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synced 2025-02-11 06:05:49 +00:00
Optimized mixcolumn
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@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
// aes_Inv_mixcols.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
// Purpose: AES Inverted Mix Column Function for use with AES
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw
// Copyright (C) 2021-24 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
// may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
module aes_Inv_mixcols (input logic [127:0] Data, output logic [127:0] Mixed_Col);
// Declare Internal logic
logic [31:0] w0, w1, w2, w3;
logic [31:0] ws0, ws1, ws2, ws3;
// Break up input Data into word components
assign w0 = Data[127:96];
assign w1 = Data[95:64];
assign w2 = Data[63:32];
assign w3 = Data[31:0];
// Declare mixword components
inv_mixword mw_0(.word(w0), .mixed_word(ws0));
inv_mixword mw_1(.word(w1), .mixed_word(ws1));
inv_mixword mw_2(.word(w2), .mixed_word(ws2));
inv_mixword mw_3(.word(w3), .mixed_word(ws3));
// Assign output to mixed word
assign Mixed_Col = {ws0, ws1, ws2, ws3};
endmodule // inv_mixcols
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// aes_Inv_mixcolumns.sv
// aes_inv_mixcolumns.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// and limitations under the License.
module inv_mixword (input logic [31:0] word, output logic [31:0] mixed_word);
module aes_Inv_Mixcolumns (input logic [31:0] word, output logic [31:0] mixed_word);
// Instantiate Internal Logic
logic [7:0] b0, b1, b2, b3;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// aes_Inv_sbox.sv
// aes_inv_sbox.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// and limitations under the License.
module aes_Inv_sbox(input logic [7:0] in,
module aes_Inv_Sbox(input logic [7:0] in,
output logic [7:0] out);
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
// aes_Inv_sbox_128.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
// Purpose: 128-bit Inverse Substitution box comprised of 4x32-bit inverse s-boxes
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw
// Copyright (C) 2021-24 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
// may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
module aes_Inv_sbox_128(input logic [127:0] in,
output logic [127:0] out);
// Declare the SBOX for (least significant) word 0 of the input
aes_Inv_sbox_word sbox_w0(.in(in[31:0]), .out(out[31:0]));
// Declare the SBOX for word 1 of the input
aes_Inv_sbox_word sbox_w1(.in(in[63:32]), .out(out[63:32]));
// Declare the SBOX for word 2 of the input
aes_Inv_sbox_word sbox_w2(.in(in[95:64]), .out(out[95:64]));
// Declare the SBOX for word 3 of the input
aes_Inv_sbox_word sbox_w3(.in(in[127:96]), .out(out[127:96]));
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// aes_Inv_sbox_word.sv
// aes_inv_sbox_word.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
// and limitations under the License.
module aes_Inv_sbox_word(input logic [31:0] in,
module aes_Inv_Sbox_Word(input logic [31:0] in,
output logic [31:0] out);
// Declare the SBOX for (least significant) byte 0 of the input
aes_Inv_sbox sbox_b0(.in(in[7:0]), .out(out[7:0]));
aes_Inv_Sbox sbox_b0(.in(in[7:0]), .out(out[7:0]));
// Declare the SBOX for byte 1 of the input
aes_Inv_sbox sbox_b1(.in(in[15:8]), .out(out[15:8]));
aes_Inv_Sbox sbox_b1(.in(in[15:8]), .out(out[15:8]));
// Declare the SBOX for byte 2 of the input
aes_Inv_sbox sbox_b2(.in(in[23:16]), .out(out[23:16]));
aes_Inv_Sbox sbox_b2(.in(in[23:16]), .out(out[23:16]));
// Declare the SBOX for byte 3 of the input
aes_Inv_sbox sbox_b3(.in(in[31:24]), .out(out[31:24]));
aes_Inv_Sbox sbox_b3(.in(in[31:24]), .out(out[31:24]));
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// aes_Inv_shiftrow.sv
// aes_inv_shiftrow.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
@ -25,42 +25,13 @@
// and limitations under the License.
module aes_Inv_shiftrow(input logic [127:0] DataIn,
output logic [127:0] DataOut);
logic [7:0] w0_b0, w0_b1, w0_b2, w0_b3;
logic [7:0] w1_b0, w1_b1, w1_b2, w1_b3;
logic [7:0] w2_b0, w2_b1, w2_b2, w2_b3;
logic [7:0] w3_b0, w3_b1, w3_b2, w3_b3;
logic [31:0] out_w0, out_w1, out_w2, out_w3;
// Separate the first (Least Significant) word into bytes
assign w0_b0 = DataIn[7:0];
assign w0_b1 = DataIn[15:8];
assign w0_b2 = DataIn[23:16];
assign w0_b3 = DataIn[31:24];
// Separate the second word into bytes
assign w1_b0 = DataIn[39:32];
assign w1_b1 = DataIn[47:40];
assign w1_b2 = DataIn[55:48];
assign w1_b3 = DataIn[63:56];
// Separate the third word into bytes
assign w2_b0 = DataIn[71:64];
assign w2_b1 = DataIn[79:72];
assign w2_b2 = DataIn[87:80];
assign w2_b3 = DataIn[95:88];
// Separate the fourth (Most significant) word into bytes
assign w3_b0 = DataIn[103:96];
assign w3_b1 = DataIn[111:104];
assign w3_b2 = DataIn[119:112];
assign w3_b3 = DataIn[127:120];
// The output words are composed of sets of the input bytes.
assign out_w0 = {w0_b3, w1_b2, w2_b1, w3_b0};
assign out_w1 = {w3_b3, w0_b2, w1_b1, w2_b0};
assign out_w2 = {w2_b3, w3_b2, w0_b1, w1_b0};
assign out_w3 = {w1_b3, w2_b2, w3_b1, w0_b0};
assign DataOut = {out_w0, out_w1, out_w2, out_w3};
module aes_Inv_Shiftrow (
input logic [127:0] DataIn,
output logic [127:0] DataOut);
assign DataOut = {DataIn[31:24], DataIn[55:48], DataIn[79:72], DataIn[103:96],
DataIn[127:120], DataIn[23:16], DataIn[47:40], DataIn[71:64],
DataIn[95:88], DataIn[119:112], DataIn[15:8], DataIn[39:32],
DataIn[63:56], DataIn[87:80], DataIn[111:104], DataIn[7:0]};
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
// aes_mixcolumns.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu, David_Harris@hmc.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
// Purpose: AES "Mix Columns" Operation
// Purpose: Galois field operation to an individual 32-bit word
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw
@ -25,42 +25,27 @@
// and limitations under the License.
* Purpose : The "mix columns" operation is essentially composed of a
* nice little Galois field multiplication (of 1, 2 or 3) in the field
* x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1.
* The actual matrix you multiply by is
* [2 3 1 1][a_0,j]
* [1 2 3 1][a_1,j]
* [1 1 2 3][a_2,j]
* [3 1 1 2][a_3,j]
* Reference: secworks repo
module aes_mixcolumns(Data, mixedcols);
module aes_Mixcolumns (
input logic [31:0] in,
output logic [31:0] out);
// Declare Inputs/Outputs
input logic [127:0] Data;
output logic [127:0] mixedcols;
logic [7:0] in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1, out2, out3, t0, t1, t2, t3, temp;
logic [15:0] rrot8_1, rrot8_2;
// Declare internal Logic
logic [31:0] w0, w1, w2, w3;
logic [31:0] ws0, ws1, ws2, ws3;
assign {in0, in1, in2, in3} = in;
assign temp = in0 ^ in1 ^ in2 ^ in3;
// Break up Data into individual words
assign w0 = Data[127:96];
assign w1 = Data[95:64];
assign w2 = Data[63:32];
assign w3 = Data[31:0];
galoismult_forward gm0 (in0^in1, t0);
galoismult_forward gm1 (in1^in2, t1);
galoismult_forward gm2 (in2^in3, t2);
galoismult_forward gm3 (in3^in0, t3);
// Instantiate The mix words components for the words
mixword mw0(.word(w0), .mixed_word(ws0));
mixword mw1(.word(w1), .mixed_word(ws1));
mixword mw2(.word(w2), .mixed_word(ws2));
mixword mw3(.word(w3), .mixed_word(ws3));
assign out0 = in0 ^ temp ^ t3;
assign out1 = in1 ^ temp ^ t0;
assign out2 = in2 ^ temp ^ t1;
assign out3 = in3 ^ temp ^ t2;
// Assign Output
assign mixedcols = {ws0, ws1, ws2, ws3};
assign out = {out0, out1, out2, out3};
endmodule // mixcolumns
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// aes_mixcolumns.sv
// aes_sbox.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// and limitations under the License.
module aes_sbox(input logic [7:0] in,
module aes_Sbox(input logic [7:0] in,
output logic [7:0] out);
// case statement to lookup the value in the rijndael table
@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
// and limitations under the License.
module aes_sbox_word(input logic [31:0] in,
module aes_Sbox_Word(input logic [31:0] in,
output logic [31:0] out);
// Declare the SBOX for (least significant) byte 0 of the input
aes_sbox sbox_b0(.in(in[7:0]), .out(out[7:0]));
aes_Sbox sbox_b0(.in(in[7:0]), .out(out[7:0]));
// Declare the SBOX for byte 1 of the input
aes_sbox sbox_b1(.in(in[15:8]), .out(out[15:8]));
aes_Sbox sbox_b1(.in(in[15:8]), .out(out[15:8]));
// Declare the SBOX for byte 2 of the input
aes_sbox sbox_b2(.in(in[23:16]), .out(out[23:16]));
aes_Sbox sbox_b2(.in(in[23:16]), .out(out[23:16]));
// Declare the SBOX for byte 3 of the input
aes_sbox sbox_b3(.in(in[31:24]), .out(out[31:24]));
aes_Sbox sbox_b3(.in(in[31:24]), .out(out[31:24]));
@ -25,44 +25,13 @@
// and limitations under the License.
module aes_shiftrow(input logic [127:0] DataIn,
output logic [127:0] DataOut);
module aes_Shiftrow (
input logic [127:0] DataIn,
output logic [127:0] DataOut);
// (This form of writing it may seem like more effort but I feel
// like it is more self-explanatory this way without losing efficiency)
logic [7:0] w0_b0, w0_b1, w0_b2, w0_b3;
logic [7:0] w1_b0, w1_b1, w1_b2, w1_b3;
logic [7:0] w2_b0, w2_b1, w2_b2, w2_b3;
logic [7:0] w3_b0, w3_b1, w3_b2, w3_b3;
logic [31:0] out_w0, out_w1, out_w2, out_w3;
// Seperate the first (Least Significant) word into bytes
assign w0_b0 = DataIn[7:0];
assign w0_b1 = DataIn[79:72];
assign w0_b2 = DataIn[23:16];
assign w0_b3 = DataIn[95:88];
// Seperate the second word into bytes
assign w1_b0 = DataIn[39:32];
assign w1_b1 = DataIn[111:104];
assign w1_b2 = DataIn[55:48];
assign w1_b3 = DataIn[127:120];
// Seperate the third word into bytes
assign w2_b0 = DataIn[71:64];
assign w2_b1 = DataIn[15:8];
assign w2_b2 = DataIn[87:80];
assign w2_b3 = DataIn[31:24];
// Seperate the fourth (Most significant) word into bytes
assign w3_b0 = DataIn[103:96];
assign w3_b1 = DataIn[47:40];
assign w3_b2 = DataIn[119:112];
assign w3_b3 = DataIn[63:56];
// The output words are composed of sets of the input bytes.
assign out_w0 = {w0_b3, w1_b2, w2_b1, w3_b0};
assign out_w1 = {w3_b3, w0_b2, w1_b1, w2_b0};
assign out_w2 = {w2_b3, w3_b2, w0_b1, w1_b0};
assign out_w3 = {w1_b3, w2_b2, w3_b1, w0_b0};
assign DataOut = {out_w0, out_w1, out_w2, out_w3};
assign DataOut = {DataIn[95:88], DataIn[55:48], DataIn[15:8], DataIn[103:96],
DataIn[63:56], DataIn[23:16], DataIn[111:104], DataIn[71:64],
DataIn[31:24], DataIn[119:112], DataIn[79:72], DataIn[39:32],
DataIn[127:120], DataIn[87:80], DataIn[47:40], DataIn[7:0]};
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
// aes_shiftword.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
// Purpose: AES Shiftrow shifting values
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw
// Copyright (C) 2021-24 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
// may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
Purpose : This next module provides an alternative way to shift the values.
in which it takes the shift number (essentially row number) as
an input and shifts cyclically to the left by that number of bits.
the complexity here is removed from the module and is more complex in
input selection.
module aes_shiftword(input logic[1:0] shiftAmt, input logic [31:0] DataIn,
output logic [31:0] DataOut);
logic [7:0] b0 = DataIn[7:0];
logic [7:0] b1 = DataIn[15:8];
logic [7:0] b2 = DataIn[23:16];
logic [7:0] b3 = DataIn[31:24];
// 00 : Barrel Shift no bytes
2'b00 : DataOut = {b3, b2, b1, b0};
// 01 : Barrel Shift one byte
2'b01 : DataOut = {b0, b3, b2, b1};
// 10 : Barrel Shift two bytes
2'b10 : DataOut = {b1, b0, b3, b2};
// 11 : Barrel Shift three bytes
default : DataOut = {b2, b1, b0, b3};
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// gm2.sv
// galoismult_forward.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu, David_Harris@hmc.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
// Purpose: Galois field operations for mix columns operation
@ -25,6 +25,17 @@
// and limitations under the License.
module galoismult_forward (
input logic [7:0] in,
output logic [7:0] out);
logic [7:0] leftshift;
assign leftshift = {in[6:0], 1'b0};
assign out = in[7] ? (leftshift ^ 8'b00011011) : leftshift;
module gm2 (gm2_In, gm2_Out);
input logic [7:0] gm2_In;
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// mixword.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
// Purpose: Galois field operation to an individual 32-bit word
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw
// Copyright (C) 2021-24 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
// may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
module mixword (word, mixed_word);
// Declare Inputs/Outputs
input logic [31:0] word;
output logic [31:0] mixed_word;
// Declare Internal Signals
logic [7:0] b0, b1, b2, b3;
logic [7:0] mb0, mb1, mb2, mb3;
logic [7:0] gm2_0_Out;
logic [7:0] gm3_0_Out;
logic [7:0] gm2_1_Out;
logic [7:0] gm3_1_Out;
logic [7:0] gm2_2_Out;
logic [7:0] gm3_2_Out;
logic [7:0] gm2_3_Out;
logic [7:0] gm3_3_Out;
// Break word into bytes
assign b0 = word[31:24];
assign b1 = word[23:16];
assign b2 = word[15:8];
assign b3 = word[7:0];
// mb0 Galois components
gm2 gm2_0(.gm2_In(b0), .gm2_Out(gm2_0_Out));
gm3 gm3_0(.gm3_In(b3), .gm3_Out(gm3_0_Out));
// mb1 Galois components
gm2 gm2_1(.gm2_In(b1), .gm2_Out(gm2_1_Out));
gm3 gm3_1(.gm3_In(b0), .gm3_Out(gm3_1_Out));
// mb2 Galois components
gm2 gm2_2(.gm2_In(b2), .gm2_Out(gm2_2_Out));
gm3 gm3_2(.gm3_In(b1), .gm3_Out(gm3_2_Out));
// mb3 Galois components
gm2 gm2_3(.gm2_In(b3), .gm2_Out(gm2_3_Out));
gm3 gm3_3(.gm3_In(b2), .gm3_Out(gm3_3_Out));
// Combine Componenets into mixed word
assign mb0 = gm2_0_Out ^ gm3_0_Out ^ b1 ^ b2;
assign mb1 = gm2_1_Out ^ gm3_1_Out ^ b2 ^ b3;
assign mb2 = gm2_2_Out ^ gm3_2_Out ^ b0 ^ b3;
assign mb3 = gm2_3_Out ^ gm3_3_Out ^ b0 ^ b1;
assign mixed_word = {mb0, mb1, mb2, mb3};
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
// rotateleft.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
// Purpose: 32-bit left rotate for AES
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw
// Copyright (C) 2021-24 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
// may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
module rotate_left(input logic [31:0] Input_Data,
input logic [4:0] shamt,
output logic [31:0] Rot_Data);
assign Rot_Data = (Input_Data << shamt) | (Input_Data >> (32 - shamt));
@ -46,13 +46,12 @@ module aes32dsi(input logic [1:0] bs,
assign Sbox_In = Sbox_In_32[7:0];
// Apply inverse sbox to si
aes_Inv_sbox inv_sbox(.in(Sbox_In), .out(Sbox_Out));
aes_Inv_Sbox inv_sbox(.in(Sbox_In), .out(Sbox_Out));
// Pad output of inverse substitution box
assign so = {24'h0, Sbox_Out};
// Rotate the substitution box output left by shamt (bs * 8)
// rotate_left rol32(.input_data(so), .shamt(shamt), .rot_data(so_rotate));
assign so_rotate = (so << shamt) | (so >> (32 - shamt));
// Set result to "X(rs1)[31..0] ^ rol32(so, unsigned(shamt));"
@ -47,16 +47,15 @@ module aes32dsmi(input logic [1:0] bs,
assign Sbox_In = Sbox_In_32[7:0];
// Apply inverse sbox to si
aes_Inv_sbox inv_sbox(.in(Sbox_In), .out(Sbox_Out));
aes_Inv_Sbox inv_sbox(.in(Sbox_In), .out(Sbox_Out));
// Pad output of inverse substitution box
assign so = {24'h0, Sbox_Out};
// Run so through the mixword AES function
inv_mixword mix(.word(so), .mixed_word(mixed));
aes_Inv_Mixcolumns mix(.word(so), .mixed_word(mixed));
// Rotate the substitution box output left by shamt (bs * 8)
// rotate_left rol32(.input_data(mixed), .shamt(shamt), .rot_data(mixed_rotate));
assign mixed_rotate = (mixed << shamt) | (mixed >> (32 - shamt));
// Set result to "X(rs1)[31..0] ^ rol32(so, unsigned(shamt));"
@ -48,13 +48,12 @@ module aes32esi(input logic [1:0] bs,
assign Sbox_In = Sbox_In_32[7:0];
// Substitute
aes_sbox subbox(.in(Sbox_In), .out(Sbox_Out));
aes_Sbox subbox(.in(Sbox_In), .out(Sbox_Out));
// Pad sbox output
assign so = {24'h0, Sbox_Out};
// Rotate so left by shamt
// rotate_left rol32(.input_data(so), .shamt(shamt), .rot_data(so_rotate));
assign so_rotate = (so << shamt) | (so >> (32 - shamt));
// Set result X(rs1)[31..0] ^ rol32(so, unsigned(shamt));
@ -49,16 +49,15 @@ module aes32esmi(input logic [1:0] bs,
assign Sbox_In = Sbox_In_32[7:0];
// Substitute
aes_sbox sbox(.in(Sbox_In), .out(Sbox_Out));
aes_Sbox sbox(.in(Sbox_In), .out(Sbox_Out));
// Pad sbox output
assign so = {24'h0, Sbox_Out};
// Mix Word using aes_mixword component
mixword mwd(.word(so), .mixed_word(mixed));
aes_Mixcolumns mwd(.in(so), .out(mixed));
// Rotate so left by shamt
// rotate_left rol32(.input_data(mixed), .shamt(shamt), .rot_data(mixed_rotate));
assign mixed_rotate = (mixed << shamt) | (mixed >> (32 - shamt));
// Set result X(rs1)[31..0] ^ rol32(mixed, unsigned(shamt));
@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ module aes64ds(input logic [63:0] rs1,
logic [31:0] Sbox_Out_1;
// Apply inverse shiftrows to rs2 and rs1
aes_Inv_shiftrow srow(.DataIn({rs2,rs1}), .DataOut(ShiftRow_Out));
aes_Inv_Shiftrow srow(.DataIn({rs2,rs1}), .DataOut(ShiftRow_Out));
// Apply full word inverse substitution to lower 2 words of shiftrow out
aes_Inv_sbox_word inv_sbox_0(.in(ShiftRow_Out[31:0]), .out(Sbox_Out_0));
aes_Inv_sbox_word inv_sbox_1(.in(ShiftRow_Out[63:32]), .out(Sbox_Out_1));
aes_Inv_Sbox_Word inv_sbox_0(.in(ShiftRow_Out[31:0]), .out(Sbox_Out_0));
aes_Inv_Sbox_Word inv_sbox_1(.in(ShiftRow_Out[63:32]), .out(Sbox_Out_1));
// Concatenate the two substitution outputs to get result
assign Data_Out = {Sbox_Out_1, Sbox_Out_0};
@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ module aes64dsm(input logic [63:0] rs1,
logic [31:0] Mixcol_Out_1;
// Apply inverse shiftrows to rs2 and rs1
aes_Inv_shiftrow srow(.DataIn({rs2, rs1}), .DataOut(ShiftRow_Out));
aes_Inv_Shiftrow srow(.DataIn({rs2, rs1}), .DataOut(ShiftRow_Out));
// Apply full word inverse substitution to lower 2 words of shiftrow out
aes_Inv_sbox_word inv_sbox_0(.in(ShiftRow_Out[31:0]), .out(Sbox_Out_0));
aes_Inv_sbox_word inv_sbox_1(.in(ShiftRow_Out[63:32]), .out(Sbox_Out_1));
aes_Inv_Sbox_Word inv_sbox_0(.in(ShiftRow_Out[31:0]), .out(Sbox_Out_0));
aes_Inv_Sbox_Word inv_sbox_1(.in(ShiftRow_Out[63:32]), .out(Sbox_Out_1));
// Apply inverse mixword to sbox outputs
inv_mixword inv_mw_0(.word(Sbox_Out_0), .mixed_word(Mixcol_Out_0));
inv_mixword inv_mw_1(.word(Sbox_Out_1), .mixed_word(Mixcol_Out_1));
aes_Inv_Mixcolumns inv_mw_0(.word(Sbox_Out_0), .mixed_word(Mixcol_Out_0));
aes_Inv_Mixcolumns inv_mw_1(.word(Sbox_Out_1), .mixed_word(Mixcol_Out_1));
// Concatenate mixed words for output
assign Data_Out = {Mixcol_Out_1, Mixcol_Out_0};
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ module aes64es(input logic [63:0] rs1,
logic [127:0] ShiftRow_Out;
// AES shiftrow unit
aes_shiftrow srow(.DataIn({rs2,rs1}), .DataOut(ShiftRow_Out));
aes_Shiftrow srow(.DataIn({rs2,rs1}), .DataOut(ShiftRow_Out));
// Apply substitution box to 2 lower words
aes_sbox_word sbox_0(.in(ShiftRow_Out[31:0]), .out(Data_Out[31:0]));
aes_sbox_word sbox_1(.in(ShiftRow_Out[63:32]), .out(Data_Out[63:32]));
aes_Sbox_Word sbox_0(.in(ShiftRow_Out[31:0]), .out(Data_Out[31:0]));
aes_Sbox_Word sbox_1(.in(ShiftRow_Out[63:32]), .out(Data_Out[63:32]));
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ module aes64esm(input logic [63:0] rs1,
logic [63:0] Sbox_Out;
// AES shiftrow unit
aes_shiftrow srow(.DataIn({rs2,rs1}), .DataOut(ShiftRow_Out));
aes_Shiftrow srow(.DataIn({rs2,rs1}), .DataOut(ShiftRow_Out));
// Apply substitution box to 2 lower words
aes_sbox_word sbox_0(.in(ShiftRow_Out[31:0]), .out(Sbox_Out[31:0]));
aes_sbox_word sbox_1(.in(ShiftRow_Out[63:32]), .out(Sbox_Out[63:32]));
aes_Sbox_Word sbox_0(.in(ShiftRow_Out[31:0]), .out(Sbox_Out[31:0]));
aes_Sbox_Word sbox_1(.in(ShiftRow_Out[63:32]), .out(Sbox_Out[63:32]));
// Apply mix columns operations
mixword mw0(.word(Sbox_Out[31:0]), .mixed_word(Data_Out[31:0]));
mixword mw1(.word(Sbox_Out[63:32]), .mixed_word(Data_Out[63:32]));
aes_Mixcolumns mw0(.in(Sbox_Out[31:0]), .out(Data_Out[31:0]));
aes_Mixcolumns mw1(.in(Sbox_Out[63:32]), .out(Data_Out[63:32]));
@ -28,6 +28,6 @@
module aes64im(input logic [63:0] rs1,
output logic [63:0] Data_Out);
inv_mixword inv_mw_0(.word(rs1[31:0]), .mixed_word(Data_Out[31:0]));
inv_mixword inv_mw_1(.word(rs1[63:32]), .mixed_word(Data_Out[63:32]));
aes_Inv_Mixcolumns inv_mw_0(.word(rs1[31:0]), .mixed_word(Data_Out[31:0]));
aes_Inv_Mixcolumns inv_mw_1(.word(rs1[63:32]), .mixed_word(Data_Out[63:32]));
@ -38,23 +38,25 @@ module aes64ks1i(input logic [3:0] roundnum,
logic [31:0] Sbox_Out;
// Get rcon value from table
rcon_lut_128 rc(.RD(roundnum), .rcon_out(rcon_preshift));
rcon_Lut_128 rc(.RD(roundnum), .rcon_out(rcon_preshift));
// Shift RCON value
assign rcon = {24'b0, rcon_preshift};
// Flag will be set if roundnum = 0xA = 0b1010
assign lastRoundFlag = roundnum[3] & ~roundnum[2] & roundnum[1] & ~roundnum[0];
// Get rotated value fo ruse in tmp2
rrot8 rr(.x(rs1[63:32]), .result(rs1_rotate));
assign rs1_rotate = {rs1[39:32], rs1[63:40]};
// Assign tmp2 to a mux based on lastRoundFlag
assign tmp2 = lastRoundFlag ? rs1[63:32] : rs1_rotate;
// Substitute bytes of value obtained for tmp2 using Rijndael sbox
aes_sbox_word sbox(.in(tmp2),.out(Sbox_Out));
aes_Sbox_Word sbox(.in(tmp2),.out(Sbox_Out));
assign rd[31:0] = Sbox_Out ^ rcon;
assign rd[63:32] = Sbox_Out ^ rcon;
// There may be some errors with this instruction.
// Regression tests are passed successfully, but
// the algorithm seems wrong. Check later.
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// and limitations under the License.
module rcon_lut_128(input logic [3:0] RD,
module rcon_Lut_128(input logic [3:0] RD,
output logic [7:0] rcon_out);
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
// rrot8.sv
// Written: ryan.swann@okstate.edu, james.stine@okstate.edu
// Created: 20 February 2024
// Purpose: aes64ks1i instruction
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw
// Copyright (C) 2021-24 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
// may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
module rrot8(input logic[31:0] x,
output logic [31:0] result);
assign result[0] = x[8];
assign result[1] = x[9];
assign result[2] = x[10];
assign result[3] = x[11];
assign result[4] = x[12];
assign result[5] = x[13];
assign result[6] = x[14];
assign result[7] = x[15];
assign result[8] = x[16];
assign result[9] = x[17];
assign result[10] = x[18];
assign result[11] = x[19];
assign result[12] = x[20];
assign result[13] = x[21];
assign result[14] = x[22];
assign result[15] = x[23];
assign result[16] = x[24];
assign result[17] = x[25];
assign result[18] = x[26];
assign result[19] = x[27];
assign result[20] = x[28];
assign result[21] = x[29];
assign result[22] = x[30];
assign result[23] = x[31];
assign result[24] = x[0];
assign result[25] = x[1];
assign result[26] = x[2];
assign result[27] = x[3];
assign result[28] = x[4];
assign result[29] = x[5];
assign result[30] = x[6];
assign result[31] = x[7];
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