Merge branch 'main' of into spiboot

This commit is contained in:
Jacob Pease 2024-07-22 13:06:05 -05:00
commit 6a9141e3be
11 changed files with 204 additions and 338 deletions

View File

@ -282,6 +282,22 @@ def addTests(tests, sim):
grepfile = grepfile)
def addLockstepTestsByDir(dir, config, sim):
sim_logdir = WALLY+ "/sim/" + sim + "/logs/"
cmdPrefix="wsim --sim " + sim + " " + coverStr + " " + config
for file in os.listdir(dir):
if file.endswith(".elf"):
fullfile = os.path.join(dir, file)
sim_log = sim_logdir + config + "_" + file
grepstring = ""
tc = TestCase(
cmd=cmdPrefix + " " + fullfile + " > " + sim_log,
grepstr="Mismatches : 0",
grepfile = sim_log)
def search_log_for_text(text, grepfile):
"""Search through the given log file for text, returning True if it is found or False if it is not"""
grepwarn = "grep -H Warning: " + grepfile
@ -332,14 +348,15 @@ args = parser.parse_args()
if (args.nightly):
nightMode = "--nightly";
# sims = [defaultsim] # uncomment to use only the default simulator
sims = ["questa", "verilator", "vcs"] # uncomment to exercise all simulators
sims = ["questa", "verilator", "vcs"] # exercise all simulators; can omit a sim if no license is available
nightMode = ""
sims = [defaultsim]
if (args.ccov): # only run RV64GC tests in coverage mode
coverStr = '--ccov'
elif (args.fcov): # only run RV64GC tests in lockstep in coverage mode
coverStr = '--fcov'
coverStr = ''
@ -362,10 +379,20 @@ if (args.buildroot):
addTests(tests_buildrootbootlockstep, "questa") # lockstep with Questa and ImperasDV runs overnight
if (args.ccov): # only run RV64GC tests on Questa in code coverage mode
addTests(tests64gc_nofp, "questa")
addTests(tests64gc_nofp, coveragesim)
if (args.fp):
addTests(tests64gc_fp, "questa")
addTests(tests64gc_fp, coveragesim)
elif (args.fcov): # only run RV64GC tests on Questa in lockstep in functional coverage mode
addLockstepTestsByDir(WALLY+"/tests/functcov/rv64/I", "rv64gc", coveragesim)
#sim_log = WALLY + "/sim/questa/logs/fcov.log"
#tc = TestCase(
# name="lockstep_functcov",
# variant="rv64gc",
# cmd="iterelf " + WALLY + "/tests/functcov/rv64/I > " + sim_log,
# grepstr="SUCCESS! All tests ran without failures",
# grepfile = sim_log)
for sim in sims:
if (not (args.buildroot and sim == defaultsim)): # skip short buildroot sim if running long one
addTests(tests_buildrootshort, sim)
@ -375,7 +402,6 @@ else:
# run derivative configurations and lockstep tests in nightly regression
if (args.nightly):
addTests(derivconfigtests, defaultsim)
sim_log = WALLY + "/sim/questa/logs/lockstep_coverage.log"
tc = TestCase(
@ -393,6 +419,7 @@ if (args.nightly):
grepstr="SUCCESS! All tests ran without failures",
grepfile = sim_log)
addTests(derivconfigtests, defaultsim)
# testfloat tests
if (args.testfloat): # for testfloat alone, just run testfloat tests
@ -474,16 +501,24 @@ def main():
if args.ccov:
TIMEOUT_DUR = 20*60 # seconds
os.system('rm -f questa/cov/*.ucdb')
elif args.nightly in sys.argv:
elif args.fcov:
os.system('rm -f questa/fcov_ucdb/* questa/fcov_logs/* questa/fcov/*')
elif args.nightly:
TIMEOUT_DUR = 60*1440 # 1 day
elif args.testfloat in sys.argv:
elif args.testfloat:
TIMEOUT_DUR = 30*60 # seconds
TIMEOUT_DUR = 10*60 # seconds
# Scale the number of concurrent processes to the number of test cases, but
# max out at a limited number of concurrent processes to not overwhelm the system
with Pool(processes=min(len(configs),multiprocessing.cpu_count())) as pool:
# right now fcov, ccov, nightly all use Imperas
if (args.ccov or args.fcov or args.nightly):
ImperasDVLicenseCount = 8 # limit number of concurrent processes to avoid overloading ImperasDV licenses
ImperasDVLicenseCount = 10000 # effectively no license limit for non-lockstep tests
with Pool(processes=min(len(configs),multiprocessing.cpu_count(), ImperasDVLicenseCount)) as pool:
num_fail = 0
results = {}
for config in configs:
@ -498,6 +533,8 @@ def main():
# Coverage report
if args.ccov:
os.system('make QuestaCodeCoverage')
if args.fcov:
os.system('make QuestaFunctCoverage')
# Count the number of failures
if num_fail:
print(f"{bcolors.FAIL}Regression failed with %s failed configurations{bcolors.ENDC}" % num_fail)

View File

@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ QuestaCodeCoverage: questa/ucdb/rv64gc_arch64i.ucdb
# vcover report -recursive questa/ucdb/cov.ucdb > questa/cov/rv64gc_recursive.rpt
vcover report -details -threshH 100 -html questa/ucdb/cov.ucdb
QuestaFunctCoverage: ${SIM}/questa/fcov_ucdb/rv64gc_WALLY-COV-add.elf.ucdb
vcover merge -out ${SIM}/questa/fcov_ucdb/fcov.ucdb ${SIM}/questa/fcov_ucdb/rv64gc_WALLY-COV-add.elf.ucdb ${SIM}/questa/fcov_ucdb/rv64gc_WALLY*.ucdb -logfile ${SIM}/questa/fcov_logs/log
vcover report -details -html ${SIM}/questa/fcov_ucdb/fcov.ucdb
vcover report ${SIM}/questa/fcov_ucdb/fcov.ucdb -details -cvg > ${SIM}/questa/fcov/fcov.log
vcover report ${SIM}/questa/fcov_ucdb/fcov.ucdb -testdetails -cvg > ${SIM}/questa/fcov/fcov.testdetails.log
vcover report ${SIM}/questa/fcov_ucdb/fcov.ucdb -details -cvg | egrep "Coverpoint|Covergroup|Cross|TYPE" > ${SIM}/questa/fcov/fcov.summary.log
grep "TOTAL COVERGROUP COVERAGE" ${SIM}/questa/fcov/fcov.log
touch ${SIM}/seed0.txt
@ -91,6 +98,7 @@ combine_functcov:
cd ${SIM}/questa/fcov && rm -rf *
cd ${SIM}/questa/fcov_ucdb && rm -rf *
wsim rv64gc ${WALLY}/tests/functcov/rv64/I/WALLY-COV-add.elf --fcov > ${SIM}/questa/fcov_logs/add.log 2>&1
wsim rv64gc ${WALLY}/tests/functcov/rv64/I/WALLY-COV-and.elf --fcov > ${SIM}/questa/fcov_logs/and.log 2>&1
#run-elf-cov.bash --seed ${SIM}/questa/seed0.txt --verbose --coverdb ${SIM}/questa/fcov/add.ucdb --elf ${WALLY}/tests/functcov/rv64/I/WALLY-COV-add.elf >> ${SIM}/questa/fcov_logs/add.log 2>&1
#run-elf-cov.bash --seed ${SIM}/questa/seed0.txt --verbose --coverdb ${SIM}/questa/fcov/and.ucdb --elf ${WALLY}/tests/functcov/rv64/I/WALLY-COV-and.elf >> ${SIM}/questa/fcov_logs/add.log 2>&1

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
#export RISCV=/scratch/moore/RISCV
export IMPERAS_TOOLS=$(pwd)/imperas.ic
#export OTHERFLAGS=""
vsim -do "do buildroot buildroot testbench --lockstep +acc -GDEBUG=1"

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
## Written: Ross Thompson ( and Lee Moore (
## Created: 31 January 2023
## Modified: 31 January 2023
## Purpose: Run wally with imperas
## A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
## Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
## SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
## Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
## except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
## may obtain a copy of the License at
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
## either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
## and limitations under the License.
IMPERAS_TOOLS=$(pwd)/imperas.ic \
TESTDIR=${WALLY}/tests/riscof/work/wally-riscv-arch-test/rv64i_m/privilege/src/Lee.S/ \
vsim -do "do rv64gc"

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
# Modification by Oklahoma State University & Harvey Mudd College
# Use with Testbench
# James Stine, 2008; David Harris 2021
# Go Cowboys!!!!!!
# Takes 1:10 to run RV64IC tests using gui
onbreak {resume}
# create library
if [file exists work] {
vdel -all
vlib work
# compile source files
# suppress spurious warnngs about
# "Extra checking for conflicts with always_comb done at vopt time"
# because vsim will run vopt
# start and run simulation
# remove +acc flag for faster sim during regressions if there is no need to access internal signals
# *** modelsim won't take `PA_BITS, but will take other defines for the lengths of DTIM_RANGE and IROM_LEN. For now just live with the warnings.
vlog +incdir+$env(WALLY)/config/$1 \
+incdir+$env(WALLY)/config/deriv/$1 \
+incdir+$env(WALLY)/config/shared \
+define+USE_IMPERAS_DV \
+define+COVER_RV64I \
+define+COVER_RV64M \
+define+COVER_RV64A \
+define+COVER_RV64F \
+define+COVER_RV64D \
+define+COVER_RV64ZICSR \
+define+COVER_RV64C \
+incdir+$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpPublic/include/host \
+incdir+$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/include/host \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpPublic/source/host/rvvi/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpPublic/source/host/rvvi/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
+incdir+$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/riscvISACOV/source \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
$env(WALLY)/src/ \
$env(WALLY)/testbench/ \
$env(WALLY)/testbench/common/*.sv \
$env(WALLY)/src/*/*.sv \
$env(WALLY)/src/*/*/*.sv \
-suppress 2583 \
-suppress 7063 \
vopt +acc work.testbench -G DEBUG=1 -o workopt
eval vsim workopt +nowarn3829 -fatal 7 \
-sv_lib $env(IMPERAS_HOME)/lib/Linux64/ImperasLib/ \
+ElfFile=$env(TESTDIR)/ref/ref.elf $env(OTHERFLAGS) +TRACE2COV_ENABLE=1
coverage save -onexit $env(WALLY)/sim/questa/riscv.ucdb
view wave
#-- display input and output signals as hexidecimal values
# add log -recursive /*
# do
run -all
noview $env(WALLY)/testbench/
view wave
#quit -f

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
# Modification by Oklahoma State University & Harvey Mudd College
# Use with Testbench
# James Stine, 2008; David Harris 2021
# Go Cowboys!!!!!!
# Takes 1:10 to run RV64IC tests using gui
onbreak {resume}
# create library
if [file exists work] {
vdel -all
vlib work
# compile source files
# suppress spurious warnngs about
# "Extra checking for conflicts with always_comb done at vopt time"
# because vsim will run vopt
# start and run simulation
# remove +acc flag for faster sim during regressions if there is no need to access internal signals
# *** modelsim won't take `PA_BITS, but will take other defines for the lengths of DTIM_RANGE and IROM_LEN. For now just live with the warnings.
vlog +incdir+../config/$1 \
+incdir+../config/shared \
../../external/ImperasDV-HMC/Imperas/ImpPublic/source/host/rvvi/ \
../src/ \
../testbench/ \
../testbench/common/*.sv \
../src/*/*.sv \
../src/*/*/*.sv \
-suppress 2583 \
-suppress 7063
vopt +acc work.testbench -G DEBUG=1 -o workopt
eval vsim workopt +nowarn3829 -fatal 7 \
+testDir=$env(TESTDIR) $env(OTHERFLAGS)
view wave
#-- display input and output signals as hexidecimal values
add log -recursive /*
run -all
noview ../testbench/
view wave

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
# Modification by Oklahoma State University & Harvey Mudd College
# Use with Testbench
# James Stine, 2008; David Harris 2021
# Go Cowboys!!!!!!
# Takes 1:10 to run RV64IC tests using gui
onbreak {resume}
# create library
if [file exists work] {
vdel -all
vlib work
# compile source files
# suppress spurious warnngs about
# "Extra checking for conflicts with always_comb done at vopt time"
# because vsim will run vopt
# start and run simulation
# remove +acc flag for faster sim during regressions if there is no need to access internal signals
# *** modelsim won't take `PA_BITS, but will take other defines for the lengths of DTIM_RANGE and IROM_LEN. For now just live with the warnings.
vlog +incdir+../config/$1 \
+incdir+../config/shared \
+define+USE_IMPERAS_DV \
+incdir+$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpPublic/include/host \
+incdir+$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/include/host \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpPublic/source/host/rvvi/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpPublic/source/host/rvvi/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/ \
../src/ \
../testbench/ \
../testbench/common/*.sv \
../src/*/*.sv \
../src/*/*/*.sv \
-suppress 2583 \
-suppress 7063
vopt +acc work.testbench -G DEBUG=1 -o workopt
eval vsim workopt +nowarn3829 -fatal 7 \
-sv_lib $env(IMPERAS_HOME)/lib/Linux64/ImperasLib/ \
+testDir=$env(TESTDIR) $env(OTHERFLAGS)
view wave
#-- display input and output signals as hexidecimal values
add log -recursive /*
run -all
noview ../testbench/
view wave
#quit -f

View File

@ -122,13 +122,14 @@ if {$FunctCoverageIndex >= 0} {
set FCdefineCOVER_BASE_RV64I "+define+COVER_BASE_RV64I"
# Uncomment various cover statements below to control which extensions get functional coverage
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64I "+define+COVER_RV64I"
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64M "+define+COVER_RV64M"
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64A "+define+COVER_RV64A"
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64F "+define+COVER_RV64F"
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64D "+define+COVER_RV64D"
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64ZICSR "+define+COVER_RV64ZICSR"
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64C "+define+COVER_RV64C"
#set FCdefineCOVER_RV64M "+define+COVER_RV64M"
#set FCdefineCOVER_RV64A "+define+COVER_RV64A"
#set FCdefineCOVER_RV64F "+define+COVER_RV64F"
#set FCdefineCOVER_RV64D "+define+COVER_RV64D"
#set FCdefineCOVER_RV64ZICSR "+define+COVER_RV64ZICSR"
#set FCdefineCOVER_RV64C "+define+COVER_RV64C"

View File

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ module csrm import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (
logic [P.XLEN-1:0] TVECWriteValM;
@ -152,7 +153,8 @@ module csrm import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (
assign IllegalCSRMWriteReadonlyM = UngatedCSRMWriteM & (CSRAdrM == MVENDORID | CSRAdrM == MARCHID | CSRAdrM == MIMPID | CSRAdrM == MHARTID | CSRAdrM == MCONFIGPTR);
// CSRs
flopenr #(P.XLEN) MTVECreg(clk, reset, WriteMTVECM, {CSRWriteValM[P.XLEN-1:2], 1'b0, CSRWriteValM[0]}, MTVEC_REGW);
assign TVECWriteValM = CSRWriteValM[0] ? {CSRWriteValM[P.XLEN-1:6], 6'b000001} : {CSRWriteValM[P.XLEN-1:2], 2'b00};
flopenr #(P.XLEN) MTVECreg(clk, reset, WriteMTVECM, TVECWriteValM, MTVEC_REGW);
if (P.S_SUPPORTED) begin:deleg // DELEG registers should exist
flopenr #(16) MEDELEGreg(clk, reset, WriteMEDELEGM, CSRWriteValM[15:0] & MEDELEG_MASK, MEDELEG_REGW);
flopenr #(12) MIDELEGreg(clk, reset, WriteMIDELEGM, CSRWriteValM[11:0] & MIDELEG_MASK, MIDELEG_REGW);

View File

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ module csrs import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (
logic [P.XLEN-1:0] SENVCFG_WriteValM;
logic [P.XLEN-1:0] TVECWriteValM;
logic [63:0] STIMECMP_REGW;
@ -100,7 +101,8 @@ module csrs import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (
assign WriteSTIMECMPHM = CSRSWriteM & (CSRAdrM == STIMECMPH) & STCE & (P.XLEN == 32);
// CSRs
flopenr #(P.XLEN) STVECreg(clk, reset, WriteSTVECM, {CSRWriteValM[P.XLEN-1:2], 1'b0, CSRWriteValM[0]}, STVEC_REGW);
assign TVECWriteValM = CSRWriteValM[0] ? {CSRWriteValM[P.XLEN-1:6], 6'b000001} : {CSRWriteValM[P.XLEN-1:2], 2'b00}; // could share this with MTVEC, but reduces to 4-bit AND to mask bits [5:2]
flopenr #(P.XLEN) STVECreg(clk, reset, WriteSTVECM, TVECWriteValM, STVEC_REGW);
flopenr #(P.XLEN) SSCRATCHreg(clk, reset, WriteSSCRATCHM, CSRWriteValM, SSCRATCH_REGW);
flopenr #(P.XLEN) SEPCreg(clk, reset, WriteSEPCM, NextEPCM, SEPC_REGW);
flopenr #(P.XLEN) SCAUSEreg(clk, reset, WriteSCAUSEM, {NextCauseM[4], {(P.XLEN-5){1'b0}}, NextCauseM[3:0]}, SCAUSE_REGW);

View File

@ -31,54 +31,73 @@ def signedImm12(imm):
imm = imm - 0x1000
return str(imm)
def signedImm20(imm):
def unsignedImm20(imm):
imm = imm % pow(2, 20)
if (imm & 0x80000):
imm = imm - 0x100000
return str(imm)
def writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen):
def writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen):
lines = "\n# Testcase " + str(desc) + "\n"
if (rs1val < 0):
rs1val = rs1val + 2**xlen
if (rs2val < 0):
rs2val = rs2val + 2**xlen
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rd) + ", " + formatstr.format(rdval) + " # initialize rd to a random value that should get changed\n"
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rd) + ", " + formatstr.format(rdval) + " # initialize rd to a random value that should get changed; helps covering rd_toggle\n"
if (test in rtype):
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rs1) + ", " + formatstr.format(rs1val) + " # initialize rs1 to a random value \n"
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rs2) + ", " + formatstr.format(rs2val) + " # initialize rs2 to a random value\n"
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rs1) + ", " + formatstr.format(rs1val) + " # initialize rs1\n"
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rs2) + ", " + formatstr.format(rs2val) + " # initialize rs2\n"
lines = lines + test + " x" + str(rd) + ", x" + str(rs1) + ", x" + str(rs2) + " # perform operation\n"
elif (test in shiftitype):
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rs1) + ", " + formatstr.format(rs1val) + " # initialize rs1 to a random value \n"
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rs1) + ", " + formatstr.format(rs1val) + " # initialize rs1\n"
lines = lines + test + " x" + str(rd) + ", x" + str(rs1) + ", " + shiftImm(immval, xlen) + " # perform operation\n"
elif (test in itype):
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rs1) + ", " + formatstr.format(rs1val) + " # initialize rs1 to a random value \n"
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rs1) + ", " + formatstr.format(rs1val) + " # initialize rs1\n"
lines = lines + test + " x" + str(rd) + ", x" + str(rs1) + ", " + signedImm12(immval) + " # perform operation\n"
elif (test in loaditype):#["lb", "lh", "lw", "ld", "lbu", "lhu", "lwu"]
lines = lines + "auipc x" + str(rs1) + ", 0x20" + " # add upper immediate value to pc \n"
lines = lines + "addi x" + str(rs1) + ", x" + str(rs1) + ", " + signedImm12(immval) + " # add immediate to lower part of rs1 \n"
lines = lines + test + " x" + str(rd) + ", " + signedImm12(immval) + "(x" + str(rs1) + ") # perform operation \n"
elif (test in stypes):#["sb", "sh", "sw", "sd"]
#lines = lines + "auipc x" + str(rs1) + ", 0x20" + " # add upper immediate value to pc \n"
#lines = lines + "addi x" + str(rs1) + ", x" + str(rs1) + ", " + signedImm12(-immval) + " # add immediate to lower part of rs1\n"
#lines = lines + test + " x" + str(rd) + ", " + signedImm12(immval) + "(x" + str(rs1) + ") # perform operation\n"
elif (test in stype):#["sb", "sh", "sw", "sd"]
#lines = lines + test + " x" + str(rs2) + ", " + signedImm12(immval) + "(x" + str(rs1) + ") # perform operation \n"
#lines = lines + test + " x" + str(rs2) + ", " "0(x" + str(rs1) + ") # perform operation \n"
print("Error: %s type not implemented yet" % test)
elif (test in btypes):#["beq", "bne", "blt", "bge", "bltu", "bgeu"]
#print("Error: %s type not implemented yet" % test)
elif (test in btype):#["beq", "bne", "blt", "bge", "bltu", "bgeu"]
if (randint(1,100) > 50):
rs1val = rs2val
lines = lines + "# same values in both registers\n"
lines = lines + "nop\n"
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rs1) + ", " + formatstr.format(rs1val) + " # initialize rs1 to a random value that should get changed\n"
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rs2) + ", " + formatstr.format(rs2val) + " # initialize rs2 to a random value that should get changed\n"
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rs1) + ", " + formatstr.format(rs1val) + " # initialize rs1\n"
lines = lines + "li x" + str(rs2) + ", " + formatstr.format(rs2val) + " # initialize rs2\n"
lines = lines + test + " x" + str(rs1) + ", x" + str(rs2) + ", some_label_for_sb_types_" + str(immval) + "+4" + " # perform operation \n"
lines = lines + "addi x0, x1, 1\n"
lines = lines + "some_label_for_sb_types_" + str(immval) + ":\n"
lines = lines + "addi x0, x2, 2\n"
lines = lines + "nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n"
elif (test in jtype):#["jal"]
lines = lines + "jal x" + str(rd) + ", 1f # perform operation\n"
lines = lines + "nop\n"
lines = lines + "1:\n"
elif (test in jalrtype):#["jalr"]
lines = lines + "la x" + str(rs1) + ", 1f\n"
lines = lines + "addi x" + str(rs1) + ", x" + str(rs1) + ", " + signedImm12(-immval) + " # add immediate to lower part of rs1\n"
lines = lines + "jalr x" + str(rd) + ", x" + str(rs1) + ", " + signedImm12(immval) + " # perform operation\n"
lines = lines + "nop\n"
lines = lines + "1:\n"
elif (test in utype):#["lui", "auipc"]
lines = lines + test + " x" + str(rd) + ", " + unsignedImm20(immval) + " # perform operation\n"
#print("Error: %s type not implemented yet" % test)
def writeHazardVector(desc, rs1a, rs2a, rda, rs1b, rs2b, rdb, test):
# consecutive R-type instructions to trigger hazards
lines = "\n# Testcase " + str(desc) + "\n"
lines = lines + test + " x" + str(rda) + ", x" + str(rs1a) + ", x" + str(rs2a) + " # perform first operation\n"
lines = lines + test + " x" + str(rdb) + ", x" + str(rs1b) + ", x" + str(rs2b) + " # perform second operation\n"
def randomize():
rs1 = randint(1, 31)
rs2 = randint(1, 31)
@ -93,159 +112,191 @@ def randomize():
rdval = randint(0, 2**xlen-1)
return [rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval]
def make_rd(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rd(test, xlen):
for r in range(32):
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cp_rd (Test destination rd = x" + str(r) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, r, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, r, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rs1(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rs1(test, xlen):
for r in range(32):
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cp_rs1 (Test source rs1 = x" + str(r) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, r, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, r, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rs2(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rs2(test, xlen):
for r in range(32):
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cp_rs2 (Test source rs2 = x" + str(r) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, r, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, r, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rd_rs1(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rd_rs1(test, xlen):
for r in range(32):
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cmp_rd_rs1 (Test rd = rs1 = x" + str(r) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, r, rs2, r, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, r, rs2, r, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rd_rs2(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rd_rs2(test, xlen):
for r in range(32):
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cmp_rd_rs2 (Test rd = rs1 = x" + str(r) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, r, r, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, r, r, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rd_rs1_rs2(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rd_rs1_rs2(test, xlen):
for r in range(32):
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cmp_rd_rs1_rs2 (Test rd = rs1 = rs2 = x" + str(r) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, r, r, r, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, r, r, r, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rs1_rs2(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rs1_rs2(test, xlen):
for r in range(32):
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cmp_rd_rs1_rs2 (Test rs1 = rs2 = x" + str(r) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, r, r, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, r, r, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rs1_maxvals(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rs1_maxvals(test, xlen):
for v in [0, 2**(xlen-1), 2**(xlen-1)-1, 2**xlen-1, 1, 2**(xlen-1)+1]:
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cp_rs1_maxvals (Test source rs1 value = " + hex(v) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, v, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, v, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rs2_maxvals(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rs2_maxvals(test, xlen):
for v in [0, 2**(xlen-1), 2**(xlen-1)-1, 2**xlen-1, 1, 2**(xlen-1)+1]:
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cp_rs2_maxvals (Test source rs2 value = " + hex(v) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, v, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, v, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rd_maxvals(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rd_maxvals(test, xlen):
for v in [0, 2**(xlen-1), 2**(xlen-1)-1, 2**xlen-1, 1, 2**(xlen-1)+1]:
# rs1 = 0, rs2 = v, others are random
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cp_rd_maxvals (Test rd value = " + hex(v) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, 0, rd, v, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, 0, rd, v, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
# rs1, rs2 = v, others are random
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cp_rd_maxvals (Test rd value = " + hex(v) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, v, v, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
# rs1 = all 1s, rs2 = v, others are random
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cp_rd_maxvals (Test rd value = " + hex(v) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, -1, v, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rd_rs1_eqval(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rd_rs1_eqval(test, xlen):
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cmp_rdm_rs1_eqval (Test rs1 = rd = " + hex(rs1val) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, 0, rd, rdval, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, 0, rd, rdval, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rd_rs2_eqval(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rd_rs2_eqval(test, xlen):
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cmp_rd_rs2_eqval (Test rs2 = rd = " + hex(rs2val) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, 0, rs2, rd, rs1val, rdval, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, 0, rs2, rd, rs1val, rdval, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rs1_rs2_eqval(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rs1_rs2_eqval(test, xlen):
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cmp_rs1_rs2_eqval (Test rs1 = rs2 = " + hex(rs1val) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs1val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs1val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
#def make_cp_gpr_hazard(test, storecmd, xlen):
# pass # *** to be implemented ***
def make_cp_gpr_hazard(test, xlen):
for haz in ["raw", "waw", "war"]:
for src in range(2):
[rs1a, rs2a, rda, rs1vala, rs2vala, immvala, rdvala] = randomize()
[rs1b, rs2b, rdb, rs1valb, rs2valb, immvalb, rdvalb] = randomize()
# set up hazard
if (haz == "raw"):
if (src):
rs2b = rda
rs1b = rda
elif (haz == "waw"):
rdb = rda
elif (haz == "war"):
if (src):
rdb = rs2a
rdb = rs1a
desc = "cmp_gpr_hazard " + haz + " test"
writeHazardVector(desc, rs1a, rs2a, rda, rs1b, rs2b, rdb, test)
def make_rs1_sign(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rs1_sign(test, xlen):
for v in [1, -1]:
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
rs1val = abs(rs1val % 2**(xlen-1)) * v;
desc = "cp_rs1_sign (Test source rs1 value = " + hex(rs1val) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_rs2_sign(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_rs2_sign(test, xlen):
for v in [1, -1]:
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
rs2val = abs(rs2val % 2**(xlen-1)) * v;
desc = "cp_rs2_sign (Test source rs2 value = " + hex(rs2val) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def make_cr_rs1_rs2_sign(test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_cr_rs1_rs2_sign(test, xlen):
for v1 in [1, -1]:
for v2 in [1, -1]:
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
rs1val = abs(rs1val % 2**(xlen-1)) * v1;
rs2val = abs(rs2val % 2**(xlen-1)) * v2;
desc = "cr_rs1_rs2 (Test source rs1 = " + hex(rs1val) + " rs2 = " + hex(rs2val) + ")"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, storecmd, xlen)
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval, test, xlen)
def write_tests(coverpoints, test, storecmd, xlen):
def make_imm_zero(test, xlen):
[rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, immval, rdval] = randomize()
desc = "cp_imm_zero"
writeCovVector(desc, rs1, rs2, rd, rs1val, rs2val, 0, rdval, test, xlen)
def write_tests(coverpoints, test, xlen):
for coverpoint in coverpoints:
if (coverpoint == "cp_asm_count"):
elif (coverpoint == "cp_rd"):
make_rd(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rd(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cp_rs1"):
make_rs1(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rs1(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cp_rs2"):
make_rs2(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rs2(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cmp_rd_rs1"):
make_rd_rs1(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rd_rs1(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cmp_rd_rs2"):
make_rd_rs2(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rd_rs2(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cmp_rd_rs1_rs2"):
make_rd_rs1_rs2(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rd_rs1_rs2(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cmp_rd_rs1_eq"):
pass # duplicate of cmp_rd_rs1
elif (coverpoint == "cmp_rd_rs2_eq"):
pass # duplicate of cmp_rd_rs2
elif (coverpoint == "cmp_rs1_rs2_eq"):
make_rs1_rs2(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rs1_rs2(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cp_rs1_maxvals"):
make_rs1_maxvals(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rs1_maxvals(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cp_rs2_maxvals"):
make_rs2_maxvals(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rs2_maxvals(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cp_rd_maxvals"):
make_rd_maxvals(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rd_maxvals(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cmp_rd_rs1_eqval"):
make_rd_rs1_eqval(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rd_rs1_eqval(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cmp_rd_rs2_eqval"):
make_rd_rs2_eqval(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rd_rs2_eqval(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cmp_rs1_rs2_eqval"):
make_rs1_rs2_eqval(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rs1_rs2_eqval(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cp_rs1_sign"):
make_rs1_sign(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rs1_sign(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cp_rs2_sign"):
make_rs2_sign(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_rs2_sign(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cp_rd_sign"):
pass #TODO hope already covered by rd_maxvals
elif (coverpoint == "cr_rs1_rs2"):
make_cr_rs1_rs2_sign(test, storecmd, xlen)
make_cr_rs1_rs2_sign(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cp_gpr_hazard"):
make_cp_gpr_hazard(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cp_rs1_toggle"):
pass #TODO toggle not needed and seems to be covered by other things
elif (coverpoint == "cp_rs2_toggle"):
pass #TODO toggle not needed and seems to be covered by other things
elif (coverpoint == "cp_rd_toggle"):
pass #TODO toggle not needed and seems to be covered by other things
elif (coverpoint == "cp_gpr_hazard"):
pass #TODO not yet implemented
elif (coverpoint == "cp_imm_sign"):
pass #TODO
make_imm_zero(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cr_rs1_imm"):
pass #TODO (not if crosses are not needed)
elif (coverpoint == "cp_imm_ones_zeros"):
@ -253,7 +304,7 @@ def write_tests(coverpoints, test, storecmd, xlen):
elif (coverpoint == "cp_mem_hazard"):
pass #TODO
elif (coverpoint == "cp_imm_zero"):
pass #TODO
make_imm_zero(test, xlen)
elif (coverpoint == "cp_mem_unaligned"):
pass #TODO
elif (coverpoint == "cp_offset"):
@ -303,8 +354,11 @@ rtype = ["add", "sub", "sll", "slt", "sltu", "xor", "srl", "sra", "or", "and",
loaditype = ["lb", "lh", "lw", "ld", "lbu", "lhu", "lwu"]
shiftitype = ["slli", "srli", "srai"]
itype = ["addi", "slti", "sltiu", "xori", "ori", "andi"]
stypes = ["sb", "sh", "sw", "sd"]
btypes = ["beq", "bne", "blt", "bge", "bltu", "bgeu"]
stype = ["sb", "sh", "sw", "sd"]
btype = ["beq", "bne", "blt", "bge", "bltu", "bgeu"]
jtype = ["jal"]
jalrtype = ["jalr"]
utype = ["lui", "auipc"]
# TODO: auipc missing, check whatelse is missing in ^these^ types
coverpoints = getcovergroups(coverdefdir, coverfiles)
@ -327,12 +381,11 @@ for xlen in xlens:
storecmd = "sd"
wordsize = 8
WALLY = os.environ.get('WALLY')
pathname = WALLY+"/tests/functcov/rv" + str(xlen) + "/I/"
cmd = "mkdir -p " + pathname + " ; rm -f " + pathname + "/*" # make directory and remove old tests in dir
for test in coverpoints.keys():
# pathname = "../wally-riscv-arch-test/riscv-test-suite/rv" + str(xlen) + "i_m/I/"
WALLY = os.environ.get('WALLY')
pathname = WALLY+"/tests/functcov/rv" + str(xlen) + "/I/"
cmd = "mkdir -p " + pathname
basename = "WALLY-COV-" + test
fname = pathname + "/" + basename + ".S"
@ -340,9 +393,9 @@ for xlen in xlens:
f = open(fname, "w")
line = "///////////////////////////////////////////\n"
lines="// "+fname+ "\n// " + author + "\n"
line ="// Created " + str(
line="// "+fname+ "\n// " + author + "\n"
line ="// Created " + str( + "\n"
# insert generic header
@ -355,8 +408,8 @@ for xlen in xlens:
#if (test not in rtests):
# exit("Error: %s not implemented yet" % test)
# write_rtype_arith_vectors(test, storecmd, xlen)
write_tests(coverpoints[test], test, storecmd, xlen)
# write_rtype_arith_vectors(test, xlen)
write_tests(coverpoints[test], test, xlen)
# print footer
line = "\n.EQU NUMTESTS," + str(1) + "\n\n"
@ -366,9 +419,6 @@ for xlen in xlens:
# Finish
# lines = ".fill " + str(testnum) + ", " + str(wordsize) + ", -1\n"
# lines = lines + "\nRV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END\n"