update for private copy of Imperas

This commit is contained in:
eroom1966 2023-01-18 13:19:14 +00:00
parent 2b43afba01
commit c120717027
2 changed files with 14 additions and 103 deletions

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@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2005-2023 Imperas Software Ltd., www.imperas.com
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
`define NUM_REGS 32
`define NUM_CSRS 4096
interface rvviTrace
parameter int ILEN = 32, // Instruction length in bits
parameter int XLEN = 32, // GPR length in bits
parameter int FLEN = 32, // FPR length in bits
parameter int VLEN = 256, // Vector register size in bits
parameter int NHART = 1, // Number of harts reported
parameter int RETIRE = 1 // Number of instructions that can retire during valid event
// RISCV output signals
wire clk; // Interface clock
wire valid [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // Retired instruction
wire [63:0] order [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // Unique instruction order count (no gaps or reuse)
wire [(ILEN-1):0] insn [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // Instruction bit pattern
wire trap [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // Trapped instruction (External to Core, eg Memory Subsystem)
wire halt [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // Halted instruction
wire intr [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // (RVFI Legacy) Flag first instruction of trap handler
wire [1:0] mode [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // Privilege mode of operation
wire [1:0] ixl [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // XLEN mode 32/64 bit
wire [(XLEN-1):0] pc_rdata [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // PC of insn
wire [(XLEN-1):0] pc_wdata [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // PC of next instruction
// X Registers
wire [31:0][(XLEN-1):0] x_wdata [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // X data value
wire [31:0] x_wb [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // X data writeback (change) flag
// F Registers
wire [31:0][(FLEN-1):0] f_wdata [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // F data value
wire [31:0] f_wb [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // F data writeback (change) flag
// V Registers
wire [31:0][(VLEN-1):0] v_wdata [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // V data value
wire [31:0] v_wb [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // V data writeback (change) flag
// Control & State Registers
wire [4095:0][(XLEN-1):0] csr [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // Full CSR Address range
wire [4095:0] csr_wb [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // CSR writeback (change) flag
wire lrsc_cancel[(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0]; // Implementation defined cancel
// Synchronization of NETs
wire clkD;
assign #1 clkD = clk;
longint vslot;
always @(posedge clk) vslot++;
string name[$];
int value[$];
longint tslot[$];
int nets[string];
function automatic void net_push(input string vname, input int vvalue);
function automatic int net_pop(output string vname, output int vvalue, output longint vslot);
int ok;
string msg;
if (name.size() > 0) begin
vname = name.pop_back();
vvalue = value.pop_back();
vslot = tslot.pop_back();
nets[vname] = vvalue;
ok = 1;
end else begin
ok = 0;
return ok;

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@ -7,7 +7,20 @@ WALLY=$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0})
export WALLY=$(cd "$WALLY" && pwd)
echo \$WALLY set to ${WALLY}
isetup -dv
# clone the Imperas repo
if [ ! -d external ]; then
mkdir -p external
pushd external
if [ ! -f ImperasDV-HMC ]; then
git clone https://github.com/Imperas/ImperasDV-HMC
pushd ImperasDV-HMC
git checkout 0c2f365
isetup -dv ${WALLY}/external/ImperasDV-HMC/Imperas
svsetup -questa
pushd pipelined/regression