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// Written: Naiche Whyte-Aguayo 11/16/2022
// Purpose: SPI peripheral
// See FU540-C000-v1.0 for specifications
// A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project.
// Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
// may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
// Current limitations: Flash read sequencer mode not implemented, dual and quad modes untestable with current test plan.
2023-11-08 01:59:46 +00:00
// Attempt to move from >= comparisons by initializing in FSM differently
// Parameterize SynchFIFO
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// look at ReadIncrement/WriteIncrement delay necessity
2023-11-01 08:26:34 +00:00
SPI module is written to the specifications described in FU540-C000-v1.0. At the top level, it is consists of synchronous 8 byte transmit and recieve FIFOs connected to shift registers.
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The FIFOs are connected to WALLY by an apb control register interface, which includes various control registers for modifying the SPI transmission along with registers for writing
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to the transmit FIFO and reading from the receive FIFO. The transmissions themselves are then controlled by a finite state machine. The SPI module uses 4 tristate pins for SPI input/output,
along with a 4 bit Chip Select signal, a clock signal, and an interrupt signal to WALLY.
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2023-10-31 00:00:20 +00:00
module spi_apb import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (
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input logic PCLK, PRESETn,
input logic PSEL,
input logic [7:0] PADDR,
input logic [P.XLEN-1:0] PWDATA,
input logic [P.XLEN/8-1:0] PSTRB,
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input logic PWRITE,
input logic PENABLE,
output logic PREADY,
output logic [P.XLEN-1:0] PRDATA,
output logic SPIOut,
input logic SPIIn,
output logic [3:0] SPICS,
output logic SPIIntr
//SPI control registers. Refer to SiFive FU540-C000 manual
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logic [11:0] SckDiv;
logic [1:0] SckMode;
logic [1:0] ChipSelectID;
logic [3:0] ChipSelectDef;
logic [1:0] ChipSelectMode;
logic [15:0] Delay0, Delay1;
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logic [4:0] Format;
logic [7:0] ReceiveData;
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logic [2:0] TransmitWatermark, ReceiveWatermark;
logic [8:0] TransmitData;
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logic [1:0] InterruptEnable, InterruptPending;
//Bus interface signals
logic [7:0] Entry;
logic Memwrite;
logic [31:0] Din, Dout;
logic TransmitInactive; //High when there is no transmission, used as hardware interlock signal
//FIFO FSM signals
//Watermark signals - TransmitReadMark = ip[0], ReceiveWriteMark = ip[1]
logic TransmitWriteMark, TransmitReadMark, RecieveWriteMark, RecieveReadMark;
logic TransmitFIFOWriteFull, TransmitFIFOReadEmpty;
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logic TransmitFIFOReadIncrement;
logic TransmitFIFOWriteIncrement;
logic ReceiveFIFOReadIncrement;
logic ReceiveFIFOWriteFull, ReceiveFIFOReadEmpty;
logic [7:0] TransmitFIFOReadData, ReceiveFIFOWriteData;
logic [2:0] TransmitWriteWatermarkLevel, ReceiveReadWatermarkLevel;
logic [7:0] ReceiveShiftRegEndian; //reverses ReceiveShiftReg if Format[2] set (little endian transmission)
//Transmission signals
logic sck;
logic [11:0] DivCounter; //counter for sck
logic SCLKenable; //flip flop enable high every sclk edge
//Delay signals
logic [8:0] ImplicitDelay1; //Adds implicit delay to cs-sck delay counter based on phase
logic [8:0] ImplicitDelay2; //Adds implicit delay to sck-cs delay counter based on phase
logic [8:0] CS_SCKCount; //Counter for cs-sck delay
logic [8:0] SCK_CSCount; //Counter for sck-cs delay
logic [8:0] InterCSCount; //Counter for inter cs delay
logic [8:0] InterXFRCount; //Counter for inter xfr delay
logic CS_SCKCompare; //Boolean comparison signal, high when CS_SCKCount >= cs-sck delay
logic SCK_CSCompare; //Boolean comparison signal, high when SCK_CSCount >= sck-cs delay
logic InterCSCompare; //Boolean comparison signal, high when InterCSCount >= inter cs delay
logic InterXFRCompare; //Boolean comparison signal, high when InterXFRCount >= inter xfr delay
logic ZeroDelayHoldMode; //High when ChipSelectMode is hold and Delay1[15:8] (InterXFR delay) is 0
//Frame counting signals
logic [3:0] FrameCount; //Counter for number of frames in transmission
logic FrameCompare; //Boolean comparison signal, high when FrameCount = Format[7:4]
logic [3:0] ReceivePenultimateFrame; //Frame number - 1
logic [3:0] ReceivePenultimateFrameCount; //Counter
logic ReceivePenultimateFrameBoolean; //High when penultimate frame in transmission has been reached
//State fsm signals
logic Active; //High when state is either Active1 or Active0 (during transmission)
logic Active0; //High when state is Active0
//Shift reg signals
logic ShiftEdge; //Determines which edge of sck to shift from TransmitShiftReg
logic [7:0] TransmitShiftReg; //Transmit shift register
logic [7:0] ReceiveShiftReg; //Receive shift register
logic SampleEdge; //Determines which edge of sck to sample from ReceiveShiftReg
logic [7:0] TransmitDataEndian; //Reverses TransmitData from txFIFO if littleendian, since TransmitReg always shifts MSB
logic TransmitShiftRegLoad; //Determines when to load TransmitShiftReg
logic ReceiveShiftFull; //High when receive shift register is full
logic TransmitShiftEmpty; //High when transmit shift register is empty
logic ShiftIn; //Determines whether to shift from SPIIn or SPIOut (if SPI_LOOPBACK_TEST)
logic [3:0] LeftShiftAmount; //Determines left shift amount to left-align data when little endian
logic [7:0] ASR; //AlignedReceiveShiftReg
//CS signals
logic [3:0] ChipSelectAuto; //Assigns ChipSelect value to selected CS signal based on CS ID
logic [3:0] ChipSelectInternal; //Defines what each ChipSelect signal should be based on transmission status and ChipSelectDef
logic DelayMode; //Determines where to place implicit half cycle delay based on sck phase for CS assertion
//Miscellaneous signals delayed/early by 1 PCLK cycle
logic ReceiveShiftFullDelay; //Delays ReceiveShiftFull signal by 1 PCLK cycle
logic TransmitFIFOWriteIncrementDelay; //TransmitFIFOWriteIncrement delayed by 1 PCLK cycle
logic ReceiveShiftFullDelayPCLK; //ReceiveShiftFull delayed by 1 PCLK cycle
logic TransmitFIFOReadEmptyDelay;
logic SCLKenableEarly; //SCLKenable 1 PCLK cycle early, needed for on time register changes when ChipSelectMode is hold and Delay1[15:8] (InterXFR delay) is 0
//APB access
assign Entry = {PADDR[7:2],2'b00}; // 32-bit word-aligned accesses
assign Memwrite = PWRITE & PENABLE & PSEL; // only write in access phase
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assign PREADY = TransmitInactive; // tie PREADY to transmission for hardware interlock
//Account for subword read/write circuitry
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// -- Note SPI registers are 32 bits no matter what; access them with LW SW.
assign Din = PWDATA[31:0];
if (P.XLEN == 64) assign PRDATA = {Dout, Dout};
else assign PRDATA = Dout;
//Register access
always_ff@(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
if (~PRESETn) begin
SckDiv <= #1 12'd3;
SckMode <= #1 2'b0;
ChipSelectID <= #1 2'b0;
ChipSelectDef <= #1 4'b1111;
ChipSelectMode <= #1 0;
Delay0 <= #1 {8'b1,8'b1};
Delay1 <= #1 {8'b0,8'b1};
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Format <= #1 {5'b10000};
TransmitData <= #1 9'b0;
TransmitWatermark <= #1 3'b0;
ReceiveWatermark <= #1 3'b0;
InterruptEnable <= #1 2'b0;
InterruptPending <= #1 2'b0;
end else begin //writes
//According to FU540 spec: Once interrupt is pending, it will remain set until number
//of entries in tx/rx fifo is strictly more/less than tx/rxmark
/* verilator lint_off CASEINCOMPLETE */
if (Memwrite & TransmitInactive)
case(Entry) //flop to sample inputs
2023-11-01 08:26:34 +00:00
8'h00: SckDiv <= Din[11:0];
8'h04: SckMode <= Din[1:0];
8'h10: ChipSelectID <= Din[1:0];
8'h14: ChipSelectDef <= Din[3:0];
8'h18: ChipSelectMode <= Din[1:0];
8'h28: Delay0 <= {Din[23:16], Din[7:0]};
8'h2C: Delay1 <= {Din[23:16], Din[7:0]};
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8'h40: Format <= {Din[19:16], Din[2]};
8'h48: if (~TransmitFIFOWriteFull) TransmitData[7:0] <= Din[7:0];
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8'h50: TransmitWatermark <= Din[2:0];
8'h54: ReceiveWatermark <= Din[2:0];
8'h70: InterruptEnable <= Din[1:0];
/* verilator lint_off CASEINCOMPLETE */
//interrupt clearance
InterruptPending[0] <= TransmitReadMark;
InterruptPending[1] <= RecieveWriteMark;
case(Entry) // flop to sample inputs
8'h00: Dout <= #1 {20'b0, SckDiv};
8'h04: Dout <= #1 {30'b0, SckMode};
8'h10: Dout <= #1 {30'b0, ChipSelectID};
8'h14: Dout <= #1 {28'b0, ChipSelectDef};
8'h18: Dout <= #1 {30'b0, ChipSelectMode};
8'h28: Dout <= {8'b0, Delay0[15:8], 8'b0, Delay0[7:0]};
8'h2C: Dout <= {8'b0, Delay1[15:8], 8'b0, Delay1[7:0]};
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8'h40: Dout <= {12'b0, Format[4:1], 13'b0, Format[0], 2'b0};
8'h48: Dout <= #1 {23'b0, TransmitFIFOWriteFull, 8'b0};
8'h4C: Dout <= #1 {23'b0, ReceiveFIFOReadEmpty, ReceiveData[7:0]};
8'h50: Dout <= #1 {29'b0, TransmitWatermark};
8'h54: Dout <= #1 {29'b0, ReceiveWatermark};
8'h70: Dout <= #1 {30'b0, InterruptEnable};
8'h74: Dout <= #1 {30'b0, InterruptPending};
default: Dout <= #1 32'b0;
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//SPI enable generation, where SCLK = PCLK/(2*(SckDiv + 1))
//Generates a high signal at the rising and falling edge of SCLK by counting from 0 to SckDiv
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assign SCLKenable = (DivCounter == SckDiv);
assign SCLKenableEarly = ((DivCounter + 12'b1) == SckDiv);
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always_ff @(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
if (~PRESETn) DivCounter <= #1 0;
else if (SCLKenable) DivCounter <= 0;
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else DivCounter <= DivCounter + 12'b1;
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//Boolean logic that tracks frame progression
//assign FrameCompare = {1'b0,Format[4:1]}; mb not needed because of removal of dual/quad
assign FrameCompare = (FrameCount < Format[4:1]);
assign ReceivePenultimateFrameBoolean = ((FrameCount + 4'b0001) == Format[4:1]);
//Computing delays
// When sckmode.pha = 0, an extra half-period delay is implicit in the cs-sck delay, and vice-versa for sck-cs
assign ImplicitDelay1 = SckMode[0] ? 9'b0 : 9'b1;
assign ImplicitDelay2 = SckMode[0] ? 9'b1 : 9'b0;
assign CS_SCKCompare = CS_SCKCount >= (({Delay0[7:0], 1'b0}) + ImplicitDelay1);
assign SCK_CSCompare = SCK_CSCount >= (({Delay0[15:8], 1'b0}) + ImplicitDelay2);
assign InterCSCompare = (InterCSCount >= ({Delay1[7:0],1'b0}));
assign InterXFRCompare = (InterXFRCount >= ({Delay1[15:8], 1'b0}));
//Calculate when tx/rx shift registers are full/empty
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TransmitShiftFSM TransmitShiftFSM_1 (PCLK, PRESETn, TransmitFIFOReadEmpty, ReceivePenultimateFrameBoolean, Active0, TransmitShiftEmpty);
ReceiveShiftFSM ReceiveShiftFSM_1 (PCLK, PRESETn, SCLKenable, ReceivePenultimateFrameBoolean, SampleEdge, SckMode[0], ReceiveShiftFull);
//Calculate tx/rx fifo write and recieve increment signals
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assign TransmitFIFOWriteIncrement = (Memwrite & (Entry == 8'h48) & ~TransmitFIFOWriteFull & TransmitInactive);
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always_ff @(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
if (~PRESETn) TransmitFIFOWriteIncrementDelay <= 0;
else TransmitFIFOWriteIncrementDelay <= TransmitFIFOWriteIncrement;
always_ff @(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
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if (~PRESETn) ReceiveFIFOReadIncrement <= 0;
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else ReceiveFIFOReadIncrement <= ((Entry == 8'h4C) & ~ReceiveFIFOReadEmpty & PSEL & ~ReceiveFIFOReadIncrement);
//Tx/Tx FIFOs
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SynchFIFO #(3,8) txFIFO(PCLK, 1'b1, SCLKenable, PRESETn, TransmitFIFOWriteIncrementDelay, TransmitShiftEmpty, TransmitData[7:0], TransmitWriteWatermarkLevel, TransmitWatermark[2:0], TransmitFIFOReadData[7:0], TransmitFIFOWriteFull, TransmitFIFOReadEmpty, TransmitWriteMark, TransmitReadMark);
SynchFIFO #(3,8) rxFIFO(PCLK, SCLKenable, 1'b1, PRESETn, ReceiveShiftFullDelay, ReceiveFIFOReadIncrement, ReceiveShiftRegEndian, ReceiveWatermark[2:0], ReceiveReadWatermarkLevel, ReceiveData[7:0], ReceiveFIFOWriteFull, ReceiveFIFOReadEmpty, RecieveWriteMark, RecieveReadMark);
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always_ff @(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
if (~PRESETn) TransmitFIFOReadEmptyDelay <= 1;
else if (SCLKenable) TransmitFIFOReadEmptyDelay <= TransmitFIFOReadEmpty;
always_ff @(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
if (~PRESETn) ReceiveShiftFullDelay <= 0;
else if (SCLKenable) ReceiveShiftFullDelay <= ReceiveShiftFull;
always_ff @(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
if (~PRESETn) ReceiveShiftFullDelayPCLK <= 0;
else if (SCLKenableEarly) ReceiveShiftFullDelayPCLK <= ReceiveShiftFull;
assign TransmitShiftRegLoad = ~TransmitShiftEmpty & ~Active | (((ChipSelectMode == 2'b10) & ~|(Delay1[15:8])) & ((ReceiveShiftFullDelay | ReceiveShiftFull) & ~SampleEdge & ~TransmitFIFOReadEmpty));
//Main FSM which controls SPI transmission
typedef enum logic [2:0] {CS_INACTIVE, DELAY_0, ACTIVE_0, ACTIVE_1, DELAY_1,INTER_CS, INTER_XFR} statetype;
statetype state;
always_ff @(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
if (~PRESETn) begin state <= CS_INACTIVE;
FrameCount <= 4'b0;
/* verilator lint_off CASEINCOMPLETE */
2023-10-31 00:00:20 +00:00
end else if (SCLKenable) begin
case (state)
CS_SCKCount <= 9'b1;
SCK_CSCount <= 9'b10;
FrameCount <= 4'b0;
InterCSCount <= 9'b10;
InterXFRCount <= 9'b1;
if ((~TransmitFIFOReadEmpty | ~TransmitShiftEmpty) & ((|(Delay0[7:0])) | ~SckMode[0])) state <= DELAY_0;
else if ((~TransmitFIFOReadEmpty | ~TransmitShiftEmpty)) state <= ACTIVE_0;
DELAY_0: begin
CS_SCKCount <= CS_SCKCount + 9'b1;
if (CS_SCKCompare) state <= ACTIVE_0;
ACTIVE_0: begin
FrameCount <= FrameCount + 4'b1;
state <= ACTIVE_1;
ACTIVE_1: begin
InterXFRCount <= 9'b1;
if (FrameCompare) state <= ACTIVE_0;
else if ((ChipSelectMode[1:0] == 2'b10) & ~|(Delay1[15:8]) & (~TransmitFIFOReadEmpty)) begin
state <= ACTIVE_0;
CS_SCKCount <= 9'b1;
SCK_CSCount <= 9'b10;
FrameCount <= 4'b0;
InterCSCount <= 9'b10;
else if (ChipSelectMode[1:0] == 2'b10) state <= INTER_XFR;
else if (~|(Delay0[15:8]) & (~SckMode[0])) state <= INTER_CS;
else state <= DELAY_1;
DELAY_1: begin
SCK_CSCount <= SCK_CSCount + 9'b1;
if (SCK_CSCompare) state <= INTER_CS;
INTER_CS: begin
InterCSCount <= InterCSCount + 9'b1;
if (InterCSCompare ) state <= CS_INACTIVE;
INTER_XFR: begin
CS_SCKCount <= 9'b1;
SCK_CSCount <= 9'b10;
FrameCount <= 4'b0;
InterCSCount <= 9'b10;
InterXFRCount <= InterXFRCount + 9'b1;
if (InterXFRCompare & ~TransmitFIFOReadEmptyDelay) state <= ACTIVE_0;
else if (~|ChipSelectMode[1:0]) state <= CS_INACTIVE;
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/* verilator lint_off CASEINCOMPLETE */
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assign DelayMode = SckMode[0] ? (state == DELAY_1) : (state == ACTIVE_1 & ReceiveShiftFull);
assign ChipSelectInternal = (state == CS_INACTIVE | state == INTER_CS | DelayMode & ~|(Delay0[15:8])) ? ChipSelectDef : ~ChipSelectDef;
assign sck = (state == ACTIVE_0) ? ~SckMode[1] : SckMode[1];
assign Active = (state == ACTIVE_0 | state == ACTIVE_1);
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assign SampleEdge = SckMode[0] ? (state == ACTIVE_1) : (state == ACTIVE_0);
assign ZeroDelayHoldMode = ((ChipSelectMode == 2'b10) & (~|(Delay1[7:4])));
assign TransmitInactive = ((state == INTER_CS) | (state == CS_INACTIVE) | (state == INTER_XFR) | (ReceiveShiftFullDelayPCLK & ZeroDelayHoldMode));
assign Active0 = (state == ACTIVE_0);
//Signal tracks which edge of sck to shift data
2'b00: ShiftEdge = ~sck & SCLKenable;
2'b01: ShiftEdge = (sck & |(FrameCount) & SCLKenable);
2'b10: ShiftEdge = sck & SCLKenable;
2'b11: ShiftEdge = (~sck & |(FrameCount) & SCLKenable);
default: ShiftEdge = sck & SCLKenable;
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//Transmit shift register
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assign TransmitDataEndian = Format[0] ? {TransmitFIFOReadData[0], TransmitFIFOReadData[1], TransmitFIFOReadData[2], TransmitFIFOReadData[3], TransmitFIFOReadData[4], TransmitFIFOReadData[5], TransmitFIFOReadData[6], TransmitFIFOReadData[7]} : TransmitFIFOReadData[7:0];
always_ff @(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
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if(~PRESETn) TransmitShiftReg <= 8'b0;
else if (TransmitShiftRegLoad) TransmitShiftReg <= TransmitDataEndian;
else if (ShiftEdge & Active) TransmitShiftReg <= {TransmitShiftReg[6:0], 1'b0};
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2023-11-01 17:14:15 +00:00
assign SPIOut = TransmitShiftReg[7];
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//If in loopback mode, receive shift register is connected directly to module's output pins. Else, connected to SPIIn
//There are no setup/hold time issues because transmit shift register and receive shift register always shift/sample on opposite edges
assign ShiftIn = P.SPI_LOOPBACK_TEST ? SPIOut : SPIIn;
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//Receive shift register
always_ff @(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
if(~PRESETn) ReceiveShiftReg <= 8'b0;
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else if (SampleEdge & SCLKenable) begin
if (~Active) ReceiveShiftReg <= 8'b0;
else ReceiveShiftReg <= {ReceiveShiftReg[6:0], ShiftIn};
//Aligns received data and reverses if little-endian
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assign LeftShiftAmount = 4'h8 - Format[4:1];
assign ASR = ReceiveShiftReg << LeftShiftAmount[2:0];
assign ReceiveShiftRegEndian = Format[0] ? {ASR[0], ASR[1], ASR[2], ASR[3], ASR[4], ASR[5], ASR[6], ASR[7]} : ASR[7:0];
//Interrupt logic: raise interrupt if any enabled interrupts are pending
assign SPIIntr = |(InterruptPending & InterruptEnable);
//Chip select logic
2'b00: ChipSelectAuto = {ChipSelectDef[3], ChipSelectDef[2], ChipSelectDef[1], ChipSelectInternal[0]};
2'b01: ChipSelectAuto = {ChipSelectDef[3],ChipSelectDef[2], ChipSelectInternal[1], ChipSelectDef[0]};
2'b10: ChipSelectAuto = {ChipSelectDef[3],ChipSelectInternal[2], ChipSelectDef[1], ChipSelectDef[0]};
2'b11: ChipSelectAuto = {ChipSelectInternal[3],ChipSelectDef[2], ChipSelectDef[1], ChipSelectDef[0]};
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assign SPICS = ChipSelectMode[0] ? ChipSelectDef : ChipSelectAuto;
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module SynchFIFO #(parameter M =3 , N= 8)(
input logic PCLK, wen, ren, PRESETn,
input logic winc,rinc,
input logic [N-1:0] wdata,
input logic [M-1:0] wwatermarklevel, rwatermarklevel,
output logic [N-1:0] rdata,
output logic wfull, rempty,
output logic wwatermark, rwatermark);
/* Pointer FIFO using design elements from "Simulation and Synthesis Techniques
for Asynchronous FIFO Design" by Clifford E. Cummings. Namely, M bit read and write pointers
are an extra bit larger than address size to determine full/empty conditions.
Watermark comparisons use 2's complement subtraction between the M-1 bit pointers,
which are also used to address memory
logic [N-1:0] mem[2**M];
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logic [M:0] rptr, wptr;
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logic [M:0] rptrnext, wptrnext;
logic rempty_val;
logic wfull_val;
logic [M-1:0] raddr;
logic [M-1:0] waddr;
assign rdata = mem[raddr];
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always_ff @(posedge PCLK)
if (winc & ~wfull) mem[waddr] <= wdata;
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// write and read are enabled
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always_ff @(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
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if (~PRESETn) begin
rptr <= 0;
wptr <= 0;
wfull <= 1'b0;
rempty <= 1'b1;
else begin
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if (wen) begin
wfull <= wfull_val;
wptr <= wptrnext;
if (ren) begin
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rptr <= rptrnext;
rempty <= rempty_val;
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assign raddr = rptr[M-1:0];
assign rptrnext = rptr + {3'b0, (rinc & ~rempty)};
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assign rempty_val = (wptr == rptrnext);
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assign rwatermark = ((waddr - raddr) < rwatermarklevel) & ~wfull;
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assign waddr = wptr[M-1:0];
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assign wwatermark = ((waddr - raddr) > wwatermarklevel) | wfull;
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assign wptrnext = wptr + {3'b0, (winc & ~wfull)};
assign wfull_val = ({~wptrnext[M], wptrnext[M-1:0]} == rptr);
module TransmitShiftFSM(
input logic PCLK, PRESETn,
input logic TransmitFIFOReadEmpty, ReceivePenultimateFrameBoolean, Active0,
output logic TransmitShiftEmpty);
typedef enum logic [1:0] {TransmitShiftEmptyState, TransmitShiftHoldState, TransmitShiftNotEmptyState} statetype;
statetype TransmitState, TransmitNextState;
always_ff @(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
if (~PRESETn) TransmitState <= TransmitShiftEmptyState;
else TransmitState <= TransmitNextState;
TransmitShiftEmptyState: begin
if (TransmitFIFOReadEmpty | (~TransmitFIFOReadEmpty & (ReceivePenultimateFrameBoolean & Active0))) TransmitNextState = TransmitShiftEmptyState;
else if (~TransmitFIFOReadEmpty) TransmitNextState = TransmitShiftNotEmptyState;
TransmitShiftNotEmptyState: begin
if (ReceivePenultimateFrameBoolean & Active0) TransmitNextState = TransmitShiftEmptyState;
else TransmitNextState = TransmitShiftNotEmptyState;
assign TransmitShiftEmpty = (TransmitNextState == TransmitShiftEmptyState);
module ReceiveShiftFSM(
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input logic PCLK, PRESETn, SCLKenable,
input logic ReceivePenultimateFrameBoolean, SampleEdge, SckMode,
output logic ReceiveShiftFull
typedef enum logic [1:0] {ReceiveShiftFullState, ReceiveShiftNotFullState, ReceiveShiftDelayState} statetype;
statetype ReceiveState, ReceiveNextState;
always_ff @(posedge PCLK, negedge PRESETn)
if (~PRESETn) ReceiveState <= ReceiveShiftNotFullState;
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else if (SCLKenable) begin
case (ReceiveState)
ReceiveShiftFullState: ReceiveState <= ReceiveShiftNotFullState;
ReceiveShiftNotFullState: if (ReceivePenultimateFrameBoolean & (SampleEdge)) ReceiveState <= ReceiveShiftDelayState;
else ReceiveState <= ReceiveShiftNotFullState;
ReceiveShiftDelayState: ReceiveState <= ReceiveShiftFullState;
assign ReceiveShiftFull = SckMode ? (ReceiveState == ReceiveShiftFullState) : (ReceiveState == ReceiveShiftDelayState);