To set up a Buildroot directory, configuration files for Buildroot, Linux, and Busybox must be copied into the correct locations inside the main Buildroot directory. Buildroot and device tree binaries must be generated as well. This can all be done automatically using the Makefile inside Wally's Linux subdirectory (this one). To install a new buildroot directory, build the Buildroot binaries, generate the device tree binaries, generate test-vectors for simulation, and install the buildroot package needed to build the SD card driver for Linux, run:
This installs to the `$RISCV` directory. Buildroot itself is installed to `$RISCV/buildroot` and the test-vectors are installed to `$RISCV/linux-testvectors`.
Optionally, you can override the `BUILDROOT` variable to install a different buildroot source directory.
The device tree files for the various FPGA's Wally supports, as well as QEMU's device tree for the virt machine, are located in the `./devicetree` subdirectory. These device tree files are necessary for the boot process.
They are built automatically using the main `make` command. To build the device tree binaries (.dtb) from the device tree sources (.dts) separately, we can build all of them at once using:
By using the `riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump` utility, we can disassemble the binaries in `<BUILDROOT>/output/images` so that we can explore the resulting machine code instructions and see what assembly or C code the instructions came from, along with the corresponding addresses. This is useful during debugging in order to trace how code is being executed.
## Generate Memory Files for Linux Boot <a name="testvectors"></a>
Running a linux boot simulation uses a preloaded bootrom and ram memory. We use QEMU to generate these preloaded memory files. The files are output to $RISCV/linux-testvectors. The memory files are generated automatically when using the main `make` command. Alternatively, they can be generated by running
To flash a bootable sd card for Wally's bootloader, use the `` script located in `<WALLY>/linux/sdcard`. The script allows you to specify which buildroot directory you would like to use and to specify the device tree. By default it is set up for the default location of buildroot in `$RISCV` and uses the vcu108 device tree. To use the script with your own buildroot directory and device tree, type: