mirror of
synced 2025-01-30 16:34:28 +00:00
Removed rv64wally
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ wlft*
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
`define XLEN 64
//`define MISA (32'h00000105)
`define MISA (32'h00000104 | 1<<5 | 1<<18 | 1 << 20 | 1 << 12 | 1 << 0)
`define MISA (32'h00000104 | 1<<5 | 1<<18 | 1 << 20 | 1 << 12 | 1 << 0 | 1 << 3)
`define A_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 0) % 2 == 1)
`define C_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 2) % 2 == 1)
`define D_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 3) % 2 == 1)
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ configs = [
cmd="vsim -do wally-busybear-batch.do -c > {}",
grepstr="# loaded 40000 instructions"
grepstr="# loaded 100000 instructions"
@ -50,37 +50,50 @@ configs = [
import multiprocessing, os
import os
from multiprocessing import Pool, TimeoutError
def search_log_for_text(text, logfile):
"""Search through the given log file for text, returning True if it is found or False if it is not"""
grepcmd = "grep -e '%s' '%s' > /dev/null" % (text, logfile)
return os.system(grepcmd) == 0
def run_test_case(case):
def run_test_case(config):
"""Run the given test case, and return 0 if the test suceeds and 1 if it fails"""
logname = "regression_logs/wally_"+case.name+".log"
cmd = case.cmd.format(logname)
logname = "regression_logs/wally_"+config.name+".log"
cmd = config.cmd.format(logname)
if search_log_for_text(case.grepstr, logname):
print("%s: Success" % logname)
if search_log_for_text(config.grepstr, logname):
print("%s: Success" % config.name)
return 0
print("%s: failures detected" % logname)
print("%s: Failures detected in output" % config.name)
print(" Check %s" % logname)
return 1
def main():
"""Run the tests and count the failures"""
# Scale the number of concurrent processes to the number of test cases, but
# max out at 12 concurrent processes to not overwhelm the system
TIMEOUT_DUR = 600 # seconds
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(min(len(configs), 12))
with Pool(processes=min(len(configs),12)) as pool:
num_fail = 0
results = {}
for config in configs:
results[config] = pool.apply_async(run_test_case,(config,))
for (config,result) in results.items():
except TimeoutError:
print("%s: Timeout - runtime exceeded %d seconds" % (config.name, TIMEOUT_DUR))
# Count the number of failures
num_fail = sum(pool.map(run_test_case, configs))
if num_fail:
print("Regression failed with %s failed configurations" % num_fail)
# Remind the user to try `make allclean`, since it may be needed if test
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ vopt +acc work.testbench -o workopt
vsim workopt -suppress 8852,12070
#do ./wave-dos/peripheral-waves.do
do ./wave-dos/busybear-waves.do
do ./wave-dos/default-waves.do
#do busy-mmu.do
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ module fctrl (
// fmv.d.w = ?101
// {?, is mv, is store, is double or fcvt.d.w}
3'b111 : OpCtrlD = {1'b0, OpD[6:5], Funct3D[0] | (OpD[6]&Funct7D[0])};
default : begin OpCtrlD = 4'bxxxx; IllegalFPUInstrD = isFP; end
default : begin OpCtrlD = 4'bxxxx; IllegalFPUInstrD = 1'b1; end
@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ module fpu (
localparam PipeEnable = 1'b1;
always_comb begin
PipeEnableDE = StallE;
PipeEnableEM = StallM;
PipeEnableMW = StallW;
PipeEnableDE = ~StallE;
PipeEnableEM = ~StallM;
PipeEnableMW = ~StallW;
PipeClearDE = FlushE;
PipeClearEM = FlushM;
PipeClearMW = FlushW;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module privdec (
assign wfiM = PrivilegedM & (InstrM[31:20] == 12'b000100000101);
assign sfencevmaM = PrivilegedM & (InstrM[31:25] == 7'b0001001);
assign IllegalPrivilegedInstrM = PrivilegedM & ~(uretM|sretM|mretM|ecallM|ebreakM|wfiM|sfencevmaM);
assign IllegalInstrFaultM = IllegalIEUInstrFaultM | IllegalFPUInstrM | IllegalPrivilegedInstrM | IllegalCSRAccessM | IllegalFPUInstrM; // *** generalize this for other instructions
assign IllegalInstrFaultM = (IllegalIEUInstrFaultM & IllegalFPUInstrM) | IllegalPrivilegedInstrM | IllegalCSRAccessM; // *** generalize this for other instructions
// *** initially, wfi and sfencevma are nop
// *** zfenci extension?
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ module privileged (
input logic TimerIntM, ExtIntM, SwIntM,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] InstrMisalignedAdrM, MemAdrM,
input logic [4:0] SetFflagsM,
output logic IllegalFPUInstrE,
output logic [1:0] PrivilegeModeW,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] SATP_REGW,
output logic STATUS_MXR, STATUS_SUM,
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ module privileged (
logic uretM, sretM, mretM, ecallM, ebreakM, wfiM, sfencevmaM;
logic IllegalCSRAccessM;
logic IllegalIEUInstrFaultE, IllegalIEUInstrFaultM;
logic IllegalFPUInstrE, IllegalFPUInstrM;
logic IllegalFPUInstrM;
logic LoadPageFaultM, StorePageFaultM;
logic InstrPageFaultF, InstrPageFaultD, InstrPageFaultE, InstrPageFaultM;
logic InstrAccessFaultF, InstrAccessFaultD, InstrAccessFaultE, InstrAccessFaultM;
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ module wallypipelinedhart (
logic SquashSCW;
logic [31:0] FSROutW;
logic DivSqrtDoneE;
logic IllegalFPUInstrD;
logic IllegalFPUInstrD, IllegalFPUInstrE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] FPUResultW;
// memory management unit signals
@ -261,11 +261,10 @@ module testbench();
logic [`XLEN-1:0] readAdrExpected, readAdrTranslated;
import ahbliteState::*;
always @(dut.HRDATA) begin
if (dut.hart.MemRWM[1]
&& (dut.hart.ebu.BusState == MEMREAD || dut.hart.ebu.BusState == ATOMICREAD)
&& (dut.hart.ebu.CaptureDataM)
&& dut.HRDATA !== {64{1'bx}}) begin
//$display("%0t", $time);
if($feof(data_file_memR)) begin
@ -469,12 +468,13 @@ module testbench();
speculative = ~equal(dut.hart.ifu.PCD,pcExpected,3);
if(dut.hart.ifu.PCD===pcExpected) begin
if(dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD[6:0] == 7'b1010011) begin // for now, NOP out any float instrs
force CheckInstrD = 32'b0010011;
release CheckInstrD;
force dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD = 32'b0010011;
release dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD;
$display("warning: NOPing out %s at PC=%0x, instr %0d, time %0t", PCtext, dut.hart.ifu.PCD, instrs, $time);
force CheckInstrD = 32'b0010011;
force dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD = 32'b0010011;
while (clk != 0) #1;
while (clk != 1) #1;
release dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD;
release CheckInstrD;
warningCount += 1;
forcedInstr = 1;
@ -497,12 +497,13 @@ module testbench();
scan_file_PC = $fscanf(data_file_PC, "%x\n", CheckInstrD);
if(dut.hart.ifu.PCD === pcExpected) begin
if(dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD[6:0] == 7'b1010011) begin // for now, NOP out any float instrs
force CheckInstrD = 32'b0010011;
release CheckInstrD;
force dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD = 32'b0010011;
release dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD;
$display("warning: NOPing out %s at PC=%0x, instr %0d, time %0t", PCtext, dut.hart.ifu.PCD, instrs, $time);
force CheckInstrD = 32'b0010011;
force dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD = 32'b0010011;
while (clk != 0) #1;
while (clk != 1) #1;
release dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD;
release CheckInstrD;
warningCount += 1;
forcedInstr = 1;
@ -52,11 +52,110 @@ module testbench();
"rv64mmu/WALLY-VIRTUALMEMORY", "2000"
string tests32f[] = '{
"rv32f/I-FADD-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FCLASS-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FCVT-S-L-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FCVT-S-LU-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FCVT-S-W-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FCVT-S-WU-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FCVT-L-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FCVT-LU-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FCVT-W-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FCVT-WU-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FDIV-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FEQ-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FLE-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FLT-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FMADD-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FMAX-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FMIN-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FMSUB-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FMUL-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FMV-W-X-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FMV-X-W-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FNMADD-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FNMSUB-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FSGNJ-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FSGNJN-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FSGNJX-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FSQRT-S-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FSW-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FLW-01", "2000",
"rv32f/I-FSUB-S-01", "2000"
string tests64f[] = '{
"rv64f/I-FADD-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FCLASS-S-01", "2000"
"rv64f/I-FCLASS-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FCVT-S-L-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FCVT-S-LU-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FCVT-S-W-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FCVT-S-WU-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FCVT-L-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FCVT-LU-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FCVT-W-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FCVT-WU-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FDIV-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FEQ-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FLE-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FLT-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FMADD-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FMAX-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FMIN-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FMSUB-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FMUL-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FMV-W-X-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FNMADD-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FNMSUB-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FSGNJ-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FSGNJN-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FSGNJX-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FSQRT-S-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FSW-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FLW-01", "2000",
"rv64f/I-FSUB-S-01", "2000"
string tests64d[] = '{
"rv64d/I-FMV-X-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FADD-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FCLASS-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FCVT-D-L-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FCVT-D-LU-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FCVT-D-S-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FCVT-D-W-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FCVT-D-WU-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FCVT-L-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FCVT-LU-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FCVT-S-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FCVT-W-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FCVT-WU-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FDIV-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FEQ-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FLD-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FLE-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FLT-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FMADD-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FMAX-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FMIN-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FMSUB-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FMUL-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FMV-D-X-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FNMADD-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FNMSUB-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FSD-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FSGNJ-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FSGNJN-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FSGNJX-D-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FSQRTD-01", "2000",
"rv64d/I-FSUB-D-01", "2000"
string tests64a[] = '{
"rv64a/WALLY-AMO", "2110",
"rv64a/WALLY-LRSC", "2110"
@ -426,10 +525,10 @@ module testbench();
if (`C_SUPPORTED) tests = {tests, tests64ic};
else tests = {tests, tests64iNOc};
if (`M_SUPPORTED) tests = {tests, tests64m};
// if (`F_SUPPORTED) tests = {tests64f, tests};
// if (`D_SUPPORTED) tests = {tests64d, tests};
if (`A_SUPPORTED) tests = {tests, tests64a};
if (`MEM_VIRTMEM) tests = {tests, tests64mmu};
// if (`F_SUPPORTED) tests = {tests64f, tests};
// if (`D_SUPPORTED) tests = {tests64d, tests};
//tests = {tests64a, tests};
end else begin // RV32
@ -555,6 +654,7 @@ module testbench();
errors = errors+1;
$display(" Error on test %s result %d: adr = %h sim = %h, signature = %h",
tests[test], i, (testadr+i)*`XLEN/8, dut.uncore.dtim.RAM[testadr+i], signature[i]);
// $stop;//***debug
i = i + 1;
@ -633,11 +733,13 @@ module instrNameDecTB(
logic [2:0] funct3;
logic [6:0] funct7;
logic [11:0] imm;
logic [4:0] rs2;
assign op = instr[6:0];
assign funct3 = instr[14:12];
assign funct7 = instr[31:25];
assign imm = instr[31:20];
assign rs2 = instr[24:20];
// it would be nice to add the operands to the name
// create another variable called decoded
@ -761,6 +863,67 @@ module instrNameDecTB(
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b11100) name = "AMOMAXU.D";
else name = "ILLEGAL";
10'b0001111_???: name = "FENCE";
10'b1000011_???: name = "FMADD";
10'b1000111_???: name = "FMSUB";
10'b1001011_???: name = "FNMSUB";
10'b1001111_???: name = "FNMADD";
10'b1010011_000: if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00000) name = "FADD";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00001) name = "FSUB";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00010) name = "FMUL";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00011) name = "FDIV";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b01011) name = "FSQRT";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1100000 && rs2 == 5'b00000) name = "FCVT.W.S";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1100000 && rs2 == 5'b00001) name = "FCVT.WU.S";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1101000 && rs2 == 5'b00000) name = "FCVT.S.W";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1101000 && rs2 == 5'b00001) name = "FCVT.S.WU";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1110000 && rs2 == 5'b00000) name = "FMV.X.W";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1111000 && rs2 == 5'b00000) name = "FMV.W.X";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1110001 && rs2 == 5'b00000) name = "FMV.X.W"; // DOUBLE
else if (funct7 == 7'b1111001 && rs2 == 5'b00000) name = "FMV.W.X"; // DOUBLE
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00100) name = "FSGNJ";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00101) name = "FMIN";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b10100) name = "FLE";
else name = "ILLEGAL";
10'b1010011_001: if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00000) name = "FADD";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00001) name = "FSUB";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00010) name = "FMUL";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00011) name = "FDIV";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b01011) name = "FSQRT";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1100000 && rs2 == 5'b00000) name = "FCVT.W.S";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1100000 && rs2 == 5'b00001) name = "FCVT.WU.S";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1101000 && rs2 == 5'b00000) name = "FCVT.S.W";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1101000 && rs2 == 5'b00001) name = "FCVT.S.WU";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00100) name = "FSGNJN";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00101) name = "FMAX";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b10100) name = "FLT";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b11100) name = "FCLASS";
else name = "ILLEGAL";
10'b0101111_010: if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00000) name = "FADD";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00001) name = "FSUB";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00010) name = "FMUL";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00011) name = "FDIV";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b01011) name = "FSQRT";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1100000 && rs2 == 5'b00000) name = "FCVT.W.S";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1100000 && rs2 == 5'b00001) name = "FCVT.WU.S";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1101000 && rs2 == 5'b00000) name = "FCVT.S.W";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1101000 && rs2 == 5'b00001) name = "FCVT.S.WU";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00100) name = "FSGNJX";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b10100) name = "FEQ";
else name = "ILLEGAL";
10'b1010011_???: if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00000) name = "FADD";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00001) name = "FSUB";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00010) name = "FMUL";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b00011) name = "FDIV";
else if (funct7[6:2] == 5'b01011) name = "FSQRT";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1100000 && rs2 == 5'b00000) name = "FCVT.W.S";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1100000 && rs2 == 5'b00001) name = "FCVT.WU.S";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1101000 && rs2 == 5'b00000) name = "FCVT.S.W";
else if (funct7 == 7'b1101000 && rs2 == 5'b00001) name = "FCVT.S.WU";
else name = "ILLEGAL";
10'b0000111_010: name = "FLW";
10'b0100111_010: name = "FSW";
10'b0000111_010: name = "FLD";
10'b0100111_010: name = "FSD";
default: name = "ILLEGAL";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user