diff --git a/bin/nightly_build.py b/bin/nightly_build.py
index 01d6e61f2..702fe77c2 100755
--- a/bin/nightly_build.py
+++ b/bin/nightly_build.py
@@ -73,29 +73,9 @@ import markdown
import subprocess
import argparse
import logging
+from pathlib import Path
-# Logger
-# Set up the logger
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Create a file handler
-file_handler = logging.FileHandler('../../logs/nightly_build.log')
-# Create a console handler
-console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
-# Create a formatter and add it to the handlers
-formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
-# Add the handlers to the logger
@@ -113,18 +93,13 @@ class FolderManager:
self.base_dir = os.environ.get(env_extract_var)
self.base_parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.base_dir)
- logger.info(f"Base directory: {self.base_dir}")
- logger.info(f"Parent Base directory: {self.base_parent_dir}")
+ # logger.info(f"Base directory: {self.base_dir}")
+ # logger.info(f"Parent Base directory: {self.base_parent_dir}")
def create_preliminary_folders(self, folders):
Create preliminary folders if they do not exist.
- These folders are:
- nightly-runs/repos/
- nightly-runs/results/
- nightly-runs/repos/
- nightly-runs/results/
folders (list): A list of folder names to be created.
@@ -137,7 +112,7 @@ class FolderManager:
folder_path = os.path.join(self.base_parent_dir, folder)
if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
- logger.info(f"Preliminary folders created: {folders}")
+ # logger.info(f"Preliminary folders created: {folders}")
def create_new_folder(self, folders):
@@ -159,7 +134,7 @@ class FolderManager:
return_folder_path.append(None) # Folder already exists
- logger.info(f"New folder created. Path: {folder_path}")
+ # logger.info(f"New folder created. Path: {folder_path}")
return return_folder_path
def clone_repository(self, folder, repo_url):
@@ -181,17 +156,18 @@ class FolderManager:
os.system(f"git clone --recurse-submodules {repo_url} {repo_folder}")
- logger.info(f"Repository cloned: {repo_url}")
+ # logger.info(f"Repository cloned: {repo_url}")
class TestRunner:
"""A class for making, running, and formatting test results."""
- def __init__(self):
+ def __init__(self, logger):
self.base_dir = os.environ.get('WALLY')
self.base_parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.base_dir)
self.current_datetime = datetime.now()
- logger.info("Test runner object is initialized")
+ self.logger = logger
+ self.logger.info("Test runner object is initialized")
def copy_setup_script(self, folder):
@@ -216,22 +192,22 @@ class TestRunner:
# Check if the source script exists
if not os.path.exists(source_script):
- logger.error(f"Error: Source script '{source_script}' not found.")
+ self.logger.error(f"Error: Source script '{source_script}' not found.")
return False
# Check if the destination folder exists, create it if necessary
if not os.path.exists(destination_folder):
- logger.error(f"Error: Destination folder '{destination_folder}' not found.")
+ self.logger.error(f"Error: Destination folder '{destination_folder}' not found.")
return False
# Copy the script to the destination folder
shutil.copy(source_script, destination_folder)
- logger.info(f"Setup script copied to: {destination_folder}")
+ self.logger.info(f"Setup script copied to: {destination_folder}")
return True
except Exception as e:
- logger.error(f"Error copying setup script: {e}")
+ self.logger.error(f"Error copying setup script: {e}")
return False
@@ -256,19 +232,19 @@ class TestRunner:
self.base_parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.base_dir)
self.temp_dir = self.base_parent_dir
- logger.info(f"Tests are going to be ran from: {self.base_dir}")
- logger.info(f"WALLY environmental variable is: {os.environ.get('WALLY')}")
+ self.logger.info(f"Tests are going to be ran from: {self.base_dir}")
+ self.logger.info(f"WALLY environmental variable is: {os.environ.get('WALLY')}")
def change_time_dur(self, time_duriation=1):
# Prepare the command to execute the Makefile
make_file_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, "sim")
- logger.info(f"Make file path is set to: {make_file_path}")
+ self.logger.info(f"Make file path is set to: {make_file_path}")
except Exception as e:
- logger.error(f"Error nagivating to the make file path. Error: {e}")
+ self.logger.error(f"Error nagivating to the make file path. Error: {e}")
file_path = "regression-wally"
line_number = 450 # TIMEOUT_DUR = 1 day at this line in regression-wally
new_line = f" TIMEOUT_DUR = {60*time_duriation}"
@@ -277,14 +253,14 @@ class TestRunner:
lines = file.readlines()
if line_number < 1 or line_number > len(lines):
- logger.error("Error: Line number out of range.")
+ self.logger.error("Error: Line number out of range.")
return False
lines[line_number - 1] = new_line + '\n'
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
- logger.info(f"Timeduration in ./regression-wally has been changed to: {time_duriation*60} seconds")
+ self.logger.info(f"Timeduration in ./regression-wally has been changed to: {time_duriation*60} seconds")
return True
def execute_makefile(self, target=None):
@@ -310,9 +286,9 @@ class TestRunner:
# Add target to the command if specified
if target:
- logger.info(f"Command used: {command[0]} {command[1]}")
+ self.logger.info(f"Command used: {command[0]} {command[1]}")
- logger.info(f"Command used: {command[0]}")
+ self.logger.info(f"Command used: {command[0]}")
# Execute the command using subprocess and save the output into a file
with open(output_file, "w") as f:
@@ -326,10 +302,10 @@ class TestRunner:
# Check the result
if result.returncode == 0:
- logger.info(f"Tests have been made with tag target: {target}")
+ self.logger.info(f"Tests have been made with tag target: {target}")
return True
- logger.error(f"Error making the tests. Target: {target}")
+ self.logger.error(f"Error making the tests. Target: {target}")
return False
def run_tests(self, test_type=None, test_name=None, test_exctention=None):
@@ -351,10 +327,10 @@ class TestRunner:
if test_exctention:
command = [test_type, test_name, test_exctention]
- logger.info(f"Command used to run tests: {test_type} {test_name} {test_exctention}")
+ self.logger.info(f"Command used to run tests: {test_type} {test_name} {test_exctention}")
command = [test_type, test_name]
- logger.info(f"Command used to run tests: {test_type} {test_name}")
+ self.logger.info(f"Command used to run tests: {test_type} {test_name}")
# Execute the command using subprocess and save the output into a file
@@ -365,13 +341,13 @@ class TestRunner:
result = subprocess.run(command, stdout=f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True)
except Exception as e:
- logger.error("There was an error in running the tests in the run_tests function: {e}")
+ self.logger.error("There was an error in running the tests in the run_tests function: {e}")
# Check if the command executed successfuly
if result.returncode or result.returncode == 0:
- logger.info(f"Test ran successfuly. Test type: {test_type}, test name: {test_name}, test extention: {test_exctention}")
+ self.logger.info(f"Test ran successfuly. Test type: {test_type}, test name: {test_name}, test extention: {test_exctention}")
return True, output_file
- logger.error(f"Error making test. Test type: {test_type}, test name: {test_name}, test extention: {test_exctention}")
+ self.logger.error(f"Error making test. Test type: {test_type}, test name: {test_name}, test extention: {test_exctention}")
return False, output_file
@@ -429,7 +405,7 @@ class TestRunner:
if len(failed_configs) != 0:
- logger.info(f"Cleaned test results. Passed configs {passed_configs}. Failed configs: {failed_configs}")
+ self.logger.info(f"Cleaned test results. Passed configs {passed_configs}. Failed configs: {failed_configs}")
return passed_configs, failed_configs
def rewrite_to_markdown(self, test_name, passed_configs, failed_configs):
@@ -474,7 +450,7 @@ class TestRunner:
for config in passed_configs:
md_file.write(f"- {config}\n")
- logger.info("writing test outputs to markdown")
+ self.logger.info("writing test outputs to markdown")
def combine_markdown_files(self, passed_tests, failed_tests, test_list, total_number_failures, total_number_success, test_type="default", markdown_file=None, args=None):
@@ -575,7 +551,7 @@ class TestRunner:
md_file.write(f"* {config}\n")
- logger.info("Combining markdown files")
+ self.logger.info("Combining markdown files")
def convert_to_html(self, markdown_file="results.md", html_file="results.html"):
@@ -601,7 +577,7 @@ class TestRunner:
with open(html_file, 'w') as html_file:
- logger.info("Converting markdown file to html file.")
+ self.logger.info("Converting markdown file to html file.")
def send_email(self, sender_email=None, receiver_emails=None, subject="Nightly Regression Test"):
@@ -619,7 +595,7 @@ class TestRunner:
# check if there are any emails
if not receiver_emails:
- logger.ERROR("No receiver emails provided.")
+ self.logger.ERROR("No receiver emails provided.")
# grab thge html file
todays_date = self.current_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
@@ -647,11 +623,11 @@ class TestRunner:
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
# Write the email body to the subprocess
- logger.info("Sent email")
+ self.logger.info("Sent email")
except expression as identifier:
- logger.error(f"Error sending email with error: {identifier}")
+ self.logger.error(f"Error sending email with error: {identifier}")
except expression as identifier:
- logger.error(f"Error sending email with error: {identifier}")
+ self.logger.error(f"Error sending email with error: {identifier}")
@@ -666,9 +642,62 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('--repository',default = "https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw", help='specify which github repository you want to clone')
parser.add_argument('--target', default = "all", help='types of tests you can make are: all, wally-riscv-arch-test')
parser.add_argument('--send_email',default = "yes", help='do you want to send emails: "yes" or "y"')
args = parser.parse_args()
+ #############################################
+ # SETUP #
+ #############################################
+ # file paths for where the results and repos will be saved: repos and results can be changed to whatever
+ today = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ repos_path = f"{args.path}/repos/"
+ results_path = f"{args.path}/results/"
+ log_path = f"{args.path}/logs/{today}"
+ folder_manager = FolderManager() # creates the object
+ # setting the path on where to clone new repositories of cvw
+ folder_manager.create_preliminary_folders([repos_path, results_path, log_path])
+ new_folder = folder_manager.create_new_folder([repos_path, results_path])
+ # clone the cvw repo
+ folder_manager.clone_repository(repos_path, args.repository)
+ #############################################
+ # LOGGER #
+ #############################################
+ # paths
+ cvw_path = os.environ.get('WALLY')
+ cvw_parent_path = os.path.dirname(cvw_path)
+ todays_date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ log_path = Path(cvw_parent_path).joinpath(args.path, "logs", todays_date, "nightly_build.log")
+ # Set up the logger
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ # Create a file handler
+ #file_handler = logging.FileHandler('../../logs/nightly_build.log')
+ file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path)
+ file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ # Create a console handler
+ console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+ console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ # Create a formatter and add it to the handlers
+ formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
+ file_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+ console_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+ # Add the handlers to the logger
+ logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+ logger.addHandler(console_handler)
logger.info(f"path: {args.path}")
logger.info(f"repository: {args.repository}")
logger.info(f"target: {args.target}")
@@ -676,24 +705,11 @@ def main():
- # file paths for where the results and repos will be saved: repos and results can be changed to whatever
- repos_path = f"{args.path}/repos/"
- results_path = f"{args.path}/results/"
- #############################################
- # SETUP #
- #############################################
- folder_manager = FolderManager() # creates the object
- # setting the path on where to clone new repositories of cvw
- folder_manager.create_preliminary_folders([repos_path, results_path])
- new_folder = folder_manager.create_new_folder([repos_path, results_path])
- # clone the cvw repo
- folder_manager.clone_repository(repos_path, args.repository)
- test_runner = TestRunner() # creates the object
+ test_runner = TestRunner(logger) # creates the object
test_runner.set_env_var(repos_path) # ensures that the new WALLY environmental variable is set correctly