DON'T USE. First commit in attempt to move fpustall detection into the decode stage.

This commit is contained in:
Ross Thompson 2022-12-23 12:47:18 -06:00
parent b1aa370ff1
commit c8a0e7685a
5 changed files with 38 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -44,16 +44,18 @@ module fctrl (
input logic [1:0] STATUS_FS, // is FPU enabled?
input logic FDivBusyE, // is the divider busy
output logic IllegalFPUInstrM, // Is the instruction an illegal fpu instruction
output logic FRegWriteM, FRegWriteW, // FP register write enable
output logic FRegWriteE, FRegWriteM, FRegWriteW, // FP register write enable
output logic [2:0] FrmM, // FP rounding mode
output logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] FmtE, FmtM, // FP format
output logic FDivStartE, IDivStartE, // Start division or squareroot
output logic XEnD, YEnD, ZEnD,
output logic XEnE, YEnE, ZEnE,
output logic FWriteIntE, FCvtIntE, FWriteIntM, // Write to integer register
output logic [2:0] OpCtrlE, OpCtrlM, // Select which opperation to do in each component
output logic [1:0] FResSelE, FResSelM, FResSelW, // Select one of the results that finish in the memory stage
output logic [1:0] PostProcSelE, PostProcSelM, // select result in the post processing unit
output logic FCvtIntW,
output logic [4:0] Adr1D, Adr2D, Adr3D, // adresses of each input
output logic [4:0] Adr1E, Adr2E, Adr3E // adresses of each input
@ -63,7 +65,6 @@ module fctrl (
logic FRegWriteD; // FP register write enable
logic FDivStartD; // integer register write enable
logic FWriteIntD; // integer register write enable
logic FRegWriteE; // FP register write enable
logic [2:0] OpCtrlD; // Select which opperation to do in each component
logic [1:0] PostProcSelD; // select result in the post processing unit
logic [1:0] FResSelD; // Select one of the results that finish in the memory stage
@ -202,12 +203,19 @@ module fctrl (
// Y - all except cvt, mv, load, class, sqrt
// Z - fma ops only
// load/store mv int->fp cvt int->fp
/// *** turn into registers.
assign XEnE = ~(((FResSelE==2'b10)&~FWriteIntE)|((FResSelE==2'b11)&FRegWriteE)|((FResSelE==2'b01)&(PostProcSelE==2'b00)&OpCtrlE[2]));
// load/class mv cvt
assign YEnE = ~(((FResSelE==2'b10)&(FWriteIntE|FRegWriteE))|(FResSelE==2'b11)|((FResSelE==2'b01)&((PostProcSelE==2'b00)|((PostProcSelE==2'b01)&OpCtrlE[0]))));
assign ZEnE = (PostProcSelE==2'b10)&(FResSelE==2'b01)&(~OpCtrlE[2]|OpCtrlE[1]);
assign XEnD = ~(((FResSelD==2'b10)&~FWriteIntD)|((FResSelD==2'b11)&FRegWriteD)|((FResSelD==2'b01)&(PostProcSelD==2'b00)&OpCtrlD[2]));
// load/class mv cvt
assign YEnD = ~(((FResSelD==2'b10)&(FWriteIntD|FRegWriteD))|(FResSelD==2'b11)|((FResSelD==2'b01)&((PostProcSelD==2'b00)|((PostProcSelD==2'b01)&OpCtrlD[0]))));
assign ZEnD = (PostProcSelD==2'b10)&(FResSelD==2'b01)&(~OpCtrlD[2]|OpCtrlD[1]);
// Final Res Sel:
// fp int
@ -259,12 +267,15 @@ module fctrl (
// 01 - negate sign
// 10 - xor sign
assign Adr1D = InstrD[19:15];
assign Adr2D = InstrD[24:20];
assign Adr3D = InstrD[31:27];
// D/E pipleine register
flopenrc #(14+`FMTBITS) DECtrlReg3(clk, reset, FlushE, ~StallE,
{FRegWriteD, PostProcSelD, FResSelD, FrmD, FmtD, OpCtrlD, FWriteIntD, IllegalFPUInstrD, FCvtIntD},
{FRegWriteE, PostProcSelE, FResSelE, FrmE, FmtE, OpCtrlE, FWriteIntE, IllegalFPUInstrE, FCvtIntE});
flopenrc #(15) DEAdrReg(clk, reset, FlushE, ~StallE, {InstrD[19:15], InstrD[24:20], InstrD[31:27]},
{Adr1E, Adr2E, Adr3E});
flopenrc #(15) DEAdrReg(clk, reset, FlushE, ~StallE, {Adr1D, Adr2D, Adr3D}, {Adr1E, Adr2E, Adr3E});
flopenrc #(1) DEFDivStartReg(clk, reset, FlushE, ~StallE|FDivBusyE, FDivStartD, FDivStartE);
if (`M_SUPPORTED) assign IDivStartE = MDUE & Funct3E[2];
else assign IDivStartE = 0;

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@ -31,29 +31,34 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
module fhazard(
input logic [4:0] Adr1D, Adr2D, Adr3D, // read data adresses
input logic [4:0] Adr1E, Adr2E, Adr3E, // read data adresses
input logic FRegWriteM, FRegWriteW, // is the fp register being written to
input logic [4:0] RdM, RdW, // the adress being written to
input logic FRegWriteE, FRegWriteM, FRegWriteW, // is the fp register being written to
input logic [4:0] RdE, RdM, RdW, // the adress being written to
input logic [1:0] FResSelM, // the result being selected
input logic XEnD, YEnD, ZEnD,
input logic XEnE, YEnE, ZEnE,
output logic FPUStallD, // stall the decode stage
output logic [1:0] ForwardXE, ForwardYE, ForwardZE // select a forwarded value
logic MatchDE;
// Decode-stage instruction source depends on result from execute stage instruction
assign MatchDE = ((Adr1D == RdE) & XEnD) | ((Adr2D == RdE) & YEnD) | ((Adr3D == RdE) & ZEnD);
assign FPUStallD = MatchDE & FRegWriteE;
always_comb begin
// set defaults
ForwardXE = 2'b00; // choose FRD1E
ForwardYE = 2'b00; // choose FRD2E
ForwardZE = 2'b00; // choose FRD3E
FPUStallD = 0;
// if the needed value is in the memory stage - input 1
if ((Adr1E == RdM) & FRegWriteM)
// if the result will be FResM (can be taken from the memory stage)
if(FResSelM == 2'b00) ForwardXE = 2'b10; // choose FResM
else FPUStallD = 1; // otherwise stall
// if the needed value is in the writeback stage
else if ((Adr1E == RdW) & FRegWriteW) ForwardXE = 2'b01; // choose FPUResult64W
@ -63,7 +68,6 @@ module fhazard(
if ((Adr2E == RdM) & FRegWriteM)
// if the result will be FResM (can be taken from the memory stage)
if(FResSelM == 2'b00) ForwardYE = 2'b10; // choose FResM
else FPUStallD = 1; // otherwise stall
// if the needed value is in the writeback stage
else if ((Adr2E == RdW) & FRegWriteW) ForwardYE = 2'b01; // choose FPUResult64W
@ -73,7 +77,6 @@ module fhazard(
if ((Adr3E == RdM) & FRegWriteM)
// if the result will be FResM (can be taken from the memory stage)
if(FResSelM == 2'b00) ForwardZE = 2'b10; // choose FResM
else FPUStallD = 1; // otherwise stall
// if the needed value is in the writeback stage
else if ((Adr3E == RdW) & FRegWriteW) ForwardZE = 2'b01; // choose FPUResult64W

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module fpu (
input logic StallE, StallM, StallW, // stall signals (from HZU)
//input logic TrapM,
input logic FlushE, FlushM, FlushW, // flush signals (from HZU)
input logic [4:0] RdM, RdW, // which FP register to write to (from IEU)
input logic [4:0] RdE, RdM, RdW, // which FP register to write to (from IEU)
input logic [1:0] STATUS_FS, // Is floating-point enabled? (From privileged unit)
input logic [2:0] Funct3E, Funct3M,
input logic MDUE, W64E,
@ -75,8 +75,11 @@ module fpu (
logic [2:0] OpCtrlE, OpCtrlM; // Select which opperation to do in each component
logic [1:0] FResSelE, FResSelM, FResSelW; // Select one of the results that finish in the memory stage
logic [1:0] PostProcSelE, PostProcSelM; // select result in the post processing unit
logic [4:0] Adr1D, Adr2D, Adr3D; // adresses of each input
logic [4:0] Adr1E, Adr2E, Adr3E; // adresses of each input
logic XEnD, YEnD, ZEnD;
logic XEnE, YEnE, ZEnE;
logic FRegWriteE;
// regfile signals
logic [`FLEN-1:0] FRD1D, FRD2D, FRD3D; // Read Data from FP register - decode stage
@ -167,9 +170,9 @@ module fpu (
fctrl fctrl (.Funct7D(InstrD[31:25]), .OpD(InstrD[6:0]), .Rs2D(InstrD[24:20]), .Funct3D(InstrD[14:12]),
.Funct3E, .MDUE, .InstrD,
.StallE, .StallM, .StallW, .FlushE, .FlushM, .FlushW, .FRM_REGW, .STATUS_FS, .FDivBusyE,
.reset, .clk, .FRegWriteM, .FRegWriteW, .FrmM, .FmtE, .FmtM,
.FDivStartE, .IDivStartE, .FWriteIntE, .FCvtIntE, .FWriteIntM, .OpCtrlE, .OpCtrlM, .IllegalFPUInstrM, .XEnE, .YEnE, .ZEnE,
.FResSelE, .FResSelM, .FResSelW, .PostProcSelE, .PostProcSelM, .FCvtIntW, .Adr1E, .Adr2E, .Adr3E);
.reset, .clk, .FRegWriteE, .FRegWriteM, .FRegWriteW, .FrmM, .FmtE, .FmtM,
.FDivStartE, .IDivStartE, .FWriteIntE, .FCvtIntE, .FWriteIntM, .OpCtrlE, .OpCtrlM, .IllegalFPUInstrM, .XEnD, .YEnD, .ZEnD, .XEnE, .YEnE, .ZEnE,
.FResSelE, .FResSelM, .FResSelW, .PostProcSelE, .PostProcSelM, .FCvtIntW, .Adr1D, .Adr2D, .Adr3D, .Adr1E, .Adr2E, .Adr3E);
// FP register file
fregfile fregfile (.clk, .reset, .we4(FRegWriteW),
@ -196,8 +199,8 @@ module fpu (
// Hazard unit for FPU
// - determines if any forwarding or stalls are needed
fhazard fhazard(.Adr1E, .Adr2E, .Adr3E, .FRegWriteM, .FRegWriteW, .RdM, .RdW, .FResSelM,
.XEnE, .YEnE, .ZEnE, .FPUStallD, .ForwardXE, .ForwardYE, .ForwardZE);
fhazard fhazard(.Adr1D, .Adr2D, .Adr3D, .Adr1E, .Adr2E, .Adr3E, .FRegWriteE, .FRegWriteM, .FRegWriteW, .RdE, .RdM, .RdW, .FResSelM,
.XEnD, .YEnD, .ZEnD, .XEnE, .YEnE, .ZEnE, .FPUStallD, .ForwardXE, .ForwardYE, .ForwardZE);
// forwarding muxs
mux3 #(`FLEN) fxemux (FRD1E, FPUResultW, PreFpResM, ForwardXE, XE);

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module ieu (
output logic [2:0] Funct3M, // size and signedness to LSU
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcAM, // to privilege and fpu
output logic [4:0] RdM,
output logic [4:0] RdE, RdM,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] FIntResM,
output logic InvalidateICacheM, FlushDCacheM,
@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ module ieu (
logic [2:0] ResultSrcW;
logic ALUResultSrcE;
logic SCE;
logic [4:0] RdE;
logic FWriteIntM;
logic DivW;

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@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ module wallypipelinedcore (
logic SquashSCW;
// floating point unit signals
logic [2:0] FRM_REGW;
logic [4:0] RdM, RdW;
logic [4:0] RdE, RdM, RdW;
logic FPUStallD;
logic FWriteIntE;
logic [`FLEN-1:0] FWriteDataM;
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ module wallypipelinedcore (
.WriteDataM, // Write data to LSU
.Funct3M, // size and signedness to LSU
.SrcAM, // to privilege and fpu
.RdM, .FIntResM, .InvalidateICacheM, .FlushDCacheM,
.RdE, .RdM, .FIntResM, .InvalidateICacheM, .FlushDCacheM,
// Writeback stage
.CSRReadValW, .MDUResultW, .FPIntDivResultW,
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ module wallypipelinedcore (
.StallE, .StallM, .StallW, // stall signals from HZU
.FlushE, .FlushM, .FlushW, // flush signals from HZU
.RdM, .RdW, // which FP register to write to (from IEU)
.RdE, .RdM, .RdW, // which FP register to write to (from IEU)
.STATUS_FS, // is floating-point enabled?
.FRegWriteM, // FP register write enable