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synced 2025-02-11 06:05:49 +00:00
234 lines
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234 lines
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// `timescale 1ps/1ps
module divconv (q1, qm1, qp1, q0, qm0, qp0,
rega_out, regb_out, regc_out, regd_out,
regr_out, d, n,
sel_muxa, sel_muxb, sel_muxr,
reset, clk,
load_rega, load_regb, load_regc, load_regd,
load_regr, load_regs, P, op_type, exp_odd);
input logic [52:0] d, n;
input logic [2:0] sel_muxa, sel_muxb;
input logic sel_muxr;
input logic load_rega, load_regb, load_regc, load_regd;
input logic load_regr, load_regs;
input logic P;
input logic op_type;
input logic exp_odd;
input logic reset;
input logic clk;
output logic [63:0] q1, qp1, qm1;
output logic [63:0] q0, qp0, qm0;
output logic [63:0] rega_out, regb_out, regc_out, regd_out;
output logic [127:0] regr_out;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 vss;
logic [63:0] muxa_out, muxb_out;
logic [10:0] ia_div, ia_sqrt;
logic [63:0] ia_out;
logic [127:0] mul_out;
logic [63:0] q_out1, qm_out1, qp_out1;
logic [63:0] q_out0, qm_out0, qp_out0;
logic [63:0] mcand, mplier, mcand_q;
logic [63:0] twocmp_out;
logic [64:0] three;
logic [127:0] Carry, Carry2;
logic [127:0] Sum, Sum2;
logic [127:0] constant, constant2;
logic [63:0] q_const, qp_const, qm_const;
logic [63:0] d2, n2;
logic [11:0] d3;
// Check if exponent is odd for sqrt
// If exp_odd=1 and sqrt, then M/2 and use ia_addr=0 as IA
assign d2 = (exp_odd&op_type) ? {vss,d,10'h0} : {d,11'h0};
assign n2 = op_type ? d2 : {n,11'h0};
// IA div/sqrt
sbtm ia1 (d[52:41], ia_div);
sbtm2 ia2 (d2[63:52], ia_sqrt);
assign ia_out = op_type ? {ia_sqrt, {53{1'b0}}} : {ia_div, {53{1'b0}}};
// Choose IA or iteration
mux6 #(64) mx1 (d2, ia_out, rega_out, regc_out, regd_out, regb_out, sel_muxb, muxb_out);
mux5 #(64) mx2 (regc_out, n2, ia_out, regb_out, regd_out, sel_muxa, muxa_out);
// Deal with remainder if [0.5, 1) instead of [1, 2)
mux2 #(128) mx3a ({~n, {75{1'b1}}}, {{1'b1}, ~n, {74{1'b1}}}, q1[63], constant2);
// Select Mcand, Remainder/Q''
mux2 #(128) mx3 (128'h0, constant2, sel_muxr, constant);
// Select mcand - remainder should always choose q1 [1,2) because
// adjustment of N in the from XX.FFFFFFF
mux2 #(64) mx4 (q0, q1, q1[63], mcand_q);
mux2 #(64) mx5 (muxb_out, mcand_q, sel_muxr&op_type, mplier);
mux2 #(64) mx6 (muxa_out, mcand_q, sel_muxr, mcand);
// TDM multiplier (carry/save)
multiplier mult1 (mcand, mplier, Sum, Carry);
// Q*D - N (reversed but changed in rounder.v to account for sign reversal)
csa #(128) csa1 (Sum, Carry, constant, Sum2, Carry2);
// Add ulp for subtraction in remainder
mux2 #(1) mx7 (1'b0, 1'b1, sel_muxr, muxr_out);
// Constant for Q''
mux2 #(64) mx8 ({64'h0000_0000_0000_0200}, {64'h0000_0040_0000_0000}, P, q_const);
mux2 #(64) mx9 ({64'h0000_0000_0000_0A00}, {64'h0000_0140_0000_0000}, P, qp_const);
mux2 #(64) mxA ({64'hFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_F9FF}, {64'hFFFF_FF3F_FFFF_FFFF}, P, qm_const);
// CPA (from CSA)/Remainder addition/subtraction
ldf128 cpa1 (cout1, mul_out, Sum2, Carry2, muxr_out);
// Assuming [1,2) - q1
ldf64 cpa2 (cout2, q_out1, regb_out, q_const, 1'b0);
ldf64 cpa3 (cout3, qp_out1, regb_out, qp_const, 1'b0);
ldf64 cpa4 (cout4, qm_out1, regb_out, qm_const, 1'b1);
// Assuming [0.5,1) - q0
ldf64 cpa5 (cout5, q_out0, {regb_out[62:0], vss}, q_const, 1'b0);
ldf64 cpa6 (cout6, qp_out0, {regb_out[62:0], vss}, qp_const, 1'b0);
ldf64 cpa7 (cout7, qm_out0, {regb_out[62:0], vss}, qm_const, 1'b1);
// One's complement instead of two's complement (for hw efficiency)
assign three = {~mul_out[126], mul_out[126], ~mul_out[125:63]};
mux2 #(64) mxTC (~mul_out[126:63], three[64:1], op_type, twocmp_out);
// regs
flopenr #(64) regc (clk, reset, load_regc, twocmp_out, regc_out);
flopenr #(64) regb (clk, reset, load_regb, mul_out[126:63], regb_out);
flopenr #(64) rega (clk, reset, load_rega, mul_out[126:63], rega_out);
flopenr #(64) regd (clk, reset, load_regd, mul_out[126:63], regd_out);
flopenr #(128) regr (clk, reset, load_regr, mul_out, regr_out);
// Assuming [1,2)
flopenr #(64) rege (clk, reset, load_regs, {q_out1[63:39], (q_out1[38:10] & {29{~P}}), 10'h0}, q1);
flopenr #(64) regf (clk, reset, load_regs, {qm_out1[63:39], (qm_out1[38:10] & {29{~P}}), 10'h0}, qm1);
flopenr #(64) regg (clk, reset, load_regs, {qp_out1[63:39], (qp_out1[38:10] & {29{~P}}), 10'h0}, qp1);
// Assuming [0,1)
flopenr #(64) regh (clk, reset, load_regs, {q_out0[63:39], (q_out0[38:10] & {29{~P}}), 10'h0}, q0);
flopenr #(64) regj (clk, reset, load_regs, {qm_out0[63:39], (qm_out0[38:10] & {29{~P}}), 10'h0}, qm0);
flopenr #(64) regk (clk, reset, load_regs, {qp_out0[63:39], (qp_out0[38:10] & {29{~P}}), 10'h0}, qp0);
endmodule // divconv
// module adder #(parameter WIDTH=8)
// (input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b,
// output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y);
// assign y = a + b;
// endmodule // adder
// module flopenr #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
// (input logic clk, reset, en,
// input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d,
// output logic [WIDTH-1:0] q);
// always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
// if (reset) q <= #10 0;
// else if (en) q <= #10 d;
// endmodule // flopenr
// module flopr #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
// (input logic clk, reset,
// input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d,
// output logic [WIDTH-1:0] q);
// always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
// if (reset) q <= #10 0;
// else q <= #10 d;
// endmodule // flopr
// module flopenrc #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
// (input logic clk, reset, en, clear,
// input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d,
// output logic [WIDTH-1:0] q);
// always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
// if (reset) q <= #10 0;
// else if (en)
// if (clear) q <= #10 0;
// else q <= #10 d;
// endmodule // flopenrc
// module floprc #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
// (input logic clk, reset, clear,
// input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d,
// output logic [WIDTH-1:0] q);
// always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
// if (reset) q <= #10 0;
// else
// if (clear) q <= #10 0;
// else q <= #10 d;
// endmodule // floprc
// module mux2 #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
// (input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d0, d1,
// input logic s,
// output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y);
// assign y = s ? d1 : d0;
// endmodule // mux2
// module mux3 #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
// (input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d0, d1, d2,
// input logic [1:0] s,
// output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y);
// assign y = s[1] ? d2 : (s[0] ? d1 : d0);
// endmodule // mux3
// module mux4 #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
// (input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d0, d1, d2, d3,
// input logic [1:0] s,
// output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y);
// assign y = s[1] ? (s[0] ? d3 : d2) : (s[0] ? d1 : d0);
// endmodule // mux4
// module mux5 #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
// (input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, d4,
// input logic [2:0] s,
// output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y);
// always_comb
// casez (s)
// 3'b000 : y = d0;
// 3'b001 : y = d1;
// 3'b010 : y = d2;
// 3'b011 : y = d3;
// 3'b1?? : y = d4;
// endcase // casez (s)
// endmodule // mux5
// module mux6 #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
// (input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5,
// input logic [2:0] s,
// output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y);
// always_comb
// casez (s)
// 3'b000 : y = d0;
// 3'b001 : y = d1;
// 3'b010 : y = d2;
// 3'b011 : y = d3;
// 3'b10? : y = d4;
// 3'b11? : y = d5;
// endcase // casez (s)
// endmodule // mux6
// module eqcmp #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
// (input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b,
// output logic y);
// assign y = (a == b);
// endmodule // eqcmp