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module fctrl (
input logic [6:0] Funct7D,
input logic [6:0] OpD,
input logic [4:0] Rs2D,
input logic [4:0] Rs1D,
input logic [2:0] FrmW,
output logic WriteEnD,
output logic DivSqrtStartD,
//output logic [2:0] regSelD,
output logic [2:0] WriteSelD,
output logic [3:0] OpCtrlD,
output logic FmtD,
output logic WriteIntD);
//precision is taken directly from instruction
assign FmtD = Funct7D[0];
//all subsequent logic is based on the table present
//in Section 5 of Wally Architecture Specification
//write is enabled for all fp instruciton op codes
//sans fp load
logic isFP, isFPLD;
always_comb begin
//case statement is easier to modify
//in case of errors
//fp instructions sans load
7'b1010011 : begin isFP = 1'b1; isFPLD = 1'b0; end
7'b1000011 : begin isFP = 1'b1; isFPLD = 1'b0; end
7'b1000111 : begin isFP = 1'b1; isFPLD = 1'b0; end
7'b1001011 : begin isFP = 1'b1; isFPLD = 1'b0; end
7'b1001111 : begin isFP = 1'b1; isFPLD = 1'b0; end
7'b0100111 : begin isFP = 1'b1; isFPLD = 1'b0; end
//fp load
7'b1010011 : begin isFP = 1'b1; isFPLD = 1'b1; end
default : begin isFP = 1'b0; isFPLD = 1'b0; end
assign WriteEnD = isFP & ~isFPLD;
//useful intermediary signals
//(mult only not supported in current datapath)
//set third FMA operand to zero in this case
//(or equivalent)
logic isAddSub, isFMA, isMult, isDivSqrt, isCvt, isCmp, isFPSTR;
always_comb begin
//checks all but FMA/store/load
if(OpD == 7'b1010011) begin
7'b10100?? : begin isAddSub = 1'b0; isFMA = 1'b0; isMult = 1'b0; isDivSqrt = 1'b0; isCvt = 1'b0; isCmp = 1'b1; isFPSTR = 1'b0; end
7'b0?011?? : begin isAddSub = 1'b0; isFMA = 1'b0; isMult = 1'b0; isDivSqrt = 1'b1; isCvt = 1'b0; isCmp = 1'b0; isFPSTR = 1'b0; end
7'b0000??? : begin isAddSub = 1'b1; isFMA = 1'b0; isMult = 1'b0; isDivSqrt = 1'b0; isCvt = 1'b0; isCmp = 1'b0; isFPSTR = 1'b0; end
7'b00010?? : begin isAddSub = 1'b0; isFMA = 1'b0; isMult = 1'b1; isDivSqrt = 1'b0; isCvt = 1'b0; isCmp = 1'b0; isFPSTR = 1'b0; end
//convert (not precision)
7'b110?0?? : begin isAddSub = 1'b0; isFMA = 1'b0; isMult = 1'b0; isDivSqrt = 1'b0; isCvt = 1'b1; isCmp = 1'b0; isFPSTR = 1'b0; end
//convert (precision)
7'b010000? : begin isAddSub = 1'b0; isFMA = 1'b0; isMult = 1'b0; isDivSqrt = 1'b0; isCvt = 1'b1; isCmp = 1'b0; isFPSTR = 1'b0; end
else begin
//4 FMA instructions
7'b1000011 : begin isAddSub = 1'b0; isFMA = 1'b1; isMult = 1'b0; isDivSqrt = 1'b0; isCvt = 1'b0; isCmp = 1'b0; isFPSTR = 1'b0; end
7'b1000111 : begin isAddSub = 1'b0; isFMA = 1'b1; isMult = 1'b0; isDivSqrt = 1'b0; isCvt = 1'b0; isCmp = 1'b0; isFPSTR = 1'b0; end
7'b1001011 : begin isAddSub = 1'b0; isFMA = 1'b1; isMult = 1'b0; isDivSqrt = 1'b0; isCvt = 1'b0; isCmp = 1'b0; isFPSTR = 1'b0; end
7'b1001111 : begin isAddSub = 1'b0; isFMA = 1'b1; isMult = 1'b0; isDivSqrt = 1'b0; isCvt = 1'b0; isCmp = 1'b0; isFPSTR = 1'b0; end
//store (load already found)
7'b0100111 : begin isAddSub = 1'b0; isFMA = 1'b0; isMult = 1'b0; isDivSqrt = 1'b0; isCvt = 1'b0; isCmp = 1'b0; isFPSTR = 1'b1; end
//register is chosen based on operation performed
//write selection is chosen in the same way as
//register selection
// reg/write sel logic and assignment
// 3'b000 = add/sub/cvt
// 3'b001 = sign
// 3'b010 = fma
// 3'b011 = cmp
// 3'b100 = div/sqrt
//reg select
//this value is used enough to be shorthand
logic isSign;
assign isSign = ~Funct7D[6] & ~Funct7D[5] & Funct7D[4] & ~Funct7D[3] & ~Funct7D[2];
//write select
assign WriteSelD[2] = isDivSqrt & ~isFMA;
assign WriteSelD[1] = isFMA | isCmp;
//AND of Funct7 for sign
assign WriteSelD[0] = isCmp | isSign;
//if op is div/sqrt - start div/sqrt
assign DivSqrtStartD = isDivSqrt & ~isFMA;
//operation control for each fp operation
//has to be expanded over standard to account for
//integrated fpadd/cvt
//will integrate FMA opcodes into design later
//conversion instructions will
//also need to be added later as I find the opcode
//version I used for this repo
//let's do separate SOP for each type of operation
// assign OpCtrlD[3] = 1'b0;
//add/cvt chooses unsigned conversion here
assign OpCtrlD[3] = (isAddSub & Rs2D[0]) | (isFMA & 1'b0) | (isDivSqrt & 1'b0) | (isCmp & 1'b0) | (isSign & 1'b0);
//add/cvt chooses FP/int or int/FP conversion
assign OpCtrlD[2] = (isAddSub & (Funct7D[6] & Funct7D[5] & ~Funct7D[4])) | (isFMA & 1'b0) | (isDivSqrt & 1'b0) | (isCmp & 1'b0) | (isSign & 1'b0);
//compare chooses equals
//sign chooses sgnjx
//add/cvt can chooses between abs/neg functions, but they aren't used in the
assign OpCtrlD[1] = (isAddSub & 1'b0) | (isFMA & 1'b0) | (isDivSqrt & 1'b0) | (isCmp & FrmW[2]) | (isSign & FrmW[1]);
//divide chooses between div/sqrt
//compare chooses between LT and LE
//sign chooses between sgnj and sgnjn
//add/cvt chooses between add/sub or single-precision conversion
assign OpCtrlD[0] = (isAddSub & (Funct7D[2] | Funct7D[0])) | (isFMA & 1'b0) | (isDivSqrt & Funct7D[5]) | (isCmp & FrmW[1]) | (isSign & FrmW[0]);
//write to integer source if conv to int occurs
//AND of Funct7 for int results
assign WriteIntD = isCvt & (Funct7D[6] & Funct7D[5] & ~Funct7D[4] & ~Funct7D[3] & ~Funct7D[2] & ~Funct7D[1]);