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synced 2025-02-09 13:15:26 +00:00
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38 lines
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module rptr_empty #(parameter ADDRSIZE = 4)
(rempty, raddr, rptr, rq2_wptr, rinc, rclk, rrst_n);
input logic [ADDRSIZE:0] rq2_wptr;
input logic rinc;
input logic rclk;
input logic rrst_n;
output logic rempty;
output logic [ADDRSIZE-1:0] raddr;
output logic [ADDRSIZE :0] rptr;
logic [ADDRSIZE:0] rbin;
logic [ADDRSIZE:0] rgraynext;
logic [ADDRSIZE:0] rbinnext;
// GRAYSTYLE2 pointer
always @(posedge rclk or negedge rrst_n)
if (!rrst_n) {rbin, rptr} <= 0;
else {rbin, rptr} <= {rbinnext, rgraynext};
// Memory read-address pointer (okay to use binary to address memory)
assign raddr = rbin[ADDRSIZE-1:0];
assign rbinnext = rbin + (rinc & ~rempty);
assign rgraynext = (rbinnext>>1) ^ rbinnext;
// FIFO empty when the next rptr == synchronized wptr or on reset
assign rempty_val = (rgraynext == rq2_wptr);
always @(posedge rclk or negedge rrst_n)
if (!rrst_n) rempty <= 1'b1;
else rempty <= rempty_val;
endmodule // rptr_empty