From ae0cc085b4bf343baa8e0bfad03505f3ad681388 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ross Thompson <>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 12:40:22 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Removed the fault state from the hptw.  Now writing TLB
 faults into the I/DTLBs.  This has two advantages. 1: It simplifies the
 interactions between the caches and the hptw. 2: instruction page faults are
 fetched 3 times, caching them in the ITLB speeds up this process.

There are two downsides.
1: Pollute the TLBs with not very relavent translations
2: Have to compute the misalignment.  This can be cached in the TLB which only costs 1 flip flop
   for each TLB line.
 wally-pipelined/regression/ | 401 +++++++--------
 wally-pipelined/regression/       | 617 +++++++++++------------
 wally-pipelined/src/mmu/          |  11 +-
 wally-pipelined/src/mmu/           |  21 +-
 wally-pipelined/src/mmu/    |   9 +-
 5 files changed, 535 insertions(+), 524 deletions(-)

diff --git a/wally-pipelined/regression/ b/wally-pipelined/regression/
index e91874a8e..50306ffc5 100644
--- a/wally-pipelined/regression/
+++ b/wally-pipelined/regression/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ add wave -noupdate /testbench/reset
 add wave -noupdate /testbench/reset_ext
 add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned /testbench/InstrCountW
 add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/SATP_REGW
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/IllegalFPUInstrD
 add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/BPPredWrongE
 add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/CSRWritePendingDEM
 add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/RetM
@@ -16,17 +17,19 @@ add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/ICa
 add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/LSUStall
 add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/MulDivStallD
 add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/DivBusyE
-add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/BreakpointFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/DTLBLoadPageFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/DTLBStorePageFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/ebreakM
-add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/EcallFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/ecallM
-add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/ExceptionM
-add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/IllegalCSRAccessM
-add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/IllegalFPUInstrM
-add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/IllegalIEUInstrFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/InstrAccessFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/ExceptionM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/InstrMisalignedFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/InstrAccessFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/IllegalInstrFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/LoadAccessFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/StoreMisalignedFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/InstrPageFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/LoadPageFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/StorePageFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/BreakpointFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/EcallFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/LoadMisalignedFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/StoreAccessFaultM
 add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/FlushF
 add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/FlushD
 add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/FlushE
@@ -37,11 +40,11 @@ add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/
 add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallE
 add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallM
 add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallW
-add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/InstrFName
-add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/FinalInstrRawF
-add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrD
-add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrE
-add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/InstrFName
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/FinalInstrRawF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrD
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrE
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrM
 add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCD
 add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrD
 add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/InstrDName
@@ -119,12 +122,12 @@ add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/hart/if
 add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPPredClassNonCFIWrongE
 add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPPredWrongE
 add wave -noupdate -group Bpred /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPPredWrongE
-add wave -noupdate -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCNextF
-add wave -noupdate -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/PCF
-add wave -noupdate -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCD
-add wave -noupdate -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/PCE
-add wave -noupdate -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/PCM
-add wave -noupdate -group PCS /testbench/PCW
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCNextF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/PCF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCD
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/PCE
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/PCM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/PCW
 add wave -noupdate -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCNextF
 add wave -noupdate -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCF
 add wave -noupdate -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCPlus2or4F
@@ -167,35 +170,35 @@ add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/Write
 add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/ALUResultE
 add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/SrcAE
 add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/SrcBE
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/CurrState
-add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/NextState
-add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/ITLBMissF
-add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ITLBWriteF
-add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ReadLineF
-add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/SelAdr
-add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCNextF
-add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCF
-add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/RAdr
-add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCPF
-add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCPSpillF
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/hit
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/spill
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/ICacheStallF
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/spillSave
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/spillSave
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/CntReset
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/PreCntEn
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/CntEn
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/FinalInstrRawF
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/InstrReadF
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/InstrPAdrF
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/FetchCountFlag
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/FetchCount
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/InstrAckF
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/ICacheMemWriteEnable
-add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ICacheMemWriteData
-add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ICacheMemReadData
-add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/SpillDataBlock0
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/CurrState
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/NextState
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/ITLBMissF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ITLBWriteF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ReadLineF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/SelAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCNextF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/RAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCPF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCPSpillF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/hit
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/spill
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/ICacheStallF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/spillSave
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/spillSave
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/CntReset
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/PreCntEn
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/CntEn
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/FinalInstrRawF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/InstrReadF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/InstrPAdrF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/FetchCountFlag
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/FetchCount
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/InstrAckF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/ICacheMemWriteEnable
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ICacheMemWriteData
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ICacheMemReadData
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/SpillDataBlock0
 add wave -noupdate -group AHB -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/BusState
 add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/NextBusState
 add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group {input requests} /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/AtomicMaskedM
@@ -228,138 +231,140 @@ add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/InterlockStall
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/LSUStall
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/WalkerInstrPageFaultF
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/WalkerInstrPageFaultRaw
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcachefsm/CurrState
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WriteDataM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMBlockWriteEnableM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMWordWriteEnableM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMWayWriteEnable
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMWordEnable
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMBlockWayWriteEnableM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SelAdrM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataBlockM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/SelReplayCPURequest
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/IEUAdrE
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/IEUAdrM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/RAdr
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group flush -radix unsigned /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushAdr
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushWay
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimDirtyWay
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimTag
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/BasePAdrM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FetchCount
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/CacheableM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/DCacheMemWriteData
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WayHit
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/IgnoreRequest
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ExceptionM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/SetValid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/SetDirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/DirtyBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/ValidBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/DirtyBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/ValidBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/SetDirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/WriteWordEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
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-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/SetValid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/SetDirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/ClearDirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/VDWriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/DirtyBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/ValidBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
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-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
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-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SetValid
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ClearValid
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SetDirty
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ClearDirty
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/RAdr
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/WayHit}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/Valid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/Dirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/ReadTag}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/WayHit}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/Valid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/Dirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/ReadTag}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/WayHit}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/Valid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/Dirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/ReadTag}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/WayHit}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/Valid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/Dirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/ReadTag}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WayHit
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataBlockWayMaskedM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataWordM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataWordMuxM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimTag
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimWay
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimDirtyWay
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimDirty
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-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemPAdrM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/Funct3M
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/Funct7M
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AtomicM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/CacheableM
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-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WayHit
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status -color {Medium Orchid} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/CacheHit
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FetchCount
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-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBRead
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBWrite
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBAck
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-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushWay
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcachefsm/CurrState
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WriteDataM
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+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMWordWriteEnableM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMWayWriteEnable
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMWordEnable
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMBlockWayWriteEnableM
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+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataBlockM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/SelReplayCPURequest
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/IEUAdrE
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/IEUAdrM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/MemAdrE_RENAME
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/RAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush -radix unsigned /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushWay
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimDirtyWay
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimTag
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/BasePAdrM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FetchCount
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/CacheableM
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+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WayHit
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/IgnoreRequest
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ExceptionM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/SetValid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/SetDirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/DirtyBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/ValidBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/DirtyBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/ValidBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/SetDirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/WriteWordEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
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+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
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+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/SetValid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/SetDirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/DirtyBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/ValidBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/SetValid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/SetDirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/ClearDirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/VDWriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/DirtyBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/ValidBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SetValid
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ClearValid
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SetDirty
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ClearDirty
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/RAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/WayHit}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/Valid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/Dirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/ReadTag}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/WayHit}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/Valid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/Dirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/ReadTag}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/WayHit}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/Valid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/Dirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/ReadTag}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/WayHit}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/Valid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/Dirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/ReadTag}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WayHit
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataBlockWayMaskedM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataWordM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataWordMuxM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimTag
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimWay
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimDirtyWay
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimDirty
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemRWM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemAdrE
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/IEUAdrM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemPAdrM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/Funct3M
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/Funct7M
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AtomicM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/CacheableM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushDCacheM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WriteDataM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/DCacheStall
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WayHit
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group status -color {Medium Orchid} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/CacheHit
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FetchCount
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBPAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBRead
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBWrite
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBAck
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/HRDATA
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/HWDATA
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushWay
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/tlbcontrol/EffectivePrivilegeMode
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/tlbcontrol/Translate
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/tlbcontrol/DisableTranslation
@@ -401,13 +406,13 @@ add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/har
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/HPTWReadPTE
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/HPTWAdr
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/PTE
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/ITLBMissF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/DTLBMissM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/ITLBWriteF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/DTLBWriteM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/WalkerInstrPageFaultF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/WalkerLoadPageFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/WalkerStorePageFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/ITLBMissF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/DTLBMissM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/ITLBWriteF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/DTLBWriteM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/WalkerInstrPageFaultF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/WalkerLoadPageFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/WalkerStorePageFaultM
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group itlb /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/immu/TLBWrite
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group itlb /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/ITLBMissF
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group itlb /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/immu/PhysicalAddress
@@ -475,11 +480,11 @@ add wave -noupdate -group uart -expand -group outputs /testbench/dut/uncore/uart
 add wave -noupdate -group uart -expand -group outputs /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/INTR
 add wave -noupdate -group uart -expand -group outputs /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/TXRDYb
 add wave -noupdate -group uart -expand -group outputs /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/RXRDYb
-add wave -noupdate -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HCLK
-add wave -noupdate -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HSELUART
-add wave -noupdate -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HADDR
-add wave -noupdate -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HWRITE
-add wave -noupdate -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HWDATA
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HCLK
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HSELUART
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HADDR
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HWRITE
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HWDATA
 add wave -noupdate -group {debug trace} -expand -group mem -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/FlushW
 add wave -noupdate -group {debug trace} -expand -group mem /testbench/checkInstrM
 add wave -noupdate -group {debug trace} -expand -group mem /testbench/dut/hart/PCM
@@ -508,8 +513,8 @@ add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/temp
 add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/BPPredWrongM
 add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InvalidateICacheM
 TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
-WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 9} {25261745 ns} 1} {{Cursor 10} {23549215 ns} 1} {{Cursor 11} {25261744 ns} 0}
-quietly wave cursor active 3
+WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 11} {37040373 ns} 1} {{Cursor 4} {37089727 ns} 1} {{Cursor 5} {37034476 ns} 1} {{Cursor 6} {37024155 ns} 0}
+quietly wave cursor active 4
 configure wave -namecolwidth 250
 configure wave -valuecolwidth 314
 configure wave -justifyvalue left
@@ -524,4 +529,4 @@ configure wave -griddelta 40
 configure wave -timeline 0
 configure wave -timelineunits ns
-WaveRestoreZoom {25261542 ns} {25261948 ns}
+WaveRestoreZoom {37024043 ns} {37024259 ns}
diff --git a/wally-pipelined/regression/ b/wally-pipelined/regression/
index 133197081..8f0ed0724 100644
--- a/wally-pipelined/regression/
+++ b/wally-pipelined/regression/
@@ -1,66 +1,76 @@
 onerror {resume}
+quietly virtual function -install /testbench/dut/hart/ifu -env /testbench/dut/hart/ifu { &{/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/BPPredWrongM, /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InvalidateICacheM }} temp
 quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
 add wave -noupdate /testbench/clk
 add wave -noupdate /testbench/reset
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/test
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/memfilename
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/SATP_REGW
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/reset_ext
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/SATP_REGW
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/BPPredWrongE
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/CSRWritePendingDEM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/RetM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards -color Pink /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/TrapM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/LoadStallD
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/StoreStallD
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/ICacheStallF
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/LSUStall
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/MulDivStallD
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/DivBusyE
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/BreakpointFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/DTLBLoadPageFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/DTLBStorePageFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/ebreakM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/EcallFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/ecallM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/ExceptionM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/IllegalCSRAccessM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/IllegalFPUInstrM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/IllegalIEUInstrFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/InstrAccessFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/FlushF
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/FlushD
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/FlushE
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/FlushM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/FlushW
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallF
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallD
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallE
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallM
+add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallW
+add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/InstrFName
+add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/FinalInstrRawF
+add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrD
+add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrE
+add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrM
+add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCD
+add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrD
+add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/InstrDName
+add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/c/InstrValidD
+add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/c/RegWriteD
+add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/RdD
+add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/Rs1D
+add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/Rs2D
 add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCE
-add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/InstrEName
 add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrE
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/InstrValidM
+add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/InstrEName
+add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/c/InstrValidE
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/PCM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/InstrMName
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/InstrM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/InstrMName
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/IEUAdrM
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/ResultM
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/ResultW
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/InstrMisalignedFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/InstrAccessFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/IllegalInstrFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/BreakpointFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/LoadMisalignedFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/StoreMisalignedFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/LoadAccessFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/StoreAccessFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/EcallFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/InstrPageFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/LoadPageFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/StorePageFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/InterruptM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -group interrupts /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/PendingIntsM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -group interrupts /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/CommittedM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -group interrupts /testbench/dut/hart/priv/trap/InstrValidM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/BPPredWrongE
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/CSRWritePendingDEM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/RetM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/TrapM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/LoadStallD
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/StoreStallD
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/ICacheStallF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/LSUStall
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/MulDivStallD
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/FlushF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/FlushD
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/FlushE
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/FlushM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group Flush -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/FlushW
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallD
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallE
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group HDU -expand -group Stall -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/StallW
+add wave -noupdate -group {WriteBack stage} /testbench/PCW
+add wave -noupdate -group {WriteBack stage} /testbench/InstrW
+add wave -noupdate -group {WriteBack stage} /testbench/InstrWName
 add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHR
-add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPPredF
-add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {branch update selection inputs} {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/InstrClassE[0]}
-add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {branch update selection inputs} {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPInstrClassE[0]}
-add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPPredDirWrongE
-add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {branch update selection inputs} -divider {class check}
-add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPClassRightNonCFI
-add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPClassWrongCFI
-add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPClassWrongNonCFI
-add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPClassRightBPRight
-add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPClassRightBPWrong
+add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPPredF
+add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {branch update selection inputs} {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/InstrClassE[0]}
+add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {branch update selection inputs} {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPInstrClassE[0]}
+add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPPredDirWrongE
+add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {branch update selection inputs} -divider {class check}
+add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPClassRightNonCFI
+add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPClassWrongCFI
+add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPClassWrongNonCFI
+add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPClassRightBPRight
+add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {branch update selection inputs} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BPClassRightBPWrong
 add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -radix hexadecimal -childformat {{{/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[6]} -radix binary} {{/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[5]} -radix binary} {{/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[4]} -radix binary} {{/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[3]} -radix binary} {{/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[2]} -radix binary} {{/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[1]} -radix binary} {{/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[0]} -radix binary}} -subitemconfig {{/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[6]} {-height 16 -radix binary} {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[5]} {-height 16 -radix binary} {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[4]} {-height 16 -radix binary} {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[3]} {-height 16 -radix binary} {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[2]} {-height 16 -radix binary} {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[1]} {-height 16 -radix binary} {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel[0]} {-height 16 -radix binary}} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRMuxSel
 add wave -noupdate -group Bpred /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRNext
 add wave -noupdate -group Bpred /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/GHRUpdateEN
@@ -97,12 +107,12 @@ add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/hart/if
 add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPPredClassNonCFIWrongE
 add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPPredWrongE
 add wave -noupdate -group Bpred /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPPredWrongE
-add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/InstrFName
-add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/FinalInstrRawF
-add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrD
-add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrE
-add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrM
-add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/InstrW
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCNextF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/PCF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCD
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/PCE
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/PCM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/PCW
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCNextF
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCF
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCPlus2or4F
@@ -112,13 +122,7 @@ add wave -noupdate -expand -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PC
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/SelBPPredF
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/BPPredWrongE
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PrivilegedChangePCM
-add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrD
-add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/InstrDName
-add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/c/RegWriteD
-add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/RdD
-add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/Rs1D
-add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/Rs2D
-add wave -noupdate -group RegFile /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/regf/rf
+add wave -noupdate -group RegFile -expand /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/regf/rf
 add wave -noupdate -group RegFile /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/regf/a1
 add wave -noupdate -group RegFile /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/regf/a2
 add wave -noupdate -group RegFile /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/regf/a3
@@ -151,103 +155,33 @@ add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/Write
 add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/ALUResultE
 add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/SrcAE
 add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/SrcBE
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCNextF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/PCF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCD
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/PCE
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/hart/PCM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/PCW
-add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/hart/mdu/ForwardedSrcAE
-add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/hart/mdu/ForwardedSrcBE
-add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/hart/mdu/Funct3E
-add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/hart/mdu/MulDivE
-add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/hart/mdu/W64E
-add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/hart/mdu/StallM
-add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/hart/mdu/StallW
-add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/hart/mdu/FlushM
-add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/hart/mdu/FlushW
-add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/hart/mdu/MulDivResultW
-add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/hart/mdu/DivBusyE
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/CurrState
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/BasePAdrF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/WayHit
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/genblk1/cachereplacementpolicy/BlockReplacementBits
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/genblk1/cachereplacementpolicy/EncVicWay
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/VictimWay
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[0]/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[0]/SetValid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[0]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[0]/ValidBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[1]/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[1]/WriteWordEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[1]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[1]/ValidBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[2]/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[2]/SetValid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[2]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[2]/ValidBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/SetValid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/DirtyBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/ValidBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/NextState
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/ITLBMissF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ITLBWriteF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ReadLineF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ReadLineF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/BasePAdrF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/hit
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/spill
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/ICacheStallF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/spillSave
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/spillSave
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/CntReset
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/PreCntEn
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/CntEn
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/SelAdr
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/RAdr
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/FinalInstrRawF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/InstrPAdrF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/InstrInF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/FetchCountFlag
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/FetchCount
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/InstrReadF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/InstrAckF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/ICacheMemWriteEnable
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ICacheMemWriteData
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/CurrState
+add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/NextState
+add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/ITLBMissF
+add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ITLBWriteF
+add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ReadLineF
+add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/SelAdr
+add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCNextF
+add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCPF
+add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCPSpillF
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/hit
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/spill
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/ICacheStallF
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/spillSave
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/spillSave
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/CntReset
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/PreCntEn
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/CntEn
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/FinalInstrRawF
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/InstrReadF
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/InstrPAdrF
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/FetchCountFlag
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/FetchCount
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/InstrAckF
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/controller/ICacheMemWriteEnable
+add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ICacheMemWriteData
+add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/ICacheMemReadData
+add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/SpillDataBlock0
 add wave -noupdate -group AHB -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/BusState
 add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/NextBusState
 add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group {input requests} /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/AtomicMaskedM
@@ -269,136 +203,163 @@ add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/HMASTLOCK
 add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/HADDRD
 add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/HSIZED
 add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/HWRITED
+add wave -noupdate -group AMO_ALU /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/genblk3/amoalu/funct
+add wave -noupdate -group AMO_ALU /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/genblk3/amoalu/result
+add wave -noupdate -group AMO_ALU /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/genblk3/amoalu/srca
+add wave -noupdate -group AMO_ALU /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/genblk3/amoalu/srcb
+add wave -noupdate -group AMO_ALU /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/genblk3/amoalu/width
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/CurrState
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/SelHPTW
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/InterlockStall
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/LSUStall
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group {LSU ARB} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/arbiter/SelHPTW
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcachefsm/CurrState
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WriteDataM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMBlockWriteEnableM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMWordWriteEnableM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMWayWriteEnable
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMWordEnable
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMBlockWayWriteEnableM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SelAdrM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataBlockM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/DCacheMemWriteData
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/SetValid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/SetDirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/DirtyBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/ValidBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/DirtyBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/SetDirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/WriteWordEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/SetValid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/SetDirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/DirtyBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/ValidBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
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-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/SetValid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/SetDirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/DirtyBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/ValidBits}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
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-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
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-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ClearValid
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SetDirty
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ClearDirty
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/WayHit}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/Valid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/Dirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/ReadTag}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/WayHit}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/Valid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/Dirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/ReadTag}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/WayHit}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/Valid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/Dirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/ReadTag}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/WayHit}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/Valid}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/Dirty}
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/ReadTag}
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-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataWordMuxM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimTag
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimWay
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimDirtyWay
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimDirty
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemRWM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemPAdrM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/Funct3M
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/Funct7M
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AtomicM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushDCacheM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/CacheableM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WriteDataM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/DCacheStall
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushAdrFlag
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WayHit
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status -color {Medium Orchid} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/CacheHit
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FetchCount
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FetchCountFlag
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBPAdr
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBRead
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBWrite
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBAck
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/HRDATA
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/HWDATA
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/tlbcontrol/EffectivePrivilegeMode
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/tlbcontrol/Translate
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/tlbcontrol/DisableTranslation
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/TLBMiss
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/TLBHit
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/PhysicalAddress
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb -expand -group faults /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/TLBPageFault
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb -expand -group faults /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/LoadAccessFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb -expand -group faults /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/StoreAccessFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/TLBPAdr
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb -expand -group write /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/PTE
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb -expand -group write /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/TLBWrite
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/LSUStall
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/WalkerInstrPageFaultF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/WalkerInstrPageFaultRaw
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcachefsm/CurrState
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WayHit
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WriteDataM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMBlockWriteEnableM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMWordWriteEnableM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMWayWriteEnable
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMWordEnable
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SRAMBlockWayWriteEnableM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SelAdrM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataBlockM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/SelReplayCPURequest
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/IEUAdrE
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/IEUAdrM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/RAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush -radix unsigned /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushWay
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimDirtyWay
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimTag
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/BasePAdrM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FetchCount
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/CacheableM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/DCacheMemWriteData
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/SetValid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/SetDirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/DirtyBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/ValidBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/DirtyBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/ValidBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/SetDirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/WriteWordEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/SetValid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/SetDirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/DirtyBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/ValidBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/SetValid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/SetDirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/ClearDirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/VDWriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/DirtyBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/ValidBits}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SetValid
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ClearValid
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SetDirty
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ClearDirty
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/RAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/WayHit}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/Valid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/Dirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[0]/ReadTag}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/WayHit}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/Valid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/Dirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[1]/ReadTag}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/WayHit}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/Valid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/Dirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[2]/ReadTag}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/WayHit}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/Valid}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/Dirty}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemWay[3]/ReadTag}
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WayHit
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataBlockWayMaskedM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataWordM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataWordMuxM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimTag
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimWay
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimDirtyWay
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VictimDirty
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemRWM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemAdrE
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemPAdrM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/Funct3M
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/Funct7M
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AtomicM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/CacheableM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushDCacheM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WriteDataM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/ReadDataM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/DCacheStall
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/WayHit
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group status -color {Medium Orchid} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/CacheHit
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FetchCount
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBPAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBRead
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBWrite
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/AHBAck
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/HRDATA
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/HWDATA
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/FlushWay
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/VAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/tlbcontrol/EffectivePrivilegeMode
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/PTE
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/HitPageType
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/tlbcontrol/Translate
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/tlbcontrol/DisableTranslation
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/TLBMiss
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/TLBHit
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/PhysicalAddress
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb -expand -group faults /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/TLBPageFault
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb -expand -group faults /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/LoadAccessFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb -expand -group faults /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/StoreAccessFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/TLBPAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb -expand -group write /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/PTE
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb -expand -group write /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/PageTypeWriteVal
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dtlb -expand -group write /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/genblk1/tlb/TLBWrite
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pma /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmachecker/PhysicalAddress
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pma /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmachecker/SelRegions
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pma /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/Cacheable
@@ -408,29 +369,36 @@ add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pma /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pm
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pma /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/PMAInstrAccessFaultF
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pma /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/PMALoadAccessFaultM
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pma /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/PMAStoreAccessFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmpchecker/PhysicalAddress
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmpchecker/ReadAccessM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmpchecker/WriteAccessM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmpchecker/PMPADDR_ARRAY_REGW
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmpchecker/PMPCFG_ARRAY_REGW
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/PMPInstrAccessFaultF
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/PMPLoadAccessFaultM
 add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/PMPStoreAccessFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/genblk1/WalkerState
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/PCF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/genblk1/TranslationVAdr
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/TranslationPAdr
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/HPTWReadPTE
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/PTE
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/ITLBMissF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/DTLBMissM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/ITLBWriteF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/DTLBWriteM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/WalkerInstrPageFaultF
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/WalkerLoadPageFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group ptwalker -expand -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/WalkerStorePageFaultM
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group csr /testbench/dut/hart/priv/csr/MIP_REGW
-add wave -noupdate -expand -group csr /testbench/dut/hart/priv/csr/genblk1/csrm/MEPC_REGW
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmpchecker/Match
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmpchecker/FirstMatch
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmpchecker/R
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmpchecker/W
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmpchecker/X
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group pmp /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/pmpchecker/L
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/genblk1/WalkerState
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/PCF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/genblk1/TranslationVAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/HPTWReadPTE
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/HPTWAdr
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/PTE
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/ITLBMissF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/DTLBMissM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/ITLBWriteF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/DTLBWriteM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/WalkerInstrPageFaultF
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/WalkerLoadPageFaultM
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group ptwalker -group types /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/hptw/WalkerStorePageFaultM
 add wave -noupdate -group itlb /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/immu/TLBWrite
 add wave -noupdate -group itlb /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/ITLBMissF
 add wave -noupdate -group itlb /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/immu/PhysicalAddress
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/VAdr
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/MemPAdrM
 add wave -noupdate -group plic /testbench/dut/uncore/plic/plic/HCLK
 add wave -noupdate -group plic /testbench/dut/uncore/plic/plic/HSELPLIC
 add wave -noupdate -group plic /testbench/dut/uncore/plic/plic/HADDR
@@ -499,18 +467,31 @@ add wave -noupdate -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HSELUART
 add wave -noupdate -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HADDR
 add wave -noupdate -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HWRITE
 add wave -noupdate -group UART /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/HWDATA
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCNextF
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/PCPF
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/WalkerInstrPageFaultF
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/WalkerPageFaultM
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/RAdr
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/SelAdrM
-add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/SelReplayCPURequest
+add wave -noupdate -group {debug trace} -expand -group mem -color Yellow /testbench/dut/hart/FlushW
+add wave -noupdate -group {debug trace} -expand -group mem /testbench/dut/hart/PCM
+add wave -noupdate -group {debug trace} -expand -group mem -color Brown /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/TrapM
+add wave -noupdate -group {debug trace} -expand -group wb /testbench/PCW
+add wave -noupdate -group {pc selection} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCNext2F
+add wave -noupdate -group {pc selection} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PrivilegedNextPCM
+add wave -noupdate -group {pc selection} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PrivilegedChangePCM
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCCorrectE
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCSrcE
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/c/BranchTakenE
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/c/BranchE
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCLinkE
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/DCtoAHBSizeM
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCF
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/u/LSR
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/u/DLM
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/u/DLAB
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/temp
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/BPPredWrongM
+add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InvalidateICacheM
 TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
-WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 6} {26646 ns} 1} {{Cursor 2} {70866 ns} 0} {{Cursor 3} {24171 ns} 1}
+WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 7} {31851 ns} 1} {{Cursor 5} {26638 ns} 0}
 quietly wave cursor active 2
 configure wave -namecolwidth 250
-configure wave -valuecolwidth 297
+configure wave -valuecolwidth 314
 configure wave -justifyvalue left
 configure wave -signalnamewidth 1
 configure wave -snapdistance 10
@@ -523,4 +504,4 @@ configure wave -griddelta 40
 configure wave -timeline 0
 configure wave -timelineunits ns
-WaveRestoreZoom {70741 ns} {70973 ns}
+WaveRestoreZoom {26532 ns} {26750 ns}
diff --git a/wally-pipelined/src/mmu/ b/wally-pipelined/src/mmu/
index 07345129c..81ded4053 100644
--- a/wally-pipelined/src/mmu/
+++ b/wally-pipelined/src/mmu/
@@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ module hptw
 	    L2_ADR: if (InitialWalkerState == L2_ADR) NextWalkerState = L2_RD; // first access in SV39
 				else if (ValidLeafPTE && ~Misaligned) NextWalkerState = LEAF; // could shortcut this by a cyle for all Lx_ADR superpages
 		  		else if (ValidNonLeafPTE) NextWalkerState = L2_RD;
-		 		else 				NextWalkerState = FAULT;			
+		 		//else 				NextWalkerState = FAULT;
+        		else 				NextWalkerState = LEAF;
 	    L2_RD: if (DCacheStall) NextWalkerState = L2_RD;
 	      			else 			NextWalkerState = L1_ADR;
 //	    LEVEL2: if (ValidLeafPTE && ~Misaligned) NextWalkerState = LEAF;
@@ -185,7 +186,8 @@ module hptw
 	    L1_ADR: if (InitialWalkerState == L1_ADR) NextWalkerState = L1_RD; // first access in SV32
 				else if (ValidLeafPTE && ~Misaligned) NextWalkerState = LEAF; // could shortcut this by a cyle for all Lx_ADR superpages
 		  		else if (ValidNonLeafPTE) NextWalkerState = L1_RD;
-		 		else 				NextWalkerState = FAULT;	
+		 		//else 				NextWalkerState = FAULT;	
+		 		else 				NextWalkerState = LEAF;	
 	    L1_RD: if (DCacheStall) NextWalkerState = L1_RD;
 	      			else 			NextWalkerState = L0_ADR;
 //	    LEVEL1: if (ValidLeafPTE && ~Misaligned) NextWalkerState = LEAF;
@@ -193,14 +195,17 @@ module hptw
 //				else 				NextWalkerState = FAULT;
 	    L0_ADR: if (ValidLeafPTE && ~Misaligned) NextWalkerState = LEAF; // could shortcut this by a cyle for all Lx_ADR superpages
 		  		else if (ValidNonLeafPTE) NextWalkerState = L0_RD;
-		 		else 				NextWalkerState = FAULT;
+		 		//else 				NextWalkerState = FAULT;
+		 		else 				NextWalkerState = LEAF;
 	    L0_RD: if (DCacheStall) NextWalkerState = L0_RD;
 	      			else 			NextWalkerState = LEAF;
 //	    LEVEL0: if (ValidLeafPTE) 	NextWalkerState = LEAF;
 //				else 				NextWalkerState = FAULT;
 	    LEAF:                       NextWalkerState = IDLE; // updates TLB
+/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
 	    FAULT: if (ITLBMissF & AnyCPUReqM) NextWalkerState = FAULT; /// **** BUG: Stays in fault 1 cycle longer than it should.
  	                        else NextWalkerState = IDLE;
+ -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
 	    default: begin
 	      // synthesis translate_off
 	      $error("Default state in HPTW should be unreachable");
diff --git a/wally-pipelined/src/mmu/ b/wally-pipelined/src/mmu/
index d3b8e6de4..045e4c3db 100644
--- a/wally-pipelined/src/mmu/
+++ b/wally-pipelined/src/mmu/
@@ -103,11 +103,30 @@ module tlb #(parameter TLB_ENTRIES = 8,
   logic                  CAMHit;
   logic                  SV39Mode;
+  logic 				 Misaligned;
+  logic 				 MegapageMisaligned;
+  // Ross Thompson.  If we are going to write invalid PTEs into the TLB should
+  // we cache Misaligned along with the PTE?  This only has to be computed once
+  // in the hptw as it is always the same regardless of the VPN.
+  if(`XLEN == 32) begin
+	assign MegapageMisaligned = |(PPN[9:0]); // must have zero PPN0
+	assign Misaligned = (HitPageType == 2'b01) & MegapageMisaligned;
+  end else begin
+	logic 				 GigapageMisaligned, TerapageMisaligned;
+	assign TerapageMisaligned = |(PPN[26:0]); // must have zero PPN2, PPN1, PPN0
+	assign GigapageMisaligned = |(PPN[17:0]); // must have zero PPN1 and PPN0
+	assign MegapageMisaligned = |(PPN[8:0]); // must have zero PPN0		  
+	assign Misaligned = ((HitPageType == 2'b11) & TerapageMisaligned) | 
+						((HitPageType == 2'b10) & GigapageMisaligned) | 
+						((HitPageType == 2'b01) & MegapageMisaligned);
+  end
   assign VPN = VAdr[`VPN_BITS+11:12];
   tlbcontrol #(ITLB) tlbcontrol(.SATP_MODE, .VAdr, .STATUS_MXR, .STATUS_SUM, .STATUS_MPRV, .STATUS_MPP,
                         .PrivilegeModeW, .ReadAccess, .WriteAccess, .DisableTranslation, .TLBFlush,
-                        .PTEAccessBits, .CAMHit, .TLBMiss, .TLBHit, .TLBPageFault, 
+                        .PTEAccessBits, .CAMHit, .Misaligned, .TLBMiss, .TLBHit, .TLBPageFault, 
                         .SV39Mode, .Translate);
   tlblru #(TLB_ENTRIES) lru(.clk, .reset, .TLBWrite, .TLBFlush, .Matches, .CAMHit, .WriteEnables);
diff --git a/wally-pipelined/src/mmu/ b/wally-pipelined/src/mmu/
index 2f8c5afa8..4e59a3931 100644
--- a/wally-pipelined/src/mmu/
+++ b/wally-pipelined/src/mmu/
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ module tlbcontrol #(parameter ITLB = 0) (
   input logic              TLBFlush, // Invalidate all TLB entries
   input logic [7:0]        PTEAccessBits,
   input logic              CAMHit,
+  input logic              Misaligned,
   output logic             TLBMiss,
   output logic             TLBHit,
   output logic             TLBPageFault,
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ module tlbcontrol #(parameter ITLB = 0) (
   logic [`SVMODE_BITS-1:0] SVMode;
   logic [1:0]              EffectivePrivilegeMode;
-  logic PTE_D, PTE_A, PTE_U, PTE_X, PTE_W, PTE_R; // Useful PTE Control Bits
+  logic PTE_D, PTE_A, PTE_U, PTE_X, PTE_W, PTE_R, PTE_V; // Useful PTE Control Bits
   logic                  UpperBitsUnequalPageFault;
   logic                  DAPageFault;
   logic                  TLBAccess;
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ module tlbcontrol #(parameter ITLB = 0) (
   // unswizzle useful PTE bits
   assign {PTE_D, PTE_A} = PTEAccessBits[7:6];
-  assign {PTE_U, PTE_X, PTE_W, PTE_R} = PTEAccessBits[4:1];
+  assign {PTE_U, PTE_X, PTE_W, PTE_R, PTE_V} = PTEAccessBits[4:0];
   // Check whether the access is allowed, page faulting if not.
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ module tlbcontrol #(parameter ITLB = 0) (
         ((EffectivePrivilegeMode == `S_MODE) && PTE_U);
       // fault for software handling if access bit is off
       assign DAPageFault = ~PTE_A;
-      assign TLBPageFault = Translate && TLBHit && (ImproperPrivilege || ~PTE_X || DAPageFault || UpperBitsUnequalPageFault);
+      assign TLBPageFault = (Translate  && TLBHit && (ImproperPrivilege || ~PTE_X || DAPageFault || UpperBitsUnequalPageFault | Misaligned | ~PTE_V));
     end else begin // Data TLB fault checking
       logic ImproperPrivilege, InvalidRead, InvalidWrite;
@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ module tlbcontrol #(parameter ITLB = 0) (
       assign InvalidWrite = WriteAccess && ~PTE_W;
       // Fault for software handling if access bit is off or writing a page with dirty bit off
       assign DAPageFault = ~PTE_A | WriteAccess & ~PTE_D; 
-      assign TLBPageFault = Translate && TLBHit && (ImproperPrivilege || InvalidRead || InvalidWrite || DAPageFault || UpperBitsUnequalPageFault);
+      assign TLBPageFault =  (Translate && TLBHit && (ImproperPrivilege || InvalidRead || InvalidWrite || DAPageFault || UpperBitsUnequalPageFault | Misaligned | ~PTE_V));