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synced 2025-02-03 10:15:19 +00:00
It's a bit hacky. But I've got functional coverage working with our wally.do script and testbench.sv.
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,18 +63,27 @@ for d in ["logs", "wkdir", "cov"]:
# Launch selected simulator
cd = "cd $WALLY/sim/" +args.sim
# ugh. can't have more than 9 arguments passed to vsim. why? I'll have to remove --lockstep when running
# functional coverage and imply it.
if (args.sim == "questa"):
if (args.lockstep):
Instret = str(args.locksteplog)
prefix = "IMPERAS_TOOLS=" + WALLY + "/sim/imperas.ic" # OTHERFLAGS=\"+IDV_TRACE2LOG=" + str(args.locksteplog) + " +IDV_TRACE2COV=" + str(args.covlog) + "\"";
CovEnableStr = "1" if int(args.covlog) > 0 else "0";
prefix ="IMPERAS_TOOLS=" + WALLY + "/sim/imperas.ic OTHERFLAGS=\"+IDV_TRACE2LOG=" + Instret + " +IDV_TRACE2COV=" + str(args.covlog) + " +TRACE2COV_ENABLE=" + CovEnableStr + "\"";
#ImperasPlusArgs = "+IDV_TRACE2LOG=" + str(args.locksteplog) + " +IDV_TRACE2COV=" + str(args.covlog) + " +TRACE2COV_ENABLE=" + CovEnableStr;
ImperasPlusArgs = " +IDV_TRACE2COV=" + str(args.covlog) + " +TRACE2COV_ENABLE=" + CovEnableStr;
suffix = ""
CovEnableStr = ""
ImperasPlusArgs = "";
suffix = "--lockstep"
prefix = ""
ImperasPlusArgs = ""
suffix = ""
if (args.tb == "testbench_fp"):
args.args = " -GTEST=\"" + args.testsuite + "\" " + args.args
cmd = "do wally.do " + args.config + " " + args.testsuite + " " + args.tb + " " + args.args + " " + ElfFile + " " + suffix
cmd = "do wally.do " + args.config + " " + args.testsuite + " " + args.tb + " " + args.args + " " + ElfFile + " " + suffix + " " + ImperasPlusArgs
if (args.coverage):
cmd += " --coverage"
if (args.fcov):
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ set lockstep 0
set lockstepvoptstring ""
set SVLib ""
set SVLibPath ""
set OtherFlags ""
#set OtherFlags ""
set ImperasPubInc ""
set ImperasPrivInc ""
set rvviFiles ""
@ -134,7 +134,9 @@ if {$FunctCoverageIndex >= 0} {
set LockStepIndex [lsearch -exact $lst "--lockstep"]
if {$LockStepIndex >= 0} {
# ugh. can't have more than 9 arguments passed to vsim. why? I'll have to remove --lockstep when running
# functional coverage and imply it.
if {$LockStepIndex >= 0 || $FunctCoverageIndex >= 0} {
set lockstep 1
# ideally this would all be one or two variables, but questa is having a real hard time
@ -146,9 +148,11 @@ if {$LockStepIndex >= 0} {
set idvFiles $env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/*.sv
set SVLib "-sv_lib"
set SVLibPath $env(IMPERAS_HOME)/lib/Linux64/ImperasLib/imperas.com/verification/riscv/1.0/model
set OtherFlags $env(OTHERFLAGS)
#set OtherFlags $env(OTHERFLAGS)
if {$LockStepIndex >= 0} {
set lst [lreplace $lst $LockStepIndex $LockStepIndex]
# separate the +args from the -G parameters
@ -164,11 +168,26 @@ if {$DEBUG > 0} {
echo "GUI = $GUI"
echo "coverage = $coverage"
echo "lockstep = $lockstep"
echo "remaining list = \'$lst\'"
echo "Extra +args = \'$PlusArgs\'"
echo "Extra -args = \'$ParamArgs\'"
echo "FunctCoverage = $FunctCoverage"
echo "remaining list = $lst"
echo "Extra +args = $PlusArgs"
echo "Extra -args = $ParamArgs"
foreach x $PlusArgs {
echo "Element is $x"
# need a better solution this is really ugly
# Questa really don't like passing $PlusArgs on the command line to vsim. It treats the whole things
# as one string rather than mutliple separate +args. Is there an automated way to pass these?
set temp0 [lindex $PlusArgs 0]
set temp1 [lindex $PlusArgs 1]
set temp2 [lindex $PlusArgs 2]
set temp3 [lindex $PlusArgs 3]
# compile source files
# suppress spurious warnngs about
# "Extra checking for conflicts with always_comb done at vopt time"
@ -180,7 +199,9 @@ vlog -lint -work ${WKDIR} +incdir+${CONFIG}/${CFG} +incdir+${CONFIG}/deriv/${CF
# remove +acc flag for faster sim during regressions if there is no need to access internal signals
vopt $accFlag wkdir/${CFG}_${TESTSUITE}.${TESTBENCH} -work ${WKDIR} ${ParamArgs} -o testbenchopt ${CoverageVoptArg}
vsim -lib ${WKDIR} testbenchopt +TEST=${TESTSUITE} ${PlusArgs} -fatal 7 ${SVLib} ${SVLibPath} ${OtherFlags} -suppress 3829 ${CoverageVsimArg}
#vsim -lib ${WKDIR} testbenchopt +TEST=${TESTSUITE} ${PlusArgs} -fatal 7 ${SVLib} ${SVLibPath} ${OtherFlags} +TRACE2COV_ENABLE=1 -suppress 3829 ${CoverageVsimArg}
#vsim -lib ${WKDIR} testbenchopt +TEST=${TESTSUITE} ${PlusArgs} -fatal 7 ${SVLib} ${SVLibPath} +IDV_TRACE2COV=1 +TRACE2COV_ENABLE=1 -suppress 3829 ${CoverageVsimArg}
vsim -lib ${WKDIR} testbenchopt +TEST=${TESTSUITE} $temp0 $temp1 $temp2 $temp3 -fatal 7 ${SVLib} ${SVLibPath} -suppress 3829 ${CoverageVsimArg}
# vsim -lib wkdir/work_${1}_${2} testbenchopt -fatal 7 -suppress 3829
# power add generates the logging necessary for said generation.
Reference in New Issue
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