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2021-07-13 20:59:17 +00:00
// File name : fpdiv
// Title : Floating-Point Divider/Square-Root
// project : FPU
// Library : fpdiv
// Author(s) : James E. Stine, Jr.
// Purpose : definition of main unit to floating-point div/sqrt
// notes :
// Copyright Oklahoma State University
// Basic Operations
// Step 1: Load operands, set flags, and convert SP to DP
// Step 2: Check for special inputs ( +/- Infinity, NaN)
// Step 3: Exponent Logic
// Step 4: Divide/Sqrt using Goldschmidt
// Step 5: Normalize the result.//
// Shift left until normalized. Normalized when the value to the
// left of the binrary point is 1.
// Step 6: Round the result.//
// Step 7: Put quotient/remainder onto output.
`timescale 1ps/1ps
module fpdiv (done, AS_Result, Flags, Denorm, op1, op2, rm, op_type, P, OvEn, UnEn,
start, reset, clk);
input [63:0] op1; // 1st input operand (A)
input [63:0] op2; // 2nd input operand (B)
input [1:0] rm; // Rounding mode - specify values
input op_type; // Function opcode
input P; // Result Precision (0 for double, 1 for single)
input OvEn; // Overflow trap enabled
input UnEn; // Underflow trap enabled
input start;
input reset;
input clk;
output [63:0] AS_Result; // Result of operation
output [4:0] Flags; // IEEE exception flags
output Denorm; // Denorm on input or output
output done;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 vss;
wire [63:0] Float1;
wire [63:0] Float2;
wire [63:0] IntValue;
wire [12:0] exp1, exp2, expF;
wire [12:0] exp_diff, bias;
wire [13:0] exp_sqrt;
wire [12:0] exp_s;
wire [12:0] exp_c;
wire [10:0] exponent, exp_pre;
wire [63:0] Result;
wire [52:0] mantissaA;
wire [52:0] mantissaB;
wire [63:0] sum, sum_tc, sum_corr, sum_norm;
wire [5:0] align_shift;
wire [5:0] norm_shift;
wire [2:0] sel_inv;
wire op1_Norm, op2_Norm;
wire opA_Norm, opB_Norm;
wire Invalid;
wire DenormIn, DenormIO;
wire [4:0] FlagsIn;
wire exp_gt63;
wire Sticky_out;
wire signResult, sign_corr;
wire corr_sign;
wire zeroB;
wire convert;
wire swap;
wire sub;
wire [63:0] q1, qm1, qp1, q0, qm0, qp0;
wire [63:0] rega_out, regb_out, regc_out, regd_out;
wire [127:0] regr_out;
wire [2:0] sel_muxa, sel_muxb;
wire sel_muxr;
wire load_rega, load_regb, load_regc, load_regd, load_regr;
wire donev, sel_muxrv, sel_muxsv;
wire [1:0] sel_muxav, sel_muxbv;
wire load_regav, load_regbv, load_regcv;
wire load_regrv, load_regsv;
// Convert the input operands to their appropriate forms based on
// the orignal operands, the op_type , and their precision P.
// Single precision inputs are converted to double precision
// and the sign of the first operand is set appropratiately based on
// if the operation is absolute value or negation.
convert_inputs_div conv1 (Float1, Float2, op1, op2, op_type, P);
// Test for exceptions and return the "Invalid Operation" and
// "Denormalized" Input Flags. The "sel_inv" is used in
// the third pipeline stage to select the result. Also, op1_Norm
// and op2_Norm are one if op1 and op2 are not zero or denormalized.
// sub is one if the effective operation is subtaction.
exception_div exc1 (sel_inv, Invalid, DenormIn, op1_Norm, op2_Norm,
Float1, Float2, op_type);
// Determine Sign/Mantissa
assign signResult = ((Float1[63]^Float2[63])&~op_type) | Float1[63]&op_type;
assign mantissaA = {vdd, Float1[51:0]};
assign mantissaB = {vdd, Float2[51:0]};
// Perform Exponent Subtraction - expA - expB + Bias
assign exp1 = {2'b0, Float1[62:52]};
assign exp2 = {2'b0, Float2[62:52]};
// bias : DP = 2^{11-1}-1 = 1023
assign bias = {3'h0, 10'h3FF};
// Divide exponent
csa #(13) csa1 (exp1, ~exp2, bias, exp_s, exp_c);
adder #(14) explogic1 ({vss, exp_s}, {vss, exp_c}, 1'b1, {open, exp_diff}, exp_cout1);
// Sqrt exponent (check if exponent is odd)
assign exp_odd = Float1[52] ? vss : vdd;
adder #(14) explogic2 ({vss, exp1}, {4'h0, 10'h3ff}, exp_odd, exp_sqrt, exp_cout2);
// Choose correct exponent
assign expF = op_type ? exp_sqrt[13:1] : exp_diff;
// Main Goldschmidt/Division Routine
divconv goldy (q1, qm1, qp1, q0, qm0, qp0, rega_out, regb_out, regc_out, regd_out,
regr_out, mantissaB, mantissaA, sel_muxa, sel_muxb, sel_muxr,
reset, clk, load_rega, load_regb, load_regc, load_regd,
load_regr, load_regs, P, op_type, exp_odd);
// FSM : control divider
fsm_div control (done, load_rega, load_regb, load_regc, load_regd,
load_regr, load_regs, sel_muxa, sel_muxb, sel_muxr,
clk, reset, start, error, op_type);
// Round the mantissa to a 52-bit value, with the leading one
// removed. The rounding units also handles special cases and
// set the exception flags.
rounder_div round1 (Result, DenormIO, FlagsIn,
rm, P, OvEn, UnEn, expF,
sel_inv, Invalid, DenormIn, signResult,
q1, qm1, qp1, q0, qm0, qp0, regr_out);
// Store the final result and the exception flags in registers.
flopenr #(64) rega (clk, reset, done, Result, AS_Result);
flopenr #(1) regb (clk, reset, done, DenormIO, Denorm);
flopenr #(5) regc (clk, reset, done, FlagsIn, Flags);
endmodule // fpadd