mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 17:34:27 +00:00
Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/davidharrishmc/riscv-wally
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit be67c99bd461742aa1c100bcc0732657faae2230
Subproject commit 307c77b26e070ae85ffea665ad9b642b40e33c86
@ -94,12 +94,12 @@
`define BIAS2 ((`F_SUPPORTED & (`LEN1 != `S_LEN)) ? `S_BIAS : `H_BIAS)
// largest length in IEU/FPU
`define CVTLEN ((`NF<`XLEN) ? `XLEN : `NF)
`define LLEN ((`FLEN<`XLEN) ? `XLEN : `FLEN)
`define CVTLEN ((`NF<`XLEN) ? (`XLEN) : (`NF))
`define DIVLEN ((`NF < `XLEN) ? (`XLEN) : (`NF))
`define LLEN ((`FLEN<`XLEN) ? (`XLEN) : (`FLEN))
`define LOGCVTLEN $unsigned($clog2(`CVTLEN+1))
`define NORMSHIFTSZ ((`CVTLEN+`NF) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`CVTLEN+`NF+1) : (3*`NF+9))
`define CORRSHIFTSZ ((`CVTLEN+`NF) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`CVTLEN+`NF+1) : (3*`NF+6))
`define DIVLEN ((`NF < `XLEN) ? `XLEN : `NF)
`define NORMSHIFTSZ ((`DIVLEN+`NF+3) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`DIVLEN+`NF+3) : (3*`NF+9))
`define CORRSHIFTSZ ((`DIVLEN+`NF+3) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`DIVLEN+`NF+3) : (3*`NF+6))
// Disable spurious Verilator warnings
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
# sqrt - test square root
# all - test everything
vsim -c -do "do testfloat.do rv64fpquad all"
vsim -c -do "do testfloat.do rv64fpquad $1"
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/qsel4/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/otfc4/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/preproc/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/divcounter/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/earlytermination/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/expcalc/*
add wave -group {Testbench} -noupdate /testbenchfp/*
add wave -group {Testbench} -noupdate /testbenchfp/readvectors/*
@ -2,14 +2,89 @@
module divshiftcalc(
input logic [`DIVLEN+2:0] Quot,
input logic [`NE:0] DivCalcExpM,
input logic [`NE+1:0] DivCalcExpM,
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] FmtM,
input logic [$clog2(`DIVLEN/2+3)-1:0] EarlyTermShiftDiv2M,
output logic [$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)-1:0] DivShiftAmt,
output logic [`NE:0] CorrDivExp
output logic [`NORMSHIFTSZ-1:0] DivShiftIn,
output logic DivResDenorm,
output logic [`NE+1:0] DivDenormShift
assign DivShiftAmt = {{$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)-1{1'b0}}, ~Quot[`DIVLEN+2]};
// the quotent is in the range [.5,2)
// if the quotent < 1 and not denormal then subtract 1 to account for the normalization shift
assign CorrDivExp = DivCalcExpM - {(`NE)'(0), ~Quot[`DIVLEN+2]};
logic [`NE+1:0] NormShift;
logic [`NE+1:0] Nf, NfPlus1;
// is the result denromalized
// if the exponent is 1 then the result needs to be normalized then the result is denormalizes
assign DivResDenorm = DivCalcExpM[`NE+1]|(~|DivCalcExpM[`NE+1:0]);
// select the proper fraction lengnth
if (`FPSIZES == 1) begin
assign Nf = (`NE+2)'(`NF);
assign NfPlus1 = (`NE+2)'(`NF+1);
end else if (`FPSIZES == 2) begin
assign Nf = FmtM ? (`NE+2)'(`NF) : (`NE+2)'(`NF1);
assign NfPlus1 = FmtM ? (`NE+2)'(`NF+1) : (`NE+2)'(`NF1+1);
end else if (`FPSIZES == 3) begin
case (FmtM)
`FMT: begin
Nf = (`NE+2)'(`NF);
NfPlus1 = (`NE+2)'(`NF+1);
`FMT1: begin
Nf = (`NE+2)'(`NF1);
NfPlus1 = (`NE+2)'(`NF1+1);
`FMT2: begin
Nf = (`NE+2)'(`NF2);
NfPlus1 = (`NE+2)'(`NF2+1);
default: begin
Nf = 1'bx;
NfPlus1 = 1'bx;
end else if (`FPSIZES == 4) begin
case (FmtM)
2'h3: begin
Nf = (`NE+2)'(`Q_NF);
NfPlus1 = (`NE+2)'(`Q_NF+1);
2'h1: begin
Nf = (`NE+2)'(`D_NF);
NfPlus1 = (`NE+2)'(`D_NF+1);
2'h0: begin
Nf = (`NE+2)'(`S_NF);
NfPlus1 = (`NE+2)'(`S_NF+1);
2'h2: begin
Nf = (`NE+2)'(`H_NF);
NfPlus1 = (`NE+2)'(`H_NF+1);
// if the result is denormalized
// 00000000x.xxxxxx... Exp = DivCalcExp
// .00000000xxxxxxx... >> NF+1 Exp = DivCalcExp+NF+1
// .00xxxxxxxxxxxxx... << DivCalcExp+NF+1 Exp = +1
// .0000xxxxxxxxxxx... >> 1 Exp = 1
// Left shift amount = DivCalcExp+NF+1-1
assign DivDenormShift = Nf+DivCalcExpM;
// if the result is normalized
// 00000000x.xxxxxx... Exp = DivCalcExp
// .00000000xxxxxxx... >> NF+1 Exp = DivCalcExp+NF+1
// 00000000.xxxxxxx... << NF Exp = DivCalcExp+1
// 00000000x.xxxxxx... << NF Exp = DivCalcExp (extra shift done afterwards)
// 00000000xx.xxxxx... << 1? Exp = DivCalcExp-1 (determined after)
// inital Left shift amount = NF
assign NormShift = Nf;
// if the shift amount is negitive then dont shift (keep sticky bit)
assign DivShiftAmt = (DivResDenorm ? DivDenormShift[$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)-1:0]&{$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ){~DivDenormShift[`NE+1]}} : NormShift[$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)-1:0])+{{$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)-$clog2(`DIVLEN/2+3)-1{1'b0}}, EarlyTermShiftDiv2M&{$clog2(`DIVLEN/2+3){~DivDenormShift[`NE+1]}}, 1'b0};
// *** may be able to reduce shifter size
assign DivShiftIn = {{`NF{1'b0}}, Quot[`DIVLEN+2:0], {`NORMSHIFTSZ-`DIVLEN-3-`NF{1'b0}}};
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ module flags(
// | and the exponent isn't negitive
// | | if the input isnt infinity or NaN
// | | |
assign Overflow = ResExpGteMax & ~FullResExp[`NE+1]&~(InfIn|NaNIn);
assign Overflow = ResExpGteMax & ~FullResExp[`NE+1]&~(InfIn|NaNIn|DivByZero);
// detecting tininess after rounding
// the exponent is negitive
@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ module flags(
// | | | | and if the result is not exact
// | | | | | and if the input isnt infinity or NaN
// | | | | | |
assign Underflow = ((FullResExp[`NE+1] | (FullResExp == 0) | ((FullResExp == 1) & (RoundExp == 0) & ~(UfPlus1&UfLSBRes)))&(Round|Sticky))&~(InfIn|NaNIn);
assign Underflow = ((FullResExp[`NE+1] | (FullResExp == 0) | ((FullResExp == 1) & (RoundExp == 0) & ~(UfPlus1&UfLSBRes)))&(Round|Sticky))&~(InfIn|NaNIn|DivByZero);
// Set Inexact flag if the res is diffrent from what would be outputed given infinite precision
// - Don't set the underflow flag if an underflowed res isn't outputed
assign FpInexact = (Sticky|Overflow|Round|Underflow)&~(InfIn|NaNIn);
assign FpInexact = (Sticky|Overflow|Round|Underflow)&~(InfIn|NaNIn|DivByZero);
// if the res is too small to be represented and not 0
// | and if the res is not invalid (outside the integer bounds)
@ -133,8 +133,9 @@ module flags(
assign Invalid = SigNaN | (FmaInvalid&FmaOp) | (DivInvalid&DivOp);
assign DivByZero = YZeroM&DivOp;
// if dividing by zero and not 0/0
// - don't set flag if an input is NaN or Inf(IEEE says has to be a finite numerator)
assign DivByZero = YZeroM&DivOp&~(XZeroM|NaNIn|InfIn);
// Combine flags
// - to integer results do not set the underflow or overflow flags
@ -120,8 +120,9 @@ module fmashiftcalc(
// Determine the shift needed for denormal results
// - if not denorm add 1 to shift out the leading 1
assign DenormShift = PreResultDenorm ? ConvNormSumExp[$clog2(3*`NF+7)-1:0] : 1;
assign DenormShift = PreResultDenorm&~KillProdM ? ConvNormSumExp[$clog2(3*`NF+7)-1:0] : 1;
// set and calculate the shift input and amount
// - shift once if killing a product and the result is denormalized
assign FmaShiftIn = {3'b0, SumM};
assign FmaShiftAmt = FmaNormCntM+DenormShift;
assign FmaShiftAmt = (FmaNormCntM&{$clog2(3*`NF+7){~KillProdM}})+DenormShift;
@ -124,7 +124,10 @@ module fpu (
//divide signals
logic [`DIVLEN+2:0] Quot;
logic [`NE:0] DivCalcExpM;
logic [`NE+1:0] DivCalcExpM;
logic DivNegStickyM;
logic DivStickyM;
logic [$clog2(`DIVLEN/2+3)-1:0] EarlyTermShiftDiv2M;
// result and flag signals
logic [63:0] FDivResM, FDivResW; // divide/squareroot result
@ -355,11 +358,11 @@ module fpu (
assign FpLoadM = FResSelM[1];
postprocess postprocess(.XSgnM, .YSgnM, .ZExpM, .XManM, .YManM, .ZManM, .FrmM, .FmtM, .ProdExpM,
postprocess postprocess(.XSgnM, .YSgnM, .ZExpM, .XManM, .YManM, .ZManM, .FrmM, .FmtM, .ProdExpM, .EarlyTermShiftDiv2M,
.AddendStickyM, .KillProdM, .XZeroM, .YZeroM, .ZZeroM, .XInfM, .YInfM, .Quot,
.ZInfM, .XNaNM, .YNaNM, .ZNaNM, .XSNaNM, .YSNaNM, .ZSNaNM, .SumM, .DivCalcExpM,
.NegSumM, .InvZM, .ZDenormM, .ZSgnEffM, .PSgnM, .FOpCtrlM, .FmaNormCntM,
.CvtCalcExpM, .CvtResDenormUfM,.CvtShiftAmtM, .CvtResSgnM, .FWriteIntM,
.NegSumM, .InvZM, .ZDenormM, .ZSgnEffM, .PSgnM, .FOpCtrlM, .FmaNormCntM, .DivNegStickyM,
.CvtCalcExpM, .CvtResDenormUfM,.CvtShiftAmtM, .CvtResSgnM, .FWriteIntM, .DivStickyM,
.CvtLzcInM, .IntZeroM, .PostProcSelM, .PostProcResM, .PostProcFlgM, .FCvtIntResM);
// FPU flag selection - to privileged
@ -3,14 +3,20 @@
module lzacorrection(
input logic [`NORMSHIFTSZ-1:0] Shifted, // the shifted sum before LZA correction
input logic FmaOp,
input logic DivOp,
input logic DivResDenorm,
input logic [`NE+1:0] DivCalcExpM,
input logic [`NE+1:0] DivDenormShift,
input logic [`NE+1:0] ConvNormSumExp, // exponent of the normalized sum not taking into account denormal or zero results
input logic PreResultDenorm, // is the result denormalized - calculated before LZA corection
input logic KillProdM, // is the product set to zero
input logic SumZero,
output logic [`CORRSHIFTSZ-1:0] CorrShifted, // the shifted sum before LZA correction
output logic [`NE+1:0] CorrDivExp,
output logic [`NE+1:0] SumExp // exponent of the normalized sum
logic [3*`NF+5:0] CorrSumShifted; // the shifted sum after LZA correction
logic [`CORRSHIFTSZ:0] CorrQuotShifted;
logic ResDenorm; // is the result denormalized
logic LZAPlus1, LZAPlus2; // add one or two to the sum's exponent due to LZA correction
@ -19,11 +25,17 @@ module lzacorrection(
assign LZAPlus2 = Shifted[`NORMSHIFTSZ-1];
// the only possible mantissa for a plus two is all zeroes - a one has to propigate all the way through a sum. so we can leave the bottom statement alone
assign CorrSumShifted = LZAPlus1 ? Shifted[`NORMSHIFTSZ-3:1] : Shifted[`NORMSHIFTSZ-4:0];
assign CorrShifted = FmaOp ? {CorrSumShifted, {`CORRSHIFTSZ-(3*`NF+6){1'b0}}} : Shifted[`NORMSHIFTSZ-1:`NORMSHIFTSZ-`CORRSHIFTSZ];
// if the msb is 1 or the exponent was one, but the shifted quotent was < 1 (Denorm)
assign CorrQuotShifted = {LZAPlus2|(DivCalcExpM==1&~LZAPlus2) ? Shifted[`NORMSHIFTSZ-1:`NORMSHIFTSZ-`CORRSHIFTSZ] : {Shifted[`NORMSHIFTSZ-2:`NORMSHIFTSZ-`CORRSHIFTSZ], 1'b0}, 1'b0};
// if the result of the divider was calculated to be denormalized, then the result was correctly normalized, so select the top shifted bits
assign CorrShifted = FmaOp ? {CorrSumShifted, {`CORRSHIFTSZ-(3*`NF+6){1'b0}}} : DivOp&~DivResDenorm ? CorrQuotShifted[`CORRSHIFTSZ-1:0] : Shifted[`NORMSHIFTSZ-1:`NORMSHIFTSZ-`CORRSHIFTSZ];
// Determine sum's exponent
// if plus1 If plus2 if said denorm but norm plus 1 if said denorm but norm plus 2
assign SumExp = (ConvNormSumExp+{{`NE+1{1'b0}}, LZAPlus1&~KillProdM}+{{`NE{1'b0}}, LZAPlus2&~KillProdM, 1'b0}+{{`NE+1{1'b0}}, ~ResDenorm&PreResultDenorm&~KillProdM}+{{`NE+1{1'b0}}, &ConvNormSumExp&Shifted[3*`NF+6]&~KillProdM}) & {`NE+2{~(SumZero|ResDenorm)}};
// recalculate if the result is denormalized
assign ResDenorm = PreResultDenorm&~Shifted[`NORMSHIFTSZ-3]&~Shifted[`NORMSHIFTSZ-2];
// the quotent is in the range [.5,2) if there is no early termination
// if the quotent < 1 and not denormal then subtract 1 to account for the normalization shift
assign CorrDivExp = ((DivResDenorm)&~DivDenormShift[`NE+1]) ? (`NE+2)'(0) : DivCalcExpM - {(`NE+1)'(0), ~LZAPlus2};
@ -49,10 +49,13 @@ module postprocess(
input logic ZSgnEffM, // the modified Z sign - depends on instruction
input logic PSgnM, // the product's sign
input logic [2:0] FOpCtrlM, // choose which opperation (look below for values)
input logic [$clog2(`DIVLEN/2+3)-1:0] EarlyTermShiftDiv2M,
input logic [$clog2(3*`NF+7)-1:0] FmaNormCntM, // the normalization shift count
input logic [`NE:0] CvtCalcExpM, // the calculated expoent
input logic [`NE:0] DivCalcExpM, // the calculated expoent
input logic [`NE+1:0] DivCalcExpM, // the calculated expoent
input logic CvtResDenormUfM,
input logic DivStickyM,
input logic DivNegStickyM,
input logic [`LOGCVTLEN-1:0] CvtShiftAmtM, // how much to shift by
input logic CvtResSgnM, // the result's sign
input logic FWriteIntM, // is fp->int (since it's writting to the integer register)
@ -86,6 +89,7 @@ module postprocess(
logic [$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)-1:0] ShiftAmt; // normalization shift count
logic [$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)-1:0] DivShiftAmt;
logic [`NORMSHIFTSZ-1:0] ShiftIn; // is the sum zero
logic [`NORMSHIFTSZ-1:0] DivShiftIn;
logic [`NORMSHIFTSZ-1:0] Shifted; // the shifted result
logic Plus1; // add one to the final result?
logic IntInvalid, Overflow, Underflow, Invalid; // flags
@ -94,7 +98,7 @@ module postprocess(
logic IntToFp; // is the opperation an int->fp conversion?
logic ToInt; // is the opperation an fp->int conversion?
logic [`NE+1:0] RoundExp;
logic [`NE:0] CorrDivExp;
logic [`NE+1:0] CorrDivExp;
logic [1:0] NegResMSBS;
logic CvtOp;
logic FmaOp;
@ -108,6 +112,8 @@ module postprocess(
logic UfLSBRes;
logic Sqrt;
logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] OutFmt;
logic DivResDenorm;
logic [`NE+1:0] DivDenormShift;
// signals to help readability
assign Signed = FOpCtrlM[0];
@ -140,7 +146,7 @@ module postprocess(
.XZeroM, .IntToFp, .OutFmt, .CvtResUf, .CvtShiftIn);
fmashiftcalc fmashiftcalc(.SumM, .ZExpM, .ProdExpM, .FmaNormCntM, .FmtM, .KillProdM, .ConvNormSumExp,
.ZDenormM, .SumZero, .PreResultDenorm, .FmaShiftAmt, .FmaShiftIn);
divshiftcalc divshiftcalc(.Quot, .DivCalcExpM, .CorrDivExp, .DivShiftAmt);
divshiftcalc divshiftcalc(.FmtM, .Quot, .DivCalcExpM, .EarlyTermShiftDiv2M, .DivResDenorm, .DivDenormShift, .DivShiftAmt, .DivShiftIn);
@ -154,7 +160,7 @@ module postprocess(
2'b01: begin //div ***prob can take out
ShiftAmt = DivShiftAmt;
ShiftIn = {Quot[`DIVLEN+1:0], {`NORMSHIFTSZ-`DIVLEN-2{1'b0}}};
ShiftIn = DivShiftIn;
default: begin
ShiftAmt = {$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ){1'bx}};
@ -165,7 +171,8 @@ module postprocess(
normshift normshift (.ShiftIn, .ShiftAmt, .Shifted);
lzacorrection lzacorrection(.FmaOp, .KillProdM, .PreResultDenorm, .ConvNormSumExp,
.SumZero, .Shifted, .SumExp, .CorrShifted);
.DivResDenorm, .DivDenormShift, .DivOp, .DivCalcExpM,
.CorrDivExp, .SumZero, .Shifted, .SumExp, .CorrShifted);
// Rounding
@ -179,6 +186,7 @@ module postprocess(
round round(.OutFmt, .FrmM, .Sticky, .AddendStickyM, .ZZeroM, .Plus1, .PostProcSelM, .CvtCalcExpM, .CorrDivExp,
.InvZM, .RoundSgn, .SumExp, .FmaOp, .CvtOp, .CvtResDenormUfM, .CorrShifted, .ToInt, .CvtResUf,
.DivStickyM, .DivNegStickyM,
.DivOp, .UfPlus1, .FullResExp, .ResFrac, .ResExp, .Round, .RoundAdd, .UfLSBRes, .RoundExp);
@ -206,6 +214,7 @@ module postprocess(
resultselect resultselect(.XSgnM, .ZExpM, .XManM, .YManM, .ZManM, .ZDenormM, .ZZeroM, .XZeroM, .IntInvalid,
.IntZeroM, .FrmM, .OutFmt, .AddendStickyM, .KillProdM, .XNaNM, .YNaNM, .ZNaNM, .RoundAdd, .CvtResUf,
.NaNIn, .IntToFp, .Int64, .Signed, .CvtOp, .FmaOp, .Plus1, .Invalid, .Overflow, .InfIn, .NegResMSBS,
.XInfM, .YInfM, .DivOp,
.DivByZero, .FullResExp, .Shifted, .CvtCalcExpM, .ResSgn, .ResExp, .ResFrac, .PostProcResM, .FCvtIntResM);
@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ module resultselect(
input logic [2:0] FrmM, // rounding mode 000 = rount to nearest, ties to even 001 = round twords zero 010 = round down 011 = round up 100 = round to nearest, ties to max magnitude
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] OutFmt, // output format
input logic InfIn,
input logic XInfM,
input logic YInfM,
input logic DivOp,
input logic XZeroM,
input logic IntZeroM,
input logic NaNIn,
@ -35,16 +38,17 @@ module resultselect(
output logic [1:0] NegResMSBS,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] FCvtIntResM // final res
logic [`FLEN-1:0] XNaNRes, YNaNRes, ZNaNRes, InvalidRes, OfRes, KillProdRes, UfRes, NormRes; // possible results
logic [`FLEN-1:0] XNaNRes, YNaNRes, ZNaNRes, InvalidRes, OfRes, UfRes, NormRes; // possible results
logic OfResMax;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] OfIntRes; // the overflow result for integer output
logic [`XLEN+1:0] NegRes; // the negation of the result
logic KillRes;
logic SelOfRes;
// does the overflow result output the maximum normalized floating point number
// output infinity if the input is infinity
assign OfResMax = (~InfIn|(IntToFp&CvtOp))&((FrmM[1:0]==2'b01) | (FrmM[1:0]==2'b10&~ResSgn) | (FrmM[1:0]==2'b11&ResSgn));
assign OfResMax = (~InfIn|(IntToFp&CvtOp))&~DivByZero&((FrmM[1:0]==2'b01) | (FrmM[1:0]==2'b10&~ResSgn) | (FrmM[1:0]==2'b11&ResSgn));
if (`FPSIZES == 1) begin
@ -59,8 +63,7 @@ module resultselect(
assign OfRes = OfResMax ? {ResSgn, {`NE-1{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`NF{1'b1}}} : {ResSgn, {`NE{1'b1}}, {`NF{1'b0}}};
assign KillProdRes = {ResSgn, {ZExpM[`NE-1:1], ZExpM[0]&~(ZDenormM|ZZeroM), ZManM[`NF-1:0]} + (RoundAdd[`FLEN-2:0]&{`FLEN-1{AddendStickyM}})};
assign UfRes = {ResSgn, {`FLEN-1{1'b0}}} + {(`FLEN-1)'(0),Plus1&FrmM[1]};
assign UfRes = {ResSgn, {`FLEN-1{1'b0}}, Plus1&FrmM[1]&~(DivOp&YInfM)};
assign NormRes = {ResSgn, ResExp, ResFrac};
end else if (`FPSIZES == 2) begin //will the format conversion in killprod work in other conversions?
@ -75,8 +78,7 @@ module resultselect(
assign OfRes = OutFmt ? OfResMax ? {ResSgn, {`NE-1{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`NF{1'b1}}} : {ResSgn, {`NE{1'b1}}, {`NF{1'b0}}} :
OfResMax ? {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`NE1-1{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`NF1{1'b1}}} : {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NF1)'(0)};
assign KillProdRes = OutFmt ? {ResSgn, {ZExpM[`NE-1:1], ZExpM[0]&~(ZDenormM|ZZeroM), ZManM[`NF-1:0]} + (RoundAdd[`FLEN-2:0]&{`FLEN-1{AddendStickyM}})} : {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {ZExpM[`NE-1], ZExpM[`NE1-2:1], ZExpM[0]&~(ZDenormM|ZZeroM), ZManM[`NF-1:`NF-`NF1]} + (RoundAdd[`NF-`NF1+`LEN1-2:`NF-`NF1]&{`LEN1-1{AddendStickyM}})};
assign UfRes = OutFmt ? {ResSgn, {`FLEN-1{1'b0}}} + {(`FLEN-1)'(0),Plus1&FrmM[1]} : {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, {ResSgn, (`LEN1-1)'(0)} + {(`LEN1-1)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]}};
assign UfRes = OutFmt ? {ResSgn, (`FLEN-2)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]&~(DivOp&YInfM)} : {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, ResSgn, (`LEN1-2)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]&~(DivOp&YInfM)};
assign NormRes = OutFmt ? {ResSgn, ResExp, ResFrac} : {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, ResSgn, ResExp[`NE1-1:0], ResFrac[`NF-1:`NF-`NF1]};
end else if (`FPSIZES == 3) begin
@ -93,8 +95,7 @@ module resultselect(
OfRes = OfResMax ? {ResSgn, {`NE-1{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`NF{1'b1}}} : {ResSgn, {`NE{1'b1}}, {`NF{1'b0}}};
KillProdRes = {ResSgn, {ZExpM[`NE-1:1], ZExpM[0]&~(ZDenormM|ZZeroM), ZManM[`NF-1:0]} + (RoundAdd[`FLEN-2:0]&{`FLEN-1{AddendStickyM}})};
UfRes = {ResSgn, {`FLEN-1{1'b0}}} + {(`FLEN-1)'(0),Plus1&FrmM[1]};
UfRes = {ResSgn, (`FLEN-2)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]&~(DivOp&YInfM)};
NormRes = {ResSgn, ResExp, ResFrac};
`FMT1: begin
@ -107,8 +108,7 @@ module resultselect(
InvalidRes = {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`NE1{1'b1}}, 1'b1, (`NF1-1)'(0)};
OfRes = OfResMax ? {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`NE1-1{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`NF1{1'b1}}} : {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NF1)'(0)};
KillProdRes = {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {ZExpM[`NE-1], ZExpM[`NE1-2:1], ZExpM[0]&~(ZDenormM|ZZeroM), ZManM[`NF-1:`NF-`NF1]} + (RoundAdd[`NF-`NF1+`LEN1-2:`NF-`NF1]&{`LEN1-1{AddendStickyM}})};
UfRes = {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, {ResSgn, (`LEN1-1)'(0)} + {(`LEN1-1)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]}};
UfRes = {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, ResSgn, (`LEN1-2)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]&~(DivOp&YInfM)};
NormRes = {{`FLEN-`LEN1{1'b1}}, ResSgn, ResExp[`NE1-1:0], ResFrac[`NF-1:`NF-`NF1]};
`FMT2: begin
@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ module resultselect(
OfRes = OfResMax ? {{`FLEN-`LEN2{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`NE2-1{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`NF2{1'b1}}} : {{`FLEN-`LEN2{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`NE2{1'b1}}, (`NF2)'(0)};
KillProdRes = {{`FLEN-`LEN2{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {ZExpM[`NE-1], ZExpM[`NE2-2:1], ZExpM[0]&~(ZDenormM|ZZeroM), ZManM[`NF-1:`NF-`NF2]} + (RoundAdd[`NF-`NF2+`LEN2-2:`NF-`NF2]&{`LEN2-1{AddendStickyM}})};
UfRes = {{`FLEN-`LEN2{1'b1}}, {ResSgn, (`LEN2-1)'(0)} + {(`LEN2-1)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]}};
UfRes = {{`FLEN-`LEN2{1'b1}}, ResSgn, (`LEN2-2)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]&~(DivOp&YInfM)};
NormRes = {{`FLEN-`LEN2{1'b1}}, ResSgn, ResExp[`NE2-1:0], ResFrac[`NF-1:`NF-`NF2]};
default: begin
@ -136,7 +135,6 @@ module resultselect(
InvalidRes = (`FLEN)'(0);
OfRes = (`FLEN)'(0);
KillProdRes = (`FLEN)'(0);
UfRes = (`FLEN)'(0);
NormRes = (`FLEN)'(0);
@ -156,8 +154,7 @@ module resultselect(
OfRes = OfResMax ? {ResSgn, {`NE-1{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`NF{1'b1}}} : {ResSgn, {`NE{1'b1}}, {`NF{1'b0}}};
KillProdRes = {ResSgn, {ZExpM[`Q_NE-1:1], ZExpM[0]&~(ZDenormM|ZZeroM), ZManM[`NF-1:0]} + (RoundAdd[`FLEN-2:0]&{`FLEN-1{AddendStickyM}})};
UfRes = {ResSgn, {`FLEN-1{1'b0}}} + {(`FLEN-1)'(0),Plus1&FrmM[1]};
UfRes = {ResSgn, (`FLEN-2)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]&~(DivOp&YInfM)};
NormRes = {ResSgn, ResExp, ResFrac};
2'h1: begin
@ -170,8 +167,7 @@ module resultselect(
InvalidRes = {{`FLEN-`D_LEN{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`D_NE{1'b1}}, 1'b1, (`D_NF-1)'(0)};
OfRes = OfResMax ? {{`FLEN-`D_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`D_NE-1{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`D_NF{1'b1}}} : {{`FLEN-`D_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`D_NE{1'b1}}, (`D_NF)'(0)};
KillProdRes = {{`FLEN-`D_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {ZExpM[`NE-1], ZExpM[`D_NE-2:1], ZExpM[0]&~(ZDenormM|ZZeroM), ZManM[`NF-1:`NF-`D_NF]} + (RoundAdd[`NF-`D_NF+`D_LEN-2:`NF-`D_NF]&{`D_LEN-1{AddendStickyM}})};
UfRes = {{`FLEN-`D_LEN{1'b1}}, {ResSgn, (`D_LEN-1)'(0)} + {(`D_LEN-1)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]}};
UfRes = {{`FLEN-`D_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, (`D_LEN-2)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]&~(DivOp&YInfM)};
NormRes = {{`FLEN-`D_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, ResExp[`D_NE-1:0], ResFrac[`NF-1:`NF-`D_NF]};
2'h0: begin
@ -185,8 +181,7 @@ module resultselect(
OfRes = OfResMax ? {{`FLEN-`S_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`S_NE-1{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`S_NF{1'b1}}} : {{`FLEN-`S_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`S_NE{1'b1}}, (`S_NF)'(0)};
KillProdRes = {{`FLEN-`S_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {ZExpM[`NE-1], ZExpM[`S_NE-2:1], ZExpM[0]&~(ZDenormM|ZZeroM), ZManM[`NF-1:`NF-`S_NF]} + (RoundAdd[`NF-`S_NF+`S_LEN-2:`NF-`S_NF]&{`S_LEN-1{AddendStickyM}})};
UfRes = {{`FLEN-`S_LEN{1'b1}}, {ResSgn, (`S_LEN-1)'(0)} + {(`S_LEN-1)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]}};
UfRes = {{`FLEN-`S_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, (`S_LEN-2)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]&~(DivOp&YInfM)};
NormRes = {{`FLEN-`S_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, ResExp[`S_NE-1:0], ResFrac[`NF-1:`NF-`S_NF]};
2'h2: begin
@ -200,9 +195,8 @@ module resultselect(
OfRes = OfResMax ? {{`FLEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`H_NE-1{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`H_NF{1'b1}}} : {{`FLEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`H_NE{1'b1}}, (`H_NF)'(0)};
KillProdRes = {{`FLEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {ZExpM[`NE-1], ZExpM[`H_NE-2:1],ZExpM[0]&~(ZDenormM|ZZeroM), ZManM[`NF-1:`NF-`H_NF]} + (RoundAdd[`NF-`H_NF+`H_LEN-2:`NF-`H_NF]&{`H_LEN-1{AddendStickyM}})};
UfRes = {{`FLEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, {ResSgn, (`H_LEN-1)'(0)} + {(`H_LEN-1)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]}};
// zero is exact fi dividing by infinity so don't add 1
UfRes = {{`FLEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, (`H_LEN-2)'(0), Plus1&FrmM[1]&~(DivOp&YInfM)};
NormRes = {{`FLEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, ResExp[`H_NE-1:0], ResFrac[`NF-1:`NF-`H_NF]};
@ -217,22 +211,20 @@ module resultselect(
// - do so if the res underflows, is zero (the exp doesnt calculate correctly). or the integer input is 0
// - dont set to zero if fp input is zero but not using the fp input
// - dont set to zero if int input is zero but not using the int input
assign KillRes = CvtOp ? (CvtResUf|(XZeroM&~IntToFp)|(IntZeroM&IntToFp)) : FullResExp[`NE+1];//Underflow & ~ResDenorm & (ResExp!=1);
assign KillRes = CvtOp ? (CvtResUf|(XZeroM&~IntToFp)|(IntZeroM&IntToFp)) : FullResExp[`NE+1] | (((YInfM&~XInfM)|XZeroM)&DivOp);//Underflow & ~ResDenorm & (ResExp!=1);
assign SelOfRes = Overflow|DivByZero|(InfIn&~(YInfM&DivOp));
// output infinity with result sign if divide by zero
if(`IEEE754) begin
assign PostProcResM = XNaNM&~(IntToFp&CvtOp) ? XNaNRes :
YNaNM&~CvtOp ? YNaNRes :
ZNaNM&FmaOp ? ZNaNRes :
Invalid ? InvalidRes :
Overflow|DivByZero|InfIn ? OfRes :
KillProdM&FmaOp ? KillProdRes :
SelOfRes ? OfRes :
KillRes ? UfRes :
end else begin
assign PostProcResM = NaNIn|Invalid ? InvalidRes :
Overflow|DivByZero|InfIn ? OfRes :
KillProdM&FmaOp ? KillProdRes :
SelOfRes ? OfRes :
KillRes ? UfRes :
@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ module round(
input logic [`NE+1:0] SumExp, // exponent of the normalized sum
input logic RoundSgn, // the result's sign
input logic [`NE:0] CvtCalcExpM, // the calculated expoent
input logic [`NE:0] CorrDivExp, // the calculated expoent
input logic [`NE+1:0] CorrDivExp, // the calculated expoent
input logic DivStickyM, // sticky bit
input logic DivNegStickyM,
output logic UfPlus1, // do you add or subtract on from the result
output logic [`NE+1:0] FullResExp, // ResExp with bits to determine sign and overflow
output logic [`NF-1:0] ResFrac, // Result fraction
@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ module round(
// only add the Addend sticky if doing an FMA opperation
// - the shifter shifts too far left when there's an underflow (shifting out all possible sticky bits)
assign UfSticky = AddendStickyM&FmaOp | NormSumSticky | CvtResUf&CvtOp | SumExp[`NE+1]&FmaOp;
assign UfSticky = AddendStickyM&FmaOp | NormSumSticky | CvtResUf&CvtOp | SumExp[`NE+1]&FmaOp | DivStickyM&DivOp;
// determine round and LSB of the rounded value
// - underflow round bit is used to determint the underflow flag
@ -223,9 +225,11 @@ module round(
assign Sticky = UfSticky | UfRound;
// Deterimine if a small number was supposed to be subtrated - For Fma calculation only
assign SubBySmallNum = AddendStickyM & InvZM & ~(NormSumSticky|UfRound) & ~ZZeroM & FmaOp;
assign UfSubBySmallNum = AddendStickyM & InvZM & ~(NormSumSticky) & ~ZZeroM & FmaOp;
// Deterimine if a small number was supposed to be subtrated
// - for FMA or if division has a negitive sticky bit
assign SubBySmallNum = ((AddendStickyM&FmaOp&~ZZeroM&InvZM) | (DivNegStickyM&DivOp)) & ~(NormSumSticky|UfRound);
assign UfSubBySmallNum = ((AddendStickyM&FmaOp&~ZZeroM&InvZM) | (DivNegStickyM&DivOp)) & ~NormSumSticky;
always_comb begin
// Determine if you add 1
@ -305,7 +309,7 @@ module round(
2'b10: RoundExp = SumExp; // fma
2'b00: RoundExp = {CvtCalcExpM[`NE], CvtCalcExpM}&{`NE+2{~CvtResDenormUfM|CvtResUf}}; // cvt
2'b01: RoundExp = {CorrDivExp[`NE], CorrDivExp[`NE:0]}; // divide
2'b01: RoundExp = CorrDivExp; // divide
default: RoundExp = 0;
@ -23,5 +23,10 @@ qslc_sqrt_r4a2: qslc_sqrt_r4a2.c
gcc qslc_sqrt_r4a2.c -o qslc_sqrt_r4a2 -lm
./qslc_sqrt_r4a2 > qslc_sqrt_r4a2.sv
inttestgen: inttestgen.c
gcc -lm -o inttestgen inttestgen.c
rm -f testgen exptestgen qslc_r4a2 qslc_r4a2b qslc_sqrt_r4a2
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ void main(void)
int i, j;
int bias = 1023;
if ((fptr = fopen("testvectors","w")) == NULL) {
if ((fptr = fopen("testvectors","w")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't write testvectors file\n");
@ -36,41 +36,45 @@ module srtradix4 (
input logic [`NE-1:0] XExpE, YExpE,
input logic [`NF:0] XManE, YManE,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcA, SrcB,
input logic XZeroE,
input logic XInfE, YInfE,
input logic XZeroE, YZeroE,
input logic XNaNE, YNaNE,
input logic W64, // 32-bit ints on XLEN=64
input logic Signed, // Interpret integers as signed 2's complement
input logic Int, // Choose integer inputs
input logic Sqrt, // perform square root, not divide
output logic [$clog2(`DIVLEN/2+3)-1:0] EarlyTermShiftDiv2E,
output logic DivDone,
output logic DivStickyE,
output logic DivNegStickyE,
output logic [`DIVLEN+2:0] Quot,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] Rem, // *** later handle integers
output logic [`NE:0] DivCalcExpE
output logic [`NE+1:0] DivCalcExpE
// logic qp, qz, qm; // quotient is +1, 0, or -1
logic [3:0] q;
logic [`NE:0] DivCalcExp;
logic [`DIVLEN:0] X;
logic [`NE+1:0] DivCalcExp;
logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] X;
logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Dpreproc;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] WS, WSA, WSN;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] WC, WCA, WCN;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] D, DBar, D2, DBar2, Dsel;
logic [$clog2(`XLEN+1)-1:0] intExp;
logic [$clog2(`NF+2)-1:0] XZeroCnt, YZeroCnt;
logic intSign;
srtpreproc preproc(SrcA, SrcB, XManE, YManE, W64, Signed, Int, Sqrt, X, Dpreproc, intExp, intSign);
srtpreproc preproc(.SrcA, .SrcB, .XManE, .YManE, .W64, .Signed, .Int, .Sqrt, .X,
.XZeroCnt, .YZeroCnt, .Dpreproc, .intExp, .intSign);
// Top Muxes and Registers
// When start is asserted, the inputs are loaded into the divider.
// Otherwise, the divisor is retained and the partial remainder
// is fed back for the next iteration.
// - assumed one is added here since all numbers are normlaized
// *** wait what about zero? is that specal case? can the divider handle it?
// - when the start signal is asserted X and 0 are loaded into WS and WC
// - otherwise load WSA into the flipflop
// *** what does N and A stand for?
// *** change shift amount for radix4
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) wsmux({WSA[`DIVLEN+1:0], 2'b0}, {3'b000, X}, DivStart, WSN);
// - the assumed one is added to D since it's always normalized (and X/0 is a special case handeled by result selection)
// - XZeroE is used as the assumed one to avoid creating a sticky bit - all other numbers are normalized
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) wsmux({WSA[`DIVLEN+1:0], 2'b0}, {3'b000, ~XZeroE, X}, DivStart, WSN);
flop #(`DIVLEN+4) wsflop(clk, WSN, WS);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) wcmux({WCA[`DIVLEN+1:0], 2'b0}, {`DIVLEN+4{1'b0}}, DivStart, WCN);
flop #(`DIVLEN+4) wcflop(clk, WCN, WC);
@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ module srtradix4 (
qsel4 qsel4(.D, .WS, .WC, .q);
// Store the expoenent and sign until division is DivDone
flopen #(`NE+1) expflop(clk, DivStart, DivCalcExp, DivCalcExpE);
flopen #(`NE+2) expflop(clk, DivStart, DivCalcExp, DivCalcExpE);
// Divisor Selection logic
// *** radix 4 change to choose -2 to 2
@ -114,9 +118,10 @@ module srtradix4 (
//*** change for radix 4
otfc4 otfc4(.clk, .DivStart, .q, .Quot);
expcalc expcalc(.XExpE, .YExpE, .XZeroE, .DivCalcExp);
expcalc expcalc(.XExpE, .YExpE, .XZeroE, .XZeroCnt, .YZeroCnt, .DivCalcExp);
divcounter divcounter(clk, DivStart, DivDone);
earlytermination earlytermination(.clk, .WC, .WS, .XZeroE, .YZeroE, .XInfE, .EarlyTermShiftDiv2E,
.YInfE, .XNaNE, .YNaNE, .DivStickyE, .DivNegStickyE, .DivStart, .DivDone);
@ -124,28 +129,35 @@ endmodule
// Submodules //
// counter //
module divcounter(input logic clk,
input logic DivStart,
output logic DivDone);
module earlytermination(
input logic clk,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] WS, WC,
input logic XInfE, YInfE,
input logic XZeroE, YZeroE,
input logic XNaNE, YNaNE,
input logic DivStart,
output logic [$clog2(`DIVLEN/2+3)-1:0] EarlyTermShiftDiv2E,
output logic DivStickyE,
output logic DivNegStickyE,
output logic DivDone);
logic [5:0] count;
// This block of control logic sequences the divider
// through its iterations. You may modify it if you
// build a divider which completes in fewer iterations.
// You are not responsible for the (trivial) circuit
// design of the block.
logic [$clog2(`DIVLEN/2+3)-1:0] Count;
logic WZero;
assign WZero = (WS+WC == 0)|XZeroE|YZeroE|XInfE|YInfE|XNaNE|YNaNE; //*** temporary
// *** rather than Counting should just be able to check if one of the two msbs of the quotent is 1 then stop???
assign DivDone = (DivStickyE | WZero);
assign DivStickyE = ~|Count;
assign DivNegStickyE = $signed(WS+WC) < 0;
assign EarlyTermShiftDiv2E = Count;
// +1 for setup
// `DIVLEN/2 to get required number of bits
// +1 for possible .5 and round bit
// Count down Counter
always @(posedge clk)
DivDone = 0;
if (count == `DIVLEN/2+1) DivDone <= #1 1;
else if (DivDone | DivStart) DivDone <= #1 0;
if (DivStart) count <= #1 0;
else count <= #1 count+1;
if (DivStart) Count <= #1 `DIVLEN/2+2;
else Count <= #1 Count-1;
@ -231,31 +243,34 @@ module srtpreproc (
input logic Signed, // Interpret integers as signed 2's complement
input logic Int, // Choose integer inputs
input logic Sqrt, // perform square root, not divide
output logic [`DIVLEN:0] X,
output logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] X,
output logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Dpreproc,
output logic [$clog2(`NF+2)-1:0] XZeroCnt, YZeroCnt,
output logic [$clog2(`XLEN+1)-1:0] intExp, // Quotient integer exponent
output logic intSign // Quotient integer sign
// logic [$clog2(`XLEN+1)-1:0] zeroCntA, zeroCntB;
// logic [`XLEN-1:0] PosA, PosB;
// logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] ExtraA, ExtraB, PreprocA, PreprocB, PreprocX, PreprocY;
logic [`DIVLEN:0] PreprocA, PreprocX;
logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] PreprocA, PreprocX;
logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] PreprocB, PreprocY;
// assign PosA = (Signed & SrcA[`XLEN - 1]) ? -SrcA : SrcA;
// assign PosB = (Signed & SrcB[`XLEN - 1]) ? -SrcB : SrcB;
// lzc #(`XLEN) lzcA (PosA, zeroCntA);
// lzc #(`XLEN) lzcB (PosB, zeroCntB);
// ***can probably merge X LZC with conversion
// cout the number of leading zeros
lzc #(`NF+1) lzcA (XManE, XZeroCnt);
lzc #(`NF+1) lzcB (YManE, YZeroCnt);
// assign ExtraA = {PosA, {`DIVLEN-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
// assign ExtraB = {PosB, {`DIVLEN-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
// assign PreprocA = ExtraA << zeroCntA;
// assign PreprocB = ExtraB << (zeroCntB + 1);
assign PreprocX = {XManE, {`DIVLEN-`NF{1'b0}}};
assign PreprocY = {YManE[`NF-1:0], {`DIVLEN-`NF{1'b0}}};
assign PreprocX = {XManE[`NF-1:0]<<XZeroCnt, {`DIVLEN-`NF{1'b0}}};
assign PreprocY = {YManE[`NF-1:0]<<YZeroCnt, {`DIVLEN-`NF{1'b0}}};
assign X = Int ? PreprocA : PreprocX;
@ -291,7 +306,7 @@ module otfc4 (
// if starting a new divison set Q to 0 and QM to -1
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+3) Qmux(QNext, {`DIVLEN+3{1'b0}}, DivStart, QMux);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+3) QMmux(QMNext, {`DIVLEN+3{1'b1}}, DivStart, QMMux);
flop #(`DIVLEN+3) Qreg(clk, QMux, Quot);
flop #(`DIVLEN+3) Qreg(clk, QMux, Quot); // *** have to connect Quot directly to M stage
flop #(`DIVLEN+3) QMreg(clk, QMMux, QM);
// shift Q (quotent) and QM (quotent-1)
@ -322,8 +337,7 @@ module otfc4 (
QMNext = {QMR, 2'b11};
// Quot is in the range [.5, 2) so normalize the result if nesissary
// assign Quot = Q[`DIVLEN+2] ? Q[`DIVLEN+1:2] : Q[`DIVLEN:1];
// Final Quoteint is in the range [.5, 2)
@ -358,9 +372,11 @@ endmodule
module expcalc(
input logic [`NE-1:0] XExpE, YExpE,
input logic XZeroE,
output logic [`NE:0] DivCalcExp
input logic [$clog2(`NF+2)-1:0] XZeroCnt, YZeroCnt,
output logic [`NE+1:0] DivCalcExp
assign DivCalcExp = (XExpE - YExpE + (`NE)'(`BIAS))&{`NE+1{~XZeroE}};
// correct exponent for denormalized input's normalization shifts
assign DivCalcExp = (XExpE - XZeroCnt - YExpE + YZeroCnt + (`NE)'(`BIAS))&{`NE+2{~XZeroE}};
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// srt.sv
// Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu 13 January 2022
// Modified:
// Modified: cturek@hmc.edu June 2022
// Purpose: Combined Divide and Square Root Floating Point and Integer Unit
@ -29,10 +29,8 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
`define DIVLEN ((`NF<(`XLEN+1)) ? (`XLEN + 1) : `NF)
`define EXTRAFRACBITS ((`NF<(`XLEN+1)) ? (`XLEN - `NF + 1) : 0)
`define EXTRAINTBITS ((`NF<(`XLEN+1)) ? 0 : (`NF - `XLEN))
`define EXTRAFRACBITS ((`NF<(`XLEN)) ? (`XLEN - `NF) : 0)
`define EXTRAINTBITS ((`NF<(`XLEN)) ? 0 : (`NF - `XLEN))
module srt (
input logic clk,
@ -131,11 +129,11 @@ module srtpreproc (
lzc #(`XLEN) lzcA (PosA, zeroCntA);
lzc #(`XLEN) lzcB (PosB, zeroCntB);
assign ExtraA = {1'b0, PosA, {`EXTRAINTBITS{1'b0}}};
assign ExtraB = {1'b0, PosB, {`EXTRAINTBITS{1'b0}}};
assign ExtraA = {PosA, {`EXTRAINTBITS{1'b0}}};
assign ExtraB = {PosB, {`EXTRAINTBITS{1'b0}}};
assign PreprocA = ExtraA << zeroCntA;
assign PreprocB = ExtraB << (zeroCntB + 1);
assign PreprocB = ExtraB << zeroCntB;
assign PreprocX = {SrcXFrac, {`EXTRAFRACBITS{1'b0}}};
assign PreprocY = {SrcYFrac, {`EXTRAFRACBITS{1'b0}}};
@ -228,14 +226,15 @@ module otfc2 #(parameter N=65) (
// QM is Q-1. It allows us to write negative bits
// without using a costly CPA.
logic [N+2:0] Q, QM, QNext, QMNext;
logic [N+2:0] Q, QM, QNext, QMNext, QMMux;
// QR and QMR are the shifted versions of Q and QM.
// They are treated as [N-1:r] size signals, and
// discard the r most significant bits of Q and QM.
logic [N+1:0] QR, QMR;
flopr #(N+3) Qreg(clk, Start, QNext, Q);
flopr #(N+3) QMreg(clk, Start, QMNext, QM);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+3) QMmux(QMNext, {`DIVLEN+3{1'b1}}, Start, QMMux);
flop #(`DIVLEN+3) QMreg(clk, QMMux, QM);
always_comb begin
QR = Q[N+1:0];
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
`define DIVLEN 65
`define DIVLEN 64
// counter //
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module counter(input logic clk,
always @(posedge clk)
if (count == `DIVLEN+1) done <= #1 1;
if (count == `DIVLEN + 2) done <= #1 1;
else if (done | req) done <= #1 0;
if (req) count <= #1 0;
else count <= #1 count+1;
@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ module testbench;
b = Vec[`memb];
{bsign, bExp, bfrac} = b;
nextr = Vec[`memr];
r = Quot[`DIVLEN:`DIVLEN - 52];
r = Quot[(`DIVLEN - 1):(`DIVLEN - 52)];
rOTFC = QuotOTFC[(`DIVLEN - 1):(`DIVLEN - 52)];
req <= #5 1;
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ module testbench;
always @(posedge clk)
r = Quot[`DIVLEN:`DIVLEN - 52];
r = Quot[(`DIVLEN - 1):(`DIVLEN - 52)];
rOTFC = QuotOTFC[(`DIVLEN - 1):(`DIVLEN - 52)];
if (done)
req <= #5 1;
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ module testbenchfp;
logic [`LOGCVTLEN-1:0] CvtShiftAmtE; // how much to shift by
logic [`DIVLEN+2:0] Quot;
logic CvtResDenormUfE;
logic [$clog2(`DIVLEN/2+3)-1:0] EarlyTermShiftDiv2;
logic DivStart, DivDone;
@ -69,8 +70,9 @@ module testbenchfp;
logic NegSumE;
logic ZSgnEffE;
logic PSgnE;
logic DivSgn;
logic [`NE:0] DivCalcExp;
logic DivSticky;
logic DivNegSticky;
logic [`NE+1:0] DivCalcExp;
@ -644,13 +646,13 @@ module testbenchfp;
postprocess postprocess(.XSgnM(XSgn), .YSgnM(YSgn), .PostProcSelM(UnitVal[1:0]),
.ZExpM(ZExp), .ZDenormM(ZDenorm), .FOpCtrlM(OpCtrlVal), .Quot, .DivCalcExpM(DivCalcExp),
.XManM(XMan), .YManM(YMan), .ZManM(ZMan), .CvtCalcExpM(CvtCalcExpE),
.XNaNM(XNaN), .YNaNM(YNaN), .ZNaNM(ZNaN), .CvtResDenormUfM(CvtResDenormUfE),
.XManM(XMan), .YManM(YMan), .ZManM(ZMan), .CvtCalcExpM(CvtCalcExpE), .DivStickyM(DivSticky),
.XNaNM(XNaN), .YNaNM(YNaN), .ZNaNM(ZNaN), .CvtResDenormUfM(CvtResDenormUfE), .DivNegStickyM(DivNegSticky),
.XZeroM(XZero), .YZeroM(YZero), .ZZeroM(ZZero), .CvtShiftAmtM(CvtShiftAmtE),
.XInfM(XInf), .YInfM(YInf), .ZInfM(ZInf), .CvtResSgnM(CvtResSgnE), .FWriteIntM(WriteIntVal),
.XSNaNM(XSNaN), .YSNaNM(YSNaN), .ZSNaNM(ZSNaN), .CvtLzcInM(CvtLzcInE), .IntZeroM(IntZeroE),
.KillProdM(KillProdE), .AddendStickyM(AddendStickyE), .ProdExpM(ProdExpE),
.SumM(SumE), .NegSumM(NegSumE), .InvZM(InvZE), .FmaNormCntM(FmaNormCntE), .ZSgnEffM(ZSgnEffE), .PSgnM(PSgnE), .FmtM(ModFmt), .FrmM(FrmVal),
.SumM(SumE), .NegSumM(NegSumE), .InvZM(InvZE), .FmaNormCntM(FmaNormCntE), .EarlyTermShiftDiv2M(EarlyTermShiftDiv2), .ZSgnEffM(ZSgnEffE), .PSgnM(PSgnE), .FmtM(ModFmt), .FrmM(FrmVal),
.PostProcFlgM(Flg), .PostProcResM(FpRes), .FCvtIntResM(IntRes));
fcvt fcvt (.XSgnE(XSgn), .XExpE(XExp), .XManE(XMan), .ForwardedSrcAE(SrcA), .FWriteIntE(WriteIntVal),
@ -659,9 +661,9 @@ module testbenchfp;
fcmp fcmp (.FmtE(ModFmt), .FOpCtrlE(OpCtrlVal), .XSgnE(XSgn), .YSgnE(YSgn), .XExpE(XExp), .YExpE(YExp),
.XManE(XMan), .YManE(YMan), .XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero), .CmpIntResE(CmpRes),
.XNaNE(XNaN), .YNaNE(YNaN), .XSNaNE(XSNaN), .YSNaNE(YSNaN), .FSrcXE(X), .FSrcYE(Y), .CmpNVE(CmpFlg[4]), .CmpFpResE(FpCmpRes));
srtradix4 srtradix4(.clk, .DivStart, .XExpE(XExp), .YExpE(YExp), .DivCalcExpE(DivCalcExp), .XZeroE(XZero),
.XManE(XMan), .YManE(YMan), .SrcA('0), .SrcB('0), .W64(1'b0), .Signed(1'b0), .Int(1'b0), .Sqrt(OpCtrlVal[0]),
.DivDone, .Quot, .Rem());
srtradix4 srtradix4(.clk, .DivStart, .XExpE(XExp), .YExpE(YExp), .DivCalcExpE(DivCalcExp), .XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero), .DivStickyE(DivSticky),
.XManE(XMan), .YManE(YMan), .SrcA('0), .SrcB('0), .W64(1'b0), .Signed(1'b0), .Int(1'b0), .Sqrt(OpCtrlVal[0]), .XNaNE(XNaN), .YNaNE(YNaN),
.XInfE(XInf), .YInfE(YInf), .DivNegStickyE(DivNegSticky), .EarlyTermShiftDiv2E(EarlyTermShiftDiv2), .DivDone, .Quot, .Rem());
assign CmpFlg[3:0] = 0;
@ -814,8 +816,9 @@ end
// check if the non-fma test is correct
if(~((Res === Ans | NaNGood | NaNGood === 1'bx) & (ResFlg === AnsFlg | AnsFlg === 5'bx))&(DivDone&(UnitVal == `DIVUNIT))&(UnitVal !== `CVTINTUNIT)&(UnitVal !== `CMPUNIT)) begin
// check if result is correct
// - wait till the division result is done or one extra cylcle for early termination (to simulate the EM pipline stage)
if(~((Res === Ans | NaNGood | NaNGood === 1'bx) & (ResFlg === AnsFlg | AnsFlg === 5'bx))&((~DivStart&DivDone)^~(UnitVal == `DIVUNIT))&(UnitVal !== `CVTINTUNIT)&(UnitVal !== `CMPUNIT)) begin
errors += 1;
$display("There is an error in %s", Tests[TestNum]);
$display("inputs: %h %h %h\nSrcA: %h\n Res: %h %h\n Ans: %h %h", X, Y, Z, SrcA, Res, ResFlg, Ans, AnsFlg);
@ -838,7 +841,7 @@ end
if(DivDone|(UnitVal != `DIVUNIT)) VectorNum += 1; // increment the vector
if((~DivStart&DivDone)|(UnitVal != `DIVUNIT)) VectorNum += 1; // increment the vector
if (TestVectors[VectorNum][0] === 1'bx & Tests[TestNum] !== "") begin // if reached the end of file
@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
00000000 # test reset to zero
00000000 # output_en
00000000 # output_val
00000000 # rise_ie
00000000 # rise_ip
00000000 # fall_ie
00000000 # fall_ip
00000000 # high_ie
00000000 # high_ip
00000000 # fall_ie
ffffffff # fall_ip
00000000 # iof_en
00000000 # iof_sel
00000000 # out_xor
A5A5A5A5 # test output pins
00000000 # test input enables
@ -70,9 +70,21 @@ test_cases:
# =========== Verify all registers reset to zero ===========
.4byte input_val, 0x00000000, read32_test # input_val reset to zero
.4byte input_en, 0x00000000, read32_test # input_en reset to zero
# *** add more
.4byte input_val, 0x00000000, read32_test # input_val reset to zero
.4byte input_en, 0x00000000, read32_test # input_en reset to zero
.4byte output_en, 0x00000000, read32_test # output_en reset to zero
.4byte output_val, 0x00000000, read32_test # output_val reset to zero
.4byte rise_ie, 0x00000000, read32_test # rise_ie reset to zero
.4byte rise_ip, 0x00000000, read32_test # rise_ip reset to zero
.4byte fall_ie, 0x00000000, read32_test # fall_ie reset to zero
.4byte fall_ip, 0xffffffff, read32_test # fall_ip reset to ones (input_val is zero)
.4byte high_ie, 0x00000000, read32_test # high_ie reset to zero
.4byte high_ip, 0x00000000, read32_test # high_ip reset to zero
.4byte low_ie, 0x00000000, read32_test # low_ie reset to zero
.4byte low_ip, 0x00000000, read32_test # low_ip reset to zero
.4byte iof_en, 0x00000000, read32_test # iof_en reset to zero
.4byte iof_sel, 0x00000000, read32_test # iof_sel reset to zero
.4byte out_xor, 0x00000000, read32_test # out_xor reset to zero
# =========== Test output and input pins ===========
@ -857,6 +857,27 @@ trap_handler_end_\MODE\(): // place to jump to so we can skip the trap handler a
addi a6, a6, 8
# Setup PLIC with a series of register writes
.equ PLIC_INTPRI_GPIO, 0x0C00000C # GPIO is interrupt 3
.equ PLIC_INTPRI_UART, 0x0C000028 # UART is interrupt 10
.equ PLIC_INTPENDING0, 0x0C001000 # intPending0 register
.equ PLIC_INTEN00, 0x0C002000 # interrupt enables for context 0 (machine mode) sources 31:1
.equ PLIC_INTEN10, 0x0C002080 # interrupt enables for context 1 (supervisor mode) sources 31:1
.equ PLIC_THRESH0, 0x0C200000 # Priority threshold for context 0 (machine mode)
.equ PLIC_CLAIM0, 0x0C200004 # Claim/Complete register for context 0
.equ PLIC_THRESH1, 0x0C201000 # Priority threshold for context 1 (supervisor mode)
.equ PLIC_CLAIM1, 0x0C201004 # Claim/Complete register for context 1
.4byte PLIC_THRESH0, 0, write32_test # Set PLIC machine mode interrupt threshold to 0 to accept all interrupts
.4byte PLIC_THRESH1, 7, write32_test # Set PLIC supervisor mode interrupt threshold to 7 to accept no interrupts
.4byte PLIC_INTPRI_GPIO, 7, write32_test # Set GPIO to high priority
.4byte PLIC_INTPRI_UART, 7, write32_test # Set UART to high priority
.4byte PLIC_INTEN00, 0xFFFFFFFF, write32_test # Enable all interrupt sources for machine mode
.4byte PLIC_INTEN10, 0x00000000, write32_test # Disable all interrupt sources for supervisor mode
.macro END_TESTS
// invokes one final ecall to return to machine mode then terminates this program, so the output is
// 0x8: termination called from U mode
@ -984,6 +1005,20 @@ read08_test:
addi a6, a6, 8
j test_loop // go to next test case
readmip_test: // read the MIP into the signature
csrr t2, mip
sw t2, 0(t1)
addi t1, t1, 4
addi a6, a6, 4
j test_loop // go to next test case
readsip_test: // read the MIP into the signature
csrr t2, sip
sw t2, 0(t1)
addi t1, t1, 4
addi a6, a6, 4
j test_loop // go to next test case
// return to address in t3,
li a0, 3 // Trap handler behavior (go to supervisor mode)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user