Updated tlbNAPOT to test instructions as well

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David Harris 2023-12-20 23:01:35 -08:00
parent 9ced88c55c
commit b025cd8a0d

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@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ main:
jal a1, looptest jal a1, looptest
li a2, 0x40215240 # Test properly formed pages with 1 in PPN[3] that are not NAPOT li a2, 0x40215240 # Test properly formed pages with 1 in PPN[3] that are not NAPOT
jal a1, looptest jal a1, looptest
# li t4, 0x1000 # address step size li t4, 0x1000 # address step size
# li a2, 0x80216000 # Test NAPOT pages li a2, 0x80216000 # Test NAPOT pages
# jal a1, looptest jal a1, looptest
li a0, 3 # switch back to machine mode because code at 0x80000000 may not have clean page table entry li a0, 3 # switch back to machine mode because code at 0x80000000 may not have clean page table entry
ecall ecall
j done j done
@ -68,28 +68,60 @@ loop: bge t2, t3, finished # exit loop if i >= loops
sw t5, 0(t0) # store a return at this address to exercise DTLB sw t5, 0(t0) # store a return at this address to exercise DTLB
lw t1, 0(t0) # read it back lw t1, 0(t0) # read it back
fence.i # synchronize with I$ fence.i # synchronize with I$
# jalr ra, t0 # jump to the return statement to exercise the ITLB jal changetoipfhandler # set up trap handler to return from instruction page fault if necessary
jalr ra, t0 # jump to the return statement to exercise the ITLB
jal changetodefaulthandler
add t0, t0, t4 add t0, t0, t4
addi t2, t2, 1 addi t2, t2, 1
j loop j loop
mv t0, a2 # base address
li t2, 0 # i = 0
fence.i # synchronize with I$
# Exercise itlb by jumping to each of the return statements
loopi: bge t2, t3, finished # exit loop if i >= loops
jalr ra, t0 # jump to the return statement to exercise the ITLB
add t0, t0, t4
addi t2, t2, 1
j loopi
finished: finished:
jr a1 jr a1
li a0, 3
ecall # switch to machine mode
la a0, ipf_handler
csrw mtvec, a0 # point to new handler
li a0, 1
ecall # switch back to supervisor mode
li a0, 3
ecall # switch to machine mode
la a0, trap_handler
csrw mtvec, a0 # point to new handler
li a0, 1
ecall # switch back to supervisor mode
csrw mepc, ra # go back to calling function
.align 4 # trap handlers must be aligned to multiple of 4
# Load trap handler stack pointer tp
csrrw tp, mscratch, tp # swap MSCRATCH and tp
sd t0, 0(tp) # Save t0 and t1 on the stack
sd t1, -8(tp)
csrr t0, mcause # Check the cause
li t1, 8 # is it an ecall trap?
andi t0, t0, 0xFC # if CAUSE = 8, 9, or 11
beq t0, t1, ecall # yes, take ecall
csrr t0, mcause
li t1, 12 # is it an instruction page fault
beq t0, t1, ipf # yes, return to calling function
j trap_return
csrw mepc, ra # return to calling function
ld t1, -8(tp) # restore t1 and t0
ld t0, 0(tp)
csrrw tp, mscratch, tp # restore tp
mret # return from trap
.data .data
.align 16 .align 16