mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 06:05:49 +00:00
Improving the priv func cov flow to run with --fcovpriv flag
This commit is contained in:
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ defaultsim = "verilator" # Default simulator for all other tests
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--ccov", help="Code Coverage", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--fcov", help="Functional Coverage", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--fcovrvvi", help="Functional Coverage RVVI", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--fcovpriv", help="Privilege Functional Coverage", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--nightly", help="Run large nightly regression", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--buildroot", help="Include Buildroot Linux boot test (takes many hours, done along with --nightly)", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--testfloat", help="Include Testfloat floating-point unit tests", action="store_true")
@ -385,8 +385,8 @@ if (args.ccov): # only run RV64GC tests in coverage mode
coverStr = '--ccov'
elif (args.fcov): # only run RV64GC tests in lockstep in coverage mode
coverStr = '--fcov'
elif (args.fcovrvvi): # only run RV64GC tests in rvvi coverage mode
coverStr = '--fcovrvvi'
elif (args.fcovrvvi): # only run RV64GC tests in lockstep in coverage mode
coverStr = '--fcovpriv'
coverStr = ''
@ -412,14 +412,10 @@ if (args.ccov): # only run RV64GC tests on Questa in code coverage mode
addTests(tests64gc_nofp, coveragesim)
if (args.fp):
addTests(tests64gc_fp, coveragesim)
elif (args.fcov): # only run RV64GC tests on Questa in lockstep in functional coverage mode
elif (args.fcov or args.fcovpriv): # only run RV64GC tests on Questa in lockstep in functional coverage mode
addLockstepTestsByDir(WALLY+"/addins/cvw-arch-verif/tests/rv32/", "rv32gc", coveragesim, 1)
addLockstepTestsByDir(WALLY+"/addins/cvw-arch-verif/tests/rv64/", "rv64gc", coveragesim, 1)
# addLockstepTestsByDir(WALLY+"/tests/riscof/work/wally-riscv-arch-test/rv64i_m/privilege/src/", "rv64gc", coveragesim, 0)
elif (args.fcovrvvi): # only run RV64GC tests on Questa in rvvi coverage mode
addTests(tests64gc_nofp, coveragesim)
if (args.fp):
addTests(tests64gc_fp, coveragesim)
for sim in sims:
if (not (args.buildroot and sim == defaultsim)): # skip short buildroot sim if running long one
@ -511,10 +507,7 @@ def main():
if args.ccov:
TIMEOUT_DUR = 20*60 # seconds
os.system('rm -f questa/cov/*.ucdb')
elif args.fcovrvvi:
os.system('rm -f questa/fcovrvvi_ucdb/* questa/fcovrvvi_logs/* questa/fcovrvvi/*')
elif args.fcov:
elif args.fcov or args.fcovpriv:
os.system('rm -f questa/fcov_ucdb/* questa/fcov_logs/* questa/fcov/*')
elif args.buildroot:
@ -529,7 +522,7 @@ def main():
# Scale the number of concurrent processes to the number of test cases, but
# max out at a limited number of concurrent processes to not overwhelm the system
# right now fcov, ccov, nightly all use Imperas
if (args.ccov or args.fcov or args.nightly):
if (args.ccov or args.fcov or args.fcovpriv or args.nightly):
ImperasDVLicenseCount = 8 # limit number of concurrent processes to avoid overloading ImperasDV licenses
ImperasDVLicenseCount = 10000 # effectively no license limit for non-lockstep tests
@ -548,10 +541,8 @@ def main():
# Coverage report
if args.ccov:
os.system('make QuestaCodeCoverage')
if args.fcov:
if args.fcov or args.fcovpriv:
os.system('make -f '+WALLY+'/addins/cvw-arch-verif/Makefile merge')
if args.fcovrvvi:
os.system('make QuestaFunctCoverageRvvi')
# Count the number of failures
if num_fail:
print(f"{bcolors.FAIL}Regression failed with %s failed configurations{bcolors.ENDC}" % num_fail)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ parser.add_argument("--gui", "-g", help="Simulate with GUI", action="store_true"
parser.add_argument("--ccov", "-c", help="Code Coverage", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--fcovimp", "-f2", help="Functional Coverage with Imperas licensed riscvISACOV, implies lockstep", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--fcov", "-f", help="Functional Coverage with cvw-arch-verif, implies lockstep", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--fcovrvvi", "-fr", help="Functional Coverage RVVI", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--fcovpriv", "-fpriv", help="Privileged Functional Coverage with cvw-arch-verif, implies lockstep", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--args", "-a", help="Optional arguments passed to simulator via $value$plusargs", default="")
parser.add_argument("--params", "-p", help="Optional top-level parameter overrides of the form param=value", default="")
parser.add_argument("--vcd", "-v", help="Generate testbench.vcd", action="store_true")
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ if(args.lockstep and not args.testsuite.endswith('.elf')):
# Validate arguments
if (args.gui or args.ccov or args.fcov or args.fcovimp or args.fcovrvvi or args.lockstep or args.lockstepverbose):
if (args.gui or args.ccov or args.fcov or args.fcovimp or args.fcovpriv or args.lockstep or args.lockstepverbose):
if args.sim not in ["questa", "vcs"]:
print("Option only supported for Questa and VCS")
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ if (args.tb == "testbench_fp"):
if(int(args.locksteplog) >= 1): EnableLog = 1
else: EnableLog = 0
prefix = ""
if (args.lockstep or args.lockstepverbose or args.fcov or args.fcovimp):
if (args.lockstep or args.lockstepverbose or args.fcov or args.fcovimp or args.fcovpriv):
if (args.sim == "questa" or args.sim == "vcs"):
prefix = "IMPERAS_TOOLS=" + WALLY + "/config/"+args.config+"/imperas.ic"
if (args.sim == "questa"):
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ if (args.lockstep or args.lockstepverbose):
else: EnableLog = 0
ImperasPlusArgs = " +IDV_TRACE2COV=" + str(EnableLog) + " +TRACE2LOG_AFTER=" + str(args.covlog) + " +TRACE2COV_ENABLE=" + CovEnableStr
suffix = ""
if(args.fcov or args.fcovpriv):
CovEnableStr = "1" if int(args.covlog) > 0 else "0";
if(args.covlog >= 1): EnableLog = 1
else: EnableLog = 0
@ -129,12 +129,12 @@ if (args.fcov):
flags += " --fcov"
if (args.fcovimp):
flags += " --fcovimp"
if (args.fcovrvvi):
flags += "--fcovrvvi"
if (args.fcovpriv):
flags += "--fcovpriv"
# create the output sub-directories.
regressionDir = WALLY + '/sim/'
for d in ["logs", "wkdir", "cov", "ucdb", "fcov", "fcov_ucdb", "fcovrvvi", "fcovrvvi_ucdb"]:
for d in ["logs", "wkdir", "cov", "ucdb", "fcov", "fcov_ucdb"]:
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
`include "RV64M_coverage.svh"
`include "RV64F_coverage.svh"
`include "RV64Zfh_coverage.svh"
// `include "RV64VM_coverage.svh"
// `include "RV64VM_PMP_coverage.svh"
// `include "RV64CBO_VM_coverage.svh"
// `include "RV64CBO_PMP_coverage.svh"
// `include "RV64Zicbom_coverage.svh"
`include "RV64VM_coverage.svh"
`include "RV64VM_PMP_coverage.svh"
`include "RV64CBO_VM_coverage.svh"
`include "RV64CBO_PMP_coverage.svh"
`include "RV64Zicbom_coverage.svh"
`include "RV64Zicond_coverage.svh"
`include "RV64Zca_coverage.svh"
`include "RV64Zcb_coverage.svh"
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ deriv:
.PHONY: QuestaCodeCoverage QuestaFunctCoverageRvvi collect_functcov combine_functcov remove_functcov_artifacts riscvdv riscvdv_functcov
.PHONY: QuestaCodeCoverage collect_functcov combine_functcov remove_functcov_artifacts riscvdv riscvdv_functcov
QuestaCodeCoverage: questa/ucdb/rv64gc_arch64i.ucdb
vcover merge -out questa/ucdb/cov.ucdb questa/ucdb/rv64gc_arch64i.ucdb questa/ucdb/rv64gc*.ucdb -logfile questa/cov/log
@ -51,14 +51,6 @@ QuestaCodeCoverage: questa/ucdb/rv64gc_arch64i.ucdb
# vcover report -recursive questa/ucdb/cov.ucdb > questa/cov/rv64gc_recursive.rpt
vcover report -details -threshH 100 -html questa/ucdb/cov.ucdb
QuestaFunctCoverageRvvi: ${WALLY}/addins/cvw-arch-verif/work/rv64gc_arch64i.ucdb
vcover merge -out ${SIM}/questa/fcovrvvi_ucdb/fcovrvvi.ucdb ${WALLY}/addins/cvw-arch-verif/work/rv64gc_arch64i.ucdb ${WALLY}/addins/cvw-arch-verif/work/rv64gc_*.ucdb -logfile ${SIM}/questa/fcovrvvi/log
vcover report -details -html ${SIM}/questa/fcovrvvi_ucdb/fcovrvvi.ucdb
vcover report ${SIM}/questa/fcovrvvi_ucdb/fcovrvvi.ucdb -details -cvg > ${SIM}/questa/fcovrvvi/fcovrvvi.log
vcover report ${SIM}/questa/fcovrvvi_ucdb/fcovrvvi.ucdb -testdetails -cvg > ${SIM}/questa/fcovrvvi/fcovrvvi.testdetails.log
vcover report ${SIM}/questa/fcovrvvi_ucdb/fcovrvvi.ucdb -details -cvg | egrep "Coverpoint|Covergroup|Cross|TYPE" > ${SIM}/questa/fcovrvvi/fcovrvvi.summary.log
grep "TOTAL COVERGROUP COVERAGE" ${SIM}/questa/fcovrvvi/fcovrvvi.log
collect_functcov: remove_functcov_artifacts riscvdv_functcov combine_functcov
@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ if [file exists ${WKDIR}] {
vdel -lib ${WKDIR} -all
vlib ${WKDIR}
# Create directory for functional coverage data
mkdir -p ${FCRVVI}
set PlusArgs ""
set ParamArgs ""
@ -62,10 +60,8 @@ set ccov 0
set CoverageVoptArg ""
set CoverageVsimArg ""
set FuncCovRVVI 0
set FCdefineRVVI_COVERAGE ""
set FunctCoverage 0
set FCpriv 0
set FCvlog ""
set FCvopt ""
set FCdefineCOVER_EXTS {}
@ -108,10 +104,18 @@ if {[lcheck lst "--ccov"]} {
set CoverageVsimArg "-coverage"
# if --fcovrvvi found set flag and remove from list
if {[lcheck lst "--fcovrvvi"]} {
set FuncCovRVVI 1
# if --fcovpriv found set flag and remove from list
if {[lcheck lst "--fcovpriv"]} {
set FunctCoverage 1
set FCpriv 1
set FCvlog "+define+INCLUDE_TRACE2COV \
+define+COVER_BASE_RV32I \
+define+COVER_PRIV \
+incdir+$env(WALLY)/addins/riscvISACOV/source \
# if --fcovimp found set flag and remove from list
@ -138,11 +142,12 @@ if {[lcheck lst "--fcovimp"]} {
if {[lcheck lst "--fcov"]} {
set FunctCoverage 1
# COVER_BASE_RV32I is just needed to keep riscvISACOV happy, but no longer affects tests
set FCvlog "+define+INCLUDE_TRACE2COV \
set FCvlog "+define+INCLUDE_TRACE2COV \
+define+COVER_BASE_RV32I \
+incdir+$env(WALLY)/addins/riscvISACOV/source \
@ -181,7 +186,6 @@ if {$DEBUG > 0} {
echo "GUI = $GUI"
echo "ccov = $ccov"
echo "lockstep = $lockstep"
echo "FuncCovRVVI = $FuncCovRVVI"
echo "FunctCoverage = $FunctCoverage"
echo "remaining list = $lst"
echo "Extra +args = $PlusArgs"
@ -192,9 +196,9 @@ if {$DEBUG > 0} {
# suppress spurious warnngs about
# "Extra checking for conflicts with always_comb done at vopt time"
# because vsim will run vopt
set INC_DIRS "+incdir+${CONFIG}/${CFG} +incdir+${CONFIG}/deriv/${CFG} +incdir+${CONFIG}/shared +incdir+${FCRVVI} +incdir+${FCRVVI}/rv32 +incdir+${FCRVVI}/rv64 +incdir+${FCRVVI}/rv64_priv +incdir+${FCRVVI}/common +incdir+${FCRVVI}"
set INC_DIRS "+incdir+${CONFIG}/${CFG} +incdir+${CONFIG}/deriv/${CFG} +incdir+${CONFIG}/shared +incdir+${FCRVVI} +incdir+${FCRVVI}/rv32 +incdir+${FCRVVI}/rv64 +incdir+${FCRVVI}/rv64_priv +incdir+${FCRVVI}/common"
set SOURCES "${SRC}/cvw.sv ${TB}/${TESTBENCH}.sv ${TB}/common/*.sv ${SRC}/*/*.sv ${SRC}/*/*/*.sv ${WALLY}/addins/verilog-ethernet/*/*.sv ${WALLY}/addins/verilog-ethernet/*/*/*/*.sv"
vlog -permissive -lint -work ${WKDIR} {*}${INC_DIRS} {*}${FCvlog} {*}${FCdefineCOVER_EXTS} {*}${lockstepvlog} ${FCdefineRVVI_COVERAGE} {*}${SOURCES} -suppress 2282,2583,7053,7063,2596,13286
vlog -permissive -lint -work ${WKDIR} {*}${INC_DIRS} {*}${FCvlog} {*}${FCdefineCOVER_EXTS} {*}${lockstepvlog} {*}${SOURCES} -suppress 2282,2583,7053,7063,2596,13286
# start and run simulation
# remove +acc flag for faster sim during regressions if there is no need to access internal signals
@ -216,13 +220,13 @@ if { ${GUI} } {
if {$FunctCoverage} {
set UCDB ${WALLY}/sim/questa/fcov_ucdb/${CFG}_${TESTSUITE}.ucdb
coverage save -onexit ${UCDB}
if {$FuncCovRVVI} {
set UCDB ${WALLY}/addins/cvw-arch-verif/work/${CFG}_${TESTSUITE}.ucdb
coverage save -onexit ${UCDB}
if {$FCpriv} {
set UCDB ${WALLY}/sim/questa/fcov_ucdb/${CFG}_${TESTSUITE}.priv.ucdb
coverage save -onexit ${UCDB}
} else {
set UCDB ${WALLY}/sim/questa/fcov_ucdb/${CFG}_${TESTSUITE}.ucdb
coverage save -onexit ${UCDB}
run -all
Reference in New Issue
Block a user