Added correct causing and handling of S time interrupts to test suite.

This commit is contained in:
Kip Macsai-Goren 2023-03-03 09:46:29 -08:00
parent da74ed0369
commit ac5c53a870
2 changed files with 59 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -125,20 +125,34 @@ cause_m_time_interrupt:
lw t2, 0(t5) // low word of MTIME lw t2, 0(t5) // low word of MTIME
lw t6, 4(t5) // high word of MTIME lw t6, 4(t5) // high word of MTIME
add t3, t2, t3 // add desired offset to the current time add t3, t2, t3 // add desired offset to the current time
bgtu t3, t2, nowrap // check new time exceeds current time (no wraparound) bgtu t3, t2, nowrap_m // check new time exceeds current time (no wraparound)
addi t6, t6, 1 // if wrap, increment most significant word addi t6, t6, 1 // if wrap, increment most significant word
sw t6,4(t4) // store into most significant word of MTIMECMP sw t6,4(t4) // store into most significant word of MTIMECMP
nowrap: nowrap_m:
sw t3, 0(t4) // store into least significant word of MTIMECMP sw t3, 0(t4) // store into least significant word of MTIMECMP
time_loop: time_loop_m:
addi a3, a3, -1 addi a3, a3, -1
bnez a3, time_loop // go through this loop for [a3 value] iterations before returning without performing interrupt bnez a3, time_loop_m // go through this loop for [a3 value] iterations before returning without performing interrupt
ret ret
cause_s_time_interrupt: cause_s_time_interrupt:
li t3, 0x20 li t3, 0x2
csrs mip, t3 // set supervisor time interrupt pending. SIP is a subset of MIP, so writing this should also change MIP. csrs mcounteren, t3 // set mcounteren.TM to 1 to attempt to allow us to write to stimecmp
nop // added extra nops in so the csrs can get through the pipeline before returning. li t3, 0x30 // Desired offset from the present time
mv a3, t3 // copy value in to know to stop waiting for interrupt after this many cycles
// la t4, 0x02004000 // MTIMECMP register in CLINT
la t5, 0x0200BFF8 // MTIME register in CLINT *** we still read from mtime since stimecmp is compared to it
lw t2, 0(t5) // low word of MTIME
lw t6, 4(t5) // high word of MTIME
add t3, t2, t3 // add desired offset to the current time
bgtu t3, t2, nowrap_s // check new time exceeds current time (no wraparound)
addi t6, t6, 1 // if wrap, increment most significant word
csrw 0x14D, t3 // store into STIMECMP
csrw 0x15D, t6 // store into STIMECMPH
addi a3, a3, -1
bnez a3, time_loop_s // go through this loop for [a3 value] iterations before returning without performing interrupt
ret ret
cause_m_soft_interrupt: cause_m_soft_interrupt:
@ -353,6 +367,9 @@ trap_stack_saved_\MODE\(): // jump here after handling vectored interupt since w
.endif .endif
li t3, 0x2
csrs \MODE\()counteren, t3 // set mcounteren.TM to 1 to attempt to allow us to write to stimecmp
// Respond to trap based on cause // Respond to trap based on cause
// All interrupts should return after being logged // All interrupts should return after being logged
csrr ra, \MODE\()cause csrr ra, \MODE\()cause
@ -423,6 +440,9 @@ trapreturn_specified_\MODE\():
li a2, 0 // reset trapreturn inputs to the trap handler li a2, 0 // reset trapreturn inputs to the trap handler
trapreturn_finished_\MODE\(): trapreturn_finished_\MODE\():
li t3, 0x2
csrs \MODE\()counteren, t3 // set mcounteren.TM to 1 to attempt to allow us to write to stimecmp
csrw \MODE\()epc, ra // update the mepc with address of next instruction csrw \MODE\()epc, ra // update the mepc with address of next instruction
lw t2, -12(sp) // restore registers from stack before returning lw t2, -12(sp) // restore registers from stack before returning
lw t0, -8(sp) lw t0, -8(sp)
@ -545,7 +565,11 @@ soft_interrupt_\MODE\():
time_interrupt_\MODE\(): time_interrupt_\MODE\():
la t0, 0x02004000 // MTIMECMP register in CLINT la t0, 0x02004000 // MTIMECMP register in CLINT
li t2, 0xFFFFFFFF li t2, 0xFFFFFFFF
sw t2, 0(t0) // reset interrupt by setting mtimecmp to 0xFFFFFFFF sw t2, 0(t0) // reset interrupt by setting mtimecmp to max
//sw t2, 4(t0) // reset interrupt by setting mtimecmpH to max
csrw 0x14D, t2 // reset stime interrupts by doing the same to stimecmp and stimecmpH.
csrw 0x15D, t2
li t0, 0x20 li t0, 0x20
csrc \MODE\()ip, t0 csrc \MODE\()ip, t0

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@ -127,20 +127,30 @@ cause_m_time_interrupt:
lw t2, 0(t5) // low word of MTIME lw t2, 0(t5) // low word of MTIME
lw t6, 4(t5) // high word of MTIME lw t6, 4(t5) // high word of MTIME
add t3, t2, t3 // add desired offset to the current time add t3, t2, t3 // add desired offset to the current time
bgtu t3, t2, nowrap // check new time exceeds current time (no wraparound) bgtu t3, t2, nowrap_m // check new time exceeds current time (no wraparound)
addi t6, t6, 1 // if wrap, increment most significant word addi t6, t6, 1 // if wrap, increment most significant word
sw t6,4(t4) // store into most significant word of MTIMECMP sw t6,4(t4) // store into most significant word of MTIMECMP
nowrap: nowrap_m:
sw t3, 0(t4) // store into least significant word of MTIMECMP sw t3, 0(t4) // store into least significant word of MTIMECMP
time_loop: time_loop_m:
addi a3, a3, -1 addi a3, a3, -1
bnez a3, time_loop // go through this loop for [a3 value] iterations before returning without performing interrupt bnez a3, time_loop_m // go through this loop for [a3 value] iterations before returning without performing interrupt
ret ret
cause_s_time_interrupt: cause_s_time_interrupt:
li t3, 0x20 li t3, 0x2
csrs mip, t3 // set supervisor time interrupt pending. csrs mcounteren, t3 // set mcounteren.TM to 1 to attempt to allow us to write to stimecmp
nop // added extra nops in so the csrs can get through the pipeline before returning. li t3, 0x30 // Desired offset from the present time
mv a3, t3 // copy value in to know to stop waiting for interrupt after this many cycles
// la t4, 0x02004000 // MTIMECMP register in CLINT
la t5, 0x0200BFF8 // MTIME register in CLINT *** we still read from mtime since stimecmp is compared to it
lw t2, 0(t5) // low word of MTIME
lw t6, 4(t5) // high word of MTIME
add t3, t2, t3 // add desired offset to the current time
csrw 0x14D, t3 // store into most significant word of STIMECMP
addi a3, a3, -1
bnez a3, time_loop_s // go through this loop for [a3 value] iterations before returning without performing interrupt
ret ret
cause_m_soft_interrupt: cause_m_soft_interrupt:
@ -347,6 +357,9 @@ trap_stack_saved_\MODE\(): // jump here after handling vectored interupt since w
.endif .endif
li t3, 0x2
csrs \MODE\()counteren, t3 // set mcounteren.TM to 1 to attempt to allow us to write to stimecmp
// Respond to trap based on cause // Respond to trap based on cause
// All interrupts should return after being logged // All interrupts should return after being logged
csrr ra, \MODE\()cause csrr ra, \MODE\()cause
@ -417,6 +430,9 @@ trapreturn_specified_\MODE\():
li a2, 0 // reset trapreturn inputs to the trap handler li a2, 0 // reset trapreturn inputs to the trap handler
trapreturn_finished_\MODE\(): trapreturn_finished_\MODE\():
li t3, 0x2
csrc \MODE\()counteren, t3 // set mcounteren.TM to 1 to attempt to allow us to write to stimecmp
csrw \MODE\()epc, ra // update the epc with address of next instruction csrw \MODE\()epc, ra // update the epc with address of next instruction
ld t2, -24(sp) // restore registers from stack before returning ld t2, -24(sp) // restore registers from stack before returning
ld t0, -16(sp) ld t0, -16(sp)
@ -539,7 +555,8 @@ soft_interrupt_\MODE\():
time_interrupt_\MODE\(): time_interrupt_\MODE\():
la t0, 0x02004000 // MTIMECMP register in CLINT la t0, 0x02004000 // MTIMECMP register in CLINT
li t2, 0xFFFFFFFF li t2, 0xFFFFFFFF
sd t2, 0(t0) // reset interrupt by setting mtimecmp to 0xFFFFFFFF sd t2, 0(t0) // reset interrupt by setting mtimecmp to max
csrw 0x14D, t2 // reset stime interrupts by doing the same.
li t0, 0x20 li t0, 0x20
csrc \MODE\()ip, t0 csrc \MODE\()ip, t0