2024-06-04 15:20:51 +00:00
// rvvi daemon
// Written: Rose Thomposn ross1728@gmail.com
// Created: 31 May 2024
// Modified: 31 May 2024
// Purpose: Converts raw socket into rvvi interface to connect into ImperasDV
// Documentation:
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw
// Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
// may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <linux/if_packet.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>
#include <linux/udp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netinet/ether.h>
#define DEST_MAC0 0x43
#define DEST_MAC1 0x68
#define DEST_MAC2 0x11
#define DEST_MAC3 0x11
#define DEST_MAC4 0x02
#define DEST_MAC5 0x45
#define SRC_MAC0 0x54
#define SRC_MAC1 0x16
#define SRC_MAC2 0x00
#define SRC_MAC3 0x00
#define SRC_MAC4 0x54
#define SRC_MAC5 0x8F
#define BUF_SIZ 1024
//#define ETHER_TYPE 0x0801 // The type defined in packetizer.sv
#define ETHER_TYPE 0x5c00 // The type defined in packetizer.sv
//#define ETHER_TYPE 0x0000 // The type defined in packetizer.sv
#define DEFAULT_IF "eno1"
2024-06-04 16:47:46 +00:00
typedef struct {
uint64_t PC;
uint32_t insn;
uint64_t Mcycle;
uint64_t Minstret;
uint8_t Trap : 1;
uint8_t PrivilegeMode : 2;
uint8_t GPREn : 1;
uint8_t FPREn : 1;
uint16_t CSRCount : 12;
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} RequiredRVVI_t; // total size is 241 bits or 30.25 bytes
typedef struct {
uint8_t fill : 1; // *** depends on the size of the RequiredRVVI_t
uint8_t RegAddress : 5;
uint64_t RegValue;
} FirstReg_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t fill : 6; // *** depends on the size of the RequiredRVVI_t and FirstReg_t
uint8_t RegAddress : 5;
uint64_t RegValue;
} SecondReg_t;
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2024-06-04 15:20:51 +00:00
void DecodeRVVI(uint8_t *payload, uint64_t * PC, uint32_t *insn);
int main(int argc, char **argv){
if(argc != 2){
printf("Wrong number of arguments.\n");
printf("rvvidaemon <ethernet device>\n");
return -1;
int sockfd;
uint8_t buf[BUF_SIZ];
int sockopt;
struct ifreq ifopts; /* set promiscuous mode */
struct ether_header *eh = (struct ether_header *) buf;
ssize_t headerbytes, numbytes, payloadbytes;
/* Open RAW socket to receive frames */
if ((sockfd = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETHER_TYPE))) == -1) {
printf("Here 0\n");
/* Set interface to promiscuous mode - do we need to do this every time? */
strncpy(ifopts.ifr_name, argv[1], IFNAMSIZ-1);
ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifopts);
printf("Here 1\n");
ifopts.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC;
ioctl(sockfd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifopts);
printf("Here 2\n");
/* Allow the socket to be reused - incase connection is closed prematurely */
if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &sockopt, sizeof sockopt) == -1) {
printf("Here 3\n");
/* Bind to device */
if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, argv[1], IFNAMSIZ-1) == -1) {
printf("Here 4\n");
while(1) {
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//printf("listener: Waiting to recvfrom...\n");
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numbytes = recvfrom(sockfd, buf, BUF_SIZ, 0, NULL, NULL);
headerbytes = (sizeof(struct ether_header));
payloadbytes = numbytes - headerbytes;
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//printf("listener: got frame %lu bytes\n", numbytes);
//printf("payload size: %lu bytes\n", payloadbytes);
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if (eh->ether_dhost[0] == DEST_MAC0 &&
eh->ether_dhost[1] == DEST_MAC1 &&
eh->ether_dhost[2] == DEST_MAC2 &&
eh->ether_dhost[3] == DEST_MAC3 &&
eh->ether_dhost[4] == DEST_MAC4 &&
eh->ether_dhost[5] == DEST_MAC5) {
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//printf("Correct destination MAC address\n");
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uint64_t PC;
uint32_t insn;
DecodeRVVI(buf + headerbytes, &PC, &insn);
return 0;
void DecodeRVVI(uint8_t *payload, uint64_t * PC, uint32_t *insn){
// you know this actually easiser in assembly. :(
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RequiredRVVI_t *RequiredFields = (RequiredRVVI_t *) payload;
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FirstReg_t FirstReg;
SecondReg_t SecondReg;
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*PC = RequiredFields->PC;
*insn = RequiredFields->insn;
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printf("PC = %lx, insn = %x\n", *PC, *insn);
FirstReg = *(FirstReg_t *) (payload + sizeof(RequiredRVVI_t) - 1);
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printf("Wrote a reg\n");
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