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synced 2025-02-01 17:34:27 +00:00
Clean up names and comments in divsqrt
This commit is contained in:
@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ module fdivsqrt(
logic [`DIVBLEN:0] nE, nM, mM;
logic NegQuotM, ALTBM, AsM, W64M;
logic DivStartE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] ForwardedSrcAM;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] AM;
fdivsqrtpreproc fdivsqrtpreproc(
.clk, .IFDivStartE, .Xm(XmE), .QeM, .Xe(XeE), .Fmt(FmtE), .Ye(YeE),
.Sqrt(SqrtE), .Ym(YmE), .XZeroE, .X, .DPreproc, .ForwardedSrcAM, .MDUM, .W64M,
.Sqrt(SqrtE), .Ym(YmE), .XZeroE, .X, .DPreproc, .AM, .MDUM, .W64M,
.nE, .nM, .mM, .NegQuotM, .ALTBM, .AZeroM, .BZeroM, .AZeroE, .BZeroE, .AsM,
.ForwardedSrcAE, .ForwardedSrcBE, .Funct3E, .MDUE, .W64E);
fdivsqrtfsm fdivsqrtfsm(
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ module fdivsqrt(
fdivsqrtpostproc fdivsqrtpostproc(
.clk, .reset, .StallM,
.WS, .WC, .D, .FirstU, .FirstUM, .FirstC, .SqrtE, .Firstun,
.SqrtM, .SpecialCaseM, .RemOpM(Funct3M[1]), .ForwardedSrcAM,
.SqrtM, .SpecialCaseM, .RemOpM(Funct3M[1]), .AM,
.nM, .ALTBM, .mM, .BZeroM, .AsM, .NegQuotM, .W64M,
.QmM, .WZeroE, .DivSM, .FPIntDivResultM);
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module fdivsqrtexpcalc(
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] Fmt,
input logic [`NE-1:0] Xe, Ye,
input logic Sqrt,
input logic XZeroE,
input logic XZero,
input logic [`DIVBLEN:0] ell, m,
output logic [`NE+1:0] Qe
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ module fdivsqrtexpcalc(
assign SXExp = {2'b0, Xe} - {{(`NE+1-`DIVBLEN){1'b0}}, ell} - (`NE+2)'(`BIAS);
assign SExp = {SXExp[`NE+1], SXExp[`NE+1:1]} + {2'b0, Bias};
// correct exponent for denormalized input's normalization shifts
assign DExp = ({2'b0, Xe} - {{(`NE+1-`DIVBLEN){1'b0}}, ell} - {2'b0, Ye} + {{(`NE+1-`DIVBLEN){1'b0}}, m} + {3'b0, Bias}) & {`NE+2{~XZeroE}};
assign DExp = ({2'b0, Xe} - {{(`NE+1-`DIVBLEN){1'b0}}, ell} - {2'b0, Ye} + {{(`NE+1-`DIVBLEN){1'b0}}, m} + {3'b0, Bias}) & {`NE+2{~XZero}};
assign Qe = Sqrt ? SExp : DExp;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module fdivsqrtpostproc(
input logic [`DIVb+1:0] FirstC,
input logic SqrtE,
input logic Firstun, SqrtM, SpecialCaseM, NegQuotM,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] ForwardedSrcAM,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] AM,
input logic RemOpM, ALTBM, BZeroM, AsM, W64M,
input logic [`DIVBLEN:0] nM, mM,
output logic [`DIVb:0] QmM,
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ module fdivsqrtpostproc(
if (ALTBM) begin
IntQuotM = '0;
IntRemM = {{(`DIVb-`XLEN+4){1'b0}}, ForwardedSrcAM};
IntRemM = {{(`DIVb-`XLEN+4){1'b0}}, AM};
end else begin
logic [`DIVb+3:0] PreIntQuotM;
if (WZeroM) begin
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ module fdivsqrtpostproc(
// division takes the result from the next cycle, which is shifted to the left one more time so the square root also needs to be shifted
assign PreFPIntDivResultM = $signed(PreResultM >>> NormShiftM);
assign SpecialFPIntDivResultM = BZeroM ? (RemOpM ? ForwardedSrcAM : {(`XLEN){1'b1}}) : PreFPIntDivResultM[`XLEN-1:0]; // special cases
assign SpecialFPIntDivResultM = BZeroM ? (RemOpM ? AM : {(`XLEN){1'b1}}) : PreFPIntDivResultM[`XLEN-1:0]; // special cases
// *** conditional on RV64
assign FPIntDivResultM = (W64M ? {{(`XLEN-32){SpecialFPIntDivResultM[31]}}, SpecialFPIntDivResultM[31:0]} : SpecialFPIntDivResultM[`XLEN-1:0]); // Sign extending in case of W64
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module fdivsqrtpreproc (
output logic [`NE+1:0] QeM,
output logic [`DIVb+3:0] X,
output logic [`DIVb-1:0] DPreproc,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] ForwardedSrcAM
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] AM
logic [`DIVb-1:0] XPreproc;
@ -56,9 +56,6 @@ module fdivsqrtpreproc (
logic [`NE+1:0] QeE;
// Intdiv signals
logic [`DIVb-1:0] IFNormLenX, IFNormLenD;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PosA, PosB;
logic AsE, BsE, ALTBE, NegQuotE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] A64, B64, A64Src;
logic [`DIVBLEN:0] mE;
logic [`DIVBLEN:0] ZeroDiff, IntBits, RightShiftX;
logic [`DIVBLEN:0] pPlusr, pPrCeil, p, ell;
@ -70,36 +67,47 @@ module fdivsqrtpreproc (
// cout the number of leading zeros
if (`IDIV_ON_FPU) begin
// *** why !FUnct3E
logic signedDiv;
logic AsE, BsE, ALTBE, NegQuotE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] AE, BE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PosA, PosB;
// Extract inputs, signs, zero, depending on W64 mode if applicable
assign signedDiv = ~Funct3E[0];
if (`XLEN==64) begin // 64-bit, supports W64
assign AsE = ~Funct3E[0] & (W64E ? ForwardedSrcAE[31] : ForwardedSrcAE[`XLEN-1]);
assign BsE = ~Funct3E[0] & (W64E ? ForwardedSrcBE[31] : ForwardedSrcBE[`XLEN-1]);
assign A64 = W64E ? {{(`XLEN-32){AsE}}, ForwardedSrcAE[31:0]} : ForwardedSrcAE; // *** rename this
assign B64 = W64E ? {{(`XLEN-32){BsE}}, ForwardedSrcBE[31:0]} : ForwardedSrcBE;
// assign A64Src = W64E ? {{(`XLEN-32){ForwardedSrcAE[31]}}, ForwardedSrcAE[31:0]} : ForwardedSrcAE;
assign AsE = signedDiv & (W64E ? ForwardedSrcAE[31] : ForwardedSrcAE[`XLEN-1]);
assign BsE = signedDiv & (W64E ? ForwardedSrcBE[31] : ForwardedSrcBE[`XLEN-1]);
assign AE = W64E ? {{(`XLEN-32){AsE}}, ForwardedSrcAE[31:0]} : ForwardedSrcAE;
assign BE = W64E ? {{(`XLEN-32){BsE}}, ForwardedSrcBE[31:0]} : ForwardedSrcBE;
assign AZeroE = W64E ? ~(|ForwardedSrcAE[31:0]) : ~(|ForwardedSrcAE);
assign BZeroE = W64E ? ~(|ForwardedSrcBE[31:0]) : ~(|ForwardedSrcBE);
end else begin // 32 bits only
assign AsE = ~Funct3E[0] & ForwardedSrcAE[`XLEN-1];
assign BsE = ~Funct3E[0] & ForwardedSrcBE[`XLEN-1];
assign A64 = ForwardedSrcAE;
assign B64 = ForwardedSrcBE;
// assign A64Src = ForwardedSrcAE;
assign AsE = signedDiv & ForwardedSrcAE[`XLEN-1];
assign BsE = signedDiv & ForwardedSrcBE[`XLEN-1];
assign AE = ForwardedSrcAE;
assign BE = ForwardedSrcBE;
assign AZeroE = ~(|ForwardedSrcAE);
assign BZeroE = ~(|ForwardedSrcBE);
// Quotient is negative
assign NegQuotE = (AsE ^ BsE) & MDUE;
assign PosA = AsE ? -A64 : A64;
assign PosB = BsE ? -B64 : B64;
// Force inputs to be postiive
assign PosA = AsE ? -AE : AE;
assign PosB = BsE ? -BE : BE;
// Select integer or floating point inputs
assign IFNormLenX = MDUE ? {PosA, {(`DIVb-`XLEN){1'b0}}} : {Xm, {(`DIVb-`NF-1){1'b0}}};
assign IFNormLenD = MDUE ? {PosB, {(`DIVb-`XLEN){1'b0}}} : {Ym, {(`DIVb-`NF-1){1'b0}}};
// Difference in number of leading zeros
assign ZeroDiff = mE - ell;
assign ALTBE = ZeroDiff[`DIVBLEN]; // A less than B
assign p = ALTBE ? '0 : ZeroDiff;
/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */
// right shift amount to complete in discrete number of steps
assign pPlusr = (`DIVBLEN)'(`LOGR) + p;
assign pPrTrunc = pPlusr % `RK;
assign pPrCeil = (pPlusr >> `LOGRK) + {{`DIVBLEN{1'b0}}, |(pPrTrunc)};
@ -108,8 +116,8 @@ module fdivsqrtpreproc (
assign RightShiftX = ((`DIVBLEN)'(`RK) - 1) - (IntBits % `RK);
/* verilator lint_on WIDTH */
// Selet integer or floating-point operands
assign NumZeroE = MDUE ? AZeroE : XZeroE;
assign X = MDUE ? DivX >> RightShiftX : PreShiftX;
// pipeline registers
@ -122,22 +130,24 @@ module fdivsqrtpreproc (
flopen #(1) azeroreg(clk, IFDivStartE, AZeroE, AZeroM);
flopen #(1) bzeroreg(clk, IFDivStartE, BZeroE, BZeroM);
flopen #(1) asignreg(clk, IFDivStartE, AsE, AsM);
// flopen #(`XLEN) srcareg(clk, IFDivStartE, A64Src, ForwardedSrcAM);
flopen #(`XLEN) srcareg(clk, IFDivStartE, A64, ForwardedSrcAM);
flopen #(`XLEN) srcareg(clk, IFDivStartE, AE, AM);
end else begin
assign IFNormLenX = {Xm, {(`DIVb-`NF-1){1'b0}}};
assign IFNormLenD = {Ym, {(`DIVb-`NF-1){1'b0}}};
assign NumZeroE = XZeroE;
assign X = PreShiftX;
assign IFNormLenX = MDUE ? {PosA, {(`DIVb-`XLEN){1'b0}}} : {Xm, {(`DIVb-`NF-1){1'b0}}};
assign IFNormLenD = MDUE ? {PosB, {(`DIVb-`XLEN){1'b0}}} : {Ym, {(`DIVb-`NF-1){1'b0}}};
// count leading zeros for denorm FP and to normalize integer inputs
lzc #(`DIVb) lzcX (IFNormLenX, ell);
lzc #(`DIVb) lzcY (IFNormLenD, mE);
assign XPreproc = IFNormLenX << (ell + {{`DIVBLEN{1'b0}}, 1'b1}); // had issue with (`DIVBLEN+1)'(~MDUE) so using this instead
assign DPreproc = IFNormLenD << (mE + {{`DIVBLEN{1'b0}}, 1'b1}); // replaced ~MDUE with 1 bc we always want that extra left shift
// Normalization shift
assign XPreproc = IFNormLenX << (ell + {{`DIVBLEN{1'b0}}, 1'b1});
assign DPreproc = IFNormLenD << (mE + {{`DIVBLEN{1'b0}}, 1'b1});
// append leading 1 (for nonzero inputs) and zero-extend
assign SqrtX = (Xe[0]^ell[0]) ? {1'b0, ~NumZeroE, XPreproc[`DIVb-1:1]} : {~NumZeroE, XPreproc}; // Bottom bit of XPreproc is always zero because DIVb is larger than XLEN and NF
assign DivX = {3'b000, ~NumZeroE, XPreproc};
@ -145,19 +155,9 @@ module fdivsqrtpreproc (
if (`RADIX == 2) assign PreShiftX = Sqrt ? {3'b111, SqrtX} : DivX;
else assign PreShiftX = Sqrt ? {2'b11, SqrtX, 1'b0} : DivX;
fdivsqrtexpcalc expcalc(.Fmt, .Xe, .Ye, .Sqrt, .XZeroE, .ell, .m(mE), .Qe(QeE));
// radix 2 radix 4
// 1 copies DIVLEN+2 DIVLEN+2/2
// 2 copies DIVLEN+2/2 DIVLEN+2/2*2
// 4 copies DIVLEN+2/4 DIVLEN+2/2*4
// 8 copies DIVLEN+2/8 DIVLEN+2/2*8
// r = 1 or 2
// Floating-point exponent
fdivsqrtexpcalc expcalc(.Fmt, .Xe, .Ye, .Sqrt, .XZero(XZeroE), .ell, .m(mE), .Qe(QeE));
flopen #(`NE+2) expreg(clk, IFDivStartE, QeE, QeM);
Reference in New Issue
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