diff --git a/docs/docker/run_regression.sh b/docs/docker/run_regression.sh
index 72e7c7668..ecb4a33d8 100755
--- a/docs/docker/run_regression.sh
+++ b/docs/docker/run_regression.sh
@@ -3,20 +3,12 @@
 # of course, you can run it in the current environment as soon as
 #   - RISCV is defined
 #   - QUESTA is defined
-export QUESTA="/cad/mentor/questa_sim-xxxx.x_x"
-export MGLS_LICENSE_FILE=27002@zircon.eng.hmc.edu                # Change this to your Siemons license server
-export SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=27002@zircon.eng.hmc.edu                # Change this to your Synopsys license server
-export QUESTAPATH=/cad/mentor/questa_sim-xxxx.x_x/questasim/bin     # Change this for your path to Questa
-export SNPSPATH=/cad/synopsys/SYN/bin                               # Change this for your path to Design Compiler
 # now only main branch is supported
 if [ -z "${CVW_GIT}" ]; then
     echo "No CVW_GIT is provided"
-export PATH="${RISCV}/bin:${PATH}"
 git config --global http.version HTTP/1.1
 # if cvw is not available or CLEAN_CVW(empty string) is defined
@@ -26,20 +18,38 @@ if [[ ! -f "/home/${USERNAME}/cvw/setup.sh" ]] || [[ -z "${CLEAN_CVW-x}" ]]; the
     # if failed to clone submodules for some reason, please run `git submodule update`
-cd /home/${USERNAME}/cvw && chmod +x ./setup.sh && ./setup.sh
+# Preset Environment Variable
+export PATH="${RISCV}/bin:${PATH}"
+export CVW_HOME="/home/${USERNAME}/cvw"
+export QUESTA="/cad/mentor/questa_sim-xxxx.x_x"
+export PATH="${QUESTA}/questasim/bin:${PATH}"
+# cd /home/${USERNAME}/cvw && chmod +x ./setup.sh && ./setup.sh
+chmod +x ${CVW_HOME}/setup.sh && source ${CVW_HOME}/setup.sh
+chmod +x ${CVW_HOME}/site-setup.sh && source ${CVW_HOME}/site-setup.sh
+# Overwriting
+export QUESTAPATH=/cad/mentor/questa_sim-xxxx.x_x/questasim/bin
+# if you are making it alone, it works
 # build it only if BUILD_RISCOF is defined with empty string
-if [[ -z "${BUILD_RISCOF-x}" ]]; then
-    make install && make riscof && make testfloat
+# if [[ -z "${BUILD_RISCOF-x}" ]]; then
+#     make install && make riscof && make testfloat
+# fi
-if [[ -z "${RUN_QUESTA-x}" ]] ; then
-    if [ ! -f "${QUESTA}/questasim/bin/vsim" ]; then
-        echo "Cannot find vsim with ${QUESTA}/questasim/bin/vsim"
-    else
-        export PATH="${QUESTA}/questasim/bin:${PATH}"
-        cd sim && ./regression-wally 2>&1 > ./regression_questa.out && cd ..
-    fi
+# if [[ -z "${RUN_QUESTA-x}" ]] ; then
+#     if [ ! -f "${QUESTA}/questasim/bin/vsim" ]; then
+#         echo "Cannot find vsim with ${QUESTA}/questasim/bin/vsim"
+#     else
+#         # cd sim && ./regression-wally 2>&1 > ./regression_questa.out && cd ..
+#         make verify
+#     fi
+# fi
-cd sim && verilator -GTEST="\"arch64i\"" -DVERILATOR=1 --timescale "1ns/1ns" --timing --binary --top-module testbench -I../config/shared -I../config/rv64gc ../src/cvw.sv ../testbench/testbench.sv ../testbench/common/*.sv ../src/*/*.sv ../src/*/*/*.sv --relative-includes
-/home/${USERNAME}/cvw/sim/obj_dir/Vtestbench > ./regression_verilator.out
+# make coverage
+# make benchmarks
+cd ${CVW_HOME}/sim && verilator -GTEST="\"arch64i\"" -DVERILATOR=1 --timescale "1ns/1ns" --timing --binary --top-module testbench -I../config/shared -I../config/rv64gc ../src/cvw.sv ../testbench/testbench.sv ../testbench/common/*.sv ../src/*/*.sv ../src/*/*/*.sv --relative-includes
+${CVW_HOME}/sim/obj_dir/Vtestbench > ${CVW_HOME}/sim/regression_verilator.out