B) == 5'h01) | // return must return to ra or r5
(`C_SUPPORTED & (cjalr | cjr) & ((PostSpillInstrRawF[11:7] & 5'h1B) == 5'h01));
@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ module bpred (
.PredInstrClassF, .InstrClassD, .InstrClassE,
.WrongPredInstrClassD, .RASPCF, .PCLinkE);
assign BPPredPCF = PredInstrClassF[2] ? RASPCF : PredPCF;
assign BPPredPCF = PredInstrClassF[2] ? RASPCF : BTAF;
assign InstrClassD[0] = BranchD;
assign InstrClassD[1] = JumpD ;
@ -201,9 +203,7 @@ module bpred (
flopenrc #(1) BPPredWrongMReg(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, BPPredWrongE, BPPredWrongM);
// branch predictor
flopenrc #(4) BPPredWrongRegM(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM,
{DirPredictionWrongE, BTBPredPCWrongE, RASPredPCWrongE, AnyWrongPredInstrClassE},
{DirPredictionWrongM, BTBPredPCWrongM, RASPredPCWrongM, PredictionInstrClassWrongM});
flopenrc #(1) BPClassWrongRegM(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, AnyWrongPredInstrClassE, PredictionInstrClassWrongM);
// pipeline the class
flopenrc #(4) PredInstrClassRegD(clk, reset, FlushD, ~StallD, PredInstrClassF, PredInstrClassD);
@ -243,27 +243,37 @@ module bpred (
if(`INSTR_CLASS_PRED) mux2 #(`XLEN) pcmuxBPWrongInvalidateFlush(PCE, PCF, BPPredWrongM, NextValidPCE);
else assign NextValidPCE = PCE;
logic JumpOrTakenBranchE;
logic BTBPredPCWrongE, RASPredPCWrongE;
// performance counters
// 1. class (class wrong / minstret) (PredictionInstrClassWrongM / csr) // Correct now
// 2. target btb (btb target wrong / class[0,1,3]) (btb target wrong / (br + j + jal)
// 3. target ras (ras target wrong / class[2])
// 4. direction (br dir wrong / class[0])
// Unforuantely we can't relay on PCD to infer the correctness of the BTB or RAS because the class prediction
// Unforuantely we can't use PCD to infer the correctness of the BTB or RAS because the class prediction
// could be wrong or the fall through address selected for branch predict not taken.
// By pipeline the BTB's PC and RAS address through the pipeline we can measure the accuracy of
// both without the above inaccuracies.
assign BTBPredPCWrongE = (PredPCE != IEUAdrE) & (InstrClassE[0] | InstrClassE[1] & ~InstrClassE[2]) & PCSrcE;
assign BTBPredPCWrongE = (BTAE != IEUAdrE) & (InstrClassE[0] | InstrClassE[1] & ~InstrClassE[2]) & PCSrcE;
assign RASPredPCWrongE = (RASPCE != IEUAdrE) & InstrClassE[2] & PCSrcE;
assign JumpOrTakenBranchE = (InstrClassE[0] & PCSrcE) | InstrClassE[1];
flopenrc #(1) JumpOrTakenBranchMReg(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, JumpOrTakenBranchE, JumpOrTakenBranchM);
flopenrc #(`XLEN) BTBTargetDReg(clk, reset, FlushD, ~StallD, PredPCF, PredPCD);
flopenrc #(`XLEN) BTBTargetEReg(clk, reset, FlushE, ~StallE, PredPCD, PredPCE);
flopenrc #(`XLEN) BTBTargetEReg(clk, reset, FlushE, ~StallE, BTAD, BTAE);
flopenrc #(`XLEN) RASTargetDReg(clk, reset, FlushD, ~StallD, RASPCF, RASPCD);
flopenrc #(`XLEN) RASTargetEReg(clk, reset, FlushE, ~StallE, RASPCD, RASPCE);
flopenrc #(3) BPPredWrongRegM(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM,
{DirPredictionWrongE, BTBPredPCWrongE, RASPredPCWrongE},
{DirPredictionWrongM, BTBPredPCWrongM, RASPredPCWrongM});
end else begin
assign {BTBPredPCWrongM, RASPredPCWrongM, JumpOrTakenBranchM} = '0;

View File

@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ module btb #(parameter Depth = 10 ) (
input logic reset,
input logic StallF, StallD, StallE, StallM, StallW, FlushD, FlushE, FlushM, FlushW,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNextF, PCF, PCD, PCE, PCM, // PC at various stages
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PredPCF, // BTB's guess at PC
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] BTAF, // BTB's guess at PC
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] BTAD,
output logic [3:0] BTBPredInstrClassF, // BTB's guess at instruction class
// update
input logic PredictionInstrClassWrongM, // BTB's instruction class guess was wrong
@ -51,7 +52,6 @@ module btb #(parameter Depth = 10 ) (
logic MatchF, MatchD, MatchE, MatchM, MatchNextX, MatchXF;
logic [`XLEN+3:0] ForwardBTBPrediction, ForwardBTBPredictionF;
logic [`XLEN+3:0] TableBTBPredictionF;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PredPCD;
logic UpdateEn;
// hashing function for indexing the PC
@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ module btb #(parameter Depth = 10 ) (
flopenr #(1) MatchReg(clk, reset, ~StallF, MatchNextX, MatchXF);
assign ForwardBTBPrediction = MatchF ? {BTBPredInstrClassF, PredPCF} :
MatchD ? {InstrClassD, PredPCD} :
assign ForwardBTBPrediction = MatchF ? {BTBPredInstrClassF, BTAF} :
MatchD ? {InstrClassD, BTAD} :
MatchE ? {InstrClassE, IEUAdrE} :
{InstrClassM, IEUAdrM} ;
flopenr #(`XLEN+4) ForwardBTBPredicitonReg(clk, reset, ~StallF, ForwardBTBPrediction, ForwardBTBPredictionF);
assign {BTBPredInstrClassF, PredPCF} = MatchXF ? ForwardBTBPredictionF : {TableBTBPredictionF};
assign {BTBPredInstrClassF, BTAF} = MatchXF ? ForwardBTBPredictionF : {TableBTBPredictionF};
assign UpdateEn = |InstrClassM | PredictionInstrClassWrongM;
@ -95,6 +95,6 @@ module btb #(parameter Depth = 10 ) (
.clk, .ce1(~StallF | reset), .ra1(PCNextFIndex), .rd1(TableBTBPredictionF),
.ce2(~StallW & ~FlushW), .wa2(PCMIndex), .wd2({InstrClassM, IEUAdrM}), .we2(UpdateEn), .bwe2('1));
flopenrc #(`XLEN) BTBD(clk, reset, FlushD, ~StallD, PredPCF, PredPCD);
flopenrc #(`XLEN) BTBD(clk, reset, FlushD, ~StallD, BTAF, BTAD);

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module gsharebasic #(parameter k = 10,
input logic BranchInstrE, BranchInstrM, PCSrcE
logic [k-1:0] IndexNextF, IndexE;
logic [k-1:0] IndexNextF, IndexM;
logic [1:0] DirPredictionD, DirPredictionE;
logic [1:0] NewDirPredictionE, NewDirPredictionM;
@ -52,19 +52,19 @@ module gsharebasic #(parameter k = 10,
if(TYPE == 1) begin
assign IndexNextF = GHR ^ {PCNextF[k+1] ^ PCNextF[1], PCNextF[k:2]};
assign IndexE = GHRM ^ {PCM[k+1] ^ PCM[1], PCM[k:2]};
assign IndexM = GHRM ^ {PCM[k+1] ^ PCM[1], PCM[k:2]};
end else if(TYPE == 0) begin
assign IndexNextF = GHRNext;
assign IndexE = GHRE;
assign IndexM = GHRM;
ram2p1r1wbe #(2**k, 2) PHT(.clk(clk),
.ce1(~StallF), .ce2(~StallM & ~FlushM),
.ce1(~StallF), .ce2(~StallW & ~FlushW),
.we2(BranchInstrM & ~StallW & ~FlushW),
flopenrc #(2) PredictionRegD(clk, reset, FlushD, ~StallD, DirPredictionF, DirPredictionD);