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// Block Name: fmac.v
// Author: David Harris
// Date: 11/2/1995
// Block Description:
// This is the top level block of a floating-point multiply/accumulate
// unit(FMAC). It instantiates the following sub-blocks:
// array Booth encoding, partial product generation, product summation
// expgen Mxponent summation, compare, and adjust
// align Alignment shifter
// add Carry-save adder for accumulate, carry propagate adder
// lza Leading zero anticipator to control normalization shifter
// normalize Normalization shifter
// round Rounding of result
// exception Handles exceptional cases
// bypass Handles bypass of result to ReadData1M or ReadData3M inputs
// sign One bit sign handling block
// special Catch special cases (inputs = 0 / infinity / etc.)
// The FMAC computes FmaResultM=ReadData1M*ReadData2M+ReadData3M, rounded with the mode specified by
// RN, RZ, RM, or RP. The result is optionally bypassed back to
// the ReadData1M or ReadData3M inputs for use on the next cycle. In addition, four signals
// are produced: trap, overflow, underflow, and inexact. Trap indicates
// an infinity, NaN, or denormalized number to be handled in software;
// the other three signals are IMMM flags.
module fma2(ReadData1M, ReadData2M, ReadData3M, FrmM,
FmaResultM, FmaFlagsM, aligncntM, rM, sM,
tM, normcntM, aeM, bsM,killprodM,
xzeroM, yzeroM,zzeroM,xdenormM,ydenormM,
input [63:0] ReadData1M; // input 1
input [63:0] ReadData2M; // input 2
input [63:0] ReadData3M; // input 3
input [2:0] FrmM; // Rounding mode
input [12:0] aligncntM; // status flags
input [105:0] rM; // one result of partial product sum
input [105:0] sM; // other result of partial products
input [163:0] tM; // output of alignment shifter
input [8:0] normcntM; // shift count for normalizer
input [12:0] aeM; // multiplier expoent
input bsM; // sticky bit of addend
input killprodM; // ReadData3M >> product
input prodinfM;
input xzeroM;
input yzeroM;
input zzeroM;
input xdenormM;
input ydenormM;
input zdenormM;
input xinfM;
input yinfM;
input zinfM;
input xnanM;
input ynanM;
input znanM;
input nanM;
input [8:0] sumshiftM;
input sumshiftzeroM;
input [63:0] FmaResultM; // output FmaResultM=ReadData1M*ReadData2M+ReadData3M
output [4:0] FmaFlagsM; // status flags
// Internal nodes
logic [163:0] sum; // output of carry prop adder
logic [53:0] v; // normalized sum, R, S bits
// logic [12:0] aligncnt; // shift count for alignment
logic [8:0] normcnt; // shift count for normalizer
logic negsum; // negate sum
logic invz; // invert addend
logic selsum1; // select +1 mode of sum
logic negsum0; // sum +0 < 0
logic negsum1; // sum +1 < 0
logic sumzero; // sum = 0
logic infinity; // generate infinity on overflow
logic sumof; // result out of range
logic zexpsel;
logic denorm0;
logic resultdenorm;
logic inf;
logic specialsel;
logic expplus1;
logic sumuf;
logic psign;
logic sticky;
logic [12:0] de0;
logic isAdd;
assign isAdd = 1;
// Instantiate fraction datapath
add add(.*);
lza lza(.*);
normalize normalize(.zexp(ReadData3M[62:52]),.*);
round round(.xman(ReadData1M[51:0]), .yman(ReadData2M[51:0]),.zman(ReadData3M[51:0]), .wman(FmaResultM[51:0]),.wsign(FmaResultM[63]),.*);
// Instantiate exponent datapath
expgen2 expgen2(.xexp(ReadData1M[62:52]),.yexp(ReadData2M[62:52]),.zexp(ReadData3M[62:52]),.wexp(FmaResultM[62:52]),.*);
// Instantiate control logic
sign sign(.xsign(ReadData1M[63]),.ysign(ReadData2M[63]),.zsign(ReadData3M[63]),.wsign(FmaResultM[63]),.*);
flag2 flag2(.xsign(ReadData1M[63]),.ysign(ReadData2M[63]),.zsign(ReadData3M[63]),.vbits(v[1:0]),.*);