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2021-10-27 19:43:55 +00:00
import os
# Kevin Wan kewan@hmc.edu 10/27/2021
def read_input(filename): #1
"""Takes in a string filename and outputs the parsed verilog code by line into a list
such that each element of the list is one line of verilog code as a string."""
lineOfCode = []
input_file = open(filename, 'r')
for line in input_file:
return lineOfCode
def ID_start(GiantString):#2
"""takes in the list of sv file lines, outputs the location that variable names should start"""
VarLoc = 0
VarLineNum = None
for lines in GiantString:
if ' logic ' in lines and (lines.find("//") == -1 or lines.find("//") > lines.find(' logic ')): # // logic does not proceed. logic proceeds. logic // proceeds.
if "[" in lines and "]" in lines:# need to account for these space
NowLoc = lines.find(']') + 3# column number in sv code when 1st char of the var name should appear.
if NowLoc>VarLoc:
VarLoc = NowLoc
VarLineNum = GiantString.index(lines) # Update this number if new record is made.
NowLoc = lines.find('logic') + 7 # same as before.
if NowLoc>VarLoc:
VarLoc = NowLoc
VarLineNum = GiantString.index(lines)
#print("Furthest variable appears on line", VarLineNum + 1,VarLoc) # Disable this line after debugging.
return VarLoc
def modified_logNew(GS,SOV): #3
Ind = SOV - 1 # SOV is for human readability, Ind is the character's index in computer, since computers count from 0's we need to correct it.
Out = []
for l in GS:
lines = l.replace('\t',' ')
if ' logic ' in lines and (lines.find("//") == -1 or lines.find("//") > lines.find(' logic ')): # // logic does not proceed. logic proceeds. logic // proceeds.
if "[" in lines and "]" in lines: # the line is an extended declaration.
EditLoc = lines.find("]") # Re-finds the string index number of ].
VarLoc = FindCharRel(lines[EditLoc+1::]) + EditLoc + 1 # Checks where variable declaration currently is at.
#print(VarLoc,lines[VarLoc])# VERIFIED
NewLine = Mod_Space_at(lines,VarLoc,VarLoc-Ind)
Out.append(NewLine)# Verified0957 10272021
EditLoc1 = lines.find('c') # Hopefully sees the c in 'logic'
VarLoc1 = FindCharRel(lines[EditLoc1+1::]) + EditLoc1 + 1
NewLine1 = Mod_Space_at(lines,VarLoc1,VarLoc1-Ind)
Out.append(NewLine1)# Verified 1005 10272021
return Out
def write_to_output(filename,GiantString,OW=True,Lines_editted=None): #4
"""Filename is preferrably passed from the early function calls"""
"""GiantString has all the corrected features in the code, each line is a good verilog code line"""
newname = filename
if not OW or OW =='f': #which means no overwrite (create a new file)
newname = Decomposed[0] + "_AL." + Decomposed[1] # AL for aligned.
OutFile = open(newname,'w') # This step should create a new file.
print("Success! " + newname + " Now contains an aligned file!")
return newname
def FindCharRel(Ln):
#returns the computer location of a character's first occurence
for num in range(len(Ln)):
if Ln[num] != " ":
return num
def Mod_Space_at(Ln,loc,diff):
#loc is the varLoc from mln, diff is varLoc - Ind
if diff > 0: # to delete
NewString = Ln[:(loc-diff)] + Ln[loc:]
if diff < 0: # to add
NewString = Ln[:loc] + (-diff)*" " + Ln[loc:]
if diff == 0:
NewString = Ln
return NewString
'''def main_filehandler(overwrite=False):
2021-10-27 19:43:55 +00:00
for filename in os.listdir():
if ".sv" in filename:
2021-10-27 19:43:55 +00:00
GiantString = read_input(filename)
SOV = ID_start(GiantString)
ModifiedGS = modified_logNew(GiantString,SOV)
Newname = write_to_output(filename,ModifiedGS,overwrite)'''
def root_filehandler(path,overwrite=False):
for f in os.listdir(path):
if os.path.isdir(f):
if ".sv" in f:
GiantString = read_input(f)
SOV = ID_start(GiantString)
ModifiedGS = modified_logNew(GiantString,SOV)
Newname = write_to_output(f,ModifiedGS,overwrite)
def driver(overwrite=False):
2021-10-27 19:43:55 +00:00