Improved RAS again.

This commit is contained in:
Ross Thompson 2023-01-25 17:10:52 -06:00
parent 172c40d44b
commit 0b9f787635
3 changed files with 44 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PostSpi
add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrD add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrD
add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrE add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrE
add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrM add wave -noupdate -group {instruction pipeline} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCNextF add wave -noupdate -group PCS /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCNextF
add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/core/PCF add wave -noupdate -group PCS /testbench/dut/core/PCF
add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCD add wave -noupdate -group PCS /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCD
add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/core/PCE add wave -noupdate -group PCS /testbench/dut/core/PCE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/dut/core/PCM add wave -noupdate -group PCS /testbench/dut/core/PCM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group PCS /testbench/PCW add wave -noupdate -group PCS /testbench/PCW
add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCD add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCD
add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrD add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrD
add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/InstrDName add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/InstrDName
@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/c/RegWriteD
add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/RdD add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/RdD
add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/Rs1D add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/Rs1D
add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/Rs2D add wave -noupdate -group {Decode Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/Rs2D
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCE add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrE add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/InstrEName add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/InstrEName
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/c/InstrValidE add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/c/InstrValidE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/FunctionName/FunctionName/FunctionName add wave -noupdate -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/FunctionName/FunctionName/FunctionName
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/core/PCM add wave -noupdate -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/core/PCM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/core/InstrM add wave -noupdate -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/core/InstrM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/InstrMName add wave -noupdate -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/InstrMName
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/IEUAdrM add wave -noupdate -group {Memory Stage} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/IEUAdrM
add wave -noupdate -group {WriteBack stage} /testbench/PCW add wave -noupdate -group {WriteBack stage} /testbench/PCW
add wave -noupdate -group {WriteBack stage} /testbench/InstrW add wave -noupdate -group {WriteBack stage} /testbench/InstrW
add wave -noupdate -group {WriteBack stage} /testbench/InstrWName add wave -noupdate -group {WriteBack stage} /testbench/InstrWName
@ -85,25 +85,18 @@ add wave -noupdate -group CSRs /testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/SEPC_REGW
add wave -noupdate -group CSRs /testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/SSTATUS_REGW add wave -noupdate -group CSRs /testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/SSTATUS_REGW
add wave -noupdate -group CSRs /testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/STVEC_REGW add wave -noupdate -group CSRs /testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/STVEC_REGW
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {branch update selection inputs} -divider {class check} add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {branch update selection inputs} -divider {class check}
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group prediction /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/BTBValidF add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group prediction /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/BTBValidF
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group prediction /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPInstrClassF add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group prediction /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/BTBPredPCF
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group prediction /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/BTBPredPCF add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group prediction /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/RASPCF
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group prediction /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/RASPCF add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group prediction -expand -group ex /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/PCSrcE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group prediction /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/LookUpPCIndex add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group update -expand -group BTB /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/UpdateEN
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group prediction /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/TargetPC add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group prediction -expand -group ex /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/PCSrcE add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/FallThroughWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group update -expand -group BTB /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/UpdatePCIndex add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/PredictionPCWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group update -expand -group BTB /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/UpdateTarget add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/InstrClassE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group update -expand -group BTB /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/UpdateEN add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/PredictionInstrClassWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group update -expand -group BTB /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/UpdatePC add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPPredClassNonCFIWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group update -expand -group BTB /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/UpdateTarget add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPPredWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/FallThroughWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/PredictionPCWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/InstrClassE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/PredictionInstrClassWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPPredClassNonCFIWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred -expand -group {bp wrong} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPPredWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group Bpred /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPPredWrongE add wave -noupdate -group Bpred /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/BPPredWrongE
add wave -noupdate -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCNextF add wave -noupdate -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCNextF
add wave -noupdate -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCF add wave -noupdate -group {PCNext Generation} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCF
@ -148,20 +141,15 @@ add wave -noupdate -group Forward /testbench/dut/core/ieu/fw/RdW
add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/ALUResultE add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/ALUResultE
add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/SrcAE add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/SrcAE
add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/SrcBE add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/core/ieu/dp/SrcBE
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller -color Gold /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/CurrState
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFUReq add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFUReq
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/LSUReq add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/LSUReq
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/both
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFUSave add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFUSave
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFURestore add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFURestore
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFUDisable add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFUDisable
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/LSUDisable add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/LSUDisable
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFUSelect add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFUSelect
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/LSUSelect add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/LSUSelect
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/BeatCount
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group multicontroller /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/FinalBeat
add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/HTRANS add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/HTRANS
add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/Threshold
add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/HBURST add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/HBURST
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group IFU /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFUHTRANS add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group IFU /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFUHTRANS
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group IFU /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFUHADDR add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group IFU /testbench/dut/core/ebu/ebu/IFUHADDR
@ -463,10 +451,6 @@ add wave -noupdate -group {debug trace} -expand -group mem /testbench/dut/core/P
add wave -noupdate -group {debug trace} -expand -group mem -color Brown /testbench/dut/core/hzu/TrapM add wave -noupdate -group {debug trace} -expand -group mem -color Brown /testbench/dut/core/hzu/TrapM
add wave -noupdate -group {debug trace} -expand -group wb /testbench/PCW add wave -noupdate -group {debug trace} -expand -group wb /testbench/PCW
add wave -noupdate -group {pc selection} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCNext2F add wave -noupdate -group {pc selection} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCNext2F
add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group spill /testbench/dut/core/ifu/SpillSupport/spillsupport/SpillF
add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group spill /testbench/dut/core/ifu/SpillSupport/spillsupport/CurrState
add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group spill /testbench/dut/core/ifu/SpillSupport/spillsupport/SpillDataLine0
add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group spill /testbench/dut/core/ifu/SpillSupport/spillsupport/SelSpillF
add wave -noupdate -group ifu /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrRawF add wave -noupdate -group ifu /testbench/dut/core/ifu/InstrRawF
add wave -noupdate -group ifu /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PostSpillInstrRawF add wave -noupdate -group ifu /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PostSpillInstrRawF
add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group bus /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/ahbcacheinterface/HSIZE add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group bus /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/ahbcacheinterface/HSIZE
@ -484,7 +468,6 @@ add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCPF
add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm/AnyMiss add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm/AnyMiss
add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/HitWay add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/HitWay
add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/ICacheStallF add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/ICacheStallF
add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/FinalInstrRawF
add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/CacheBusAdr add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/CacheBusAdr
add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm/CacheBusAck add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm/CacheBusAck
add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/VictimWay add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/VictimWay
@ -571,7 +554,6 @@ add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/FRD3E
add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/ForwardedSrcAE add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/ForwardedSrcAE
add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/ForwardedSrcBE add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/ForwardedSrcBE
add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/Funct3E add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/Funct3E
add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/MDUE
add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/W64E add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/W64E
add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/unpack/X add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/unpack/X
add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/unpack/Y add wave -noupdate -group FPU /testbench/dut/core/fpu/fpu/unpack/Y
@ -603,8 +585,15 @@ add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/Br
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BranchInstrM add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/BranchInstrM
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/NewDirPredictionF add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/NewDirPredictionF
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/NewDirPredictionW add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/Predictor/DirPredictor/NewDirPredictionW
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/memory/ra1
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/memory/rd1
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/PCE
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/IEUAdrE
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/TargetPredictor/UpdateEN
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/PredictionInstrClassWrongE
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bpred/bpred/WrongPredInstrClassD
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree] TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 2} {314596 ns} 1} {{Cursor 3} {314460 ns} 1} {{Cursor 4} {219681 ns} 1} {{Cursor 4} {341201 ns} 1} {{Cursor 5} {116741 ns} 0} WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 2} {314596 ns} 1} {{Cursor 3} {314460 ns} 1} {{Cursor 4} {219681 ns} 1} {{Cursor 4} {341201 ns} 1} {{Cursor 5} {125611 ns} 0}
quietly wave cursor active 5 quietly wave cursor active 5
configure wave -namecolwidth 250 configure wave -namecolwidth 250
configure wave -valuecolwidth 194 configure wave -valuecolwidth 194
@ -620,4 +609,4 @@ configure wave -griddelta 40
configure wave -timeline 0 configure wave -timeline 0
configure wave -timelineunits ns configure wave -timelineunits ns
update update
WaveRestoreZoom {118528 ns} {128752 ns} WaveRestoreZoom {79760 ns} {171462 ns}

View File

@ -32,15 +32,13 @@ module RASPredictor
#(parameter int StackSize = 16 #(parameter int StackSize = 16
) )
(input logic clk, (input logic clk,
input logic reset, StallF, StallD, StallE, input logic reset, StallF, StallD, StallE, StallM, FlushD, FlushE, FlushM,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] RASPCF, output logic [`XLEN-1:0] RASPCF,
input logic [3:0] WrongPredInstrClassD, input logic [3:0] WrongPredInstrClassD,
input logic [3:0] InstrClassD, InstrClassE, PredInstrClassF, input logic [3:0] InstrClassD, InstrClassE, PredInstrClassF,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCLinkE input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCLinkE
); );
// *** need to update so it either doesn't push until the memory stage
// or need to repair flushed push.
// *** need to repair popped and then flushed returns. // *** need to repair popped and then flushed returns.
logic CounterEn; logic CounterEn;
localparam Depth = $clog2(StackSize); localparam Depth = $clog2(StackSize);
@ -50,19 +48,20 @@ module RASPredictor
integer index; integer index;
logic PopF; logic PopF;
logic PushE; logic PushE;
logic RepairD;
assign PopF = PredInstrClassF[2] & ~StallF; assign PopF = PredInstrClassF[2] & ~StallD & ~FlushD;
assign PushE = InstrClassE[3] & ~StallE; assign RepairD = InstrClassD[2] & ~StallE & ~FlushE;
assign PushE = InstrClassE[3] & ~StallM & ~FlushM;
assign CounterEn = PopF | PushE | WrongPredInstrClassD[2]; assign CounterEn = PopF | PushE | WrongPredInstrClassD[2];
assign PtrD = PopF | InstrClassD[2] ? PtrM1 : PtrP1; assign PtrD = PopF | RepairD ? PtrM1 : PtrP1;
assign PtrM1 = PtrQ - 1'b1; assign PtrM1 = PtrQ - 1'b1;
assign PtrP1 = PtrQ + 1'b1; assign PtrP1 = PtrQ + 1'b1;
// may have to handle a PushE and an incr at the same time.
// *** what happens if jal is executing and there is a return being flushed in Decode? // *** what happens if jal is executing and there is a return being flushed in Decode?
flopenr #(Depth) PTR(.clk(clk), flopenr #(Depth) PTR(.clk(clk),
@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ module RASPredictor
always_ff @ (posedge clk) begin always_ff @ (posedge clk) begin
if(reset) begin if(reset) begin
for(index=0; index<StackSize; index++) for(index=0; index<StackSize; index++)
memory[index] <= {`XLEN{1'b0}}; memory[index] <= {`XLEN{1'b0}};
end else if(PushE) begin end else if(PushE) begin
memory[PtrP1] <= #1 PCLinkE; memory[PtrP1] <= #1 PCLinkE;
end end

View File

@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ module bpred (
// Part 3 RAS // Part 3 RAS
// *** need to add the logic to restore RAS on flushes. We will use incr for this. // *** need to add the logic to restore RAS on flushes. We will use incr for this.
// *** needs to include flushX // *** needs to include flushX
RASPredictor RASPredictor(.clk, .reset, .StallF, .StallD, .StallE, RASPredictor RASPredictor(.clk, .reset, .StallF, .StallD, .StallE, .StallM, .FlushD, .FlushE, .FlushM,
.PredInstrClassF, .InstrClassD, .InstrClassE, .PredInstrClassF, .InstrClassD, .InstrClassE,
.WrongPredInstrClassD, .RASPCF, .PCLinkE); .WrongPredInstrClassD, .RASPCF, .PCLinkE);