Merge pull request #404 from davidharrishmc/dev

Coverage improvements
This commit is contained in:
Ross Thompson 2023-09-02 15:31:59 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit a71407024e
11 changed files with 290 additions and 37 deletions

sim/coverage Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# recompile coverage tests and run coverage including them
pushd $WALLY/tests/coverage; make; popd; ./regression-wally -coverage

View File

@ -65,14 +65,20 @@ add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCE
add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrE
add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/InstrEName
add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/c/InstrValidE
add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/SrcAE
add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/SrcBE
add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/ALUResultE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/FunctionName/FunctionName/FunctionName
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/core/InstrValidM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/core/PCM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/core/InstrM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/InstrMName
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/IEUAdrM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/core/lsu/ReadDataM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/core/lsu/WriteDataM
add wave -noupdate -group {WriteBack stage} /testbench/InstrW
add wave -noupdate -group {WriteBack stage} /testbench/InstrWName
add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/ResultW
add wave -noupdate -group CSRs /testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/csrm/MCAUSE_REGW
add wave -noupdate -group CSRs /testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/MCOUNTEREN_REGW
add wave -noupdate -group CSRs /testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/MCOUNTINHIBIT_REGW

View File

@ -106,8 +106,7 @@ module cachefsm import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P,
assign FlushFlag = FlushAdrFlag & FlushWayFlag;
// outputs for the performance counters.
assign CacheAccess = (|CacheRW) & ((CurrState == STATE_READY & ~Stall & ~FlushStage) |
(CurrState == STATE_READ_HOLD & ~Stall & ~FlushStage)); // exclusion-tag: icache CacheW
assign CacheAccess = (|CacheRW) & ((CurrState == STATE_READY & ~Stall & ~FlushStage) | (CurrState == STATE_READ_HOLD & ~Stall & ~FlushStage)); // exclusion-tag: icache CacheW
assign CacheMiss = CacheAccess & ~CacheHit;
// special case on reset. When the fsm first exists reset the

View File

@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ module controller import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (
((P.ZICBOZ_SUPPORTED & InstrD[31:20] == 12'd4 & ENVCFG_CBE[3]) |
(P.ZICBOM_SUPPORTED & ((InstrD[31:20] == 12'd0 & (ENVCFG_CBE[1:0] != 2'b00))) |
(InstrD[31:20] == 12'd1 | InstrD[31:20] == 12'd2) & ENVCFG_CBE[2]));
// *** need to get with enable bits such as MENVCFG_CBZE
assign AFunctD = (Funct3D == 3'b010) | (P.XLEN == 64 & Funct3D == 3'b011);
assign AMOFunctD = (InstrD[31:27] == 5'b00001) |
(InstrD[31:27] == 5'b00000) |

View File

@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ module pmachecker import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (
adrdecs #(P) adrdecs(PhysicalAddress, AccessRW, AccessRX, AccessRWX, Size, SelRegions);
// Only non-core RAM/ROM memory regions are cacheable. PBMT can override cachable; NC and IO are uncachable
assign CacheableRegion = SelRegions[8] | SelRegions[7] | SelRegions[6];
assign Cacheable = (PBMemoryType == 2'b00) ? CacheableRegion : 0; // exclusion-tag: unused-cachable
assign CacheableRegion = SelRegions[8] | SelRegions[7] | SelRegions[6]; // exclusion-tag: unused-cachable
assign Cacheable = (PBMemoryType == 2'b00) ? CacheableRegion : 0;
// Nonidemdempotent means access could have side effect and must not be done speculatively or redundantly
// I/O is nonidempotent. PBMT can override PMA; NC is idempotent and IO is non-idempotent
assign IdempotentRegion = SelRegions[10] | SelRegions[9] | SelRegions[8] | SelRegions[7] | SelRegions[6];
assign Idempotent = (PBMemoryType == 2'b00) ? IdempotentRegion : (PBMemoryType == 2'b01); // exclusion-tag: unused-idempotent
assign IdempotentRegion = SelRegions[10] | SelRegions[9] | SelRegions[8] | SelRegions[7] | SelRegions[6]; // exclusion-tag: unused-idempotent
assign Idempotent = (PBMemoryType == 2'b00) ? IdempotentRegion : (PBMemoryType == 2'b01);
// Atomic operations are only allowed on RAM
assign AtomicAllowed = SelRegions[10] | SelRegions[8] | SelRegions[6]; // exclusion-tag: unused-atomic

View File

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ module tlb import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P,
.TLBMiss, .TLBHit, .TLBPageFault,
.UpdateDA, .SV39Mode, .Translate, .PTE_N, .PBMemoryType);
tlblru #(TLB_ENTRIES) lru(.clk, .reset, .TLBWrite, .TLBFlush, .Matches, .CAMHit, .WriteEnables);
tlblru #(TLB_ENTRIES) lru(.clk, .reset, .TLBWrite, .TLBFlush, .Matches, .TLBHit, .WriteEnables);
tlbcam(.clk, .reset, .VPN, .PageTypeWriteVal, .SV39Mode, .TLBFlush, .WriteEnables, .PTE_Gs, .PTE_NAPOTs,
.SATP_ASID, .Matches, .HitPageType, .CAMHit);

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module tlblru #(parameter TLB_ENTRIES = 8) (
input logic TLBWrite,
input logic TLBFlush,
input logic [TLB_ENTRIES-1:0] Matches,
input logic CAMHit,
input logic TLBHit,
output logic [TLB_ENTRIES-1:0] WriteEnables
@ -50,5 +50,5 @@ module tlblru #(parameter TLB_ENTRIES = 8) (
assign RUBitsAccessed = AccessLines | RUBits;
assign AllUsed = &RUBitsAccessed; // if all recently used, then clear to none
assign RUBitsNext = AllUsed ? 0 : RUBitsAccessed;
flopenr #(TLB_ENTRIES) lrustate(clk, reset, (CAMHit | TLBWrite), RUBitsNext, RUBits);
flopenr #(TLB_ENTRIES) lrustate(clk, reset, (TLBHit | TLBWrite), RUBitsNext, RUBits);

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ all: $(OBJECTS)
# Change many things if bit width isn't 64
%.elf: $(SRCDIR)/%.$(SEXT) WALLY-init-lib.h Makefile
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -g -o $@ -march=rv64gqc_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_zfh -mabi=lp64 -mcmodel=medany \
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -g -o $@ -march=rv64gqc_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_zfh_zicboz_zicbop_zicbom -mabi=lp64 -mcmodel=medany \
-nostartfiles -T../../examples/link/link.ld $<
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -S $@ > $@.objdump
riscv64-unknown-elf-elf2hex --bit-width 64 --input $@ --output $@.memfile

View File

@ -92,7 +92,10 @@ changeprivilege:
trap_return: # return from trap handler
csrr t0, mepc # get address of instruction that caused exception
li t1, 0x20000
csrs mstatus, t1 # set mprv bit to fetch instruction with permission of code that trapped
lh t0, 0(t0) # get instruction that caused exception
csrc mstatus, t1 # clear mprv bit to restore normal operation
li t1, 3
and t0, t0, t1 # mask off upper bits
beq t0, t1, instr32 # if lower 2 bits are 11, instruction is uncompresssed

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@ -47,6 +47,13 @@ main:
sc.w t0, a1, 0(a0)
addi t0, t0, 1
# test prefetch Hints (ori with destination x0)
ori x0, x0, 0
ori x0, x0, 1
ori x0, x0, 2
ori x0, x0, 3
# Test illegal instructions are detected
.word 0x80000033 // illegal R-type instruction
.word 0x00007003 // illegal Load instruction
@ -66,6 +73,34 @@ main:
.word 0x60F0101B // Illegal BMU similar to count word
.word 0x6080101B // Illegal BMU similar to count word
.word 0x6030101B // Illegal BMU similar to count word
.word 0x0000202F // Illegal similar to LR
.word 0x1010202F // Illegal similar to LR
.word 0x00402003 // illegal similar to CMO
.word 0x00202003 // illegal similar to CMO
.word 0xFF00302F // illegal Atomic instruction
.word 0xFF00402F // illegal Atomic instruction
.word 0x00000873 // illegal CSR instruction
# Illegal CMO instructions because envcfg is 0 and system is in user Mode
li a0, 0
ecall # switch to user mode
cbo.inval (x1)
cbo.clean (x1)
cbo.flush (x1) (x1)
li a0, 3
ecall # switch back to machine mode
li x1, 0x50
csrw menvcfg, x1
csrw senvcfg, x1
li a0, 0
ecall # swtich to user mode
cbo.inval (x2)
cbo.clean (x3)
cbo.flush (x1)
j done

View File

@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
# run-elf.bash find this in project description
li t5, 0x1
slli t5, t5, 62
csrs menvcfg, t5
# Page table root address at 0x80010000; SV48
li t5, 0x9000000000080010
csrw satp, t5
@ -41,14 +44,25 @@ main:
li a0, 1
li t0, 0x80215240
li t4, 0x200000 # address step size
li a2, 0x80215240 # Test NAPOT pages
jal a1, looptest
li a2, 0xC0215240 # Test ill-formed NAPOT pages
jal a1, looptest
li a2, 0x40215240 # Test properly formed pages with 1 in PPN[3] that are not NAPOT
jal a1, looptest
# li t4, 0x1000 # address step size
# li a2, 0x80216000 # Test NAPOT pages
# jal a1, looptest
j done
mv t0, a2 # base address
li t2, 0 # i = 0
li t3, 33 # Max amount of Loops = 32
li t4, 0x200000
li t3, 35 # Max amount of Loops = 34
li t5, 0x8082 # return instruction opcode
loop: bge t2, t3, finished # exit loop if i >= loops
loop: bge t2, t3, looptesti # exit loop if i >= loops
sw t5, 0(t0) # store a return at this address to exercise DTLB
lw t1, 0(t0) # read it back
fence.i # synchronize with I$
@ -57,8 +71,20 @@ loop: bge t2, t3, finished # exit loop if i >= loops
addi t2, t2, 1
j loop
mv t0, a2 # base address
li t2, 0 # i = 0
fence.i # synchronize with I$
# Exercise itlb by jumping to each of the return statements
loopi: bge t2, t3, finished # exit loop if i >= loops
jalr ra, t0 # jump to the return statement to exercise the ITLB
add t0, t0, t4
addi t2, t2, 1
j loopi
j done
jr a1
@ -69,12 +95,13 @@ pagetable:
# next page table at 0x80011000
.align 12
.8byte 0x0000000000000000
.8byte 0x00000000200048C1
.8byte 0x00000000200048C1
.8byte 0x0000000000000000 # gigapage at 0x00000000
.8byte 0x00000000200058C1 # gigapage at 0x40000000 used for non-NAPOT with PPN bit 3 set
.8byte 0x00000000200048C1 # gigapage at 0x80000000 used for testing NAPOT huge pages
.8byte 0x00000000200050C1 # gigapage at 0xC0000000 mapped to ill-formed NAPOT with wrong PPN
# Next page table at 0x80012000
# Next page table at 0x80012000 for gigapage at 0x80000000
.align 12
.8byte 0x0000000020004CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020004CC1
@ -111,29 +138,32 @@ pagetable:
.8byte 0x0000000020004CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020004CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020004CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020004CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020004CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020004CC1
# Leaf page table at 0x80013000
# Leaf page table at 0x80013000 with NAPOT pages
.align 12
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0xA0000000200020CF
.8byte 0x80000000200060CF
.8byte 0x80000000200060CF
@ -182,3 +212,182 @@ pagetable:
.8byte 0x800000002000E0CF
.8byte 0x800000002000E0CF
# Next page table at 0x80014000: mega-sized, pointing to malformed NAPOT for gigapage at 0xC9000000
.align 12
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
.8byte 0x00000000200054C1
# Leaf page table at 0x80015000 with malformed NAPOT pages (wrong PPN) starting at 0xC0000000
.align 12
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
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.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
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.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
.8byte 0x80000000200000CF
# Next page table at 0x80016000: mega-sized, pointing to properly formed PTE with 1 in PPN bit 3 for gigapage at 0x40000000
.align 12
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
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.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
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.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
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.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
.8byte 0x0000000020005CC1
# Leaf page table at 0x80017000 with properly formed PTE with bit 4 of PPN set but no NAPOT
.align 12
.8byte 0x00000000200020CF
.8byte 0x00000000200060CF
.8byte 0x000000002000A0CF
.8byte 0x000000002000E0CF
.8byte 0x00000000200020CF
.8byte 0x00000000200060CF
.8byte 0x000000002000A0CF
.8byte 0x000000002000E0CF
.8byte 0x00000000200020CF
.8byte 0x00000000200060CF
.8byte 0x000000002000A0CF
.8byte 0x000000002000E0CF
.8byte 0x00000000200020CF
.8byte 0x00000000200060CF
.8byte 0x000000002000A0CF
.8byte 0x000000002000E0CF
.8byte 0x00000000200020CF
.8byte 0x00000000200060CF
.8byte 0x000000002000A0CF
.8byte 0x000000002000E0CF
.8byte 0x00000000200020CF
.8byte 0x00000000200060CF
.8byte 0x000000002000A0CF
.8byte 0x000000002000E0CF
.8byte 0x00000000200020CF
.8byte 0x00000000200060CF
.8byte 0x000000002000A0CF
.8byte 0x000000002000E0CF
.8byte 0x00000000200020CF
.8byte 0x00000000200060CF
.8byte 0x000000002000A0CF
.8byte 0x000000002000E0CF
.8byte 0x00000000200020CF
.8byte 0x00000000200060CF
.8byte 0x000000002000A0CF
.8byte 0x000000002000E0CF