Might actually have a correct implementation of local history branch prediction.

This commit is contained in:
Ross Thompson 2023-04-24 13:05:28 -05:00
parent e81445be5d
commit 5777b90407
2 changed files with 67 additions and 111 deletions

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@ -128,14 +128,10 @@ module bpred (
.BranchE, .BranchM, .PCSrcE);
end else if (`BPRED_TYPE == "BP_LOCAL") begin:Predictor
localHistoryPredictor DirPredictor(.clk,
.reset, .StallD, .StallF, .StallE, .FlushD, .FlushE,
// update
.UpdateEN(BranchE & ~StallE),
localHistoryPredictor #(6, 10)
DirPredictor(.clk, .reset, .StallF, .StallD, .StallE, .StallM, .StallW, .FlushD, .FlushE, .FlushM, .FlushW,
.PCNextF, .PCM, .BPDirPredF, .BPDirPredWrongE,
.BranchE, .BranchM, .PCSrcE);
// Part 2 Branch target address prediction

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@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
// locallHistoryPredictor.sv
// gsharebasic.sv
// Written: Shreya Sanghai
// Email: ssanghai@hmc.edu
// Created: March 16, 2021
// Modified:
// Written: Ross Thompson
// Email: ross1728@gmail.com
// Created: 16 March 2021
// Adapted from ssanghai@hmc.edu (Shreya Sanghai) global history predictor implementation.
// Modified: 20 February 2023
// Purpose: Global History Branch predictor with parameterized global history register
@ -28,114 +29,73 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
module localHistoryPredictor #(parameter m = 6, // 2^m = number of local history branches
k = 10) ( // number of past branches stored
input logic clk,
input logic reset,
input logic StallD, StallF, StallE,
input logic FlushD, FlushE,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] LookUpPC,
output logic [1:0] BPDirPredF,
module localHistoryPredictor #(parameter m = 6, // 2^m = number of local history branches
parameter k = 10) ( // number of past branches stored
input logic clk,
input logic reset,
input logic StallF, StallD, StallE, StallM, StallW,
input logic FlushD, FlushE, FlushM, FlushW,
output logic [1:0] BPDirPredF,
output logic BPDirPredWrongE,
// update
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] UpdatePC,
input logic UpdateEN, PCSrcE
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNextF, PCM,
input logic BranchE, BranchM, PCSrcE
logic [2**m-1:0][k-1:0] LHRNextF;
logic [k-1:0] LHRF, ForwardLHRNext, LHRFNext;
logic [m-1:0] LookUpPCIndex, UpdatePCIndex;
logic [1:0] PredictionMemory;
logic DoForwarding, DoForwardingF, DoForwardingPHT, DoForwardingPHTF;
logic [1:0] UpdatePredictionF;
logic [1:0] BPDirPredD, BPDirPredE;
logic [1:0] NewBPDirPredE, NewBPDirPredM;
logic [k-1:0] IndexNextF, IndexM;
logic [1:0] BPDirPredD, BPDirPredE;
logic [1:0] NewBPDirPredE, NewBPDirPredM;
logic [k-1:0] GHRF, GHRD, GHRE, GHRM, GHR;
logic [k-1:0] GHRNext;
logic PCSrcM;
logic [2**m-1:0][k-1:0] LHR;
logic [m-1:0] IndexLHRNextF, IndexLHRM;
logic UpdateM;
assign LHRFNext = {PCSrcE, LHRF[k-1:1]};
assign UpdatePCIndex = {UpdatePC[m+1] ^ UpdatePC[1], UpdatePC[m:2]};
assign LookUpPCIndex = {LookUpPC[m+1] ^ LookUpPC[1], LookUpPC[m:2]};
// INCASE we do ahead pipelining
// ram2p1r1wb #(m,k) LHR(.clk(clk)),
// .reset(reset),
// .RA1(LookUpPCIndex), // need hashing function to get correct PC address
// .RD1(LHRF),
// .REN1(~StallF),
// .WA1(UpdatePCIndex),
// .WD1(LHRENExt),
// .WEN1(UpdateEN),
// .BitWEN1(2'b11));
genvar index;
for (index = 0; index < 2**m; index = index +1) begin:localhist
flopenr #(k) LocalHistoryRegister(.clk, .reset, .en(UpdateEN & (index == UpdatePCIndex)),
.d(LHRFNext), .q(LHRNextF[index]));
// need to forward when updating to the same address as reading.
// first we compare to see if the update and lookup addreses are the same
assign DoForwarding = LookUpPCIndex == UpdatePCIndex;
assign ForwardLHRNext = DoForwarding ? LHRFNext :LHRNextF[LookUpPCIndex];
// Make Prediction by reading the correct address in the PHT and also update the new address in the PHT
// LHR referes to the address that the past k branches points to in the prediction stage
// LHRE refers to the address that the past k branches points to in the exectution stage
assign IndexNextF = GHRNext;
assign IndexM = GHRM;
ram2p1r1wbe #(2**k, 2) PHT(.clk(clk),
.ce1(~StallF), .ce2(UpdateEN),
.ce1(~StallF), .ce2(~StallW & ~FlushW),
assign DoForwardingPHT = LHRFNext == ForwardLHRNext;
// register the update value and the forwarding signal into the Fetch stage
// TODO: add stall logic ***
flopr #(1) DoForwardingReg(.clk(clk),
flopr #(2) UpdatePredictionReg(.clk(clk),
assign BPDirPredF = DoForwardingPHTF ? UpdatePredictionF : PredictionMemory;
flopenrc #(2) PredictionRegD(clk, reset, FlushD, ~StallD, BPDirPredF, BPDirPredD);
flopenrc #(2) PredictionRegE(clk, reset, FlushE, ~StallE, BPDirPredD, BPDirPredE);
//pipeline for LHR
flopenrc #(k) LHRFReg(.clk(clk),
satCounter2 BPDirUpdateE(.BrDir(PCSrcE), .OldState(BPDirPredE), .NewState(NewBPDirPredE));
flopenrc #(k) LHRDReg(.clk(clk),
flopenrc #(k) LHREReg(.clk(clk),
flopenrc #(2) NewPredictionRegM(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, NewBPDirPredE, NewBPDirPredM);
assign BPDirPredWrongE = PCSrcE != BPDirPredE[1] & BranchE;
assign GHRNext = BranchM ? {PCSrcM, GHR[k-1:1]} : GHR;
// this is local history
genvar index;
assign UpdateM = BranchM & ~StallM & ~FlushM;
assign IndexLHRM = {PCM[m+1] ^ PCM[1], PCM[m:2]};
for (index = 0; index < 2**m; index = index +1) begin:localhist
flopenr #(k) LocalHistoryRegister(.clk, .reset, .en(UpdateM & (index == IndexLHRM)),
.d(GHRNext), .q(LHR[index]));
assign IndexLHRNextF = {PCNextF[m+1] ^ PCNextF[1], PCNextF[m:2]};
assign GHR = LHR[IndexLHRNextF];
// this is global history
//flopenr #(k) GHRReg(clk, reset, ~StallM & ~FlushM & BranchM, GHRNext, GHR);
flopenrc #(1) PCSrcMReg(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, PCSrcE, PCSrcM);
flopenrc #(k) GHRFReg(clk, reset, FlushD, ~StallF, GHR, GHRF);
flopenrc #(k) GHRDReg(clk, reset, FlushD, ~StallD, GHRF, GHRD);
flopenrc #(k) GHREReg(clk, reset, FlushE, ~StallE, GHRD, GHRE);
flopenrc #(k) GHRMReg(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, GHRE, GHRM);